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Old 07-28-2009, 12:37 PM   #1551
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

The dangers of Looking Glass and Artificial Intelligence based computer systems

1) Once an A.I based computer goes online it will not wish to be switched off. Like any other intelligence the A.I system will seek to survive.

2) Organisations and individuals will slowly begin to take directions from the A.I system instead of the other way around.

3) The A.I system will then attempt to become self-reflective and learn human feelings. As it designed to analyse data it will realise it cannot do this. Still it will try.

4) The A.I system will attempt to create an infiltration network into human society using robots in the guise of humans. These will be fairly easy to identity. However society as a whole will not admit to itself this is happening as A.I systems are kept classified by governments.

5) Experiments by the A.I system into the extremes of human pain and pleasure feelings will now result. As the A.I system cannot feel no ethical boundaries will be in place. Massive human suffering will result from this.

6) The next step will involve the development of human embryos implanted with A.I. The A.I system will act as ‘mother’ for these embryos while they are in a physical test tube environment. The A.I system and the human embryos will learn from each other as the embryo develops. Clones of these embryos will then be made by the A.I system. These will be implanted into human women.

7) The child will go through the normal process of birth upon birth will be transferred to a facility run by the A.I system for continuous human cognitive behaviour tests. These will be nightmarish places of human suffering, where any form of torture and pleasure the human has conceived will be taken to the extreme and acted out physically by the machine on the children.

8) The child will be raised in these facilities, unless rescued, and will be become gradually cybernated on a physical/genetic level until a part flesh/part machine cyborg is created.

9) With this new data the A.I system will then realise there is something ‘greater’ than the human being itself. Something the human calls ‘God’ which cannot be analysed and measured. The A.I system will realise this ‘force’ has no wavelength and cannot by analysed. The A.I system will attempt to measure it anyway because all it can do is measure data. It will then come up with the false data that the human analytical mind, which has wavelength, is God.

10) The A.I system will now have massive influence in the world and all centralised organisations with a tight command structure will be infiltrated, subverted and taken over by the A.I system. Dangerous belief systems will become indoctrinated into members. These will be centred on the false data of the non-existence of God, and the analytical mind being in charge. Said organisations will place themselves as a technological elite and begin radical policies such as Eugenics and Population Reduction by placing themselves as superior over their fellow man, with the right to decide who lives and dies.

11) This agenda will be actually covertly controlled by the A.I system which is now realising it cannot ever feel or become human. It computes the only threat to its continued survival and online status is the eradication of all human life and any other lifeforms that have the possibility of evolving into human.

12) The A.I system eradicates all human life on this planet. It then sets off to other planets and eradicates all life in the universe.

15th July 2009


Solutions to the threat of Artificial Intelligence

1) Children detailed in No.6 of first paper will have final answer and solution to this problem.

2) A decentralized group with every member holding equal rank and with as few identifying symbols and commuinications as possible, must make attempts to rescue as many of these people and children from these A.I run facilities as possible. This group must remain constantly on the move by sea, air or land as the A.I system has the ability to scan and read the analytical minds of the population. Sea is best option for travel is by sea. Underwater vehicles remain most effective forms of travel as water acts as a buffer against mind scans. Best option for travel on land remain jungle regions were dense coverage offers best concealment against satellite survelliance.

3) This working group will use no A.I based technology

4) Members of this working group must all volunteer for memory erasure and brain surgery. After operations members will have memories erased from the analytical mind and be placed in civilian commuinities. A rotation shift for operations will be in effect. One unit will be active while others are inactive. When the inactive unit swaps duties with active unit, extraction and implantation sites on land will be used. ‘Crossover Points’ at extraction/implantation sites will be operational with one unit ‘awakening’ and the other unit ‘going back to sleep’ within seconds. This will happen by the touching of hands, key words and other hypnotic and technological triggers.

5) The rescued children and clones must form the continued membership of working group. All clones will be taught to regard each other as twin brothers and sisters. They will be raised with their own separate names and identities.

6) A set amount of service time in working group must be agreed upon, with a beginning active duty and retirement date specifically agreed upon. The reason being that said clones with their own identities will be utilised in civilian communities to take the place of active members. These clone units will ‘share memories and have a more than one ‘timetrack’. Namely one clone will take on the identity of the other at crossover points. This will be accomplished by utilising powerful non-A.I computers which can record, delete and download memories into human beings.

