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Old 02-09-2009, 06:30 PM   #876
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Barry if these individuals that carry these artifacts do not know that they have them implanted in ones self, can they be activated by military etc to be used when the time is right?
Would that individual be aware that they were conversing with others whom are alike and would they know what they would be doing at the time of there calling shall i put it in those terms.

Would they have been put through a re run so to speak, either in dream state or an actual program, or would they simply take on that ability when called upon.
Hi Jacqui, the artefacts are not implanted, they are stored in certain secure locations. The Military cannot activate them which causes them some consternation and frustration. Thats why they try and locate and grab the individual along with the artefact anytime before the DNA link takes place. Those individuals yes can converse with like individuals, without needing external methods of communication. They are linked by minds and do yes know what the others are doing, their status. No drill or test would be required, the abilities/functions work. Hope that helps.

Warmest regards

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Old 02-09-2009, 08:31 PM   #877
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Thanx for that Barry, that explains things for me.
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Old 02-09-2009, 10:19 PM   #878
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Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Barry,

That helps ALOT thank you.

The DNA artefact. Is this something that lies dormant in individuals? Is activation a result of bonding/communicating with another ... with another like minded/DNA compatable person?
No, these are actual physical items that are attached physically and mentally to each individual, once connected they are activated and become one unit. One DNA can access and communicate with another DNA.

Items - meaning more than 1. Is it one per user? These are esentially tools yes? Who supplied these tools? OPI or did we create? This may sound starnge, but I had a dream back in September (I remember this specifically because it was odd) where I was in a large open, rather plain room. There was 1 desk, 1 chair with a man sittin at it. Looked old/wise. As I approached the desk I raised my arm up and there was a kind of bracelet on my wrist. I could feel it connect with my head and I was able to project something like a picture?? I dont know if it was my thoughts or what. The man said something like "good" and walked out the door behind him. And that was it Anyway, are these devices bracelets?
One artefact per individual, it has the unique DNA coding that enables linking only with that specific individual. More than tools, these are, if you like, a continuation of that individual, one needs the other to fully function. These were 'supplied' by OPI. That dream has deeper meanings and purposes but not directly related to artefacts as in this topic. It has been hinted over past few years that I do not directly identify by any way the look, description, etc, of these artefacts, for obvious reasons.

It was setup that only 5 of these individuals coming together in one location would result in unimaginable power

Can you explain the significance of 5? This number is making itself ever present to my attention over the last few months. Was 5 in this case just a suitable number to achieve the power or is it deeper than that?
I am assuming combining the abilities of these people has a similar effect to connecting up several batteries? An amplifying effect.
5 is the number required to fully implement a device in the far reaches of space that lies dormant, awaiting activation in certain specific protocols.
Waystations? I'll tell you what's ringing my bell, you can say ye or nah. I see a number of installations that lie dormant. These stations are most powerful once connected. Once connected they send out a wave throughout their vacinity/space. These stations are ancient. The scenario I am familiar with is that the stations were a type of weapon, in as much as they were designed to elimanate a certain region of space in order to 'CONTAIN' a specific lifeform. To stop the spread of a specific lifeform. Am I way off the mark here?
I am only at liberty to mention the one, main, device. It is very ancient by our timescale, but we are relatively young by Universal standardsContainment is an element of their design but not in the overtly warlike ways we as humans see weapons to be, some are purely defensive not offensive in nature.

If so can you advise what is the function of these dormant stations?

This device acts as, among other things, a power relay for the individuals on this planet during times when activation is required, such as activating the umbrella around this planet.

Also, the ones who will never know their abilities ... why were they created as such? Or are these natural abilities that can happen with a regular, unaltered birth?
More and more as the evolution continues these 'naturals' will surface, and in time will be sought out by the various nations governments
the purpose was far more superior and benign

Can you elaborate on the purpose? The fact that it wasnt used in anger is of some what relief.
The ultimate usage would be for these 5 individuals as a combined unit, utilising the device in deep space, would be to create a vast umbrella around this planet, virtually impenetrable
Impenetrable to whom/what? A physical umbrella? Or a type of mental barrier? Once the shield is up do these individuals need to forever maintain it? Has the shield activation been attempted? If so what was the outcome? Is there an urgency to get this done ... do we have a deadline?
Several specific scenarios. It can repel unwanted and aggressive visitors, it can repel another threat to this planet such as asteroids, comets and the like, major dangers. Once the umbrella has been activated the 5 have to maintain links with the deep space device for power, there would be limited power without the device. It has been used in the past yes but cannot elaborate here. Urgency would only be a reality if a threat was detected that required this action. There are no deadlines as far as I know.

