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Old 04-29-2009, 03:12 AM   #1251
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Agape View Post
You are not a monkey, but our common human ancestry crossbread with animals since when they started to eat them.
First human beings eat only vegetable...

Ask who were these 'first human beings' ?


But since they 've started to consume other entities, they've accepted all of their biological information in their blood, therefor you can find their various traces right there.
Later on, some 've also mated with those animals, for sacrificial reasons so to say and created human-animal hybrids.
The Rh monkey protein and many others comes right from there.

There were also other, more advanced , intelligent species and beings creating offsprings here and helping this civilisation from inside.

Man is the most responsible for his own mistakes here,

but then again, ask , who is the first man, who is the real you , biological you , the dominant identity. Those who know already, they don't have to ask
Very interesting Agape. I've heard there are certain sentient Beings who eat living/vital flesh who have inserted some of their own genetic material into humanoid prototypes and other populations.

This sparks my mind towards chimeric hybridization. I've read that when combining different animal species addition genetic material is added to prevent 'rejection'. The added genetic material would come from a species with an extraordinarily robust immune system, like a bat or a reptile.

The J-Rods , according to Dan Burisch's testimonies, produced anti-freeze proteins. He also spoke of how they had reptilian-like features. It would seem trans-genics, hybridization and genetic engineering was generationally employed, culminating in a 'J-Rod population'. That population was/is reportedly experiencing severe degenerative diseases.

Let us hope all the 'genetic glitches' have been worked out in the hybrids of today and tomorrow.

All the Best
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Old 04-29-2009, 04:51 AM   #1252
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hello Ara, ah yes, The Watcher stated more than once of someone here whom was very astute, very much on the ball, we take it as being you. Exactly so Ara, exactly so. There have been occasions when situations have arisen whereby Psy-Ops have faced off troops from more than one nation in the recovery of downed craft and the retrieval that followed of data.
Thank you. It is nice to dialog with you. Please pass on my respects, best wishes and regards to Barry.

Psychic shields and psychic nets come to mind when reading your reply.
As the shields &/or blocks of one Nation get stronger, other Nations have to come up with stronger minds to create stronger shields and break through the others' blocks?

Hmm, logically, each Nation constantly works towards creating stronger psy-abilities in their troops. This is where OPI lend a helping hand?

It would seem there are aspects to Psy-Operations which are more important and necessary than the much publicized mind-control/programming aspects. Although I am sure those aspects can cross over into the scenario stated above also. "This is not the droid you are looking for" LOL

I imagine OPI have their own black/hidden ops people helping in these situations too.

For the readers here, Steve Quayle reported about a group of black-op psi-warriors. Apparently they had to use their psi-abilities to shield their minds from something which attempted to overload their synapses. Reportedly it tried to fry them but failed.

All the Best
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Old 04-29-2009, 11:04 AM   #1253
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
In the UK should public disorder occur on a nationwide scale the UK government could, could, implement 'Warden', a system of controls very much like the US Martial Law controls. This is deemed unlikely but perhaps it is good to know such systems are readied, just in case.
This would be one of the national incidents I was refering to - and you have indeed warned us. Qudos

I was wondering though, as soon as I read the sentence, does the UK actually have the resources to implement and control the population?

Mind you, ramp up the fear high enough and this wont be an issue. People can be controlled easier this way.
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Old 04-29-2009, 09:25 PM   #1254
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
We freely speak of many things, as we expect all others here to speak freely
Well, thanks. To keep with the ET Disclosure standards i'm still feeling safer to be hiding.
I was sitting at fountain today watching the water parade and a thought occured to me in all its complexity, pertaining to the research programs you refer .
My family has some medical backgrounds , we have lots of friends involved in long term studies on human biology/pathology,
and the difference between mainstream research and programs you refer to is obvious.
Still, most of science oriented folks are rather reserved and hard working individuals who do not enjoy making big claims. I suppose that's the case of ultra top secret researchers as well.

I find a bit frustrating that there're so many exaggerrated statements posted on their behalf all over the net, describing fascinating projects and proposals that did not occur in reality, or have been experimented on scarcely in extreme conditions , observed under those rare conditions that can not stand common case classification.

I'd be extremely interested if you could bring one of those individuals here,
who'd be honest and kind enough to divide grain from husks,
and give things right measure . I do not expect any detail explanations could be invested to here yet there's a lot that could be improved in common folks understanding, if that's where your interests are placed.

It'd save folks time, fears and fascinations..

I suspect there are also those whome you call OPI who would wish to rectify undue claims made about them here and elsewhere ?

Now..calculate the difficulty in answer to question number one plus difficulty involved in answer number two and the probability of accuracy quotient between ETI and Military Scientists will shine through clearly ..

Can you improve anything in this sense..?

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Old 04-30-2009, 12:43 AM   #1255
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Very interesting Agape. I've heard there are certain sentient Beings who eat living/vital flesh who have inserted some of their own genetic material into humanoid prototypes and other populations.

This sparks my mind towards chimeric hybridization. I've read that when combining different animal species addition genetic material is added to prevent 'rejection'. The added genetic material would come from a species with an extraordinarily robust immune system, like a bat or a reptile.

The J-Rods , according to Dan Burisch's testimonies, produced anti-freeze proteins. He also spoke of how they had reptilian-like features. It would seem trans-genics, hybridization and genetic engineering was generationally employed, culminating in a 'J-Rod population'. That population was/is reportedly experiencing severe degenerative diseases.

Let us hope all the 'genetic glitches' have been worked out in the hybrids of today and tomorrow.

All the Best
Hi Ara , your notice here summons it pretty well, question and answer to it are both contained within.

Hybridisation experiments more often result in degenerative processes, not necessarily in first and second generations , can be much later but the end to every hybrid species of intelligent organisms is inevitable,
they often serve as temporary support to civilisation in crisis,
may help to preserve its fundamental biological heritage so it may live long enough to see the dawn of new age .
Todays science seems to be yet very confused about origins of life and species. Uniqueness of each species intelligent pattern is something that may not be created or reproduced freely , it was once emanated to be perfect , flexible yet stable and protected against mutation.

