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Old 02-25-2009, 11:38 PM   #926
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1977 and 1978 were both extremely busy years for us research wise. It was mostly a 24 hour thing for Andy and myself, well, moreso myself as Andy was tied up with a job in London daytimes.
We had a very good closely linked liaison with the authorities in our designated area. Forming links with Police, the media, Universities, Coastguards and the like. Reports came directly to us instantly. We were both very high profile, mag and newspaper articles galore, mentioned in books, research journals etc. In '78 I even had a film crew from Australia filming a 30 minute segment for some program or other. I had phone calls from radio stations worldwide wanting interviews. It was a very busy time. It was also during this period that I became directly involved with UK/US government and Military factions. A number of meetings were attended. These involved a sort of incentive to assist them, they dangled carrots in my face and I allowed the meetings to let them think I was their boy. It was during these that I was first given access to my files, well, some of them, as many were clipped together denying access. But enough to see what had gone on with my life since childbirth. Some heavy stuff, some things that angered me, some that shook me to the core. Other files were shown in other meetings. I would be sat at a desk in a small office, sat at another desk would be a suit, casually watching over me as i read the files. The lighting was arranged so that it was around me, i knew damn well there was a camera filming from the window. I was not supposed to know of course but the way the lighting was configured it did not take Sherlock Holmes to work out why. These were files of photo's in B/W and Color, taken globally, by civilians and Military. Some gun camera shots too. A number of films were shown, color and B/W, civilian and Military.Some began but had a 'restricted' bar come across the screen then it would end.A great deal of other material was given me to digest, on numerous topics. May try and relate this another time.
It was during 1977 and 1978 that I was one of the main sources of materials for the media. I had extensive libraries of photo's and film covering the Ufo subject. Regularly I would be approached by TV companies wanting material for a programme or doc,. same for books, magazines and newspapers. We featured in conferences, etc, etc, it was damn hectic but fun. Sometimes running a full 18 hours before I'd get a chance to sit down and rest, then at 3am the phone would go, some officer reporting something LOL.

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Old 02-26-2009, 12:19 AM   #927
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Enter January 1979, now this is where things go into the twilight zone bigtime!! And this is where a strange coincidence takes place. James mentioned a facility in Ashburton South Devon. It is here I spent a week with a girlfriend and cannot to this day account for a lot of the time there.


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Old 02-27-2009, 04:49 PM   #928
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Nope, not James
There are other Wolves whom have been around much longer


(responding to your other questions shortly)
Dr Michael Wolff Kruvant?
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Old 02-27-2009, 06:43 PM   #929
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Dr Michael Wolff Kruvant?
Yes, but also perhaps much closer to home perhaps

Warmest regards

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Old 02-27-2009, 07:01 PM   #930
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Yes, but also perhaps much closer to home perhaps

Warmest regards


Yourself? .....

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Old 02-27-2009, 10:06 PM   #931
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Old 03-01-2009, 10:07 AM   #932
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There are other Wolves whom have been around much longer

Barry, you're Advanced in Soul but a Young One at Heart

All the Best my Friend,
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Old 03-01-2009, 04:30 PM   #933
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Barry, you're Advanced in Soul but a Young One at Heart

All the Best my Friend,

heHeHe, thankyou

Warmest regards Ara, glad to see you back

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Old 03-01-2009, 04:51 PM   #934
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Enter January 1979, now this is where things go into the twilight zone bigtime!! And this is where a strange coincidence takes place. James mentioned a facility in Ashburton South Devon. It is here I spent a week with a girlfriend and cannot to this day account for a lot of the time there.

up until James mentioned that he received Intel from a contact of his (unverified by me) last year about a facility of some kind situated in Ashburton South Devon, I never gave this January 1979 event too much thought. Now I'm trying to piece together data regarding this which is coupled to another strange set of circumstances in which I was to be placed in contact with the very woman whom was my girlfriend in January of '79. Further strangeness is that she works now for GCHQ Cheltenham. Curiouser and curiouser I think.
Looking back, with several blank areas, I seem to now have suspicians as to exactly why i felt it of paramount importance to travel to Devon at short notice, to actually take out a bank loan for the trip, (what sort of expenses was I supposed to be facing? in order to go to the trouble of getting a loan from the bank?). Something occurred during that time but it eludes me.And just as strange I finished with that girlfriend two months later and by a weird set of circumstances married a woman in the Cotswolds whom had deep dark secrets of her own. As silly and strange as this may sound I'm convinced this was a setup, a marriage convenient for certain parties that tried to totally control my life from that time on.