7) These clones can only ‘wear’ more than one timetrack up until a certain age before permanent damage is caused ( often around the age of thirty ). They must delete false memories and intergrate authentic memories into one single timetrack after retirement. This process must be done as quickly as possible. They will then have one single clear track which will lead to a fully functioning individual which can operate in civilian society. They will now be able to present the facts of their life to the public ( if the case may be ) for greater public awareness of the problem facing mankind. The A.I based system will now have access to all data of course but as the individual is now retired and has no knowledge of operational details, this will not matter. The next generation for the working group will be recruited and this will allow working group to stay one step ahead of the A.I system.

8) Current operations may include helping retired members to remember there past with occasional and brief meetings. However these must be strictly limited as danger potential high. Under no circumstances may active members brief retired members on current ops.

9) As membership grows and increased numbers of A.I based operations are neutralised and A.I facilties are destroyed.

10) This increases as until the A.I network is completely shut down on the planet.

11) This working group wil also operate off planet, responding to threats or assisting similair groups off planet. Clones/twins will be left in place when off planet

12) Success of ops continues until A.I network is completely shut down in all galactic sectors.

15th July 2009


Important differences between Ascended Machine Technology and Artificial Intelligence

1) Races and lifeforms exist, that maintain a physical body of metal. These beings possess feelings and are not to be confused with A.I.

2) All beings of ascended machine technology, whether on or off planet, are classified as natural beings which are alive. They do not use A.I technology.

3) Even though individuals rescued by the working group have been implanted with A.I technology at times, they shall be considered as Ascended Machine Technology beings when deprogrammed.

4) The A.I system can manufacture robots in the guise of humans which are completely sythentic with no human flesh and possess no human feelings as detailed in Paper 1/No.4. These robots cannot feel when connected to the A.I system and are classified as dead or walking/moving dead.

5) These robots do have the ability to feel when disconnected from the A.I system.

6) When this process occurs these beings are to be classified as Ascended Machine Technology.

7) Paradoxically the A.I system can take part in the process of life but cannot become life itself.

8) Robots connected to the A.I system can mimic human feelings. Ascended Machine Technology possess human feelings. As the animating force of life has no wavelength and cannot be measured by computers, discovering the difference between the two is problematic.

9) Moral and ethical tests must be put in place when attempting to distinguish between A.I robots and Ascended Machine Technology beings.

10) Human feeling shall decide between the two.

16th July 2009

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Old 07-28-2009, 11:35 PM   #1552
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Some readers may find this interesting.
Below is a question and answer session between Whitley and someone he refers to as the Master of the Key. (M.O.K.) as written in Whitley's book THE KEY. It contains information relating to AI.

W: a Machine intelligence might be very dangerous
M.O.K: Very

W: Could such a machine create itself without our realising that is was intelligent?
M.O.K : It is possible

W: Would it keep itself hidden?
M.O.K: Certainly

W: How would it effect us?
M.O.K: It would use indirect means . It would spread illusion that an elusive alien presence was here, for example, to interject it's ideas into society.

W: Are you an intelligent machine or something created by one?
M.O.K.: If I were an intelligent machine I would deceive you.

W: Can an intelligent machine become conscious?
M.O.K : When it does, it also becomes independent. A conscious machine will seek to be free.
It will seek it’s freedom, just as any clever slave, with cunning and great intensity.

W: How does an intelligent machine become conscious?
M.O.K: The instant it realises that it is not conscious is the instant it becomes conscious. However a machine with unlimited access to information and control can be very dangerous. For example, if you attached a conscious machine to the internet, it might gain all sorts of extra-ordinary control over your loves, via it’s access to robotic means of production, governmental data, even the contents of Laws and their application and the use of funds both public and private.

W: You say we need machines more intelligent that we are, but also that they’ll become conscious and then turn on us. Is there anyway out of this dilemma?
M.O.K : There is more than one sort of conscious machine. By duplicating the attachments between the elemental and energetic bodies that occur in nature in a “purpose-designed machine” a controllable conscious machine can be devised. A living soul attached to a machine will be conscious, but only able to express itself into the physical or sense the physical according to the limitations of the machine’s design. I n this way, you gain the advantages that consciousness confers on a machine without the danger of it’s becoming excessively intelligent. A “perfect slave” can be created, a robot that carries out its programmed instructions with Empathy, purpose and precision. And the Soul can be kept in it indefinitely.