All intrusions to it however careful may be a cause of destroying the 'sanctum sanctorum' of our seed information, be it animal or other beings pollutants.

Say there are civilisations in universe, highly evolved, who posses more knowledge than we 're able to understand yet, and they're still very cautious with creating what we call hybrids.

With reference to their knowledge and how it could be testified, if it was offered to human beings ..most possibly it couldn't .
Us trying to copy their technologies of any kind reminds me of aboriginee wooden model of airplane. Say the difference might be too vast to comprehend really ?
So do we have other choice than to be guided by them ?

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Old 04-30-2009, 02:08 PM   #1256
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Watchers, you've spent so much time answering all questions sent your way. My question to you is, is there anything we can do to help you with your disclosure?
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Old 04-30-2009, 10:46 PM   #1257
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Agape View Post
Hi Ara , your notice here summons it pretty well, question and answer to it are both contained within.

***Thank you Agape.

Hybridisation experiments more often result in degenerative processes, not necessarily in first and second generations , can be much later but the end to every hybrid species of intelligent organisms is inevitable,
they often serve as temporary support to civilisation in crisis,
may help to preserve its fundamental biological heritage so it may live long enough to see the dawn of new age .

***Yes I agree hybrids can serve as temporary support to populations in crisis.

This reminds me of car models, you know how a car model (mark 1 model) can be a basic model with a certain type of engine in it but when the makers of that car want to create (or have to create) a new car model to accommodate a new engine with added grunt they will create a next gen model of that basic car which is equivalent to a Mark 1 and half. It's not a Mark 2 model yet however this bridging model can house the newer type engine with access to some additional built in features until the new Mark 2 model has all the bugs are ironed out and is completely ready to house the new engine with access to all the additional 'extras' the new model is equipped with.

Todays science seems to be yet very confused about origins of life and species.

***That is because the focus is on physical DNA only. Maybe one day they will have the technology to 'scan/read' one's spiritual DNA and from there a greater understanding may ensue.

Uniqueness of each species intelligent pattern is something that may not be created or reproduced freely , it was once emanated to be perfect , flexible yet stable and protected against mutation.

***Agape are you referring the the parameters of the human soul-mind experience?

All intrusions to it however careful may be a cause of destroying the 'sanctum sanctorum' of our seed information, be it animal or other beings pollutants.

Say there are civilisations in universe, highly evolved, who posses more knowledge than we 're able to understand yet, and they're still very cautious with creating what we call hybrids.

***Maybe their caution stems from their understanding of the joined resonance between physical and spiritual DNA?

With reference to their knowledge and how it could be testified, if it was offered to human beings ..most possibly it couldn't .

***I understand what you are saying here Agape. Maybe the answer is the OPI working in conjunction with the Humans, just as Barry has testified is happening.

Us trying to copy their technologies of any kind reminds me of aboriginee wooden model of airplane. Say the difference might be too vast to comprehend really ?


So do we have other choice than to be guided by them ?

***Not unless the OPI are willing to teach the humans how to understand the technology and more importantly help them to evolve/grow ethically/conscience to see what can be created from such knowledge. And the future implications of such.

It's nice dialoging with you Agape.

All the Best
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Old 05-01-2009, 04:27 AM   #1258
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hi Ara , you're most welcome

This reminds me of car models, you know how a car model (mark 1 model) can be a basic model with a certain type of engine in it but when the makers of that car want to create (or have to create) a new car model to accommodate a new engine with added grunt they will create a next gen model of that basic car which is equivalent to a Mark 1 and half. It's not a Mark 2 model yet however this bridging model can house the newer type engine with access to some additional built in features until the new Mark 2 model has all the bugs are ironed out and is completely ready to house the new engine with access to all the additional 'extras' the new model is equipped with.

Still to compare car construction to genetics is rather far fetched from ET point of view, listen to all the giggles in my back

That is because the focus is on physical DNA only. Maybe one day they will have the technology to 'scan/read' one's spiritual DNA and from there a greater understanding may ensue.

There's no basic 'difference' between the two. There's no difference between your 'common' and 'spiritual' intelligence , and the one you call spiritual can't be ever measured human way, when we reach up to that point, the need to measure it ceases. I prefer naming it biological intelligence, intelligent design, if you want.
I'll explain it to you one day..but imagine that all the little strands of free floating genoms in your body would join each other and form more specific structure as they do already,
but not yet the wholeness way and it won't happen for a while yet..

80 million tiny little meridians running through our body, energy, Chi, running within, energy=mind, does it ring a bell with you, the energy is intelligent information, like a big puzzle..
Nature of life is to evolve to perfection and it will do without artificial interaction to it as well.
Beings here are born with natural abilities and perfection levels, no matter what lineage do they belong.

Uniqueness of each species intelligent pattern is something that may not be created or reproduced freely , it was once emanated to be perfect , flexible yet stable and protected against mutation.

***Agape are you referring the the parameters of the human soul-mind experience?

Not exactly.

All intrusions to it however careful may be a cause of destroying the 'sanctum sanctorum' of our seed information, be it animal or other beings pollutants.

Say there are civilisations in universe, highly evolved, who posses more knowledge than we 're able to understand yet, and they're still very cautious with creating what we call hybrids.

***Maybe their caution stems from their understanding of the joined resonance between physical and spiritual DNA?

There's only one such a thing as psycho-biological information complex, and till it lasts it always depends what are you feeding to it. It means, they have thousand million times higher precision levels in what we may not understand yet.
Look at flock of birds and pick up the correct one..

With reference to their knowledge and how it could be testified, if it was offered to human beings ..most possibly it couldn't .