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Old 03-01-2009, 08:00 PM   #935
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Off track for a moment, these you might find interesting


http://prufospolicedatabase.co.uk/3.html (Re my Hainault report)

Warmest regards

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Old 03-02-2009, 02:14 AM   #936
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As I moved into my new home in the small Cotswolds village in March of 1979 my whole life changed. Although losing most of my contacts initially I soon re-established these links. During the first 6 months of moving in I received literally hundreds of visitors. Ranging from local and not so local ufo investigators/researchers, the media got wind of my new address, plus assorted Military and Intel types, British and American. I even received a request from the then nearby RAF Kemble to give a talk to RAF aircrews on the topic of Ufos. West Country researchers from not so far away Warminster descended upon my home at all hours. I was kept on my toes by this as you can imagine. An interview with BBC Bristol was also arranged. Gossip in small villages we all know about and here was no exception. Who was this young whippersnapper from London who has moved here? He gets so many people calling at his home including Military, what gives? LOL LOL. Also, on a downside, I soon became aware of many strange, often terrifying things happening in this house, paranormal events. Lucky for me I was somewhat used to strange things so these did not faze me too much, even when I was shoved down the stairs by unseen hands whilst in the house alone. In May Andy and his then girlfriend called at my home to pass me copies of our first edition of our glossy magazine "Strange Phenomena". A research mag put together by its 3 founders, myself, Andy Collins and parapsychologist Graham Phillips. Published from our HQ (Grahams home) in Wolverhampton. Months later we published issue 2, after that we lost financial backing and issue 3 never saw the light of day. I tried to explain discreetly to Andy during this brief visit of all the weird stuff going down. He sensed much but could do little. I kept a record of events and posted a letter to Norman Oliver in London, asking him to keep these confidential, I simply wanted someone to know what was happening. Also during this time period, as this will have a direct bearing on later events. My then wife was watching TV one evening, I was busy checking some paperwork. She called over to me to look at the TV screen saying something to the effect of "Look, Dr Jolly, thats my doctor". I looked up and at the TV to see some guys picture and his name underneath. Was not paying too much attention but later it fitted in with things. She had pointed out as being her doctor Dr Louis West. Months later I found out whom he was and what he was famous for.

To be continued..................


Last edited by THEWATCHER; 03-06-2009 at 10:48 PM.
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Old 03-02-2009, 10:15 PM   #937
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July 1979, uniforms and suits called one day, the enforced 'offer' of an interesting position within a facility was made to me. The signing of the OSA and American Security Oaths............very dark days ahead.

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Old 03-04-2009, 12:22 AM   #938
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The next part of the timeline, August 1979 to January 1980, my first stint at the Peasemore facility will not be detailed here and now, but separately, later. I will briefly detail events from January 1980 to November 1980 when I was recalled into the facility. Again, November 1980 to January/February 1981, my seconf stint, will also not be detailed here yet.


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Old 03-04-2009, 01:28 PM   #939
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Thanks so much for sharing this information with us all Barry. The cross-over between your and James' information is a real validator of the truth you both speak. It is like you started the race and have handed the baton to James but are just getting ready for the next lap when the baton will be passed back and vice versa! I was blown away when I read The Voice Files this summer and applaud your bravery. Your name will live on forever in the annals of human freedom and empowerment

Yours with much gratitude
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Old 03-04-2009, 02:01 PM   #940
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Just a thought everyone: despite all the great evidence coming to light from brave researchers like Barry and James etc it still seems to me that the masses are so absorbed in sport, mindless soaps, the cult of celebrity, gratuitous vioence in movies and video games and a dog eat dog attitude and junk food pleasure centred reality that there will never be an awakening, at least not for a long time. I suppose I've just got frustrated over the last 12 years that virtually no-one will listen to the information I've come across and just don't buy the conspiracy claiming that if it was true it would be in the mainstream media and that it is 'human nature' to kill and do evil and this will never change. These can be quite difficult arguments to overcome, especially with people who blindly accept the status quo. It appears to me that the powers that be have it all wrapped up. The vast majority of people blindly accepted 14 million CCTV cameras in the UK and I don't think most people would refuse microchips either if it meant they didn't have to carry a wallet around. It is frustrating that the truth is still so fringe and that truly open souls are restricted to forums like this and don't have a bigger platform. I will always hope but the vast majority already seem to be mind-contolled lemmings. Anyway rant over! Thoughts anyone??
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Old 03-04-2009, 05:53 PM   #941
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Originally Posted by Rory View Post
Thanks so much for sharing this information with us all Barry. The cross-over between your and James' information is a real validator of the truth you both speak. It is like you started the race and have handed the baton to James but are just getting ready for the next lap when the baton will be passed back and vice versa! I was blown away when I read The Voice Files this summer and applaud your bravery. Your name will live on forever in the annals of human freedom and empowerment

Yours with much gratitude

Thankyou Rory for those very kind words, yes you could say myself and James are travelling along parallel tracks. The truth will out, and it belongs to everyone

