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Old 08-27-2009, 06:24 PM   #51
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures


South America 1984

I leave meeting with woman and three plieadians. Memory not too clear regarding this. Memory blanks here. Next memory- in a very large training hall with over 100 children. Being trained by Germans this time. Groups of children divided up into groups of around five and ten. Some scaling high wooden walls, some vaulting over large wooden boxes like gymnasts, other taking guns apart, some hand to hand combat. German men training us in early thirties. A large door is at the end of room, two banners hand on either side- nazi swasticas on them.
There is a timestamp on my NSA files from this time. It says 1984/10. This means October 1984. However this training would have been in early 1984. The files have a base code for Brazil. This facility was in Brazil. Files mention operation control was in Yucatan Mexico. A major LOOKING GLASS facility exists in Yucatan. These files were kept as a 'cross the board' tracking mechanism back in the 80's. They were not case summaries. The details I am giving you on this thread are case summaries. I have to say I was treated very well by the Germans at this facility as were the other children. These officers in Brazil would most likely have been second or third generation Nazis from the New Berlin base in Antarctica. Their fathers or Grandfathers would have been the original Nazis that travelled in the U-boats from the motherland after WW2. These officers were supplied with hundreds of young blond aryan woman for breeding programs.

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 08-27-2009, 06:42 PM   #52
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Photo of Vatican official Dr Alois Hudal, a Roman Catholic bishop. One of the principal agents in helping Nazis reach South America after the war. Connected to ODESSA. During the 1930's Dr Hudal was an honourary member of the Nazi party. The reason I bring people's attention to this man is because the clothing he wears on his back reminds me of the 'cape' the Blond pleiadian wore in Malaysia.

A simliair peice of clothing is wore by the actor playing Hitler in the New film inglorius bastards. I typed in 'hitler- inglorius bastards' into google images and got a load of pics of this cape. Just typed this and went back to post pics- not one pic is available- like someone just took all the photos of this actor wearing cape off the internet!!
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Last edited by James Casbolt; 08-27-2009 at 06:49 PM.
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Old 08-27-2009, 06:45 PM   #53
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
TIGRIS program not tigress. This was a sub-project of IBIS- other names to look out for-

KAMAGOL- 27th December 1976- Dec 28th 1976
Names to look out for

No caste I wanted to speak to over PM but cannot send you a message for some reason. Let's talk you friendly beaver!
I enabled personal email from members to my User CP. The PMing is disabled. About snakes, just throwing this in here - re your picture above - very common in other cultures - I even saw a video of a baby gnawing on one - very sensitive to energies -

Thanks for the new words re IBIS. (That was a good one: Tigress/Tigris - that transcription seemed slightly off!) My next idea is to catalogue declassified projects and operations. My wires are getting seriously crossed already. I had a great idea about how to get around NSA non-disclosure agreement s. 5. I might want to talk to you about that.

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Old 08-27-2009, 06:51 PM   #54
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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Old 08-28-2009, 07:50 AM   #55
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
The reason I bring people's attention to this man is because the clothing he wears on his back reminds me of the 'cape' the Blond pleiadian wore in Malaysia... A simliair peice of clothing is wore by the actor playing Hitler in the New film inglorius bastards. I typed in 'hitler- inglorius bastards' into google images and got a load of pics of this cape. Just typed this and went back to post pics- not one pic is available- like someone just took all the photos of this actor wearing cape off the internet!!
Hitler cape > http://www.empireonline.com/features...trailer/17.asp Gotta be quick (no going back) -

Re blond Pleiadians: Is there any historical significance to this old settlement?

Ancient city discovered deep in Amazonian rainforest linked to the legendary white-skinned Cloud People of Peru
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worl...#ixzz0PSYsi7Vm
Last updated at 1:44 AM on 04th December 2008

"It is thought this settlement may finally help historians unlock the secrets of the 'white warriors of the clouds'. The tribe had white skin and blonde hair - features which intrigue historians, as there is no known European ancestry in the region, where most inhabitants are darker skinned."
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Old 08-28-2009, 11:40 AM   #56
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
Hitler cape > http://www.empireonline.com/features...trailer/17.asp Gotta be quick (no going back) -

Re blond Pleiadians: Is there any historical significance to this old settlement?