***I understand what you are saying here Agape. Maybe the answer is the OPI working in conjunction with the Humans, just as Barry has testified is happening.

I don't think that conjunction is how you'd call it really if you look more inside .

So do we have other choice than to be guided by them ?

***Not unless the OPI are willing to teach the humans how to understand the technology and more importantly help them to evolve/grow ethically/conscience to see what can be created from such knowledge. And the future implications of such.

I can only agree there.

My pleasure
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Old 05-01-2009, 05:24 AM   #1259
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Agape View Post
Hi Ara , you're most welcome

This reminds me of car models, you know how a car model (mark 1 model) can be a basic model with a certain type of engine in it but when the makers of that car want to create (or have to create) a new car model to accommodate a new engine with added grunt they will create a next gen model of that basic car which is equivalent to a Mark 1 and half. It's not a Mark 2 model yet however this bridging model can house the newer type engine with access to some additional built in features until the new Mark 2 model has all the bugs are ironed out and is completely ready to house the new engine with access to all the additional 'extras' the new model is equipped with.

Still to compare car construction to genetics is rather far fetched from ET point of view, listen to all the giggles in my back

*** Sometimes the words need to be written for young minds to understand basic ideas/principles. As for "ET point of view" I would never claim to speak for all OPI.

That is because the focus is on physical DNA only. Maybe one day they will have the technology to 'scan/read' one's spiritual DNA and from there a greater understanding may ensue.

There's no basic 'difference' between the two.

*** If you think this then my statement about scientists not having full understanding is correct.

There's no difference between your 'common' and 'spiritual' intelligence , and the one you call spiritual can't be ever measured human way, when we reach up to that point, the need to measure it ceases. I prefer naming it biological intelligence, intelligent design, if you want.

*** All energies must be built upon a foundation energy.
Curious, do you understand layers of energies to genetic material Agape? Some physical genes have more layers to them than others, when combined they allow access for energy to flow from the spiritual DNA to the physical DNA activating certain abilities attached to such. Abilities can be switched on and off depending upon which genetic sequences are holding the correct level of energies.

I'll explain it to you one day..but imagine that all the little strands of free floating genoms in your body would join each other and form more specific structure as they do already,
but not yet the wholeness way and it won't happen for a while yet..

80 million tiny little meridians running through our body, energy, Chi, running within, energy=mind, does it ring a bell with you, the energy is intelligent information, like a big puzzle..

Nature of life is to evolve to perfection and it will do without artificial interaction to it as well.

***I agree with you.

Beings here are born with natural abilities and perfection levels, no matter what lineage do they belong.

Uniqueness of each species intelligent pattern is something that may not be created or reproduced freely , it was once emanated to be perfect , flexible yet stable and protected against mutation.

***Agape are you referring the the parameters of the human soul-mind experience?

Not exactly.

***Yet different 'intelligences' are incarnating into the human soul-mind experience and in doing so expanding the parameters or as you refer to it the 'species intelligent pattern'. It is not a mutation but an expansion, ultimately resulting in the addition of energy layers to genetic material. Sometimes however the additional material can shave energy off instead of adding to it so I understand where your concern below fits in.

All intrusions to it however careful may be a cause of destroying the 'sanctum sanctorum' of our seed information, be it animal or other beings pollutants.

***I can see where you are coming from and where your thought pattern lays. Ok. I agree with you, humans can evolve naturally physically and intelligently eventually and should be allowed to do so. However from times past Earth humans have not been left to follow this path.

Say there are civilisations in universe, highly evolved, who posses more knowledge than we 're able to understand yet, and they're still very cautious with creating what we call hybrids.

***Maybe their caution stems from their understanding of the joined resonance between physical and spiritual DNA?

There's only one such a thing as psycho-biological information complex, and till it lasts it always depends what are you feeding to it. It means, they have thousand million times higher precision levels in what we may not understand yet.
Look at flock of birds and pick up the correct one..

With reference to their knowledge and how it could be testified, if it was offered to human beings ..most possibly it couldn't .

***I understand what you are saying here Agape. Maybe the answer is the OPI working in conjunction with the Humans, just as Barry has testified is happening.

I don't think that conjunction is how you'd call it really if you look more inside .

***Well that depends on the agendas of the OPI working in the hybrid projects. I tend to look at it from the viewpoint of an OPI with a positive vested interest in helping not harming.

So do we have other choice than to be guided by them ?

***Not unless the OPI are willing to teach the humans how to understand the technology and more importantly help them to evolve/grow ethically/conscience to see what can be created from such knowledge. And the future implications of such.

I can only agree there.

My pleasure
All the Best
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Old 05-01-2009, 08:23 AM   #1260
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Agape - 80 million tiny little meridians running through our body, energy, Chi, running within, energy=mind, does it ring a bell with you, the energy is intelligent information, like a big puzzle..

Such a coincidence you have used the words meridians running through the body. There is another thread over at Avalon discussing the same thing but on a planetary scale.

Does the Earth have similar processes as you have described above to the human body? Not only does the earth have its own meridien lines, the chi that flows along these lines are being utilised (just check out what buildings/complexes run along them)

Best Regards
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Old 05-02-2009, 12:32 AM   #1261
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Alterego View Post
Watchers, you've spent so much time answering all questions sent your way. My question to you is, is there anything we can do to help you with your disclosure?
Keep your minds active and open, question everything but do not become closed to any possibility
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Old 05-02-2009, 04:15 PM   #1262
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

That is because the focus is on physical DNA only. Maybe one day they will have the technology to 'scan/read' one's spiritual DNA and from there a greater understanding may ensue.

Hi Ara, what do you mean exactly by 'spiritual DNA' if i can ask ? I'm not familiar with the term.
Do you think in categories of genetics, apogenetics and 'junk DNA' for example ?

If you think this then my statement about scientists not having full understanding is correct.

