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Old 03-24-2010, 12:02 AM   #726
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

I have not read this whole thread James, but I was wondering the other day if how you met Haley was a deliberate set up by tptb for specific purposes of control.

How on earth does this poor girl get any justice for what has been perpetrated on her. I worry for her even now. She has no control over her life that is obvious.

This guy who posted on facebook has obviously got something wrong with him for doing that in the first placed. Sickness comes to mind when reading what he wrote.

What can we do to help that is the question. I will invoke some of my powers that be and then keep an eye on what happens over the next few weeks.

So mote it be.
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:22 AM   #727
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 107
Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

What do you think of James Bartley's research?

Here are a few statements he makes about what is really going on in the background.

by James Bartley


The people will not obtain this information from the government nor from the feculent cesspool, which passes for the UFO Research Community.

Our team concentrates on hard core intelligence collection on the Alien Abduction Syndrome.

Because everything else, the underground bases, the government mind control programs, the reverse engineering of alien technology et al are but a corollary to the Alien Abduction Experience in the first place.

The reason why there is so little hard core information available to abductees is because abductees pose a latent threat to the Reptilian Overlords of this world and to their apparent human vassals within the New World Order.

We are the ones with paraphysical and supernatural abilities.

They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population.

I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.

The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.

The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population.

It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth.

These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.

Dr. Richard Boylan amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.

The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will.

They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information.

Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.

By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn’t say.

I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.

Nowhere was this more evident than with the Nazi regime where the ideal of the Aryan Nordic was carried out to the nth degree with selective breeding programs on the one hand and the genocide of "Sub-human races" on the other.

At the very deepest darkest core of the Nazi Regime was the Thule Gesellschaft.
An occult organization which venerated the image of the serpent and practiced sacrificial blood rituals and tantric magickal sexual workings.

The two men who had the most influence on Adolf Hitler were Karl Haushofer and Dietrich Eckart both of whom were hardcore black magicians.

I cannot stress enough the fundamental connection between Black Magick and Sorcery (The Ritualistic Utilization of mind altering drugs to contact non- human intelligences) on the one hand and the Reptilian Over-lordship on the other.


Reptilians have a profoundly disturbing ability to manipulate the health of abductees especially those who are striving to obtain hard core information about them and their nefarious activities.

They will even inflict physical pain upon abductees who "don't go along with the program."
Once again Barbara Bartholic has done pioneering work in this regard having known first hand of a number of deaths, which stemmed from research related activities.

These "reprisals" have caused people to give up their investigations.


If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.

Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick.

In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.

I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.

Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe.

It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.


Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind.

And where does this force come from?
Human women!
The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni.
The female sexual organ.

In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.

The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya.

The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.

Indeed the very first creature, the main character, a surface dweller, encounters a man-eating reptilian being who carries off his friend, a mining engineer who was killed in an underground accident which led to the surface dweller being trapped underground.

The surface dweller later discovers that this apparently peace-loving race of Nordics actually intends to invade and conquer the surface of the planet.

Remember that the reptilians have long utilized the image of Nordics as "front men" in their operations.

Keep in mind that this book was published in 1871!

It dealt with matriarchy, subterranean civilizations, an energy source that heals and destroys called Vril, reptilians, conflict between subterranean races and an impending takeover of the surface world by an evil subterranean race.

And it was written by an occultist of the Rosicrucian Order!

What was he trying to tell us?

That maybe it’s a waste of time conducting "Blue Book Investigations" seeking witnesses to three week old UFO sightings and learning about "hybrids," "polarities" and "spirituality" within the context of a war scenario?

To round out this section regarding the capabilities of the reptilians and their probable intentions let us turn to yet another work of "fiction" written more recently than Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race."

Dr. Harry Turtledove is a history professor from UCLA who specializes in writing what he calls "alternative history."

One of his alternative histories is about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War and shows General Robert E. Lee sitting atop his famous horse Traveler and holding up an AK-47 assault rifle!

Dr. Turtledove has also written a four volume series regarding the Second World War, which has caught my attention.

It is about the allies and the axis joining forces to repel a reptilian invasion from outer space!

Do you know what the symbol on the covers of these books are?
An inverted isosceles triangle (a Trikona) within which is the planet Earth!