Thank you for all this info. Barry!

Hope thats been of some use
Take Care
Best Regards
Best regards

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Old 02-09-2009, 10:35 PM   #879
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Hi Barry,
Have you heard of structure , sort of like a silo in the ground in China that is supposedly a ancient technology to protect the earth from asteroids?
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Old 02-09-2009, 11:31 PM   #880
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry, are you ready my friend because my question hat is on!

Ok, if these people have been retained for a length of time, who was in their place in society? I imagine they would have been 'missed', were they replaced?

If the UK Government knows they cannot control these individuals why are they releasing them back into 'free society'? I imagine the Govt wouldn't release these people back into society if they deemed them a threat.
Have they disabled the threat in these people?

So the Govt knew these people were a threat to the OPI and they wanted to control that 'threat'. Are the Govt in opposition to the OPI who realised these people could be a threat to them? Or are they working with these same OPI?

Barry, the 5 people you speak of, do they have to connect into a power source and it powers the Device you wrote of?

James wrote that they had to connect to an artifact called the Spear of Destiny and they had to draw the energy from the artifact into themselves, however in my mind I see the People connecting to a power source and then 'it' connecting and initiating the Secondary Unit.

From my point of view the 5 are the Drivers of a 'Tank'. The Tank holds all the Power but it needs the drivers to "turn the key to get the fuel pumping' and to focus it in the direction it needs to go.

So which way is correct? Maybe the both are intertwined?

Also the 'device' you are referring to, how does it create an umbrella around a planet so far away? Are there generators, artifacts or technology around or within this planet which respond to this Device and they create this energy field you refer to?

Is this Device akin to the size of an extremely compacted sun? When it is activated will there a 'new star' in the sky?

What type of energy is this field suppose to protect us from?

What about other cosmic bodies in this system, will they also be protected within this "umbrella"?

Is the Incoming energy something which effects humans or does it contain a type of radiation which has adverse effects on DNA? All DNA or specific DNA?

Can it effect the Mind-Field?

Could it effect 'implants'?

Barry the AI system, global to Off Planet Super Computer Relay system, could it be effected by this incoming energy?

I'm trying to understand what this energy can effect.

Is it an EMP Wave? If so, what generated it/them?

Is this connected to a supernova event?

According to Dan Burisch's testimony human lineage splits into the J-Rods and the Orions.

Is this Incoming energy connected to what eventually happens to the human race? How and why the human race separates into different lineages?

Think I'm done for now Barry. Hat's off!

All the Best
Damn!!, I was half way thru answering these questions when the website closed, losing everything I typed. Will restart shortly, sorry!

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Old 02-09-2009, 11:41 PM   #881
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by judykott View Post
Hi Barry,
Have you heard of structure , sort of like a silo in the ground in China that is supposedly a ancient technology to protect the earth from asteroids?
Over the years I have heard many things, seen many things, but many also have been kept from me. This is something I have no knowledge of, perhaps you could elaborate?


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Old 02-10-2009, 02:06 AM   #882
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Damn!!, I was half way thru answering these questions when the website closed, losing everything I typed. Will restart shortly, sorry!

No need to apologize.

Happens to me all the time Barry and I find it extremely frustrating.