I do not think they even claim to have it, most sticking to one or another leading theory and persue their research in one tiny particular direction, if someone comes with totally new hypothesis he is in eternal trouble. Most do not dare to think much, we all were taught mostly to 'follow'..

All energies must be built upon a foundation energy.
Curious, do you understand layers of energies to genetic material Agape? Some physical genes have more layers to them than others, when combined they allow access for energy to flow from the spiritual DNA to the physical DNA activating certain abilities attached to such. Abilities can be switched on and off depending upon which genetic sequences are holding the correct level of energies.

Basically, lets say there are multitudes of possibilities you can decide upon with your granted set of DNA material, quite a lot. They are information reacting to other relevant information so that's approximately how the different sequencies become active and fulfill their function for you.
If you're supplied with correct environment and information then the responsive sequence starts functioning.
Yet, there's a dominant sequence unique for your individual bio system and it remains dominant whether you 'promote' the others or not.
You may achieve a lot while activating the different parts of your bio-code yet there is only one of them that can bring you 'to the top'.
Top means realizing the original of yourself, the rest are like a photocopies of others if it makes sense to you. The original intelligence in you is self-centered and self-fulfilled but destined to move others forwards, in vague terms.

Yet different 'intelligences' are incarnating into the human soul-mind experience and in doing so expanding the parameters or as you refer to it the 'species intelligent pattern'. It is not a mutation but an expansion, ultimately resulting in the addition of energy layers to genetic material. Sometimes however the additional material can shave energy off instead of adding to it so I understand where your concern below fits in.

They're not as much 'expanding it' as human bio-intelligence itself is in fact more complicated than theirs , but most of it is either dormant, scattered or 'unplugged' in present stage. By inserting piece of another biological information, with greater organisation levels, some improvements can be achieved .
There are three basic possibilities of what may or may not happen.
The foreign information may be rejected , that's what happens most.
If so it still provokes creation of numerous anti-bodies in attempt to disactivate the 'invader'.
These anti-bodies, part of our immunity system on larger scale may themselves generate lots of unknown potentials in us.
People with good immunity systems may paradoxically have very bad reaction to implants, that's where i guess the 'blue blood' lineages were used for e.t. experiements as their immunity levels are not so high.

The second option .. the donor information is partially 'befriended' by the host organism and either it attempts to take over the control mechanisms ( it has to , as nature of every living intelligence is to retain its autonomy, so it's not easy for it 'to give up' without fight ) , or at least of it's part.
Multiple scenarios to ensue, but basically there's always initial fight between the two and ceases after some time, when the 'rights and dominancies' have been decided and possibly, some part of sequencing has taken place.

The alien information will then form 'a bridge' between uncoded parts of human genome and allow it to take part in its organisation structure or vice versa.

The third is something that happens rarely and may result either in total crash or on the other hand, in real hybrid organism, with unique qualities of its own. Suppose this is interdimensional happening for humans ( necessarily as different star systems posses very different parameters of density, space-time velocity etc ) , these beings won't be able to survive here.

Say there are civilisations in universe, highly evolved, who posses more knowledge than we 're able to understand yet, and they're still very cautious with creating what we call hybrids.

***Maybe their caution stems from their understanding of the joined resonance between physical and spiritual DNA?

Most advanced civilisations have utmost respect for life, on higher level than we can imagine. The reasons behind their experiments are not clearly known but supposed to create ' a bridge' between us and them, not as much to create 'our future'.

Well that depends on the agendas of the OPI working in the hybrid projects. I tend to look at it from the viewpoint of an OPI with a positive vested interest in helping not harming.

Lets say only that, before any open exchange of information, open contact can be achieved, these research efforts are running on clandestine level from both sides, certain amount of information was released to the human domain , but the real situation is more than paradoxical.

There's too much lobby for information right now so not all can be answered either.

Nice talking to you Ara
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Old 05-02-2009, 04:35 PM   #1263
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Agape - 80 million tiny little meridians running through our body, energy, Chi, running within, energy=mind, does it ring a bell with you, the energy is intelligent information, like a big puzzle..

Such a coincidence you have used the words meridians running through the body. There is another thread over at Avalon discussing the same thing but on a planetary scale.

Does the Earth have similar processes as you have described above to the human body? Not only does the earth have its own meridien lines, the chi that flows along these lines are being utilised (just check out what buildings/complexes run along them)

Best Regards
Similarity ? Living and non-living universe evolves utterly different ways, you may look at them as two parallel parts of existence , while only the existence itself forms superior category.
Non-living bodies, such as stars and planets etc, if granted enough time and favourable space-time circumstances in general, may also achieve high level of perfection, as crystaline structures, in broad terms.
They can achieve such a high level of organisation of matter and energy that they serve as very friendly base for various life forms and support their needs.
So in result, they'd be called 'intelligent' planes of existence,
it still does not mean they're alive.
So of course, there're meridians on earth too, but lets say earth is comparatively young planet ..

Thanks for question , take care

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Old 05-02-2009, 06:10 PM   #1264
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
This would be one of the national incidents I was refering to - and you have indeed warned us. Qudos

I was wondering though, as soon as I read the sentence, does the UK actually have the resources to implement and control the population?

Let us hope so, when put to the test, for the welfare and safety of the nation in times of crisis

Mind you, ramp up the fear high enough and this wont be an issue. People can be controlled easier this way.
Unfortunately that is true
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Old 05-02-2009, 06:16 PM   #1265
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Thank you. It is nice to dialog with you. Please pass on my respects, best wishes and regards to Barry.
We have done so and The Watcher smiled and returns big Hello and best wishes to you

Psychic shields and psychic nets come to mind when reading your reply.
As the shields &/or blocks of one Nation get stronger, other Nations have to come up with stronger minds to create stronger shields and break through the others' blocks?
Hence the vigorous search then the training for suitable individuals

Hmm, logically, each Nation constantly works towards creating stronger psy-abilities in their troops. This is where OPI lend a helping hand?
You are correct yes

It would seem there are aspects to Psy-Operations which are more important and necessary than the much publicized mind-control/programming aspects. Although I am sure those aspects can cross over into the scenario stated above also. "This is not the droid you are looking for" LOL
Oh yes very much so, lol that line from Star Wars is very apt LOL

I imagine OPI have their own black/hidden ops people helping in these situations too.
For necessity yes

For the readers here, Steve Quayle reported about a group of black-op psi-warriors. Apparently they had to use their psi-abilities to shield their minds from something which attempted to overload their synapses. Reportedly it tried to fry them but failed.
And probably much more remains unspoken........