Ancient city discovered deep in Amazonian rainforest linked to the legendary white-skinned Cloud People of Peru
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worl...#ixzz0PSYsi7Vm
Last updated at 1:44 AM on 04th December 2008

"It is thought this settlement may finally help historians unlock the secrets of the 'white warriors of the clouds'. The tribe had white skin and blonde hair - features which intrigue historians, as there is no known European ancestry in the region, where most inhabitants are darker skinned."
I'll have to look into this settlement some more no caste
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Old 08-28-2009, 11:49 AM   #57
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
I just managed to post this before my time ran out at public library in St Ives. Could not find the pic of Hitler's cape when going back to google for a second time, so attempted to find pic on yahoo images. Typed in the name of the film and this picture of ALF ( alien life form ) came up. I don't know what this has got to do with inglorious bastards. I keep searching for pics on google images and this pic of alf comes up time and time again ( again nothing to do with subjecy being searched for ). Someone is having a laugh I think, or trying to tell me something. If you take away the puppet look and imagine a flesh and blood creature, this is what the wolf type EBE's looked like at Penang in the 80's ( the hair on top on the head is different ). This program was on saturday mornings in the late 80's if I remember correctly and used to scare the **** out of me when I saw the puppet.

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Last edited by James Casbolt; 08-28-2009 at 11:52 AM.
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:05 PM   #58
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When I first went public in 2006 a man from Blackpool rang me out of the blue one afternoon. I can't remember his name but he told me he had heard about my work and ran some type of magazine and would I agree to be interviewed. He also said he'd send me a copy of the magazine ( can't remember the name ). A couple of days later I recieve the package with the 'magazine' in it. It is not a magazine at all but sheets and sheets of A4 paper with newspaper articles and clippings of children's programs with strange headline titles next to them. It was very professionally done and put into magazine format, someone had spent a fair amount of time and effort on it. No articles were included, just pages of furry animal toys and such with these strange headlines next to them. Much of the pics included those 'bigfoot' type animals on some recent childrens TV program ( i forget the name, my daughter watched it ). It was like the 'tweenies'. The creatures on it looked very similair to the alf charachter ( same type of snout and such )


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Old 08-28-2009, 12:18 PM   #59
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People may have remembered me talk about the Queen Mother and seeing her various times during programming when i was younger. Screens were often used and we would be shown horror films. It is sometimes hard to tell the difference between real scenes of horror and scenes shown on screens.
The children's program theme of the 'Wombles' would often be shown to us as children. Except this was a horror version where large bigfoot type womble creatures would take children from a common, take them underground and keep them in cages. The wombles would have huge jaws, that would drip saliva, with sharp teeth and would roar at the children.
Recently a TV documentary was shown on British television about the Queen Mother's gay butler. Footage was shown of the Queen Mother at a parade in her honour. Bands and such walked past her while she was seated in a wheelchair. Another royal was next to her, the one who died later ( Ann? ). About halfway through a group of people dressed as wombles came past in the parade, The Queen Mother then jumped out of her wheelchair and starting getting all exicted ( like a look of sexual excitement on her face ) and expresses all sorts of bizzare body language. She then falls backwards into her wheelchair and sat there exhausted!

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Old 08-28-2009, 12:26 PM   #60
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
1983 Penang

A time passes and loud explosions fade away. Eventially the unit doing the chasing through the jungle emerge from the trees. From my link with the computer I know the entity has escaped. A look of disappointment on the face of the soldier who scaled up the tree. The soldiers talk to each other about the creature getting away. One of them turns to me and says "You did well". I know we are in for a hard time in the next few years becuase of this. We head back to the facility.

Next memory-

I'm a room with military officers. The outcome of the previous operation is being discussed and my future is being discussed. It turns out a renegade force of Plieadians from Aldeberan came in at the last minute and attempted to assist working group in capture of wolf type EBE. The ships that flew over our heads were these Plieadians. A renegade group because they do not follow general 'federation' policy of non-intervention.
A captain is there dressed in some kind of naval uniform. The Plieadians are on the base and will come to this meeting. Three blond 'giants' walk in the room. Each well over six tall, very muscular, shiny eyes and very erect postures. All dressed in a blue uniform, believe it or not the leader is wearing some kind of red cape over the back of his uniform. I have never felt auras like that before, godlike beings of war. They take seats around a large table. I am sat here with a woman and the human officers. The operation is discussed, there seems some resentment from working group as they seem to think the Aldeberans let the creature go. The leader says something about the creature being worth more alive and talks about the future. Eyes are on me now. Brazil is mentioned, the word Kamagol is mentioned and my past. Ultimately the Albeberans are in charge of me and working group will bow to there wishes.
The blond Plieadians reffered to ME as 'Kamagol'. Accroding to Billy Mier, Kamagol was a renegade Plieadian who died on the 27th December 1976. This data was passed to him directly by another Plieadian in a face to face meeting in Switzerland. The only thing is that Kamagol and others like him do not 'die'. They just transfer themselves into cloned adult or embryo bodies.

