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Old 11-21-2008, 12:21 AM   #526
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
Hi Karen,

Thanks for writing. Sure whistleblowers are free... but then determining who is and who isn't is another matter. We would have to take it on faith so in principle we can include an option like that...



ov 19, 2008, at 12:36 AM, Karen Eck wrote:

> Hi Bill and Kerry,
>> I have noted five or ten others have a reaction like his last sentence from Barry/The Watcher, and therefore I suggest an option that says: I am a whistleblower/witness/researcher and would like a complimentary subscription. And I will post that in those threads if you would like me to.
> http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...t=4106&page=20
> Have just read the announcement Kerry posted re next weeks change to subscription based forum. This is fine, they need funds etc, have no problem with that. But will state here its not a case of whether individuals can or cannot afford that fee, i strongly adhere to my principles that information should be freely available, i have always provided data/info freely. With that said as from next week i will not be able to continue providing information here at Avalon. My principles will not allow me to pay this fee in order to continue providing free information. Bill and Kerry might find this backfiring as whistleblowers/insiders are going to be rather reluctant coming here to assist if they have to pay a fee at the entrance!!
> Karen
> Books, Relaxation CDs, Resources for Indigo Children http://tinyurl.com/azehx
> Children of the New Earth Online http://tinyurl.com/asfgm
> PlanetLightworker Online http://tinyurl.com/7zyna
AKA Heart of Gold
Infinite Love is who we are
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LOL so, how exactly will Bill and Kerry determine if i qualify as a whistleblower LOL?, lets see if i do in any of these links............http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en...ition&ct=title






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Old 11-21-2008, 12:39 AM   #527
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Hi Barry,

Boscombe Down I see is a test centre and pilot school. Managed and run by QinetiQ - or KINETIC! Is this a reference to the type of propulsion being tested perhaps? Also, can you shed any light on the incident that occured on 26/09/1994?
Boscombe was chosen for its location and nearby areas, Porton, Salisbury plain. it has secure below ground facilities that even many of base personnel have no knowledge of. The prop syste, operating flight characteristics are highly classified
that event i believe concerned a faulty SR3 black manta which the CIA hurriedly retreived
Incredible! it would appear I've come full circle. My interest in ALL of this started with military aircraft, then secret military aircraft. Barry, do you have any info. on the SR3 that you could share? Could you also advise what psychotronic devices are?
over the years a great deal has been placed on the internet concerning this incident. Much is of course hearsay, the real incident has been classified and very little other than basics is available. CIA are not exactly on my xmas card list
you will find quite a bit on the web concerning these systems, it would save me a lengthy explanation

futures are variable, apt to change constantly of course, a limited nuke war was observed and reported upon, then filed away as reference.
It is therefore, no use in getting hung up on what remote viewers/future predictors actually see as it is only a possibility. The future is not set in stone. This question Im sure must be very complicated to answer but I'll ask anyway .. When you go forward in time I am assuming you are going there in your mind? How do you move your mind forward? Are you mentally pushing through years to reach your target or can you arrive instantly?
yes with the mind, the actual mechanics of this process is well stated on many good sites. Complicated yes thats why it might be easier getting data from sources as i'd have to rush out a less than adequate reply here due to time limits this evening

There are some basic home methods for testing both psi levels and RV abilities, from ex military/intel personnel, i'll see if i have the links still to these
I would hugely appreciate this Barry. Thank you

Barry, please read this thread http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/wales/7734138.stm
Is this familiar to you?
no, but intersted now
Looks like the time is soon eh? I see stories coming through like this more and more these days be it in the news/the net/tv. We truly are being prepared.

Anyways, I have also decided not to subscibe, this thread/Barry/other fantastic questions askers is what has kept me at Avalon.
Without the knowledge of many here I would not be where I am just now and I thank you all.
I would however, like to provide the oppertunity to a few who wish to stay at this forum but will be struggling financially to do so. This will be my little pay back. Im not sure if a list will be made by Bill/Kerry of folks but if anyone would like to PM me about this please feel free to do so.

Barry, I will be in touch
Keep well
Best Regards
Sorry for brevity, just after long day i'm pooped LOL, regards

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Old 11-21-2008, 12:46 AM   #528
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Bruce Lee View Post
I'm glad you like it, it's how I make sense out of these complex matters, thank you Barry.