All the Best
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Old 02-10-2009, 04:57 AM   #883
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I was born June 20 1952 USA Father German Mother Scotish Irish . I have been called weired strange and scary all my life. I just know things sometimes. When I was two I had very bad lung conjestion. My mother took me to the Dr. who thought it might be Pnemonia. I don't remember but mom says I told the Dr. that I did not have pnemonia I had an infection from smoke because they burned the field behind our house. She says I talked as good as an adult and knew words she didn't know. Example assinine. Told my dad he was assinine because he would not let me walk to the store, five blocks away by myself . I was three. They had to look the word up and had to ask me how to spell it.
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Old 02-10-2009, 06:07 AM   #884
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For years I have wanted to check my DNA. Many remarks from people about me being like a man. My son told me I was the best man he had ever known. when I ask him to explane he said I was loyal and true blue like a knight in shining armor, ready to come to the aid of anyone in distress. Also that I was not bossy or bitchy or insecure. I did go through that but he was to young at the time to remember. Then there is the two thing . when I was 12,22,32,42,and 52 I go through what I call my changling period . It last roughly four years. I have just been through one. I will call this one The Wakeup. OH YEAH! The black cloud. At the end of my 22 to 26 Changling period, I was 25 and had a black cloud come into my house and telepathicly tell me that I could be rich, popular, and all my dream would come true. I knew it was evil and opened my door and demanded that it go and it did. The only other place I have ever heard of a black cloud was reading a book about remote viewing. I have never seen an ET but have had some strange things with people I did not know . One example, See this guy everywhere I go for about three years, He would say " Hi there young lady how are you today"This would Have been 32 to 36 period. I wold say and go on. I live in a very small town 10 to 12 thousand people, so not strange at all for people to speek when you see them all the time. It got very strange when I went shopping with my mom . I checked out first went to sit on abench by the door. There he was .He spoke so I introduced myself He saiud his name was John Smith and he taught at the local Jr. collage. That is when it started getting strange. Three days later I see him talking to my boss . When he left I went out and ask my boss what he was doing there and he said he was a salesman.That his name was Tom Jones. OK I see him a few days later down town. He speaks and I ask him why he was at my job saying he wasTom Jones and he just walks away .I started keeping my camera with me and so one day I see him ,he speaks, I speak and I ask him if I can take a picture, as i am taking my camera out of my bag he grabs my wrist very hard pushes me up aganist the store front and in a very nasty way says who do you think you are bitch you'r not smarter than me, gets in his car and is gone . Never saw him again. No one at the college had ever heard of him by either name or description and all there teachers were present and accounted for. My question is could I be "ONE OF THEM" PLF or something? There is a Lot more but it would take a book, which I have thought about.
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Old 02-10-2009, 07:52 AM   #885
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The artefacts are not implanted, they are stored in certain secure locations.
they were 'supplied' by OPI
*** When were they supplied by OPI? Recent past or distant past?

Which OPI supplied them? The same Benign Ones who created them?

Who did they 'supply' them to?

Did they receive all the artifacts in one place? Or have they been gathered by 'collectors' throughout time?

Or are the artifacts still where they originally were 'supplied and stored'?

Hmmm, so these artifacts are awaiting resurrection.

***Barry, are you able to say if any of the artifacts were located in Egypt?

The Military cannot activate them
which causes them some consternation and frustration.

Thats why they try and locate and grab the individual along with the artefact
anytime before the DNA link takes place.

*** Barry why is it important to do this before the DNA linking occurs?

Are you referring to the linking between the
DNA in the person with the DNA in the artifact?

If the military have the artifacts in their possession how can the individual link to them without the military's knowledge? Can they remotely link in? DNA to DNA connection?

Stargates within the core of one's DNA can be used to connect to the DNA in the artefacts?

The threat comes from a number of individuals on the survey datalists that, when joined by their respective DNA linked artefacts, can wreak havoc towards this particular faction
Once linked physically and mentally with each respective artefact these individuals are extremely powerful.

***So is it important for the individual to physically touch the artefact and to mentally connect into it?

The artefact senses the genetic signature and energy field of the individual?
Are they tuned specifically at creation to each unique signature?

Sounds like the so called 'Ark of the Covenant' technology.

Do you know what happens when a person 'links in'? Do they experience anything particular?

Barry, are there those out there who scan people for their signature to see if 'they are one' with a corresponding artefact?

How do the military 'locate these gifted individuals'?

I imagine that with the OPI's advanced knowledge of genetics and technology, they could have placed biological material of their own kind within artifacts and linked them to the humans who also carry this genetic material.

Excuse me for stating the obvious here, but if there are so many people who are 'gifted' as you say, and there is one artefact per person then there must be crates of these artefacts.

What happens as more "naturals" evolve? Will they also require an artefact? Will more be supplied?

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 02-12-2009 at 07:11 AM.
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Old 02-10-2009, 10:25 AM   #886
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Good morning Barry

Thank you again for your time - as usual your answers conjure more questions

First, lets get that dream out of the way. I asked this morning and this is what I got - This is the moment I believe I connected/realised that the world we see isnt the world we COULD see. This was around the start of my journey.

One artefact per individual, it has the unique DNA coding that enables linking only with that specific individual. More than tools, these are, if you like, a continuation of that individual, one needs the other to fully function

So what came first - the artefact or the connecting individual? Both at the same time? If both are part of the same entity how are they created seperatley? How seperate are we talking here - say if someone was born in the US could their matching artefact be in say Russia or even further? (SPACE??)

