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Old 09-11-2009, 09:57 PM   #26
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
Have you guys read every post on The Watchers thread?
If so, what subjects do you feel were not covered that you would like to see members investigating further?

That must be the purpose of this new thread yes? To cover NEW, undiscussed material.


Of course, there are numerous areas The Watcher unfortunately did not finish, varying reasons for that, members are welcome to investigate any issues already covered and are encouraged to enter new issues here

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Old 09-11-2009, 10:05 PM   #27
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Hi Watcher -

I think you're unvetted because you're a limey Speaking of that, the UK is bigger than just the UK (Commonwealth).

Commonwealth of Nations: They co-operate within a framework of common values and goals as outlined in the Singapore Declaration.[1] These include the promotion of democracy, human rights, good governance, the rule of law, individual liberty, egalitarianism, free trade, multilateralism and world peace.[2]

Or not. They can also cooperate within a military framework, e.g. NATO and diplomats and/or private partners.

Legislation and Accountability

SIS, like the other British intelligence and security agencies, is subject to Parliamentary, Ministerial, judicial and financial oversight. Oversight is based on two key pieces of UK legislation, the Intelligence Services Act 1994 (ISA) and the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA).

My question: What is the 8 Group? (You mentioned it's a rogue group?)

My question: The intelligence community in the UK seems to act as private contractors to the monarchy. Could you clarify its role and/or loyalties?
Without going into unnecessary detail DI8 is a group of Intelligence officers whom became disgruntled with the ever increasing security, the lies, the cover ups, the assasination of characters within certain fields of research and investigation outside of government. There are similar groups and individuals within the US intelligence community assisting private citizens. By rogue it simply means we are not sanctioned by our varying departments as bosses tend to turn a blind eye to these unofficial disclosures. They would like to see active official disclosure within the United Kingdom but this might be a pipe dream.
Your second question, loyalties are to the crown

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Old 09-12-2009, 06:52 AM   #28
Kari Lynn
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
So you are easily distracted? Where did that flash of light come from behind you?
Flash of light? What flash of light?
I have the feeling you already know!
hmm, perhaps it was the streak?
1: reports indicate a percentage of trackers yes, percentages are not reliable
2:Varies, at one point there were more reported Military ops than reported Alien ops, obviously many actual abduction events are never reported
3:Black ops account for many so called mutilation cases, and are involved in most in varying ways, even after the fact
4:Several questions in one, yes to all
5:Steak for iron, goes well with chips too, but seafood for healthy balance

1. have all 5 pieces of the artifact ever been brought together with their counterparts, and if so, what was the result?
2. of the three here in the states, are two decoys?
3. Can it be used for anything other than a weapon?
(HEY! It should be able to stop an asteroid, right?!)
4. what's the green file?
5. baked potatoe or fries (chips?)

Last edited by Kari Lynn; 09-12-2009 at 07:00 AM.
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Old 09-12-2009, 08:20 PM   #29
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Flash of light? What flash of light?
I have the feeling you already know!
hmm, perhaps it was the streak?
YouTube - The Streak - Ray Stevens Comedy Classics

1. have all 5 pieces of the artifact ever been brought together with their counterparts, and if so, what was the result?
2. of the three here in the states, are two decoys?
3. Can it be used for anything other than a weapon?
(HEY! It should be able to stop an asteroid, right?!)
4. what's the green file?
5. baked potatoe or fries (chips?)
1: This is an area currently off limits and cannot be discussed openly in a public forum. FYI there are 5 totally separate artefacts with DNA linked individuals which can form a larger single artefact, That is all you may be told.
2: No comment
3: No comment
4: Within the secure database at Ft.Meade resides a set of files pertaining to logs of OPI interactions, abduction events, contact events, etc. A secondary set, a backup set, resides within the Pentagon.
5: Jacket potato with salad and chips

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Old 09-13-2009, 03:07 AM   #30
Kari Lynn
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
1: This is an area currently off limits and cannot be discussed openly in a public forum. FYI there are 5 totally separate artefacts with DNA linked individuals which can form a larger single artefact, That is all you may be told.
2: No comment
3: No comment
1. Can I PM about them?
4: Within the secure database at Ft.Meade resides a set of files pertaining to logs of OPI interactions, abduction events, contact events, etc. A secondary set, a backup set, resides within the Pentagon.
2. OPI? meaning ETs?
So, if that's the case, then a green file contained within a particular Milab file means....... same in conjunction with milab victim?

3. If you remember August of '08. A certain person was taken by NSA, and later returned. Another person was given a location, and asked to RV to him to try and tell him he was safe, after he was returned.
I have a question about that RV. May I ask here or by PM?

4. I've heard many people who suffer abductions, both ET and Milab, who have stated experimentations of a gynocological nature, and being impregnanted to have the fetus removed later.
Any indications that may be true?
If so, what is done with the infant?

5: Jacket potato with salad and chips

Confused, Jacket potatoe and chips. Aren't they both a potatoe? I thought chips were simular to our french fries in America.