I have some more questions if you don't mind:
1. How many tiers of watchers do you think exist from human to human watchers to OPI watchers up to the top of pyramid?
I have no idea i'm sorry

2. Is it possible that RV mode can be triggered unwillingly in dream state, if yes then how to differentiate between real RV and self imagined viewing in dream state?
yes it can, even a vivid dream has within it elements of non logic and a mish mash of scenes, events which make little or no sense, usually disjointed and incoherant, whereas RV has set parameters re locations and people, flowing smoothly and with logic.

Best regards.

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Old 11-21-2008, 02:22 AM   #529
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Was any type of LG technology made available to " close allies " such as Australia for exclusive use ? I have the suspicion that many government appointments are fixed in advance of 20 years or more . What do you think ?

Australia yes indeed, check remit at Pine Gap and the LG.Stargate not too far from Ayers rock

Barry isn't the stargate close to Uluru a natural vortex?

Dan Burisch stated the man-made ones piggypacked on naturally occurring Einstein-Rosen Bridges/wormholes/conduits etc.

So the bases, where the man-made technology is being housed and used, are near natural "stargates" so they can connect into them from close proximity?

They pulse the natural portals open and then jack into that energy bridge?

Another point, if the ports are being pulsed open then they can also be pulsed closed couldn't they? If the natural ports are being closed off then that energy has to go somewhere. All energy flow requires a channel so if one outlet is closed the energy I imagine will be redirected to another open port.
I imagine that would cause earthquakes, tremors at the exit ports?
I also get this feeling of destabilizing an energy system. Flip Flop goes the poles.

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 11-21-2008 at 02:29 AM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 02:35 AM   #530
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post

Barry isn't the stargate close to Uluru a natural vortex?
it is yes

Dan Burisch stated the man-made ones piggypacked on naturally occurring Einstein-Rosen Bridges/wormholes/conduits etc.

So the bases, where the man-made technology is being housed and used, are near natural "stargates" so they can connect into them from close proximity?
indeed correct

They pulse the natural portals open and then jack into that energy bridge?
yep, i see i do not need explain as you are already there, i'm impressed

Another point, if the ports are being pulsed open then they can also be pulsed closed couldn't they? If the natural ports are being closed off then that energy has to go somewhere. All energy flow requires a channel so if one outlet is closed the energy I imagine will be redirected to another open port.
I imagine that would cause earthquakes, tremors at the exit ports?
this is the case yes, and you'll put 2 and 2 together with the rather extraordinary weather conditions over past 8 years in certain regions
I also get this feeling of destabilizing an energy system. Flip Flop goes the poles.

i take my hat off to you Ara

All the Best

my warmest regards

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Old 11-21-2008, 02:38 AM   #531
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I'll wait n see if Bill or Kerry decide to respond directly to me here

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Old 11-21-2008, 03:14 AM   #532
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER


Your vortex information provided to Ara intriques me. Sedona, Az is a natural energy vortex correct? If so, do you have any information of energy arcing from these vortexes over long distances?

Regarding the flip/flop of the poles, David Icke has a youtube video explaining this scenario that I found quite interesting.
Old 11-21-2008, 03:40 AM   #533
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara

Barry isn't the stargate close to Uluru a natural vortex?
it is yes

Dan Burisch stated the man-made ones piggypacked on naturally occurring Einstein-Rosen Bridges/wormholes/conduits etc.

So the bases, where the man-made technology is being housed and used, are near natural "stargates" so they can connect into them from close proximity?

indeed correct

They pulse the natural portals open and then jack into that energy bridge?

yep, i see i do not need explain as you are already there, i'm impressed

Another point, if the ports are being pulsed open then they can also be pulsed closed couldn't they? If the natural ports are being closed off then that energy has to go somewhere. All energy flow requires a channel so if one outlet is closed the energy I imagine will be redirected to another open port.
I imagine that would cause earthquakes, tremors at the exit ports?

this is the case yes, and you'll put 2 and 2 together with the rather extraordinary weather conditions over past 8 years in certain regions

I also get this feeling of destabilizing an energy system. Flip Flop goes the poles.

i take my hat off to you Ara

All the Best

I thought there was a connection. (pardon the pun )

So a natural event is being artificially amplified to be worse than what it would have been.

Barry are they channelling that additional energy into a specific port so they can open a Bridge that will travel further than where it would have originally? Or are they channeling it so the bridge remains open longer?