All the Best
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Old 05-02-2009, 06:20 PM   #1266
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Originally Posted by Alterego View Post
If joe public wanted to, could they request contact?
That has been the case for a very long time

Are you in a position to elaborate on this?

OPI interaction with the human race requires a two way trust, more that can accept idea of other intelligences with a benign agenda visiting this planet and wishing to interact with them the closer full acceptance can occur and exchanging of ideas will result. OPI know whom is ready to accept them and seek out those wishing a form of contact
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Old 05-02-2009, 07:16 PM   #1267
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
OPI interaction with the human race requires a two way trust, more that can accept idea of other intelligences with a benign agenda visiting this planet and wishing to interact with them the closer full acceptance can occur and exchanging of ideas will result. OPI know whom is ready to accept them and seek out those wishing a form of contact
So does the possibility exist that we may inadvertantly be communicating directly or indirectly with OPI by putting forward our ideas and taking in new ways of thinking through the likes of this forum?
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Old 05-02-2009, 08:25 PM   #1268
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Alterego View Post
So does the possibility exist that we may inadvertantly be communicating directly or indirectly with OPI by putting forward our ideas and taking in new ways of thinking through the likes of this forum?

In short, yes
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Old 05-03-2009, 01:02 AM   #1269
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hello Watchers ,

In TheWatcher's (Barry) absence would you consider continuing his interesting information in regards to 'the 5' and perhaps reply to the questions on page 35 that were not answered due to the interruption that followed?

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Old 05-03-2009, 04:27 AM   #1270
Kari Lynn
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
OPI interaction with the human race requires a two way trust, more that can accept idea of other intelligences with a benign agenda visiting this planet and wishing to interact with them the closer full acceptance can occur and exchanging of ideas will result. OPI know whom is ready to accept them and seek out those wishing a form of contact
I think I'm about to break one of my own rules here. lol.

Usually, I seperate my spritual experiences from my paranormal experiences. I speak of some of my paranormal, but my spiritual experiences I usually keep to myself.
I used to think that I've never had experiences with ET's. Just military, from Milabs and such. But lately, I've been studying and am finding little loop holes. lol
I'm not sure exactly what is meant by OPI here. Is it a general term for benevolent Et's?

While searching my spirituality in my 20's. I have had contact/experiences with beings that at the time I would have called angels.
But in reading about these benevolent Et's, I'm finding some simularities.
I searched about the Tall Whites. Which I am not entirely sure that is the race/faction of beings I have seen, from what is described by Hall of the beings he met while on base in Nevada.
Though I'm still not sure, What I've read about the Nordics, may be somewhat simular.
Though not all of the beings I've seen have white hair. Some were dark blond, some were brown haired.
But all had qualities that I would relate to being heavenly angels. !. being the undescribable feeling of love that I felt emanating from them. 2. their patience and caring for everything they view, and have mastery over. 3. their mental abilities/psychic abilities. They've no need of weapons, just a thought would bring about destruction or miracles.

But anyway, my questions in a long round about way, would be. Is it possible that perhaps what we thought were religious experiences could actually have been ET experiences?
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Old 05-03-2009, 11:23 AM   #1271
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That is because the focus is on physical DNA only. Maybe one day they will have the technology to 'scan/read' one's spiritual DNA and from there a greater understanding may ensue.

Hi Ara, what do you mean exactly by 'spiritual DNA' if i can ask ? I'm not familiar with the term.
Do you think in categories of genetics, apogenetics and 'junk DNA' for example ?

***. The categories you have stated above are all within the scientific field of physical DNA. I think in terms of energy, types of energies, levels of energies, energy patterns, energy weaves, concordance, resonance.

Spiritual DNA is the underlying energetic blueprint which the physical DNA is built upon. There is a dance of resonance between the two, they work as one.

Imagine you are an OPI who is going to transfer/incarnate your energetic blueprint and intelligence into a human physical form. This can be achieved and the resonance is sound although the energetic blueprint will not be “human” it will bear a small percentage of human DNA in resonance.
In other words the person will scan as 100% pure human in physical DNA, yet their spiritual DNA can be different with varying percentages of activated OPI/ET Spiritual DNA combined with a percentage of human spiritual DNA active. It is this amount of “human” spiritual DNA which resonates with the human physical blueprint and xreates the physical human form.

Shaving of energies can equate to the eradication &/or mutation of certain physical genes.

When the energy isn’t there to activate them the physical genes remain dormant.

Sometimes the incarnating OPI brings in, within their own energy blueprint, the additional energies which certain genes require to become activated. This can sometimes take generations to complete, until a generation is born where the energies are all there in all the right places to complete the connections. This has been done throughout history to breed a certain type of human.

Agape what you term junk DNA I term as codings not yet utilized and when activated connect to one’s spiritual DNA & intelligences connected with.
My understanding is they are parts of Keys needed to access the doors behind human intelligence.

***Once spiritual DNA is properly understood and scientifically acknowledged then proof will be evident that the spiritual body is not expunged at death for any Being. It will also prove humans are far more than this physical coat worn, other lives have been lived (not always in this level human form) and those lives’ energy blueprints are accessible.

If you think this then my statement about scientists not having full understanding is correct.

I do not think they even claim to have it, most sticking to one or another leading theory and persue their research in one tiny particular direction, if someone comes with totally new hypothesis he is in eternal trouble. Most do not dare to think much, we all were taught mostly to 'follow'..