I am attempting to get hold of my brother's birth certificate- it says DOB-

28 December 1976!!
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:30 PM   #61
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I have been informed that much sadness was evident within majestic when I left the island in 1983. They had rescued me and raised me in many ways after all. I am sorry that I had to leave John. I am back now and know who I am.
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:34 PM   #62
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

A very interesting syncronisity now occurs. Someone posts rare data on this exact topic. For the first time someone mentions the word IBIS in relation to this exact subject as well.

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Old 08-28-2009, 12:36 PM   #63
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From link above

Is there any truth to the following?

ALDEBARAN -- Human militarists of a fascist slant who have traditionally sided with the Dracos and Greys. They collaborate within a large underground facility below Egypt, the base of a secret "Kamagol-II" cult which has connections to the Bavarian Thule Society and the Montauk time-space projects. This cult is also referred to as the Gizeh empire or Gizeh Intelligence, and they are working with secret societies on earth in an effort to dissolve all national sovereignties into a global religio-eco-political order. There are also Insectoid forces involved with Aldebaran. Apparently a neo-Nazi space force may have helped to colonize that system by sending time-space forces back into the distant past to inhabit the 4th dimensional realm of one or more of its planets. These forces from the past are currently involved with the New World Order scenario, attempting to carry out their dictatorial agenda on earth from their "base" within another time-space dimension of Aldebaran (source: Preston Nicholes, and others). Here is the link to the site where I found this information: http://www.angelfire.com/ut/branton/cosmo1.html.

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Old 08-28-2009, 12:38 PM   #64
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From avalon link above

Here is one more:

The observation leads to the conclusion that Al Gore is a top member of Gizeh intelligence. This was the reported occult backing of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi movement in Germany. Ethnically, the Mars connection of pyramid builders (Caucasian white race component of modern humanity via Atlantis, in their original form fitting the Nazi stereotype and extremely racist, the people described by contactee Elizabeth Klarer). The story is very old and very complex. In order to give a short intro, just take a look at this ancient Egyptian painting of Toth writing judgment: Toth, or Hermes Trismegistos, was born during the times of Atlantis and achieved personal immortality. A part of this was a shape-shifting ability. In the painting above, he is depicted with an animal head (ibis). Gizeh intelligence comprized around 8000 highly advanced people under the supreme leadership of shape-shifting Toth. They lived since ancient times in a network of underground cities, the main city being under Gizeh, Egypt, another site being under a location in the Grand Canyon, U.S.A. Other animal shapes reported from ancient times include a crocodile face, a lion face, etc. Toth is the fading embodiment of a fallen angel, Lucifer. In the 19th century, some of the 8000 started becoming active, such as through the Theosophical society of Madame Helena Petrovna Blavatsky. In the early 20th century, the Gizeh intelligence became active as a backer of Adolf Hitler in Germany and his Rothschild-Windsor sponsors in England. Today, all the 8000 have left their cities and are active among humanity. From this connection it is plausible that they are also the force behind the Jesuits in the Vatican and the Knights Templar before that. Reference: Books by Drunvalo Melchizedek. Contrary to myth, the Nazis won the second world war and took over the United States of America. See research by Mae Brussell, Webster G. Tarpley, Anton Chaitkin, David Emory and Greg Hallett. From this connection it is plausible that Gizeh intelligence is in control of America. My personal psychic experience is that Al Gore is a shape-shifting demonic entity from the very top of Gizeh intelligence with Assamite ability (one of the so-called „Ascended Masters” who are highly developed negative beings). The activation of the Gizeh intelligence over the past 150 years (since John D. Rockefeller, Sr.’s time) is to my mind an incidental part of the prophecy that is frequently discussed today under the caption of „2012”. The traditional Christian name for this is the Apocalypse (after the Book of Revelation, the last book of the Bible). Here is the link: http://www.cloakanddagger.de/home%20..._Gore_Evil.htm.
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:40 PM   #65
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[I]From link above

Some of the information is extracted from some of Meier’s German books. Vol 3 should cover about 95% of the text.

Gizeh Lineage:
Approx. 49,711 B.C.:War in the Plejares homeworld caused 70,000 refugees to flee to Earth under the guidance of JHWH Pelegon. The immigrants made several mistakes during their say. (After the revolt, the Plejaran people had now entered the cycle of final-peace for their homeworld, replacing their merciless government dictators with spiritual leaders. Now at final-peace, the Plejares homeworld and allied nations developed themselves to very high spiritual levels.) The civilization erected on Earth by Pelegon lasted 10,000 years before all was destroyed by war. During the battle, refugees fled into the cosmos, settling on far away worlds. Only a few thousand human beings from the group survived, and they fell into strife and completely degenerated into lawlessness.