I imagine if they are opening a conduit from one planet to another body in the cosmos they may need the added 'boost' to get the tunnel to it's destination point?

That is if the destination point hasn't got enough energy to send out a conduit from their end to "meet" with the incoming conduit?

Or the destination point is so far away that both ends have to use an exorbitant amount of energy to produce a conduit in-between?

Just 'how far' are these Bridges going?

If there isn't enough energy the tunnel collapses or "falls short of it's destination"?

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 11-21-2008 at 03:49 AM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 03:46 AM   #534
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by sleepingnomore View Post

Your vortex information provided to Ara intriques me. Sedona, Az is a natural energy vortex correct? If so, do you have any information of energy arcing from these vortexes over long distances?

Regarding the flip/flop of the poles, David Icke has a youtube video explaining this scenario that I found quite interesting.
Did David equate the flipping of the poles to the closing/damming of some of this planet's ports?

May I ask, the energy arcing you have referred to above, was this visible to the naked eye?

All the Best
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:32 AM   #535
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Barry are you aware of the Osiris Program?

Did they find the information regarding regeneration etc within ancient artifacts? (tablets, Manuscripts etc)

Have you heard of Howard Middleton Jones? Back a few years Howard revealed that a covert group had gone to the Great Pyramid and while there they brought a Being back to life.

Apparently Howard was part of the group who played a part in the resurrection of this Being.

If this is factual then this implies the Being's intelligence had been "stored" somewhere and was waiting for a body (in this case his own) to be re-animated/resurrected.

According to Howard there are three bodies waiting to be resurrected.

Below Notes taken from GIZA-GENESIS THE BEST KEPT SECRETS by Howard Middleton Jones & James Wilkie.

The Giza Plateau

"Deep beneath the plateau, situated among the many subterranean passage ways through out the Thura limestone, is a particular chamber.

Located within this chamber is what we call The Crystal.

This crystal is best described as a Machine which, when aligned, forms the constellation of stars as they appeared aeons ago.

This alignment of stars then takes in the light, or energy, and re-aligns it back to it's original configuration, density and frequency level."

"Etherian Warriors and the more powerful Etherian Guardians protect access to the site of the Crystal.

These Etheric Guardians are not to be confused with Etheric Watchers, although both have similar descriptions.

They are 7-8 feet tall, broad shouldered and in physical outline similar to humans, with their head size proportionate to their height.

They appear "black" or rather their substance appears to be void or empty, without eyes.

Yet they appear to be highly Light Sensitive.

Etheric Watchers in description are similar to Etherian Guardians, but they are used primarily as observers, since they are very sensitive to colors.

They have the ability to absorb colors with which they come into contact, and for which they are specifically on the lookout.

These are the colors that are emanated by the aura of humans; our feelings and emotional state emit very discernible color patterns.

Fear and aggression are their primary targeted colors.

The Watchers will attempt to dissuade people from whom these colors are presently emanating, from going forward. If these attempts fail, the colors are absorbed and filtered out, absorbed into their void, possibly sent to another dimension where they are utilized as energy.

The Guardians' responsibility is more clearly defined.

No one gets by unless they have a 'key'.

These 'keys' are generally harmonic or acoustic and unless you possess the 'key' you cannot pass the Guardians.

Back in 2000 a three team Group entered the area under the Giza Plateau.

They located the Machine...went through the steps they had been trained in to activate the Machine and after doing so a 'voice' spoke to them.

According to Howard once the machine was activated a bolt of energy relayed upwards and entered into a body located in a sarcophagus above.

The body belonged to "Joseph". He had been in a form of stasis awaiting a time when the crystal activated the energy release which also carried with it his Life Force.

Howard Continues: Mars also had a civilization which was developed by the Annunaki .( refer to Dan Burisch...the structures on Mars are from a Future when Humans move off Earth, to the moon, and then on to Mars. What we see as structures on Mars are the results of paradoxical overlays of Timelines. )
According to Howard there are three tombs beneath the Plateau containing Joseph, Osiris and Enlil. The last two are still reportedly in Stasis.

All the Best
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Old 11-21-2008, 04:58 AM   #536
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Hello Barry

I am new to the forums, but have read all of the posts in this thread. I am truly fascinated. I was wondering if you might have time to answer a few questions...

1. I believe my sister and at least some of her children have implants from the greys. (My sister recently moved across several states and the greys continue to abduct some of my sister's kids at night.) Do you have any advice on how to locate implants and how to remove them once found?