Is the connection between Tantric Magick and the Reptilian Overlordship of the planet Earth beginning to sink in yet?

Some of the underground facilities have been described by those who have defected from the Illuminatti as "waiting rooms for Hell." I cannot think of a more apt description.

It is the unanimous opinion of our team (of which I am but a small part) that the reptilians intend to maintain control over the human race by continuing their Grand Strategy of Divide and Conquer and by their continuing domination and marginalization of the feminine principle.

The reptilians are well aware of the the geological calender of the Earth as well as the Apocalyptic Prophecies of numerous religions and have made their plans accordingly.

They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing humans to attain a heightened level of awareness.

The latter was one of the reasons why the human life span was artificially shortened by them.

The various cataclysms and upheavals naturally and artificially contrived, that will annihilate huge segments of the human race is merely the latest installment of a process which strives to reduce the human population to manageable levels BEFORE we attain heightened awareness and an understanding of our full potential.

If this happened on a mass scale ( ie, heightened awareness) the reptilians will no longer be able to control us.
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:18 PM   #728
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by Linda View Post
What do you think of James Bartley's research?

Here are a few statements he makes about what is really going on in the background.

by James Bartley


The people will not obtain this information from the government nor from the feculent cesspool, which passes for the UFO Research Community.

Our team concentrates on hard core intelligence collection on the Alien Abduction Syndrome.

Because everything else, the underground bases, the government mind control programs, the reverse engineering of alien technology et al are but a corollary to the Alien Abduction Experience in the first place.

The reason why there is so little hard core information available to abductees is because abductees pose a latent threat to the Reptilian Overlords of this world and to their apparent human vassals within the New World Order.

We are the ones with paraphysical and supernatural abilities.

They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population.

I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.

The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.

The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population.

It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth.

These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.

Dr. Richard Boylan amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.

The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will.

They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information.

Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.

By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn’t say.

I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.

Nowhere was this more evident than with the Nazi regime where the ideal of the Aryan Nordic was carried out to the nth degree with selective breeding programs on the one hand and the genocide of "Sub-human races" on the other.

At the very deepest darkest core of the Nazi Regime was the Thule Gesellschaft.
An occult organization which venerated the image of the serpent and practiced sacrificial blood rituals and tantric magickal sexual workings.

The two men who had the most influence on Adolf Hitler were Karl Haushofer and Dietrich Eckart both of whom were hardcore black magicians.

I cannot stress enough the fundamental connection between Black Magick and Sorcery (The Ritualistic Utilization of mind altering drugs to contact non- human intelligences) on the one hand and the Reptilian Over-lordship on the other.


Reptilians have a profoundly disturbing ability to manipulate the health of abductees especially those who are striving to obtain hard core information about them and their nefarious activities.

They will even inflict physical pain upon abductees who "don't go along with the program."
Once again Barbara Bartholic has done pioneering work in this regard having known first hand of a number of deaths, which stemmed from research related activities.

These "reprisals" have caused people to give up their investigations.


If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.

Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick.

In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.

I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.

Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe.

It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.


Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind.

And where does this force come from?
Human women!
The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni.
The female sexual organ.

In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.

The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya.

The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.

Indeed the very first creature, the main character, a surface dweller, encounters a man-eating reptilian being who carries off his friend, a mining engineer who was killed in an underground accident which led to the surface dweller being trapped underground.

The surface dweller later discovers that this apparently peace-loving race of Nordics actually intends to invade and conquer the surface of the planet.

Remember that the reptilians have long utilized the image of Nordics as "front men" in their operations.

Keep in mind that this book was published in 1871!

It dealt with matriarchy, subterranean civilizations, an energy source that heals and destroys called Vril, reptilians, conflict between subterranean races and an impending takeover of the surface world by an evil subterranean race.

And it was written by an occultist of the Rosicrucian Order!

What was he trying to tell us?

That maybe it’s a waste of time conducting "Blue Book Investigations" seeking witnesses to three week old UFO sightings and learning about "hybrids," "polarities" and "spirituality" within the context of a war scenario?

To round out this section regarding the capabilities of the reptilians and their probable intentions let us turn to yet another work of "fiction" written more recently than Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race."

Dr. Harry Turtledove is a history professor from UCLA who specializes in writing what he calls "alternative history."