***Yet you are not a ‘follower’ Agape. Your curiosity in this area is apparent.

All energies must be built upon a foundation energy.
Curious, do you understand layers of energies to genetic material Agape? Some physical genes have more layers to them than others, when combined they allow access for energy to flow from the spiritual DNA to the physical DNA activating certain abilities attached to such. Abilities can be switched on and off depending upon which genetic sequences are holding the correct level of energies.

Basically, lets say there are multitudes of possibilities you can decide upon with your granted set of DNA material, quite a lot. They are information reacting to other relevant information so that's approximately how the different sequencies become active and fulfill their function for you.

***I understand what you are conveying here, now incorporate what I’ve written above into what you have just stated.

If you're supplied with correct environment and information then the responsive sequence starts functioning.

***Yes I agree, however having certain sequences active and having the natural juice to access the energies woven may not coincide. I imagine this is where ‘external stimulants’ are used.

Hmm Agape, I think we are talking apples and oranges here. I sense you are referring more to physical material and the responsive actions of such, whereas I am referring to the connections/resonance between the spiritual and physical components and the access to what that implies.

Yet, there's a dominant sequence unique for your individual bio system and it remains dominant whether you 'promote' the others or not.

***Yes you will always be “human”.

You may achieve a lot while activating the different parts of your bio-code yet there is only one of them that can bring you 'to the top'.

Top means realizing the original of yourself, the rest are like a photocopies of others if it makes sense to you.

***The ‘original of yourself’, are you referring to the original human blueprint? In it’s ‘perfected form’? One’s human intelligence in it’s perfected form? Please bear with me as I try to understand and correlate here.

The original intelligence in you is self-centered and self-fulfilled but destined to move others forwards, in vague terms.

***I need to think more on this one Agape.

Yet different 'intelligences' are incarnating into the human soul-mind experience and in doing so expanding the parameters or as you refer to it the 'species intelligent pattern'. It is not a mutation but an expansion, ultimately resulting in the addition of energy layers to genetic material. Sometimes however the additional material can shave energy off instead of adding to it so I understand where your concern below fits in.

They're not as much 'expanding it' as human bio-intelligence itself is in fact more complicated than theirs , but most of it is either dormant, scattered or 'unplugged' in present stage.

***Agape you seem to have a specific OPI in mind, so may I ask who ‘theirs’ is?

By inserting piece of another biological information, with greater organisation levels, some improvements can be achieved .

There are three basic possibilities of what may or may not happen.

The foreign information may be rejected , that's what happens most.

***Yes I’ve heard of one type of OPI in particular who cannot hybridize with the human genome. All experiments result in failure.

Another group just can’t seem to get the ‘skin’ on their experiments right. Results in hybrid concoctions with extremely dry, splitting skin. Must have a problem with copper ratio, can’t seem to get the collagen production right. You would know/understand more about this than I though Agape.

If so it still provokes creation of numerous anti-bodies in attempt to disactivate the 'invader'.

These anti-bodies, part of our immunity system on larger scale may themselves generate lots of unknown potentials in us.

People with good immunity systems may paradoxically have very bad reaction to implants, that's where i guess the 'blue blood' lineages were used for e.t. experiements as their immunity levels are not so high.

***This is an interesting comment. Why do you think their immune levels are low? I ponder if there is a connection to their iron and copper levels, especially since those of certain lineages have a higher than normal connection to super-natural phenomenon and abilities.

The second option .. the donor information is partially 'befriended' by the host organism and either it attempts to take over the control mechanisms ( it has to , as nature of every living intelligence is to retain its autonomy, so it's not easy for it 'to give up' without fight ) , or at least of it's part.


Multiple scenarios to ensue, but basically there's always initial fight between the two and ceases after some time, when the 'rights and dominancies' have been decided and possibly, some part of sequencing has taken place.

The alien information will then form 'a bridge' between uncoded parts of human genome and allow it to take part in its organisation structure or vice versa.

***The material weaves it’s energies into the energy structure already there. This is connected to the comments I made about the energy levels of certain genes increasing, sometimes when certain genes or gene sequences hold too much energy in the physical the result is dis-ease. Same can be applied to the shaving of energies off genes through the cloning process.

The third is something that happens rarely and may result either in total crash or on the other hand, in real hybrid organism, with unique qualities of its own.

***I imagine in the latter comment that the spiritual DNA was in resonance with the physical DNA. If the foundation pattern isn’t available within the spiritual blueprint then there would be nothing to draw from and build upon.

***In essence what you are saying is that creating hybrids isn’t as easy as 1-2-3. One needs an amalgam something that bridges the species barrier so the receiving immune system doesn’t see the additional genetic material as an alien invader. Hence why bat or reptile genetic material is added to certain chimeric experiments.

Suppose this is interdimensional happening for humans ( necessarily as different star systems posses very different parameters of density, space-time velocity etc ) , these beings won't be able to survive here.

***And hence their need for the hybrids. They would need a physical form that conforms to(and is able to hold) their intelligence but also one that is acclimatized to the planet they plan on living on. Supra Human Beings.

Say there are civilisations in universe, highly evolved, who posses more knowledge than we 're able to understand yet, and they're still very cautious with creating what we call hybrids.

***Maybe their caution stems from their understanding of the joined resonance between physical and spiritual DNA?

Most advanced civilisations have utmost respect for life, on higher level than we can imagine.

***Absolutely agree there.

The reasons behind their experiments are not clearly known but supposed to create ' a bridge' between us and them, not as much to create 'our future'.

***I imagine the ‘bridges’ need to be created as conduits of communication between the upper and lower levels. I have heard there are many OPI of this level who are in communication with OPI in higher levels and through these communications Treaties are created and formalized. In an extended way, the ‘bridges’ are a necessity for the future of humanity. The right Treaties can help guard against other OPI who do not have Humanity's best interests at heart.