Warmest regards

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Old 03-04-2009, 08:41 PM   #942
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Originally Posted by Rory View Post
Just a thought everyone: despite all the great evidence coming to light from brave researchers like Barry and James etc it still seems to me that the masses are so absorbed in sport, mindless soaps, the cult of celebrity, gratuitous vioence in movies and video games and a dog eat dog attitude and junk food pleasure centred reality that there will never be an awakening, at least not for a long time. I suppose I've just got frustrated over the last 12 years that virtually no-one will listen to the information I've come across and just don't buy the conspiracy claiming that if it was true it would be in the mainstream media and that it is 'human nature' to kill and do evil and this will never change. These can be quite difficult arguments to overcome, especially with people who blindly accept the status quo. It appears to me that the powers that be have it all wrapped up. The vast majority of people blindly accepted 14 million CCTV cameras in the UK and I don't think most people would refuse microchips either if it meant they didn't have to carry a wallet around. It is frustrating that the truth is still so fringe and that truly open souls are restricted to forums like this and don't have a bigger platform. I will always hope but the vast majority already seem to be mind-contolled lemmings. Anyway rant over! Thoughts anyone??
Hi Rory well said i feel the sheeple have missed the boat so to speak and i can't really see how their tranformation will come now.
My journey has been a long one as so many on Avalon this has not been a sudden awaken it's been a long continuous trek and a blasted hard one at that.
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Old 03-04-2009, 10:24 PM   #943
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As far as I'm concerned the doors to witheld secrets is opening wider by the day, I certainly have my shoulder against it closing


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Old 03-05-2009, 12:36 AM   #944
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The next part of the timeline, August 1979 to January 1980, my first stint at the Peasemore facility will not be detailed here and now, but separately, later. I will briefly detail events from January 1980 to November 1980 when I was recalled into the facility. Again, November 1980 to January/February 1981, my seconf stint, will also not be detailed here yet.


The controllers at the facility did a great job in trying to mess my body and mind as they released me in January of 1980. I'd become too much of a liability to them. This followed two weeks after my wife tried to kill me, whilst in a frenzied psycho state. Somehow word was put out by someone to my parents and family in Dagenham that I was in a very bad way. I'm told two car loads of relatives drove all the way to the Cotswolds and brought me and my belongings back to my parents home. Here I was to receive care and treatment away from a deranged wife and work which although my family knew little ab out they soon put two and two together. I was totally messed up, not knowing who I was, zonked out and lethargic, my parents were worried so much they called in professionals to check me out. I was diagnosed with severe stress, in fact PTSD, my doctors notes stated I had undergone severe trauma physically and psychologically. It took months to regain any level of normality.

By early May I felt sufficiently strong enough to contact some people about my situation. On May 9th a meeting was set up with a UK politician whom had many connections and not a little clout within politics. He was to hear everything I could detail about the past 10 months. On the way to this meeting I suddenly collapsed, I was in London already, within few miles of the meeting location. I was rushed to ST.Barts hospital. When I came round I was surrounded by medical staff whom stated I had suffered a massive heart attack and that I was very lucky to be alive. The left side of my chest was puffed up and this caused concern. I received treatment for this locally. In fact I have suffered with Angina ever since and had one or two mild strokes. Continuing to slowly recover at my parents home I was contacted by one of the local newspapers, they got wind of my return to Dagenham.

They were interested in the hotline i set up back in 1977 and wanted to know if it was still in operation. Briefly stating that from early last year it was manned by parents and had few calls anyway, it was virtually closed. They found this of sufficient interest to write a small article in their newspaper. Not long after that I got a call from the BBC, they were very keen on an interview with me. My interview appeared on their daily news programme "Nationwide", my interviewer was that lovely lady Sue Lawley.

I became a bit of a celebrity the day after this aired on TV around my area, being stopped in the street, in shops etc, by people saying "saw you on the TV last night" LOL. I settled down again to peace and calm, that is until I was rushed back into the facility in early November. Evidently my plans of talking with someone in May, the TV interview and newspaper article just recently, they were taking no further chances. Get me back in where they could control me and my mouth. Very strict control.