One of his alternative histories is about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War and shows General Robert E. Lee sitting atop his famous horse Traveler and holding up an AK-47 assault rifle!

Dr. Turtledove has also written a four volume series regarding the Second World War, which has caught my attention.

It is about the allies and the axis joining forces to repel a reptilian invasion from outer space!

Do you know what the symbol on the covers of these books are?
An inverted isosceles triangle (a Trikona) within which is the planet Earth!

Is the connection between Tantric Magick and the Reptilian Overlordship of the planet Earth beginning to sink in yet?

Some of the underground facilities have been described by those who have defected from the Illuminatti as "waiting rooms for Hell." I cannot think of a more apt description.

It is the unanimous opinion of our team (of which I am but a small part) that the reptilians intend to maintain control over the human race by continuing their Grand Strategy of Divide and Conquer and by their continuing domination and marginalization of the feminine principle.

The reptilians are well aware of the the geological calender of the Earth as well as the Apocalyptic Prophecies of numerous religions and have made their plans accordingly.

They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing humans to attain a heightened level of awareness.

The latter was one of the reasons why the human life span was artificially shortened by them.

The various cataclysms and upheavals naturally and artificially contrived, that will annihilate huge segments of the human race is merely the latest installment of a process which strives to reduce the human population to manageable levels BEFORE we attain heightened awareness and an understanding of our full potential.

If this happened on a mass scale ( ie, heightened awareness) the reptilians will no longer be able to control us.
I'm sorry but I'm my concentration is not great to answer questions at the moment. I'll just post my data and quickly and get off the forum
James Casbolt
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-24-2010, 01:20 PM   #729
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by Linda View Post
What do you think of James Bartley's research?

Here are a few statements he makes about what is really going on in the background.

by James Bartley


The people will not obtain this information from the government nor from the feculent cesspool, which passes for the UFO Research Community.

Our team concentrates on hard core intelligence collection on the Alien Abduction Syndrome.

Because everything else, the underground bases, the government mind control programs, the reverse engineering of alien technology et al are but a corollary to the Alien Abduction Experience in the first place.

The reason why there is so little hard core information available to abductees is because abductees pose a latent threat to the Reptilian Overlords of this world and to their apparent human vassals within the New World Order.

We are the ones with paraphysical and supernatural abilities.

They specialize in manipulating ones dreamscape with erotic imagery specifically designed to promote certain behaviours and alternative lifestyles within a given abductee population.

I know of no one else besides our team who is even aware of this very basic and pervasive reptilian programming agenda.

The definition of the word "Lifespan" as we understand the term does not apply to these reptilians who live in their own vibrational density long enough to manipulate countless generations of a given genetic/soul matrix population in our dimension.

The reptilians are master geneticists who have created subserviant races of non-human beings to act as Specialists tasked with furthering certain agendas directly impacting the human race including but not limited to genetic and soul matrix manipulation of the abductee population.

It is through the latter program that Hosts are created through apparently normal human childbirth.

These reptilian hosts are geared to sow confusion, discordance and disinformation amongst the abductee population.

Dr. Richard Boylan amongst others is a Host for a reptilian entity. Make no mistake about it. I have lost count of the number of websites placed on the internet by reptilian hosts. There is a new one that was put in place quite recently.

The reptilians are masters of frequency and resonance and can shape shift at will.

They have often appeared to abductees as "Nordics" or "Blondes" or "Spirit Guides" and have conveyed to them much neutralist-positivist information.

Throughout history the reptilians have used the image of Nordics as a screen to carry out their nefarious activities.

By that I do not mean that there are no "Nordics" as such. Please do not hear what I didn’t say.

I am merely saying that for their own reasons the reptilians have consistently and persistently utilized the "Blond Aryan" or "Nordic" image as a smokescreen to further their own agenda at the expense of the human race and may even be using captive or genetically engineered elements of Nordic beings as subject races within their spheres of influence.

Nowhere was this more evident than with the Nazi regime where the ideal of the Aryan Nordic was carried out to the nth degree with selective breeding programs on the one hand and the genocide of "Sub-human races" on the other.

At the very deepest darkest core of the Nazi Regime was the Thule Gesellschaft.
An occult organization which venerated the image of the serpent and practiced sacrificial blood rituals and tantric magickal sexual workings.