2. I have seen a picture of a jet that is apparently invisible, except for a pilot getting into the jet and some obvious markings along the ground. I have also seen a picture of some individuals fishing, one person on the left and one on the right; but, the person in the center is invisible. All that can be seen is a "floating" fishing pole. Based off of this, and from what one individual has told me, I believe the government has invisibility technology that they are using today. My father believes he was pushed off the roof of our house by someone that was invisible, while he was up there inspecting storm damage. Can you confirm or deny the existence of such technology? And, if it exists, is it being used by dark forces within the government?

3. Based off of #2 above, what are the chances that a house, road, or an entire town or base could be permanently "cloaked" without the public knowing about it?

4. If the technology in #2 exists, is there a way to detect them, or to even force them to appear?

5. I have also heard that the greys have the ability to turn invisible and can go through solid walls. Is there any way to detect them?--I have heard infrared might work. Also, is there a way to prevent them from entering a house? Is there something someone can do to scare them away?

Sorry for so many questions.

Please answer if you can.


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Old 11-21-2008, 05:28 AM   #537
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
yeah, can dig out the data and post here asap


Hello Barry... I was just wondering if you were able to track down some info on this?

Regarding the silver sheened beings.
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Old 11-21-2008, 09:38 AM   #538
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I found the video of David's talk on pole shifts and the reversal of the N/S poles. You can find this information from the 6:00 part on in the following video:

Old 11-21-2008, 09:46 AM   #539
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Did David equate the flipping of the poles to the closing/damming of some of this planet's ports?

May I ask, the energy arcing you have referred to above, was this visible to the naked eye?

All the Best

The energy coming from the Sedona vortex was something I saw during a Reiki chakra balancing. I'm extremely energy sensitive and was going through a massive increase in this sensitivity so I went for a grounding/balancing/healing session which I do frequently.

This is something I saw with my third eye, but more importantly it's something I felt. It arched like a rainbow from the votex to me. It was very powerful and directed from the vortex straight to my sacral chakra. I got the information telepathically it was from Sedona as I've never been there. I mentioned to the woman working on me who was also a Cherokee Trance Medium and she actually told me she could hear a voice coming from that chakra which I later figured out was someone I knew from the opposite side of the continent (that's another story altogether). She was quite freaked out by the experience. These experiences are getting more common for me. I know this sounds crazy but my electromagnetic field has always been screwy, I can't even wear a watch, I pop light bulbs like crazy and have other electrical disturbances happen.
Old 11-21-2008, 05:09 PM   #540
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
Sorry for brevity, just after long day i'm pooped LOL, regards

No problem Barry, your time is much appreciated

futures are variable, apt to change constantly of course, a limited nuke war was observed and reported upon, then filed away as reference.
It is therefore, no use in getting hung up on what remote viewers/future predictors actually see as it is only a possibility. The future is not set in stone. This question Im sure must be very complicated to answer but I'll ask anyway .. When you go forward in time I am assuming you are going there in your mind? How do you move your mind forward? Are you mentally pushing through years to reach your target or can you arrive instantly?
yes with the mind, the actual mechanics of this process is well stated on many good sites. Complicated yes thats why it might be easier getting data from sources as i'd have to rush out a less than adequate reply here due to time limits this evening

I was guided to this site a few days ago and have managed to download 8 hours worth of RV teaching. Its step by step and is VERY informative. Anyone seriously intrested in learning RV try here :


Please note you must dedicate time and concentration if you want this to work. Anyone can try this though

There are some basic home methods for testing both psi levels and RV abilities, from ex military/intel personnel, i'll see if i have the links still to these
I would hugely appreciate this Barry. Thank you
If you could still find these links for me that would be great.

Best Regards
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Old 11-21-2008, 05:19 PM   #541
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by sleepingnomore View Post

Your vortex information provided to Ara intriques me. Sedona, Az is a natural energy vortex correct? If so, do you have any information of energy arcing from these vortexes over long distances?

Regarding the flip/flop of the poles, David Icke has a youtube video explaining this scenario that I found quite interesting.
Sedona is a natural, check out the four corners area of US


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Old 11-21-2008, 05:23 PM   #542
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Ara View Post

I thought there was a connection. (pardon the pun )

So a natural event is being artificially amplified to be worse than what it would have been.