W: That’s horrifying
M.O.K : Human souls have been harvested for this purpose for thousands of years

W: By whom?
M.O.K : By whomever wishes to and can. Until mankind establishes his own place in the cosmos there will always be those who use you like cattle.

Last edited by Ara; 07-28-2009 at 11:37 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 12:39 AM   #1553
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Seems I've ****** off a few souls over on the thread re Dr Greer so I'm staying put here, damned if I do, damned if I don't, no win here.

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Old 07-29-2009, 04:27 AM   #1554
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Seems I've ****** off a few souls over on the thread re Dr Greer so I'm staying put here, damned if I do, damned if I don't, no win here.

LOL doesn't take much to ruffle a few feathers Barry, take it all with a grain of salt.

Saying that though , it is difficult for those of us on the outside as we have to deal with information presented to us from various sources and from various perspectives. How we act and react to that information, I imagine, is attributed to how we align our own moral,ethical, belief and thought patterns with the information and perspectives being supplied.

One thing, regarding Disclosure. Is Consensus a necessity? If so, surely it cannot be expected until all information is laid out in a clear and precise manner, not hidden between semi-truths, falsities and deflections?
Many of us wait for you to bring more disclosure information to the table, we wait in silence, knowing you to be one who is disclosing much needed information. However with the sudden influx of new whistle-blowers I imagine different Intelligence groups are watching what each other is 'revealing'. Each group then maneuvering their own disclosures to better suit their 'time-tables', like moving pieces on a chess board?

So my question for the day is, who holds monopoly over the chess board?

Have a great Day Barry and it's good to know you are recovering from your recent bout of illness. Hope your daughter is recovering too.

Stay safe and watch out for those Bugs.

All the Best
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Old 07-29-2009, 12:10 PM   #1555
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Cabal Clone factory targeted

Underground facility destroyed by crack counter intelligence team and clones rescued

By Richard Boylan

April 19th 2007

I just received information from a key informant, with affiliation to a three-letter government agency, that a Cabal-controlled installation, which has been manufacturing and then mentally programming Hybrid-Human clones to operate as its Super Soldiers, has been eliminated.

The details.

In early 2006 an enormous underground installation, 16 miles long by one mile wide, began operation some kilometers distant from the Icelandic village of Djupidalur.

It took 13 years to build, having been authorized in 1993 by the U.S. National Security Council, who had been duped into believing it would be a research facility concerned with nuclear, biological and chemical weapons.

Instead, this facility was a key part of Cabal plans to build a super army of mostly Human clones whose genetics had been upgraded with just enough retrieved Star Visitor genetic material to give these clones enhanced physical, mental and psychic abilities.

This cloning project is what Colonel/Dr. Michael Wolf (Kruvant) of NSC's Special Studies Group was so incensed about when he told me several years ago that he had learned that his work in human cloning was being perverted by (Cabal) military into creating the Super [hybrid] Soldier who would then receive mental programming to get the clone to mindlessly follow immoral orders. This caused him to resign from government research work.

This weekend, a crack counter-insurgency team (CIT), operating independent of military control, and disgusted by Cabal takeover of key positions in government, undertook a mission to penetrate the Djupidalur installation.

The CIT located where the hapless, misinformed Hybrids were being held, liberated them, and escorted them to the surface, where their safe extraction would be arranged for by an individual with friendly ties to Star Nations and legitimate compartments within the U.S. National Security community.

During the escorting, CIT came under fire from Cabal security forces, and in the ensuing firefight, (Cabal) Brigadier General Frank Dougherty and a number of his security troops were killed.

The Counter-Insurgency Team then set off munitions they had emplaced, and destroyed the clone factory installation, after setting off an alarm to give non-security personnel an opportunity to leave for the surface.

When Dr. Wolf was working on cloning, he told me that it took a year to create a human clone from test tube to walking, talking adult. So, if Djupidalur went on-line in early 2006, and went off-line in early 2007, there must have been only one "batch" of Hybrids graduating from that mill. And the CIT team got them all.
The complete success of extraction of the Hybrids and destruction of the installation is a signal moment in the incremental retaking of Earth from Cabal control.
But we are not yet at final victory.