Artefact collection. The power involved here if the individual and the artefact are connected must be immense. Do the military collect the artefacts or individuals to use them or to protect them from being collected by the OPI? How do they locate the artefact or individuals? They obviously have the advantage of resources compared to the individual I suppose.

Clones - Since a clone is identical to its blueprint, can the Military/OPI use a clone of an individual to use along with the artefact if the original was less than willing?

Who has an artefact - no names and numbers - you mentioned that people can go their entire lives without knowing their potential. Plus if it only requires 5 people out of the 6.5 billion on Earth Im guessing these are very rare and gifted individuals?
If they are aware they have an artefact match somewhere, can they link with it remotely, even just to find its location?

Waystations? I'll tell you what's ringing my bell, you can say ye or nah. I see a number of installations that lie dormant. These stations are most powerful once connected. Once connected they send out a wave throughout their vacinity/space. These stations are ancient. The scenario I am familiar with is that the stations were a type of weapon, in as much as they were designed to elimanate a certain region of space in order to 'CONTAIN' a specific lifeform. To stop the spread of a specific lifeform. Am I way off the mark here?
I am only at liberty to mention the one, main, device. It is very ancient by our timescale, but we are relatively young by Universal standardsContainment is an element of their design but not in the overtly warlike ways we as humans see weapons to be, some are purely defensive not offensive in nature.

The device I was describing IS indeed a form of defense, in a strange sort of way This info. is out there in bits and pieces and in full view for all to see. Very mainstream to certain generations. Is this done on purpose? The more dots I join, the more it feels like preperation/training and I am sure I am not alone in thinking this. (Not training me specifically for a task, just training so we are familiar with a subject when it is publicly revealed in future.)

It has been used in the past yes but cannot elaborate here.

Used by us I wonder ... perhaps a test run?
Could this unberella be used to contain an atmosphere?

Thats all I have, for now ....
Best Regards

Last edited by iainl140285; 02-10-2009 at 02:21 PM.
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Old 02-10-2009, 02:57 PM   #887
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi Jacqui, the artefacts are not implanted, they are stored in certain secure locations. The Military cannot activate them which causes them some consternation and frustration. Thats why they try and locate and grab the individual along with the artefact anytime before the DNA link takes place. Those individuals yes can converse with like individuals, without needing external methods of communication. They are linked by minds and do yes know what the others are doing, their status. No drill or test would be required, the abilities/functions work. Hope that helps.

Warmest regards

I believe that Delta Force may have copied the metal from the spear and implanted small peices of this metal into my joints. Basically for increased magnetic attraction and absorbing of Qi ( Chi ) energy into my body.

I was in contact with a couple of Chi healers recently and one told me the following-

I have two implants on the back of my head that connect to a wire that runs down my spine in a spiral. My ribcage is 'fused' together with some kind of exotic metal. I also found out I have small pieces of metal in all my joints which connect with tiny wires. I have some kind of 'weave' in my skin that connects around my body like a spiders web ( again implants connected to tiny wires ). Many tiny objects are around my throat ( which feel like crystals or pieces of glass that 'crunch' together is I touch or squeeze them. These fell very umcomfortable and unatural. So much so if I watch TV I always fiddle with them.
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Old 02-10-2009, 03:09 PM   #888
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On a side note- be very careful about the EM and bio-electrical energy coming from screens of computers and TV's and attaching to the third eye chakra

Use magnets and other methods like Tai-Chi/Chi Gung to stop this

Good products at this website

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Old 02-11-2009, 08:51 PM   #889
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Something to occupy the space whilst I'm away...........


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Old 02-12-2009, 01:11 AM   #890
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Barry, in Jon King's Cosmic Top Secret book he mentions that 'captured' Extra terrestrials are required for participation in hybridization, clone-production and eugenics.

I imagine genetic samples are taken from these 'captured' ETs and are used in these processes?

What type of Extra-terrestrials were captured?

The captured OPI, are they helpers of mankind? Have any of the Begin ones been captured?

Are other OPI intelligences aware of these captured ETs?

Have other OPI tried to extract their captured counterparts?

I imagine the technology exists and is being implemented to prevent the captured ETs from being removed from 'containment'?

Is this one of the reasons there are disputes? The OPI want their people back?

Barry the Benign (b9) Race who have a connection to humans, are you referring to the Ancient of Ancient Ones who used their DNA as a basis for the human prototype?

If so, I imagine those ancient genes have been passed along generationally amongst human lineages?

And I imagine there are those who watch and monitor where within the lineages those genes are passed?