The two men who had the most influence on Adolf Hitler were Karl Haushofer and Dietrich Eckart both of whom were hardcore black magicians.

I cannot stress enough the fundamental connection between Black Magick and Sorcery (The Ritualistic Utilization of mind altering drugs to contact non- human intelligences) on the one hand and the Reptilian Over-lordship on the other.


Reptilians have a profoundly disturbing ability to manipulate the health of abductees especially those who are striving to obtain hard core information about them and their nefarious activities.

They will even inflict physical pain upon abductees who "don't go along with the program."
Once again Barbara Bartholic has done pioneering work in this regard having known first hand of a number of deaths, which stemmed from research related activities.

These "reprisals" have caused people to give up their investigations.


If you haven't guessed by now, the control and domination of human females is THE primary objective of reptilian operations vis a vis the human race, because women--through their creative, intuitive and nurturing nature--have a direct connection to the Divine and are therefore a threat to the reptilian overlords of this world.This subjugation of women and the feminine principle in general has filtered down via the reptilian inspired secret societies and fraternal orders to become a fundamental aspect of most religions on this planet.

Ironically the use (or misuse as it were) of Tantric Sexual Magick is a fundamental part of Black Magick.

In other words the Black Magicians know that the feminine generative principle is an immensely powerful force which they exploit for their own evil purposes at the expense of the human race in general and human women in particular.

I should remind the reader that to her dying day Olympia, the mother of Alexander the Great insisted that her son was conceived during sexual intercourse between herself and what she described as a python.

Olympia was an initiate of the Dionysian Mystery Schools and had frequently inbibed in hallucinogenics during these rituals many of which involved blood sacrifices, contrary to what some would have you believe.

It has also been alleged that Julius Caesar was the product of a union between his mother and an Incubi.


Aleister Crowley called the kundalini energy released through tantric magickal sex the most powerful force known to Mankind.

And where does this force come from?
Human women!
The K at the end of Magick (the correct spelling) is a glyph for the Yoni.
The female sexual organ.

In 1871 Lord Edward Bulwer-Lytton, a member of the English Parliament and a Rosicrucian, published a book entitled "The Coming Race" which was rife with hidden occult meaning.

The "Coming Race" referred to a Matriarchal Nordic Subterranean race known as the Vril-ya.

The Vril-ya are an advanced race of seven foot tall Nordic beings that have harnessed an energy source known as Vrill and with it have subdued other subterranean beings in order to survive--including reptilians.

Indeed the very first creature, the main character, a surface dweller, encounters a man-eating reptilian being who carries off his friend, a mining engineer who was killed in an underground accident which led to the surface dweller being trapped underground.

The surface dweller later discovers that this apparently peace-loving race of Nordics actually intends to invade and conquer the surface of the planet.

Remember that the reptilians have long utilized the image of Nordics as "front men" in their operations.

Keep in mind that this book was published in 1871!

It dealt with matriarchy, subterranean civilizations, an energy source that heals and destroys called Vril, reptilians, conflict between subterranean races and an impending takeover of the surface world by an evil subterranean race.

And it was written by an occultist of the Rosicrucian Order!

What was he trying to tell us?

That maybe it’s a waste of time conducting "Blue Book Investigations" seeking witnesses to three week old UFO sightings and learning about "hybrids," "polarities" and "spirituality" within the context of a war scenario?

To round out this section regarding the capabilities of the reptilians and their probable intentions let us turn to yet another work of "fiction" written more recently than Bulwer-Lytton's "Coming Race."

Dr. Harry Turtledove is a history professor from UCLA who specializes in writing what he calls "alternative history."

One of his alternative histories is about the Confederacy winning the American Civil War and shows General Robert E. Lee sitting atop his famous horse Traveler and holding up an AK-47 assault rifle!

Dr. Turtledove has also written a four volume series regarding the Second World War, which has caught my attention.

It is about the allies and the axis joining forces to repel a reptilian invasion from outer space!

Do you know what the symbol on the covers of these books are?
An inverted isosceles triangle (a Trikona) within which is the planet Earth!

Is the connection between Tantric Magick and the Reptilian Overlordship of the planet Earth beginning to sink in yet?

Some of the underground facilities have been described by those who have defected from the Illuminatti as "waiting rooms for Hell." I cannot think of a more apt description.