38,023 B.C.: Refugees of the Pelegon era fled Earth during revolt, settling in the region of Beta-Centauri where they erected a new culture. The Earth was at peace again, avoided for 7,000 years.

Approx. 15,000 B.C.: A secret group of power-hungry scientists rose up inside the government of Atlantis to seize control, but failed. Their sympathetic allies gave them spaceships to escape, and they fled into the Beta-Centauri region also known as Barnard’s-star. In the span of 2,000 years, the evil-minded scientists built up a degenerate army, and procreated offsprings filled with hate. Semjase: “Their only desire was to gain dominion over the Earth, for which reason every single one was taught wicked intrigues and war treatment.”

Approx. 11,000 B.C.: Descendants of the Pelegon tribe that fled Earth to Beta-Centauri after their Atlantis coup attempt failed, returned with their tyrant leader JHWH Arus, the barbarian, and erected an empire in Hyperborea, the North. The power-hungry group constructed several bases at different locations around the Earth. This was the last decisive colonization by an extraterrestrial race, and the deadliest to the existing humankind. Arus beget three sons, and with his 200 sub leaders, captured regions and slowly conquered nations.

Arus’ overseers procreated Adams, Ledons and Tet-els in Middle-East, Africa 12,900 years ago, counting backwards from the year 1975 when Contact-Report #39 was recorded. After the fact, Arus took credit for himself. Genesis 1:27 (“And God created man to his own image...”) is referring to the three (semitic) races procreated by Arus’ overseers. These procreations were from hybrids (mixed races) and degenerates (depraved, forced back to primitive life) humans who were distant descendants of early settlements from Sirius, Lyra-Vega, Plejares, etc. Each overseer (sub-leader/angel) according to his race created an Adam, Ledon and Tet-el mutated being, including new forms of life that was of dwarf-like stature, giants and animal-like forms. The Earth saw many wars that left societies in ruins. Like thousands of years before, the degenerated people from strife and oppression lived like wild animals and renegade groups.

Arus’ firstborn son, Arus II, deserted from Hyperborea with his many followers and settled in the land he designated Arya, today’s India. The deserters encountered the Sumerians in the region with whom they fought a short and bloody battle.

Approx. 6,500 B.C.: After the destruction of Atlantis and Mu, JHWH Arus in his old age was murdered by his thirdborn son, Jehovan, who then took control of the empire, influencing the three earthly nations, and the Hyperboreans.

Approx. 1,423 B.C.: Jehav murdered his father Jehovan and seize control of the empire.

Approx. 1,380 B.C.: Jehav beget three sons, Asussem, Ptaah and Salam.

Approx. 1,280 B.C.: Arussem fought his father constantly in hopes of one day seizing his empire. He eventually succeeded, but his two younger brothers opposed his merciless government and were exiled.

Approx. 1,183 B.C.: Ptaah and Salam eventually seized the empire from their elder brother Arussem, and forced him and his minions into exile, from Earth, in another star-system. Ptaah and Salam of the reformed Arus Empire guided the races with help from other cosmic-races, peacefully.

Approx. 1,145 B.C.: Arussem secretly returned to Earth with his army and settled beneath the Gizeh Pyramid Complex. He and his 72,000 followers took a “behind the scenes” approach command, secretly interfering and manipulating several Earth governments nefariously. Arussem plans one world domination of governments. These elements from the Arus empire lineage formed the Gizeh Intelligence, commanded by the Bafath people who took their mission to the extreme. In complete secrecy they fulfilled their evil-minded machinations by spreading false religious teachings and deceptions, negatively influencing the mind of everyone who fell under their control.

Approx. 1,033 B.C.: Arussem was eventually forced from his empire by Jehovah, the biblical God. Semjase referred to him as Zabaoth in German, meaning “The Cruel One.”

1500 A.D.: Kamagol I was succeeded by his son Kamagol II who forcefully removed his father from power and imprisoned him, where he died miserably.

1976 A.D.: Kamagol II died on the 27th of December 1976.

1978 A.D. In the 105th Contact Report, Quetzal informed Meier that their Federation had drafted up a plan to destroy the entire Gizeh Intelligence stations on Earth, deprive them of all technology, and transport them to a faraway galaxy left to their own faith, to live out the rest of their wickedness in bondage. But said, before they could carry out the plan, they had to seek the advice of the High Council in Andromeda for approval, and if approved, the attack and seizure of the Gizeh Intelligences would start in the second half of April 1978. The Gizeh Intelligence group was deported off planet on May 17, 1978. Their stations were completely atomized, collapsing structures, filling them with sand and rock.
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:41 PM   #66
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

IBIS is some kind of Egyptian bird
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Old 08-28-2009, 12:58 PM   #67
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
IBIS is some kind of Egyptian bird
An IBIS is indeed an Egyptian bird

The reason its head is used whilst depicting Thoth, is that it was the Egyptians who recognised the Ibis concentration whilst staring into the depths of the waters.