According to Dan Burisch this Solar System is crossing through a Region of Space (Ni.Bi.Ru or Sh'ar) containing a Higher level of energy. This has an effect on Humans as well as on the planets within this system (solar system warming) as we assimilate this higher energy into our Being. (excitation of base molecules )

I imagine this means children born during this crossing time have a higher chance of carrying the genes (and therefore the energy) active from birth?
I understand it also means their base energy will automatically be a higher level than people born pre-crossing. That is if those people weren't altered to have extra 'folds' within them to contain and hold that higher energy? (capacitance comes to mind).

No wonder the children being born now have so much energy and a stronger mind-set to boot. It strengthens their mental abilities.
More energy means 'longer reaching' connections too.

Is this the reason certain OPI fear these people? Because this higher base energy allows them to connect into it and channel it to build stronger mental firewalls?

Stronger mental firewalls mean less "influence"?

Referring back to captured ETs and Aliens, I've heard a Being of Reptilian Lineage is contained, his DNA extracted and used in hybridization procedures. Has this information been made aware to you?

I imagine if a reptilian Being is contained then cloning and programming the cloned reptilian (same can be said for any type of Being which has been cloned and implanted) forms is also occurring. Could be why some of the Reptilians have their own Mind and others seem to be 'hived'? Once again, this could also be said of many types of Beings, Zeta, Greys. Pleiads, Nordics. Reptilians etc.

One is the real deal the others are either the programmed clones or the real deal who have been captured and re-programmed/implanted by 'Other'?

Hope these questions are ok and heading in the right direction.

As they say, sometimes the questions are just as important as the answers.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 02-13-2009 at 02:02 AM.
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Old 02-12-2009, 10:40 PM   #891
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Wow, It looks I have quite a bit of catching up to do here LOL. Please be patient, catching up as soon as I can

Warmest regards

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Old 02-13-2009, 01:37 AM   #892
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Also the 'device' you are referring to, how does it create an umbrella around a planet so far away? Are there generators, artifacts or technology around or within this planet which respond to this Device and they create this energy field you refer to?

Is this Device akin to the size of an extremely compacted sun? When it is activated will there a 'new star' in the sky?

What type of energy is this field suppose to protect us from?

What about other cosmic bodies in this system, will they also be protected within this "umbrella"?

Is the Incoming energy something which effects humans or does it contain a type of radiation which has adverse effects on DNA? All DNA or specific DNA?

Can it effect the Mind-Field?

Could it effect 'implants'?

Barry the AI system, global to Off Planet Super Computer Relay system, could it be effected by this incoming energy?

I'm trying to understand what this energy can effect.

Is it an EMP Wave? If so, what generated it/them?

Is this connected to a supernova event?
My apologies Barry, I should have pre-empted these questions with some other information floating around the thoughtsphere at present.

As I am sure you are aware, there is a meme floating around regarding an incoming wave of energy. No one really seems to be able to adequately define what type of energy this wave is.

Some mention a Gravity Wave, some a Time Wave, some a HyperKinetic Wave (Hyper-emotional) , some a Wave generated by a supernovae event.
It's possibly all of the above intertwined. Then there are the associated cosmic bodies (both Natural and Unnatural) towed/towing along for the free 'ride'.

My questions above in the quoted area are directed towards this reported/prophetical?) Incoming Wave and whether the Device you've mentioned is suppose to create a Barrier/Shield to prevent both the Incoming energies and/or the reported tag-along Bodies the Cyclical Wave Phenomenon brings with it.

Hope that clears things up a bit.

Also, if there are 5 people with their fingers on the pulse of something with so much 'power' why would that be made public?

Personally I feel those people would have more of a chance at succeeding if there wasn't public attention brought upon them. Not to mention every Tom, Dick and Harry coming out of the woodwork proclaiming themselves to be one of the five. This reminds me of the Sleeper must Awaken thread which ran on another forum about some reported "Destiny" woman. Many women came forward proclaiming themselves to be "Destiny".

Are the military concerned that bringing this information to the public may incite a Saviour complex? Create a Following? Surely this type of 'mission' (for want of a better term) would best be completed without recognition or credit? The same as it is with all our brothers and sisters in the world of Hidden Ops? Their missions are successful because of the secrecy.

There are only two reasons I can imagine why this has been brought out.

1: this is some type of test filter. (knowing you as a person I imagine psi-ops are the type of plays you've been fighting against so I can't see you participating in such. So strike that one. )

2: it's real and by bringing this info out into the open it is acting as a warning to others.