It is the unanimous opinion of our team (of which I am but a small part) that the reptilians intend to maintain control over the human race by continuing their Grand Strategy of Divide and Conquer and by their continuing domination and marginalization of the feminine principle.

The reptilians are well aware of the the geological calender of the Earth as well as the Apocalyptic Prophecies of numerous religions and have made their plans accordingly.

They have nothing to gain and everything to lose by allowing humans to attain a heightened level of awareness.

The latter was one of the reasons why the human life span was artificially shortened by them.

The various cataclysms and upheavals naturally and artificially contrived, that will annihilate huge segments of the human race is merely the latest installment of a process which strives to reduce the human population to manageable levels BEFORE we attain heightened awareness and an understanding of our full potential.

If this happened on a mass scale ( ie, heightened awareness) the reptilians will no longer be able to control us.
I'm sorry but I'm my concentration is not great to answer questions at the moment. I'll just post my data and quickly and get off the forum
James Casbolt
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-24-2010, 03:22 PM   #730
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Haleys testimony below regarding what happened


By Haley Meijer

Although I spent a good couple of minutes picking out my specific plane seat when I ordered the ticket online, I was given a different seat number at check-in. I chose 42-D but the seat I ended up in was 43-G. I was in the very last row of the plane and was the last person to get situated in my area. I sat next to a male in his late-20's/early-30's who was seated at my left. To my right was the aisle and across from that the lavatory.

It was a red-eye flight that left San Francisco at 8:00 pm.

I started off the 10 hour plane ride reading women's magazines for the first time in a couple of years. I had bought several issues in the terminal before the flight. All throughout my life I have had this tug of war between being somewhat addicted or obsessed with magazines and being disgusted and put off by them. I pretty much picked out every cover with the major MK'd celebrities on it- Cosmopolitan with Lady Gaga, Teen Vogue with Miley Cyrus, Elle with Taylor Swift and Allure with Jessica Simpson. I also bought an InStyle Wedding magazine which I didn't look through because I was waiting to read that in St. Ives as that would be the only magazine I would feel comfortable bringing with me off the plane to enjoy on vacation. I have never looked at wedding magazines before, to my recollection, as I have never really cared enough about weddings enough to consider thinking about it. Also I am a fervent loather of tradition and ritual and was never before in the position to care or dream. I brought a few books with me in my carryon luggage- one about Ascended Masters and Archangels, one about Reiki, one about the Montauk Project, one about Parallel Worlds and one about Hyperspace meditations. I didn't end up reading any of them. I have made a point to avoid magazines for a couple years and usually can't read them because they mess with my head, but I also used to take a weird pleasure in reading that stuff and wanted to connect with that. There was part of me that, because of the complexity of my situation and who I was going to visit, was wanting to feel "normal" or shallow and to not think too deeply for that time being.

So I read every magazine from front to back. For the past year or so I have been quite critical of these celebrities and analytical of the mind control that they represent and was interested in seeing how they would be presented in the articles and what messages they would have to convey. I realize these are all fashion and beauty magazines but it really disappoints me just how shallow the conversations with these artists are. Of course that's the point, but it would be nice to hear a celebrity speak out about something that actually matters. After I finished reading those I watched part of the movie on the plane called "The Invention of Lying," with Ricky Gervais and Jennifer Garner.

I had requested a vegetarian meal when I ordered my ticket online, as I am vegetarian. The stewardess handed out the vegetarian meals first to people who ordered them and had skipped over me until I inquired to her about it. She asked for my name and went back and brought me my meal. It was pasta. It is standard that I get a stomach ache from airplane food and so I usually avoid it if I can. But this was a long flight so I decided to risk it, and the pasta looked "alright." I took a couple bites of it. As soon as I ate it my stomach immediately started to feel pain. My stomach was then in knots for the remainder of the flight. I have never before had such an instantaneous and uncomfortable reaction from airplane food. My pained thoughts at the time were of comparing it to drinking a cup full of acid spiked with razor blades, though I'm sure that's a gross exaggeration. It would be nearly 20 hours before my stomach would start to feel normal again. I only had 2 or 3 bites of it along with a couple pieces of lettuce and a wheat roll.