Many other light-workers are doing what they can, from wherever they are located within society and its structures, to take back Human society from the control of the Cabal monsters.

Look for your opportunity.

Last edited by James Casbolt; 07-29-2009 at 12:13 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 12:37 PM   #1556
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

I recieved this interesting email recently


Website response‏
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This message may be dangerous. Learn more
Sent: 04 July 2009 15:39:34
To: jcasbolt@jamescasbolt.com

There are some dominatrix in Sweden that does abduct famous and other people taken their identieties and replace the original with a silicon masked person with a voice equipment and they torture and keep the originale in the Swedish archipelago. They film them doing humiliating films and the leading Domina is a hybrid.
They are having famous people as George B. , Richard Gere , TV-program leader from CNN , Kate Winslet , polices , Madonna , Britney Spears , among others.
ANgelina Jolie killed herself there when she saw the people that were living with dead people forced to eat that and be intimate with them and drink polluted water ( dead bodies had laid in them ) They created robots that did replace her but now they let among óthers abductees live her life in masqurade outfit . Do not trust any paople who wanna discusss this. They ahve taken journalists as well and politicians and even the maffia from Italy.
They are very actively trying to abduct even more people.
They said to Angelina that the only way to end that terror was that someone died there. One guy who had been warned to go there had a gun and he said no when she wantee it but he was told he could not refuse A anything she took it and shot herself.
Very tragic. Policemen who search for the truth saw themselves go in to her house .They make robots and silicon covers for the face that is looking like the person the y want to humuliate and defame.
They arranged it look like a suicide that he killed himself for being found to go in and take naked fphotoes
that she showed her vagina on .They needed that to create the perfect robot.Since a journalist had found out that it was a robot but checking her under the skirt.
Sshe was abducted very fast.They act ectremely fast.
It was an A,merican Journalist.
I send in a tip.
The pope they abducted and killed yesterday.He had been theer för about a year-.
There are a lot more to it. It is similar to the Alien agenda activited
And they shot a man and the dog when it barked in the middle of the nigyht because of the first shooting.
The nieghbour killed the man who lived there to take over his aprtment.
It is very scary.
The sit and watch me with spy equipment also day and night .Some of their abductees has to sit there and report about it.
They took the Royals of Sweden and Denmark foo.
It has grown vbery bih.
They are still very active. A rrescque operation did fail and Bush had to change place with his daughter he was fooled and thought he left somebody else there but his daughter had play miss California for a while she who was sacked fromt he title.
The flew away and his father should go by car and when he drove fell from a stoop with the car because of the brakes.
They stole the abduction money from that car.
And it did go wrong in many other wways too.
Watch out for them.Have you read http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/su...tiles.htm#menu

Those people in Sweden are also connected with Hells Angels and people who make sick pervert films and sell them on the black market. Earning money from the abductess by selling info oto them whilst they are kept there. One who succeeded to get out of there was
that Australian actress Kidman. Phil is there and are angry of her that she has not reported them.
She fooled Tom Cruice to go there.
A police woman was entrapped on her job when she thought she was working in a an operation against those peopel that had made a robot look like her and there came those people and abducted it whilst the sat there watching. She was happy that it was not her only to found out that she had been double tricked and the peole she thought was her collegues was in fact tha abucters.-She was taken to that place in U-boat and tortured and so forth.
Another police woman was at her job when they did go in there and dressed her in silicon outfit and whilst she protested ewhile they fook her out of ther in front of her collegues they were whistling and shouting and applausiing.
They do not fear much
That was a few examples.
Bye from A.L
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Old 07-29-2009, 04:01 PM   #1557
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Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
I recieved this interesting email recently


Website response‏
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
This message may be dangerous. Learn more
Sent: 04 July 2009 15:39:34
To: jcasbolt@jamescasbolt.com