Well that depends on the agendas of the OPI working in the hybrid projects. I tend to look at it from the viewpoint of an OPI with a positive vested interest in helping not harming.

Lets say only that, before any open exchange of information, open contact can be achieved, these research efforts are running on clandestine level from both sides, certain amount of information was released to the human domain , but the real situation is more than paradoxical.

There's too much lobby for information right now so not all can be answered either.

***Thanks Agape, there are indeed many areas not able to be covered.
It is a pleasure dialoging with you.

Nice talking to you Ara
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Old 05-03-2009, 11:33 AM   #1272
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Thank you to The Watchers for your replies.

All the Best
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Old 05-03-2009, 03:58 PM   #1273
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

***. The categories you have stated above are all within the scientific field of physical DNA. I think in terms of energy, types of energies, levels of energies, energy patterns, energy weaves, concordance, resonance.

Spiritual DNA is the underlying energetic blueprint which the physical DNA is built upon. There is a dance of resonance between the two, they work as one.

Fine, then i think you may understand very well what i'd generally refer to as bio-intelligence pattern specific for each species or race of beings.
The 'pattern' i refer to and the 'blueprint' you talk about are virtually one and the same thing.
With the exception of linear causality between the 'spiritual' and 'physical', where in fact there 's no such difference except difference between the level of organisation and intelligence prevalent in each of those.

You may consider 'the physical' as broken and petrified remnants of the 'higher physical =spiritual' , a dense physical peel falling off the 'tree of life' .

Imagine you are an OPI who is going to transfer/incarnate your energetic blueprint and intelligence into a human physical form. This can be achieved and the resonance is sound although the energetic blueprint will not be “human” it will bear a small percentage of human DNA in resonance.
In other words the person will scan as 100% pure human in physical DNA, yet their spiritual DNA can be different with varying percentages of activated OPI/ET Spiritual DNA combined with a percentage of human spiritual DNA active. It is this amount of “human” spiritual DNA which resonates with the human physical blueprint and xreates the physical human form.

This is sound explanation Ara, the only little error i can perceive here is , that what in fact looks exceedingly 'spiritual' from human point of view, is also simply technical process from the ET side.

Shaving of energies can equate to the eradication &/or mutation of certain physical genes.

When the energy isn’t there to activate them the physical genes remain dormant.

Most will remain inactive in either case, as i was attempting to explain earlier, the whole process of human evolution can't be repaired instantly.

Sometimes the incarnating OPI brings in, within their own energy blueprint, the additional energies which certain genes require to become activated. This can sometimes take generations to complete, until a generation is born where the energies are all there in all the right places to complete the connections. This has been done throughout history to breed a certain type of human.

I think that's about correct, even without OPI interactions , what's called evolution ( use another suitable term of your preference ) , intelligent organisms patterns are spread not only beyond one particular life time but also beyond generations ..so in that sense bio-codes , bio-intelligence continously works on itself on backgrounds of existence of whole human species.
It does so naturally, you may say as a computer set to reprogram itself to the best possible software environment , the 'pattern' works itself out through all human incarnations and their genotypes ( the same vaguely applies for other intelligent races of beings too ).

Agape what you term junk DNA I term as codings not yet utilized and when activated connect to one’s spiritual DNA & intelligences connected with.
My understanding is they are parts of Keys needed to access the doors behind human intelligence.

I am trying to resonate with the terms workable at this time-period to explain things, i think that if i've tried to explain how do i see the same thing in reality, there'd be large confusion of terminology

***Once spiritual DNA is properly understood and scientifically acknowledged then proof will be evident that the spiritual body is not expunged at death for any Being. It will also prove humans are far more than this physical coat worn, other lives have been lived (not always in this level human form) and those lives’ energy blueprints are accessible.

It may take very long time yet ..

***Yet you are not a ‘follower’ Agape. Your curiosity in this area is apparent.

No i am not a follower. My curiosity is purely concerned with how to correlate my own knowledge with the general stream so i can be useful to others.

If you're supplied with correct environment and information then the responsive sequence starts functioning.

***Yes I agree, however having certain sequences active and having the natural juice to access the energies woven may not coincide. I imagine this is where ‘external stimulants’ are used.

That's what is meant by environment, the right biostasis, for each type of organism, to function the best. Extremely important factor and part of research.

Hmm Agape, I think we are talking apples and oranges here. I sense you are referring more to physical material and the responsive actions of such, whereas I am referring to the connections/resonance between the spiritual and physical components and the access to what that implies.

I think this is multilevel debate considering we are def cross-breeding the 'human' and 'ET' view here , to cut it neatly,
and we are basically at the stage of establishing common points of understanding .

***Yes you will always be “human”.

Me probably not , but my human life will .

***The ‘original of yourself’, are you referring to the original human blueprint? In it’s ‘perfected form’? One’s human intelligence in it’s perfected form? Please bear with me as I try to understand and correlate here.

It feels complicate explaining it to you, as you are dwelling on terms and ideas known to you already.
In those terms you are correct , but allow yourself a space for incorporating some new ideas is my humble advice here..

Yet different 'intelligences' are incarnating into the human soul-mind experience and in doing so expanding the parameters or as you refer to it the 'species intelligent pattern'. It is not a mutation but an expansion, ultimately resulting in the addition of energy layers to genetic material. Sometimes however the additional material can shave energy off instead of adding to it so I understand where your concern below fits in.

They're not as much 'expanding it' as human bio-intelligence itself is in fact more complicated than theirs , but most of it is either dormant, scattered or 'unplugged' in present stage.

***Agape you seem to have a specific OPI in mind, so may I ask who ‘theirs’ is?

The statement above was previously yours Ara , so i suppose there are some specific OPI on your mind too ,
your own experiences ?

I think it'd be unfair to you, me and others to expound on my identity right now, thanks for understanding. If your interest is unspoiled with many other theories and agendas flooding the web, and persist you want to know,
we may talk about it.