Last edited by THEWATCHER; 03-05-2009 at 12:46 AM.
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Old 03-05-2009, 09:29 AM   #945
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Indeed Jacqui the spiritual path is one fraught with challenges but the rewards are wonderful. Let's hope that more information comes out and more people have a chance to awake from their slumber
Barry - I remember at the end of The Voice Files you were told that you weren't allowed to release anymore information so had to stop posting in that forum. I presume you have now got the go ahead to start revealing information again? Your heart attack in London was clearly triggered deliberately by one of your implants to stop you attending that meeting. Thank God you are still with us after such a trauma - these people are brutal. I've heard that because they are fire-fighting now that they don't have the same manpower to monitor everyone so more stuff is thus leaking out?
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Old 03-05-2009, 10:00 PM   #946
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Originally Posted by Rory View Post
Indeed Jacqui the spiritual path is one fraught with challenges but the rewards are wonderful. Let's hope that more information comes out and more people have a chance to awake from their slumber
Barry - I remember at the end of The Voice Files you were told that you weren't allowed to release anymore information so had to stop posting in that forum. I presume you have now got the go ahead to start revealing information again? Your heart attack in London was clearly triggered deliberately by one of your implants to stop you attending that meeting. Thank God you are still with us after such a trauma - these people are brutal. I've heard that because they are fire-fighting now that they don't have the same manpower to monitor everyone so more stuff is thus leaking out?
Certain green lights went up so data being presented whilst they remain green. True, its difficult keeping tabs on many small fry individuals so whilst the cats away

Warmest regards

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Old 03-06-2009, 01:44 PM   #947
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When you say 'green flag' do you mean from the rebel faction inside the intelligence community who want the truth to come out or the government itself? I notice that James has also posted stuff which he said the UK/US government have allowed to be made public. I just thought I'd ask as many people would be sceptical of any information the government would be willing to release as many feel the government is corrupt and responsible for the conspiracy and pulling the wool over people eyes. Thx Barry
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Old 03-06-2009, 07:05 PM   #948
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Originally Posted by Rory View Post
When you say 'green flag' do you mean from the rebel faction inside the intelligence community who want the truth to come out or the government itself? I notice that James has also posted stuff which he said the UK/US government have allowed to be made public. I just thought I'd ask as many people would be sceptical of any information the government would be willing to release as many feel the government is corrupt and responsible for the conspiracy and pulling the wool over people eyes. Thx Barry

The faction within Intel circles I am working with that desire an end to the secrecy and the massive amounts of money being used in black programs that could in effect end sickness and poverty


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Old 03-09-2009, 09:37 AM   #949
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The faction within Intel circles I am working with that desire an end to the secrecy and the massive amounts of money being used in black programs that could in effect end sickness and poverty


Yes it always amazes me how expensive everything is these days and often wondered where all the money goes cos we certainly don't see it in improvements to social services! I often say that you get charged to breathe now in London. Let's hope you and your friend's brave efforts pay off. It is a disgrace that they have access to free energy and healing technology that could put an end to poverty and sickness. May the truth prevail
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Old 03-10-2009, 08:42 PM   #950
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
The controllers at the facility did a great job in trying to mess my body and mind as they released me in January of 1980. I'd become too much of a liability to them. This followed two weeks after my wife tried to kill me, whilst in a frenzied psycho state. Somehow word was put out by someone to my parents and family in Dagenham that I was in a very bad way. I'm told two car loads of relatives drove all the way to the Cotswolds and brought me and my belongings back to my parents home. Here I was to receive care and treatment away from a deranged wife and work which although my family knew little ab out they soon put two and two together. I was totally messed up, not knowing who I was, zonked out and lethargic, my parents were worried so much they called in professionals to check me out. I was diagnosed with severe stress, in fact PTSD, my doctors notes stated I had undergone severe trauma physically and psychologically. It took months to regain any level of normality.

By early May I felt sufficiently strong enough to contact some people about my situation. On May 9th a meeting was set up with a UK politician whom had many connections and not a little clout within politics. He was to hear everything I could detail about the past 10 months. On the way to this meeting I suddenly collapsed, I was in London already, within few miles of the meeting location. I was rushed to ST.Barts hospital. When I came round I was surrounded by medical staff whom stated I had suffered a massive heart attack and that I was very lucky to be alive. The left side of my chest was puffed up and this caused concern. I received treatment for this locally. In fact I have suffered with Angina ever since and had one or two mild strokes. Continuing to slowly recover at my parents home I was contacted by one of the local newspapers, they got wind of my return to Dagenham.

They were interested in the hotline i set up back in 1977 and wanted to know if it was still in operation. Briefly stating that from early last year it was manned by parents and had few calls anyway, it was virtually closed. They found this of sufficient interest to write a small article in their newspaper. Not long after that I got a call from the BBC, they were very keen on an interview with me. My interview appeared on their daily news programme "Nationwide", my interviewer was that lovely lady Sue Lawley.

I became a bit of a celebrity the day after this aired on TV around my area, being stopped in the street, in shops etc, by people saying "saw you on the TV last night" LOL. I settled down again to peace and calm, that is until I was rushed back into the facility in early November. Evidently my plans of talking with someone in May, the TV interview and newspaper article just recently, they were taking no further chances. Get me back in where they could control me and my mouth. Very strict control.

Hi Barry I hope you are well

It would seem that they have always had your number so to speak, even from a young age.

Did they ever tell you why?
Do you know why?

Kind Regards
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