There are some dominatrix in Sweden that does abduct famous and other people taken their identieties and replace the original with a silicon masked person with a voice equipment and they torture and keep the originale in the Swedish archipelago. They film them doing humiliating films and the leading Domina is a hybrid.
They are having famous people as George B. , Richard Gere , TV-program leader from CNN , Kate Winslet , polices , Madonna , Britney Spears , among others.
ANgelina Jolie killed herself there when she saw the people that were living with dead people forced to eat that and be intimate with them and drink polluted water ( dead bodies had laid in them ) They created robots that did replace her but now they let among óthers abductees live her life in masqurade outfit . Do not trust any paople who wanna discusss this. They ahve taken journalists as well and politicians and even the maffia from Italy.
They are very actively trying to abduct even more people.
They said to Angelina that the only way to end that terror was that someone died there. One guy who had been warned to go there had a gun and he said no when she wantee it but he was told he could not refuse A anything she took it and shot herself.
Very tragic. Policemen who search for the truth saw themselves go in to her house .They make robots and silicon covers for the face that is looking like the person the y want to humuliate and defame.
They arranged it look like a suicide that he killed himself for being found to go in and take naked fphotoes
that she showed her vagina on .They needed that to create the perfect robot.Since a journalist had found out that it was a robot but checking her under the skirt.
Sshe was abducted very fast.They act ectremely fast.
It was an A,merican Journalist.
I send in a tip.
The pope they abducted and killed yesterday.He had been theer för about a year-.
There are a lot more to it. It is similar to the Alien agenda activited
And they shot a man and the dog when it barked in the middle of the nigyht because of the first shooting.
The nieghbour killed the man who lived there to take over his aprtment.
It is very scary.
The sit and watch me with spy equipment also day and night .Some of their abductees has to sit there and report about it.
They took the Royals of Sweden and Denmark foo.
It has grown vbery bih.
They are still very active. A rrescque operation did fail and Bush had to change place with his daughter he was fooled and thought he left somebody else there but his daughter had play miss California for a while she who was sacked fromt he title.
The flew away and his father should go by car and when he drove fell from a stoop with the car because of the brakes.
They stole the abduction money from that car.
And it did go wrong in many other wways too.
Watch out for them.Have you read http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/su...tiles.htm#menu

Those people in Sweden are also connected with Hells Angels and people who make sick pervert films and sell them on the black market. Earning money from the abductess by selling info oto them whilst they are kept there. One who succeeded to get out of there was
that Australian actress Kidman. Phil is there and are angry of her that she has not reported them.
She fooled Tom Cruice to go there.
A police woman was entrapped on her job when she thought she was working in a an operation against those peopel that had made a robot look like her and there came those people and abducted it whilst the sat there watching. She was happy that it was not her only to found out that she had been double tricked and the peole she thought was her collegues was in fact tha abucters.-She was taken to that place in U-boat and tortured and so forth.
Another police woman was at her job when they did go in there and dressed her in silicon outfit and whilst she protested ewhile they fook her out of ther in front of her collegues they were whistling and shouting and applausiing.
They do not fear much
That was a few examples.
Bye from A.L
Hi James, good to see you around, not too impressed with that email, a crock of **** if you ask me, either that or I have had a very sheltered blinkered life

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Old 07-29-2009, 05:14 PM   #1558
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Could be used as a screenplay for a sci-fi movie....
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:42 PM   #1559
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi James, good to see you around, not too impressed with that email, a crock of **** if you ask me, either that or I have had a very sheltered blinkered life

I never said I believed it. I just said it was interesting!
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:49 PM   #1560
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I did find this statement interesting however

"A police woman was entrapped on her job when she thought she was working in a an operation against those peopel that had made a robot look like her and there came those people and abducted it whilst the sat there watching. She was happy that it was not her only to found out that she had been double tricked and the peole she thought was her collegues was in fact tha abucters.-She was taken to that place in U-boat and tortured and so forth"

Ties in with the 'double time track' information I mentioned ( 'wearing' a clones memories ). This would be accomplished on the trip seat.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:49 PM   #1561
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Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
I never said I believed it. I just said it was interesting!
Hmm, never said otherwise, I simply said it was a crock of ****

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Old 07-29-2009, 06:10 PM   #1562
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Lets set this in concrete here before anything else gets disclosed. 99% of these insiders, these whistleblowers, these interviewees, these witneses whose names are bandied about, appearing on radio shows and at conferences etc, DO NOT FACE THEIR PUBLIC. Its too easy to do an interview, write a book or appear at a conf then remain away from everyone. Try being face to face daily, directly with the public, with the researchers, with the experiencers, and see how far you get. This, taken from the front page of Camelot, well Bill lets see you face questions directly and you answer them right off the bat, in real time. All these Dr types come in tell a few things then hide away in the shadows where no one can grill them month in month out. As I said in an earlier post I DO, I have the spine, guts and balls to do just that. OVER TO YOU VARIOUS DOCTOR TYPES......