5. water, tea, coffee, beer, wine, or soda?

Last edited by Kari Lynn; 09-13-2009 at 03:11 AM.
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Old 09-14-2009, 08:19 AM   #31
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
1: This is an area currently off limits and cannot be discussed openly in a public forum. FYI there are 5 totally separate artefacts with DNA linked individuals which can form a larger single artefact, That is all you may be told.
2: No comment
3: No comment
4: Within the secure database at Ft.Meade resides a set of files pertaining to logs of OPI interactions, abduction events, contact events, etc. A secondary set, a backup set, resides within the Pentagon.
5: Jacket potato with salad and chips

What if one already knew about the artifacts? Not only knew of them, but what at least 1 of them looked like and its function?

Would one be in danger? Im guessing not based on the manner of presentation.
So who is in control of these artifacts? The 'good guys' or 'the bad guys'.
Are they used?
Are they in storage?
HAve they changed hands?

Last edited by iainl140285; 09-14-2009 at 11:43 AM.
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Old 09-14-2009, 12:59 PM   #32
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
1. Can I PM about them?

2. OPI? meaning ETs?
So, if that's the case, then a green file contained within a particular Milab file means....... same in conjunction with milab victim?

3. If you remember August of '08. A certain person was taken by NSA, and later returned. Another person was given a location, and asked to RV to him to try and tell him he was safe, after he was returned.
I have a question about that RV. May I ask here or by PM?

4. I've heard many people who suffer abductions, both ET and Milab, who have stated experimentations of a gynocological nature, and being impregnanted to have the fetus removed later.
Any indications that may be true?
If so, what is done with the infant?

Confused, Jacket potatoe and chips. Aren't they both a potatoe? I thought chips were simular to our french fries in America.

5. water, tea, coffee, beer, wine, or soda?
1: That would not be viable option
2: File contains all tracking data with reference to both ETI and armed forces events
3:You may ask here but whether you receive an answer or not depends on keeping this information out of the public domain
4:Within the database many such case reports exist, generally thought to exist within the ETI hybridisation program
5:Chips and your french fries are similar yes, potato products, we have some fun with your game


Last edited by THEWATCHER; 09-14-2009 at 01:09 PM.
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Old 09-14-2009, 01:08 PM   #33
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
What if one already knew about the artifacts? Not only knew of them, but what at least 1 of them looked like and its function?

Would one be in danger? Im guessing not based on the manner of presentation.
So who is in control of these artifacts? The 'good guys' or 'the bad guys'.
Are they used?
Are they in storage?
HAve they changed hands?
There are numerous recovered ETI artifacts kept within secure areas, but only one particular set of DNA linked to altered and enhanced individuals artifacts exists, the 5. These when linked genetically to their corresponding being they form a unique power system which if used for negative intent could be potent weapon system. When all 5 such beings, with linked artifact are linked as a group the power available could in laymans terms shield a planet or destroy that same planet. An off World source links directly to this group when specific events are required. We did say this issue was out of bounds. You have been given way too much data as it is. It would be extremely unlikely any one individual would know about the 5, the actual artifact devices and how they are linked to 5 beings. If by accident any one individual did come to see, view by remote means, or shown by any unauthorised personnel, the artifact or linkage mode, then yes there could be a danger. Not to themselves but by openly stating any data they have could place the 5 beings in grave danger. At this point in time each being is non linked and relatively safe, but many eyes are watching this World and linkage could resume if certain protocols are set in motion

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Old 09-14-2009, 01:20 PM   #34
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
There are numerous recovered ETI artifacts kept within secure areas, but only one particular set of DNA linked to altered and enhanced individuals artifacts exists, the 5. These when linked genetically to their corresponding being they form a unique power system which if used for negative intent could be potent weapon system. When all 5 such beings, with linked artifact are linked as a group the power available could in laymans terms shield a planet or destroy that same planet. An off World source links directly to this group when specific events are required. We did say this issue was out of bounds. You have been given way too much data as it is. It would be extremely unlikely any one individual would know about the 5, the actual artifact devices and how they are linked to 5 beings. If by accident any one individual did come to see, view by remote means, or shown by any unauthorised personnel, the artifact or linkage mode, then yes there could be a danger. Not to themselves but by openly stating any data they have could place the 5 beings in grave danger. At this point in time each being is non linked and relatively safe, but many eyes are watching this World and linkage could resume if certain protocols are set in motion

The ability to destroy or protect a planet. That is the essence of duality is it not. You cant have one without the other.

I have one more set of questions but, respectfully, I wont push any further.

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Old 09-14-2009, 03:20 PM   #35
Kari Lynn
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
1: That would not be viable option
Any viable options? (concerning an incident after an RV of it, only)
2: File contains all tracking data with reference to both ETI and armed forces events
3:You may ask here but whether you receive an answer or not depends on keeping this information out of the public domain
ditto here about keeping info out of public domain, so will PM you, if you don't mind.
4:Within the database many such case reports exist, generally thought to exist within the ETI hybridisation program
5:Chips and your french fries are similar yes, potato products, we have some fun with your game
lol. it's always fun to talk about food!

concerning the steak;
Shoe leather, (oops, mean well done)
Medium rare or
still on the hoof, mooing (oops mean rare!) lol
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Old 09-15-2009, 08:16 AM   #36
no caste
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Hi Watcher -

Thanks for the previous clarification. My next question: In my email newsletter database I sometimes find these kinds of recipients.