As you can see Barry, I'm having difficulty understanding why this information has been brought to the surface at this time. Maybe you can help to make this reasoning clearer?

All the Best
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Old 02-13-2009, 02:06 AM   #893
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Hi Ara, much to respond to above, but this I feel I must state here and now. This has not been made public at all, here at this forum is the first non controlled media this has surfaced. Simply because i believe the truth seeking individuals here need to know, not act upon, but know. Obviously this cannot find its way into mass media for obvious, stated, reasons. Also, to clear a point that might be confusing. I actually have worked within a psychological operations unit and still have active ties with them, but these days as a consultant due to my age and health conditions. So, please take it from me, no official wishes the data concerning the 5 to be widely known. Here at this small pond called Avalon there is no worry or concerns that this data will suddenly become known en masse.

Warmest regards

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Old 02-13-2009, 02:17 AM   #894
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Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi Ara, much to respond to above, but this I feel I must state here and now.

This has not been made public at all, here at this forum is the first non controlled media this has surfaced.

Simply because i believe the truth seeking individuals here need to know, not act upon, but know.

***thank you.

Obviously this cannot find its way into mass media for obvious, stated, reasons.

Also, to clear a point that might be confusing. I actually have worked within a psychological operations unit and still have active ties with them, but these days as a consultant due to my age and health conditions.

***ok. ( & I won't go there! LOL)

So, please take it from me, no official wishes the data concerning the 5 to be widely known.

Here at this small pond called Avalon there is no worry or concerns that this data will suddenly become known en masse.

Warmest regards

LOL Barry I just sent you an email. Talk about crossed timing.

Ok thank you so much for explaining the above. You've cleared my understanding. Much Appreciation.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 02-13-2009 at 02:39 AM.
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Old 02-14-2009, 12:05 PM   #895
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Barry, may I ask a simple question? ( I know you can't say too much on a public forum )

At Greenham Common in 1981, fifteen children were divided into three groups of 5

At Trapdoor in 2006 many artifacts in glass cabinets were shown

I get the feeling there are many groups of five with a linked artifact- is this correct?
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Old 02-14-2009, 06:29 PM   #896
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
Barry, may I ask a simple question? ( I know you can't say too much on a public forum )

At Greenham Common in 1981, fifteen children were divided into three groups of 5

At Trapdoor in 2006 many artifacts in glass cabinets were shown

I get the feeling there are many groups of five with a linked artifact- is this correct?
Hi James, there may well be others but there is ONLY one group of 5 that could accomplish what has been stated above. For security reasons I cannot detail the artefacts these 5 individuals have linked to them.


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Old 02-14-2009, 07:55 PM   #897
Jacqui D
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Do you know anything about the two crashed satellites?
Were they that or ufo's fired on, we know that these ufo's are being shot down at a rate of 5 a month said by James.
Do you think they have hushed up debris of ufo's by saying these were satellites.

Surely it would be a billion to one that two satellites "happen" to collide!

Have you heard anything Barry?
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Old 02-15-2009, 02:00 AM   #898
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Jacqui D View Post
Do you know anything about the two crashed satellites?
Were they that or ufo's fired on, we know that these ufo's are being shot down at a rate of 5 a month said by James.
Do you think they have hushed up debris of ufo's by saying these were satellites.

Surely it would be a billion to one that two satellites "happen" to collide!

Have you heard anything Barry?
The word being whispered in the corridors is that these were indeed two actual sats but the collision was not accidental. The whispers are continuing and will post what i glean from these whisperers.

warmest regards

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Old 02-15-2009, 03:29 AM   #899
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Hi James, there may well be others but there is ONLY one group of 5 that could accomplish what has been stated above. For security reasons I cannot detail the artefacts these 5 individuals have linked to them.

Hi Barry, are the identities of all 5 known by the group helping you to reveal information? I'm referring to the 'human' contingency assisting not OPI.

It seems the 5 are parts of the Machine itself. The 'Machine'/'Device' only works with the sum of all its parts. Very Interesting indeed.

All the Best
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Old 02-15-2009, 04:45 PM   #900
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Hi Barry, are the identities of all 5 known by the group helping you to reveal information? I'm referring to the 'human' contingency assisting not OPI.

It seems the 5 are parts of the Machine itself. The 'Machine'/'Device' only works with the sum of all its parts. Very Interesting indeed.

All the Best
Yes the identities and whereabouts are known

Warmest regards

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