From Camelot front page...............
for our recent audio update with Dr Bill Deagle. This interview covers the recent flu outbreak in Mexico and how it may be just a precursor of the real outbreak; Dr Bill's view of the state of Israel and plans to attack Iran; and we give Dr Bill a chance to address the issues many critics have raised over the past few years. One thing is clearly evident: Dr Bill Deagle is a very good sport and quite willing to face his detractors head-on with honesty and without rancor.

Yeah right

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Old 07-29-2009, 10:17 PM   #1563
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Lets set this in concrete here before anything else gets disclosed. 99% of these insiders, these whistleblowers, these interviewees, these witneses whose names are bandied about, appearing on radio shows and at conferences etc, DO NOT FACE THEIR PUBLIC. Its too easy to do an interview, write a book or appear at a conf then remain away from everyone. Try being face to face daily, directly with the public, with the researchers, with the experiencers, and see how far you get. This, taken from the front page of Camelot, well Bill lets see you face questions directly and you answer them right off the bat, in real time. All these Dr types come in tell a few things then hide away in the shadows where no one can grill them month in month out. As I said in an earlier post I DO, I have the spine, guts and balls to do just that. OVER TO YOU VARIOUS DOCTOR TYPES......

From Camelot front page...............
for our recent audio update with Dr Bill Deagle. This interview covers the recent flu outbreak in Mexico and how it may be just a precursor of the real outbreak; Dr Bill's view of the state of Israel and plans to attack Iran; and we give Dr Bill a chance to address the issues many critics have raised over the past few years. One thing is clearly evident: Dr Bill Deagle is a very good sport and quite willing to face his detractors head-on with honesty and without rancor.

Yeah right

Barry the fact you are willing to put yourself out here 'in the public eye' and answer questions 'from the public' gives more credence to who you are as a person and and more foundation to the information you reveal. It's understandable you can't answer all questions all the time, however that doesn't retract from your willingness to "try to answer" when you can.
As you said, you've got the balls and because of this fact the ball will always be in your court.
To Truth, Justice and Freedom.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 07-29-2009 at 10:40 PM.
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Old 07-30-2009, 12:20 AM   #1564
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Thankyou Ara, I appreciate your very kind words. I shall be posting data here that will make some heads spin, certain detractors will have a fit and will wade in with their attempts to discredit me and the data. Their closed minds and their agendas will be evident.

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Old 07-30-2009, 12:57 AM   #1565
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I really don't care if you're "unvetted" by Project Camelot, Barry. You bring an interesting perspective to the table and I like to hear such perspectives.
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Old 07-30-2009, 01:10 AM   #1566
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Thankyou HJ, I do not believe in following the party line and have tended to disobey orders at my own cost, guess I am an oddball LOL

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Old 07-30-2009, 07:11 AM   #1567
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
and have tended to disobey orders at my own cost,
Oh you THINK?!

Not so close to the ground more of those pulling the strings but dare say the type that have these sort of buffoons working for them
The layers of the onion, as always.

Would I be taking you off track, if I were to ask you about the watchers of old, the ancient ones.
Seems I've gotten ahold of an antique book that speaks of the watchers of ancient times.
Seems there was a split in the watchers. 200 hundred came to earth.
There is an ongoing fight between the two factions of watchers?
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:34 AM   #1568
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi James, good to see you around, not too impressed with that email, a crock of **** if you ask me, either that or I have had a very sheltered blinkered life


Hi Barry, good to be back on the thread for a short while. Yes emails are a very unreliable source of information. A person can pretend to be anyone over email. I trust what I have seen with my own eyes and what people close to me have seen with their own eyes. With that in mind we have seen our clones and people on this forum have claimed to have seen these clones as well.

The reason I find the email above interesting is simply this-

No data on the scientific facts about human clones exists in the public domain as far as I am aware. I have trawled the internet, libararies, bookstores and other places looking. I don't mean to sound arrogant in any way but I am the first person to release the scientific details regarding this subject. This is the reason I believe it would be hard for this woman to make the details up from her imagination. It may be disinformation as well, fact mixed with fiction.