Do you know if this a common identifier format for personal email in the Royal CDN Mounted Police or police forces in general, i.e. numerical? That might be OK then. Or, is it crawled? My own files are 'crawled,' as evidenced by tagged links in my personal documents, which I didn't place there.

Also, a while ago, I sent an email to Mr Casbolt, who mentioned he wanted to PM. (I don't like to PM.) Since he suggested it, I wondered why he didn't reply. I don't care one way or the other, except for the possibility that the communication lines were closed by others.

Sent here: michaelprince2003@hotmail.co.uk

Old 09-17-2009, 12:16 AM   #37
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Hi Watcher -

Thanks for the previous clarification. My next question: In my email newsletter database I sometimes find these kinds of recipients.


Do you know if this a common identifier format for personal email in the Royal CDN Mounted Police or police forces in general, i.e. numerical? That might be OK then. Or, is it crawled? My own files are 'crawled,' as evidenced by tagged links in my personal documents, which I didn't place there.

Also, a while ago, I sent an email to Mr Casbolt, who mentioned he wanted to PM. (I don't like to PM.) Since he suggested it, I wondered why he didn't reply. I don't care one way or the other, except for the possibility that the communication lines were closed by others.

Sent here: michaelprince2003@hotmail.co.uk

To our knowledge no identifiers would be used either by Mounties nor any other Military or law enforcement agency, it would rather defeat the object. Suggest you check your system. As for Mr Casbolt we cannot offer opinion as to status or objectives nor agenda of the gentleman.

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Old 09-18-2009, 05:05 PM   #38
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

You forgot some questions.

1. beer, wine, soda, tea or water?

2. well done, medium, medium rare, or rare?

adding more.

3. BBQ, baked, or fried?

4. Indoor resturant, outdoor cafe, or backyard?

5. you buying?

Last edited by Kari Lynn; 09-18-2009 at 05:08 PM.
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Old 09-20-2009, 12:10 AM   #39
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Okay, saw it that time. (Friday night)
How'd ya do that?
Who did that?
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Old 09-20-2009, 01:21 PM   #40
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
Okay, saw it that time. (Friday night)
How'd ya do that?
Who did that?
Perhaps you should enquire from The Watcher?

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Old 09-20-2009, 03:26 PM   #41
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by Kari Lynn View Post
You forgot some questions.

1. beer, wine, soda, tea or water?

2. well done, medium, medium rare, or rare?

adding more.

3. BBQ, baked, or fried?

4. Indoor resturant, outdoor cafe, or backyard?

5. you buying?
1: Do you require group answers or from any one particular individual? we decided a consensus from group.............wine

2: very well done, no blood
3: baked, except eggs, which are fried
4: pavement cafe
5: Of course, goes onto expenses

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Old 09-20-2009, 03:44 PM   #42
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Which watcher!! lol

I think I'll wait till he writes to me. I may have p*ssed him off, or given him a massive coronary with my last letter.
Maybe, I'll just go hide somewhere! lol.

Last edited by Kari Lynn; 09-20-2009 at 07:24 PM.
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Old 09-20-2009, 07:08 PM   #43
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by THEWATCHER View Post
1: Do you require group answers or from any one particular individual? we decided a consensus from group.............wine

2: very well done, no blood
3: baked, except eggs, which are fried
4: pavement cafe
5: Of course, goes onto expenses

Group, the more the merrier! lol

5. Score! ROFL

Oh wait, you're not going to give me a tour of that room in basement of headquarters afterwards, are you? (kidding )
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Old 09-20-2009, 11:23 PM   #44
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

The Watcher will resume his disclosures on this forum as from 14.00Hrs today, pressures force us to withdraw from interaction in this topic, you may continue directly with The Watcher

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Old 09-21-2009, 12:15 AM   #45
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Hmm, and just when I had you talked into buying dinner, you run out!

Hope to hear from you all again soon.
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Old 09-21-2009, 04:34 PM   #46
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Blimey the lads were busy too but no time to catch up on their gossip LOL

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Old 09-22-2009, 05:35 AM   #47
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Welcome back, Barry. Your forced exile was not terribly welcomed on this end. Hopefully you are free enough from our binds to bring forth what you wanted to originally.
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 09-22-2009, 09:54 PM   #48
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Default Re: 8 GROUP Q and A

Originally Posted by DoctorWho View Post
Welcome back, Barry. Your forced exile was not terribly welcomed on this end. Hopefully you are free enough from our binds to bring forth what you wanted to originally.
Bill "the Doctor"
Thanks Bill, you can all find me back on my own thread, I will check here from time to time just in case

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