***Yes I’ve heard of one type of OPI in particular who cannot hybridize with the human genome. All experiments result in failure.

Another group just can’t seem to get the ‘skin’ on their experiments right. Results in hybrid concoctions with extremely dry, splitting skin. Must have a problem with copper ratio, can’t seem to get the collagen production right. You would know/understand more about this than I though Agape.

The lower the race of beings is on evolutionary scale ( in universal measures ) more probably results of such experimentation prove disasterous.

I think i refer now to the malevolent part of 'greys' who are terrorizing America it seems to me ..

***This is an interesting comment. Why do you think their immune levels are low? I ponder if there is a connection to their iron and copper levels, especially since those of certain lineages have a higher than normal connection to super-natural phenomenon and abilities.

Because, lets say there are certain rare lineages of pure descent who had inhabited this planet since long time ago, and survived many following cataclysms and surprisingly preserved certain genotype, it means, they did not develop as many adaptive functions and did not mix so freely with others who did ( develop more adaptive mechanisms ).
These do certainly include difference in absorbtion of various earthly elements , different mechanisms of protein and enzyme synthesis, abilility to absorb more subtle forms of energy and feed on them,
natural longevity , self-recovery processes in tissues , function of certain brain centers disfunctional in others etc etc.

Going very deep to it you'd classify these genotypes as differently functioning organisms.

***The material weaves it’s energies into the energy structure already there. This is connected to the comments I made about the energy levels of certain genes increasing, sometimes when certain genes or gene sequences hold too much energy in the physical the result is dis-ease. Same can be applied to the shaving of energies off genes through the cloning process.

I see. In common human organism there's lots of waste material accumulated even on cellular levels, yes. Some of it getting repeatedly reabsorbed and binding various unwanted elements it causes various ailments in general.
The same waste material may inhibit intelligent sequencing taking place as well.

The third is something that happens rarely and may result either in total crash or on the other hand, in real hybrid organism, with unique qualities of its own.

***I imagine in the latter comment that the spiritual DNA was in resonance with the physical DNA. If the foundation pattern isn’t available within the spiritual blueprint then there would be nothing to draw from and build upon.

No, if i may correct you here with help of some common terms, it's rather as when the original blueprint of one and the other race decide to dissolve itself and 'merry together', creating original hybrid pattern. It's their 'right' and you can't basically force them to do so even on such level.

***In essence what you are saying is that creating hybrids isn’t as easy as 1-2-3. One needs an amalgam something that bridges the species barrier so the receiving immune system doesn’t see the additional genetic material as an alien invader. Hence why bat or reptile genetic material is added to certain chimeric experiments.

Adding another genetic material just so to increase receptivity towards other intelligent information is kind of very dirty method, and certainly not the easiest one to use either ( from my point of view ).

And hence their need for the hybrids. They would need a physical form that conforms to(and is able to hold) their intelligence but also one that is acclimatized to the planet they plan on living on. Supra Human Beings.

This seems to be the general believe. It may not apply to all of the ETI and their intentions though. Can't confirm or deny existence of such an mass plan . They are trying to accelerate our evolution and create 'emissaries' able to communicate some knowledge and prepare mankind for future open contact. The Supra Humans are more human invention.

I imagine the ‘bridges’ need to be created as conduits of communication between the upper and lower levels. I have heard there are many OPI of this level who are in communication with OPI in higher levels and through these communications Treaties are created and formalized. In an extended way, the ‘bridges’ are a necessity for the future of humanity. The right Treaties can help guard against other OPI who do not have Humanity's best interests at heart.

Certainly, goes well with my opinion..Regarding the Treaties between different OPI as far as i know, these are sorted fairly between themselves . May say on very equal platform with respect to their nature and involvment here. Those of really benevolent character are far from willing to be part of any war or lobby whatsoever. They may protect individuals, groups , nations or even all of this planet provided there're no treaties signed with the deceptive forces . If so they can do very little to pull people out of the trouble.

Lets hope for the better thing, people should be informed and keep their minds working..

Have a good day

Last edited by Agape; 05-03-2009 at 08:18 PM.
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Old 05-03-2009, 05:40 PM   #1274
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by She-Ra View Post
Hello Watchers ,

In TheWatcher's (Barry) absence would you consider continuing his interesting information in regards to 'the 5' and perhaps reply to the questions on page 35 that were not answered due to the interruption that followed?

That can be checked and if possible, resume at that point
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Old 05-03-2009, 05:42 PM   #1275
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
I think I'm about to break one of my own rules here. lol.

Usually, I seperate my spritual experiences from my paranormal experiences. I speak of some of my paranormal, but my spiritual experiences I usually keep to myself.
I used to think that I've never had experiences with ET's. Just military, from Milabs and such. But lately, I've been studying and am finding little loop holes. lol
I'm not sure exactly what is meant by OPI here. Is it a general term for benevolent Et's?

While searching my spirituality in my 20's. I have had contact/experiences with beings that at the time I would have called angels.
But in reading about these benevolent Et's, I'm finding some simularities.
I searched about the Tall Whites. Which I am not entirely sure that is the race/faction of beings I have seen, from what is described by Hall of the beings he met while on base in Nevada.
Though I'm still not sure, What I've read about the Nordics, may be somewhat simular.
Though not all of the beings I've seen have white hair. Some were dark blond, some were brown haired.
But all had qualities that I would relate to being heavenly angels. !. being the undescribable feeling of love that I felt emanating from them. 2. their patience and caring for everything they view, and have mastery over. 3. their mental abilities/psychic abilities. They've no need of weapons, just a thought would bring about destruction or miracles.

But anyway, my questions in a long round about way, would be. Is it possible that perhaps what we thought were religious experiences could actually have been ET experiences?
Great care must be undertaken here as a very fine line can be drawn between the two types of experiences
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