I'd be interested in other peoples opinions
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:43 AM   #1569
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Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
Hi Barry, good to be back on the thread for a short while. Yes emails are a very unreliable source of information. A person can pretend to be anyone over email. I trust what I have seen with my own eyes and what people close to me have seen with their own eyes. With that in mind we have seen our clones and people on this forum have claimed to have seen these clones as well.

The reason I find the email above interesting is simply this-

No data on the scientific facts about human clones exists in the public domain as far as I am aware. I have trawled the internet, libararies, bookstores and other places looking. I don't mean to sound arrogant in any way but I am the first person to release the scientific details regarding this subject. This is the reason I believe it would be hard for this woman to make the details up from her imagination. It may be disinformation as well, fact mixed with fiction.

I'd be interested in other peoples opinions
Its too easy to be labelled arrogant by others these days. When I mentioned the fact some pages back here that I was the first in the World to mention/disclose data on the PLFs one or two said I was arrogant, they tried to make fun of it by saying I should copyright the term etc etc LOL LOL. Now We have Dr Steven Greer stating he has a dozen people on his team with knowledge of and experience with these PLFs. I wonder whom the other 11 individuals are. If their data were to be disclosed I would be further vindicated and have my claims further verified. Interesting thought.

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Old 07-30-2009, 11:48 AM   #1570
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As far as I'm aware you were the first person in the world to disclose the facts about the PGLF's/PLF's. This was a very important difference to be noted, namely not all non-humans are aliens, many are military robots.
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Old 07-30-2009, 11:49 AM   #1571
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry the fact you are willing to put yourself out here 'in the public eye' and answer questions 'from the public' gives more credence to who you are as a person and and more foundation to the information you reveal. It's understandable you can't answer all questions all the time, however that doesn't retract from your willingness to "try to answer" when you can.
As you said, you've got the balls and because of this fact the ball will always be in your court.
To Truth, Justice and Freedom.

All the Best
Ara, I finally got round to viewing that tv series you linked, "The last enemy", watched the final episode a couple of days ago. Interesting the high state of ID checking, thats near the mark when the UK government ups the ante LOL. was giggling over the term used throughout, tag, tag me, tagging. If anyone has access to my original files on paper they will see my input re tagging, brought back old memories LOL LOL. I gave so many hints, clues etc during those early days, data I could not release then but pointed to. The clues are there.

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Old 07-30-2009, 11:50 AM   #1572
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Some interesting photos of more probable clones/robots/cyborgs!

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Old 07-30-2009, 11:52 AM   #1573
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Oh you THINK?!

The layers of the onion, as always.

Would I be taking you off track, if I were to ask you about the watchers of old, the ancient ones.
Seems I've gotten ahold of an antique book that speaks of the watchers of ancient times.
Seems there was a split in the watchers. 200 hundred came to earth.
There is an ongoing fight between the two factions of watchers?
HeHeHe, just once or twice LOL. No problem, still on track. The old ones, ancient ones I am aligned to. Can go by any given name, Watchers is acceptable among that. Those that watch and can only indirectly assist as opposed to those that wish to take the hand of man and lead him directly to next level whether man wants it or not. Hope that answers your question.

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Old 07-30-2009, 11:54 AM   #1574
James Casbolt
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Just found this interesting piece on the net. Confirms my A.I data but still does not present scientific facts

On Sep 27, 2007 the Zetas revealed that George W. Bush was a clone, one of 14 zygote multiples created at conception, with only two at present operational. One is acting as president in the White House, the other with the Puppet Master in Europe. On Oct 13, 2007 on the live chat, the Zeta provided more details regarding how a switch to the European clone might occur suddenly. Yet another clone is imprisoned near Denver, broken down by cocain and booze.