Barry are they channelling that additional energy into a specific port so they can open a Bridge that will travel further than where it would have originally? Or are they channeling it so the bridge remains open longer?
a continuation i suspect

I imagine if they are opening a conduit from one planet to another body in the cosmos they may need the added 'boost' to get the tunnel to it's destination point?
that can be achieved in one or two ways yes

That is if the destination point hasn't got enough energy to send out a conduit from their end to "meet" with the incoming conduit?
depends on the destination point

Or the destination point is so far away that both ends have to use an exorbitant amount of energy to produce a conduit in-between?
re above

Just 'how far' are these Bridges going?
exact data is not available to me

If there isn't enough energy the tunnel collapses or "falls short of it's destination"?
simply aborted yes

All the Best
my warmest regards

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Old 11-21-2008, 05:27 PM   #543
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Originally Posted by Ara View Post
Barry are you aware of the Osiris Program?
Now this is something James will be able to answer, certain projects/programs are being disclosed by others, including James so i have no reason to further disclose, i sit back and allow the others to do so

Did they find the information regarding regeneration etc within ancient artifacts? (tablets, Manuscripts etc)

Have you heard of Howard Middleton Jones? Back a few years Howard revealed that a covert group had gone to the Great Pyramid and while there they brought a Being back to life.
i know of it yes but again feel not necessary to comment, allowing others to do that

Apparently Howard was part of the group who played a part in the resurrection of this Being.

If this is factual then this implies the Being's intelligence had been "stored" somewhere and was waiting for a body (in this case his own) to be re-animated/resurrected.

According to Howard there are three bodies waiting to be resurrected.

According to Howard there are three tombs beneath the Plateau containing Joseph, Osiris and Enlil. The last two are still reportedly in Stasis.

All the Best
my warmest regards

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Old 11-21-2008, 05:37 PM   #544
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by kitaeren View Post
Hello Barry

I am new to the forums, but have read all of the posts in this thread. I am truly fascinated. I was wondering if you might have time to answer a few questions...
Of course, will always have time, and will answer what i can

1. I believe my sister and at least some of her children have implants from the greys. (My sister recently moved across several states and the greys continue to abduct some of my sister's kids at night.) Do you have any advice on how to locate implants and how to remove them once found?
I'm sorry to hear this, when children are involved its very distressing. Locating implants is a very difficult task in itself. The long term chips are embedded deep within the individual, surrounded by tissue as to avoid normal detection. Removal, if found, could be very difficult and painful as they tend to be located near or to nerves. Location as far as i know can only be accomplished using sophisticated equipment held by military units

2. I have seen a picture of a jet that is apparently invisible, except for a pilot getting into the jet and some obvious markings along the ground. I have also seen a picture of some individuals fishing, one person on the left and one on the right; but, the person in the center is invisible. All that can be seen is a "floating" fishing pole. Based off of this, and from what one individual has told me, I believe the government has invisibility technology that they are using today. My father believes he was pushed off the roof of our house by someone that was invisible, while he was up there inspecting storm damage. Can you confirm or deny the existence of such technology? And, if it exists, is it being used by dark forces within the government?
DARPA has been actively researching cloaking technology but the real, deeper aspects of their work is highly classified. Both UK and US have 'a' technology they showed off to the public a few years back but this was the PR version, good but not that good. I suspect the real hidden technology is far better

3. Based off of #2 above, what are the chances that a house, road, or an entire town or base could be permanently "cloaked" without the public knowing about it?
that would require a large amount of energy if large areas were concerned

4. If the technology in #2 exists, is there a way to detect them, or to even force them to appear?
not really

5. I have also heard that the greys have the ability to turn invisible and can go through solid walls. Is there any way to detect them?--I have heard infrared might work. Also, is there a way to prevent them from entering a house? Is there something someone can do to scare them away?
simple frequency alteration, no IR would not detect as it works on heat sources. Detection is exremely difficult and if we found a way of scaring them off abductions would cease

Sorry for so many questions.

Please answer if you can.


no problem at all, here to help as much as i can, my regards

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Old 11-21-2008, 05:38 PM   #545
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Christo888 View Post
Hello Barry... I was just wondering if you were able to track down some info on this?