This ability to concentrate intently and focus gave rise to meditation.
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Old 08-28-2009, 01:11 PM   #68
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by iainl140285 View Post
An IBIS is indeed an Egyptian bird

The reason its head is used whilst depicting Thoth, is that it was the Egyptians who recognised the Ibis concentration whilst staring into the depths of the waters.

This ability to concentrate intently and focus gave rise to meditation.
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Old 08-28-2009, 01:14 PM   #69
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
I have been informed that much sadness was evident within majestic when I left the island in 1983. They had rescued me and raised me in many ways after all. I am sorry that I had to leave John. I am back now and know who I am.
In a conversation with an SAS friend, I said "Sometimes I don't know who I am". He replied "Your a Majestic clone".
I know who I am now and I'm back!
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Old 08-28-2009, 01:18 PM   #70
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

This is all very heavy. Got to laugh about it all really. Thought I'd lighten things up with a bit of music, kind of relevant video

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Old 08-28-2009, 01:40 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
In a conversation with an SAS friend, I said "Sometimes I don't know who I am". He replied "Your a Majestic clone".
I know who I am now and I'm back!
How do you know James that you are the clone and not the original?
If you were cloned from somebody. Was it your 'brother'?

You mentioned Maj. Saved you. And above that the SAS friend said you were a Maj. clone.
Does this mean that Maj. created you and you were assigned/stolen/used by another faction rather than Maj. and they managed to rescue you from the faction at a future date?

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Old 08-30-2009, 08:06 PM   #72
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
[I]The children's program theme of the 'Wombles' would often be shown to us as children. Except this was a horror version where large bigfoot type womble creatures would take children from a common, take them underground and keep them in cages. The wombles would have huge jaws, that would drip saliva, with sharp teeth and would roar at the children.

Recently a TV documentary was shown on British television about the Queen Mother's gay butler. Footage was shown of the Queen Mother at a parade in her honour. Bands and such walked past her while she was seated in a wheelchair. Another royal was next to her, the one who died later ( Ann? ). About halfway through a group of people dressed as wombles came past in the parade, The Queen Mother then jumped out of her wheelchair and starting getting all exicted ( like a look of sexual excitement on her face ) and expresses all sorts of bizzare body language. She then falls backwards into her wheelchair and sat there exhausted!
Backstairs Billy The Queens Mum Butler
Maybe she had too much gin

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Old 08-30-2009, 09:02 PM   #73
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by James Casbolt View Post
Re Alf: Search results get dished up in interesting ways. So it's all about ALF (Alien Life Form) on TV. {sigh} No matter! It's a digital whitewash, kind of like the hacker in The Core IMO, who manages public information.

So if I check the quote on the Alf avatar poster, I get this: The guy, Mohinder Suresh, does work in the following categories, and is a spambot target (blah blah below). He says, "This site was maintained by my late father, Chandra Suresh, a noted evolutionist who helped solve the riddles of DNA and protein synthesis through his pioneering work in the late 1970s and early 1980s."

As an example of themes that get associated (or attached, in the case of attacks) with information -

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Old 08-30-2009, 09:47 PM   #74
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by no caste View Post
So if I check the quote on the Alf avatar poster, I get this: The guy, Mohinder Suresh, does work in the following categories, and is a spambot target (blah blah below). He says, "This site was maintained by my late father, Chandra Suresh, a noted evolutionist who helped solve the riddles of DNA and protein synthesis through his pioneering work in the late 1970s and early 1980s."
Mohinder Suresh is a character on the show Heroes. Don't know if that helps or hinders but I thought I would make note of that. Hope it helps.
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Old 08-31-2009, 09:08 PM   #75
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by Malynda View Post
Mohinder Suresh is a character on the show Heroes. Don't know if that helps or hinders but I thought I would make note of that. Hope it helps.
Well, that's embarrassing. I actually thought it was a real site, even real doctor clip I was going to post about sleep paralysis. I've seen a few episodes of Heroes ca '07, not much. I am going to delete the spam terms, as interesting as they are - anyone curious about wordplay can just click on that link. (I admit reading spam (I do) isn't a common activity!)

Sorry for the derailment here. Thanks for the correction, Malynda. (I'm going to go talk about horses now.)
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