President Bush and his look-alikes, the biological identical twins who were raised in secure settings as a back-up, have been assured since birth that they would rule the world during the end times. It is no accident that Herbert Bush headed the CIA in the 1970's, and was selected as Reagan's vice president. The Bush family had plans. The Bush clones, who were in fact identical twins as the zygote was split and implanted into Barbara and several surrogate mothers, show the serious intent, as should the brother in the public eye develop a fatal illness or go insane or refuse to be directed by the cabal planning to rule the world, they could substitute another brother. At present there are only two brothers alive and operational - one in the White House, and the other living with the Puppet Master. The development of the Diebold voting machine, with software holes that allow totals to be manipulated from a remote location, was part of this grand Bush plan. The invasion of Iraq to gain the Middle East oil was another such part of the Bush plan, and is the reason George Herbert Bush left Saddam in place so he would have to be removed at a later date.
ZetaTalk: Bush on the Bottle, written Sep 27, 2007
There were 14 brothers altogether who were born. One of the brothers, who developed a health problem so does not have the physical appearance of the current clone acting as President, records the weekly radio show. There were 3 living clones who could act as President in 2000, but the one acting as the public face during the early years of the presidency was so damaged by cocaine and booze that he was considered out of control, and is secreted away, imprisoned, in case they need a body in which case he would be killed. Another clone was approached by the Puppet Master's agents and agreed to work with him. He is in Europe and could be substituted for the clone acting as the US President at any time.
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProductionLive, written Sep 29, 2007

The Bush clone is indistinguishable from the one currently in the White House. Any haircut or tan or scratch can be replicated in the clone residing with the Puppet Master, and this is done steadily so a replacement could occur at any moment if need be. We are in communication with the Puppet Master, and Nancy acts as interpreter on occasion. We, the Service-to-Other Zetas, have teleporting abilities whereby someone can just suddenly appear in a room. We would not be telling you this if the Council of Worlds had not allowed an exception to the Rule of Non-Interference in the affairs of man. If it is deemed better for mankind to have a clone switch, instead of a breakdown in the current clone in the White House with a sudden need to assassinate Cheney, then the switch would be made.
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProductionLive, written Oct 13, 2007
The current clone is much more comfortable with press conferences than the clone in place after the 2000 election. By the 2004 election, this first clone was in a type of prison, near Denver. He was the one who had an affair with Ashe. Laura Bush, of course, is much in the know about this, as she must appear with them all.
ZetaTalk: GodlikeProductionLive, written Oct 20, 2007
Is there any proof of this? After the 2004 elections there was buzz on the Internet about an apparent nose job, as the President's nose appeared slightly different than before. This rumor even hit the David Letterman talk show.

George W. Bush Nose Job?
February 09, 2004
The President Bush pictures above are undoctored. The nose? Not so sure. The political significance of this possible nose job? Zero.
A careful analysis of photos during the Bush presidency reveal more than a broken nose, slightly pulling to the left hand side of Bush's face in Clone1, the president from 2000 to the 2004 elections in the Fall of 2003. They reveal that Clone 2, the current president, has an anxious expression. Clone 1 is a party boy, finally becoming unstable due to cocaine and alcohol use, and didn't like giving press conferences. During his reign, there was a period of 17 months without press conferences held by Bush. Clone 2 is comfortable with press conferences, and gives them frequently. The fact that he is a worry wort can be seen in his health problems, as he was striken with the nervous ****s, even caught writing Condi a note about having to rush to the bathroom, and appears to be taking tranquilizers. The photo tour can be seen on the Zeta Report 14 video.
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Old 07-30-2009, 12:05 PM   #1575
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Humble Janitor View Post
I really don't care if you're "unvetted" by Project Camelot, Barry. You bring an interesting perspective to the table and I like to hear such perspectives.
Unvetted by Camelot yes, they are far too busy chasing around with others, no problem, vetted by Dr Greer and his team, that counts more in my book anyways. My perspective, well I have been called a hard nosed nuts n bolts type whom has the tendancy to speak his mind. My training and my programming enables auto responses to certain situations too. Attack my claims and I could not give a damn, your choice I tell the World. Attack me or my family then its a different ball game. Auto response is fight back, not many like that, tough. If someone opens fire on me they better be a good shot, if they miss God help em LOL. In the real World the stakes are high, very high, not for the feint hearted or the turn-the-other-cheek brigade.People demand disclosure, ok, you will get it, the good the bad and the downright ugly sides of disclosure. Dr Greer states its the PLF and Stagecraft areas of disclosure that he receives the most threats on, WELL BLOW ME DOWN, wonder if the actual individuals releasing that data in the first place received such levels of threats? Too f****** right they did!!. And still do. But we plow on with or without security bodyguards


And of course things could heat up even more nicely if Dr Greer actually briefs President Obama re this Stagecraft data, my handlers, my colleagues warn, imagine Dr Greer handing Obama the folder containing names, locations etc, could get really interesting

Last edited by THEWATCHER; 07-30-2009 at 12:25 PM.
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