Regarding the silver sheened beings.
insufficient time so far sorry, locating when i can


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Old 11-21-2008, 05:41 PM   #546
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
No problem Barry, your time is much appreciated

futures are variable, apt to change constantly of course, a limited nuke war was observed and reported upon, then filed away as reference.
It is therefore, no use in getting hung up on what remote viewers/future predictors actually see as it is only a possibility. The future is not set in stone. This question Im sure must be very complicated to answer but I'll ask anyway .. When you go forward in time I am assuming you are going there in your mind? How do you move your mind forward? Are you mentally pushing through years to reach your target or can you arrive instantly?
yes with the mind, the actual mechanics of this process is well stated on many good sites. Complicated yes thats why it might be easier getting data from sources as i'd have to rush out a less than adequate reply here due to time limits this evening

I was guided to this site a few days ago and have managed to download 8 hours worth of RV teaching. Its step by step and is VERY informative. Anyone seriously intrested in learning RV try here :


Please note you must dedicate time and concentration if you want this to work. Anyone can try this though

There are some basic home methods for testing both psi levels and RV abilities, from ex military/intel personnel, i'll see if i have the links still to these
I would hugely appreciate this Barry. Thank you
If you could still find these links for me that would be great.

Best Regards
As soon as i can i will track thru the files and post here, unfortunately with hundreds to go thru its taking longer than anticipated


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Old 11-21-2008, 06:13 PM   #547
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Lets see how quickly the Mods can remove this image......................

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Old 11-21-2008, 06:24 PM   #548
Sol Invictus
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Thats an evil avatar you have there THE WATCHER.

Though I am pleased that you have the eyes a correct shade of blue and not their protective eyelid black as most folks do.

Still not on my favorite images list though.

Will take a good long hard look through your info as well - I am intrigued to say the least.
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Old 11-21-2008, 07:08 PM   #549
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Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by kitaeren View Post
Hello Barry

I am new to the forums, but have read all of the posts in this thread. I am truly fascinated. I was wondering if you might have time to answer a few questions...

1. I believe my sister and at least some of her children have implants from the greys. (My sister recently moved across several states and the greys continue to abduct some of my sister's kids at night.) Do you have any advice on how to locate implants and how to remove them once found?
Maybe experiment with surrounding her and her kids in a bubble of blue saltwater,

2. I have seen a picture of a jet that is apparently invisible, except for a pilot getting into the jet and some obvious markings along the ground. I have also seen a picture of some individuals fishing, one person on the left and one on the right; but, the person in the center is invisible. All that can be seen is a "floating" fishing pole. Based off of this, and from what one individual has told me, I believe the government has invisibility technology that they are using today. My father believes he was pushed off the roof of our house by someone that was invisible, while he was up there inspecting storm damage. Can you confirm or deny the existence of such technology? And, if it exists, is it being used by dark forces within the government?
I read... Nanotechsuits were created many years ago and provides invisibility as well as increased strength by up to 20 times to the wearer. But I do not know if true, just read about it. However, black shadows... slight movement, out of your peripheral may give them away!

3. Based off of #2 above, what are the chances that a house, road, or an entire town or base could be permanently "cloaked" without the public knowing about it?
I cannot prove or verify but was with someone when this occurred and pointed out that the building is being cloaked. Also, if you are speaking of a certain area than visit your local churchs and look for 'Bells' that are similar to the shape of the 'Liberty Bell.' but that is just a guess,

4. If the technology in #2 exists, is there a way to detect them, or to even force them to appear?
Learn Tibetan overtoning to interfere with frequency patterns, you never know!

5. I have also heard that the greys have the ability to turn invisible and can go through solid walls. Is there any way to detect them?--I have heard infrared might work. Also, is there a way to prevent them from entering a house? Is there something someone can do to scare them away?
Again, try spraying masses of Saltwater from a firehose around you or at them in your mind through intention if at any time you suspect their presence, maybe just your imagination but who really knows what you are or are not imagining!

Sorry for so many questions.

Please answer if you can.



Sorry for intruding Barry just something I felt compelled to interject my 2 cents on , and may not have relavence, or actual application, but I related to these questions. I think I read about this somewhere.

Last edited by Christo888; 11-21-2008 at 07:14 PM.
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Old 11-21-2008, 07:25 PM   #550
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Cool Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

Originally Posted by Sol Invictus View Post
Thats an evil avatar you have there THE WATCHER.

Though I am pleased that you have the eyes a correct shade of blue and not their protective eyelid black as most folks do.

Still not on my favorite images list though.

Will take a good long hard look through your info as well - I am intrigued to say the least.

thankyou, some say its the real me? who can say


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