I got up to use the bathroom at one point. As I exited I stretched my hamstrings for like 2 seconds when a middle aged flight attendant from the back of the plane came at me out of nowhere and started yelling at me, twice, "The seatbelt sign is on! The seatbelt sign is on! You need to get back to your seat!" I WAS headed back to my seat, which was about a yard away from where I was standing and told her so as I sat down. When she did that it immediately triggered me. All growing up I was constantly bombarded with emotional abuse and yelling from adults and authority figures and so it reminded me of that. However, it is rare for me to start thinking such evil thoughts as an immediate result of that, though I have in the past. I immediately wanted to cry and started to do so. Kind of an intense and strange reaction but I was triggered. I mean, it's a 10 hour flight and I really loathe having to sit still. As someone who likes to practice yoga on a daily basis and stay moving throughout the day it is daunting for me to be seated in one tight position for such a length of time. I am of the opinion that stretching should be encouraged on long flights. I literally stretched for like 5 seconds when I was yelled at out of nowhere like that. I hate getting in trouble and I hate being yelled at or talked down to by people in positions of authority. I got so upset with her. I usually don't get upset with strangers. In the past I have only felt this type of helpless and frustrated anger for my parents and one ex-boyfriend who was emotionally abusive. I kept turning my head back looking at the stewardesses to find her and catch her attention and to let her know that i didn't appreciate being yelled at. The flight attendants were all standing in the back and there were people in the aisles grabbing things from overhead bins so I found it really unfair that I was attacked like that for doing so little. It's not like I was loitering outside the lavatory for an extended period of time, it was just a quick stretch. I was furious with anger back at my seat. In my mind I was visualizing choking her, poking her eyes out, beating her up, torturing her and grabbing her and opening the emergency exit and throwing her off of the plane to her death. As someone who genuinely wants love and peace for our planet I really don't like it when I have thoughts like this. Immediately I recognized it as a demon and asked that it leave me alone. First of all I know that the appropriate response to any frustration is to direct loving energy and white light onto the other person. Not only did I fear that these negative thoughts would come back to me somehow but also in the past I have had technology around me break and stop working after engaging in such mental violence, so there are a variety of reasons why I wanted those thoughts to stop. I didn't see the woman for a while and my interest and negativity began to fade. By the time I saw her again she had already walked passed me before I noticed her. Then I started to feel terrible about those thoughts. I saw her interacting sweetly with other passengers and considered that maybe she was truly concerned for our safety and not just a power hungry bitch as was my initial impression. I started to think about her family and the people that love her. She's someone's daughter, maybe a mother or a sister, and I felt so terrible for wishing harm on another being. I immediately began sending her angels and showering her with white light and violet flames.

After the movie ended I attempted to sleep as it was an overnight flight and I was hoping to get some rest. The seats were so small that i couldn't even rest my head on the tray table in front of me. I was able to turn on my side a bit and somewhat hugged my knees in the fetal position facing the lavatory wall across from me. I mildly dozed off several times. Two times I had woken up in that twilight state with a physical jerk followed by a rush of fear and a strange feeling that a male passenger had gone in the bathroom while I was sleeping and directed an electromagnetic energy weapon at me. Strange, I know. I was too tired and calm to be paranoid and this idea would never have crossed my mind before but this is the impression and visualization that I got. I was jerked awake as though I had been hit or beamed with something, as I have felt in bed at home before. There was a murky brown and orangish aura to that impression and both times i fell back asleep too quickly to further analyze or remember the situation.

Our plane landed around noon in Heathrow. I was tired and my stomach was in pain and in knots but I was otherwise in good spirits. My sacral chakra was under attack from that food so I had less of a capacity to feel. As the passengers waited to get off the plane the man who had sat next to me engaged me in conversation. He asked something about me being a model or going to school for fashion or something. I think he asked what I do, if I was in school or working. I told him that I was a musician, that I went to school for music producing and recording and was a singer/songwriter/engineer/composer and recording artist. He said something about me being famous. I think he asked if i was going to be famous, and then I smiled and the spark came over my eyes and I said, "maybe." Not that I necessarily want to be, for a variety of reasons, but that future probability is something I have connected to and predicted since I was younger.

Getting off the plane my eyes shot to the number 44 two separate times as I walked through the area of the building headed toward immigration. 44 is one of the numbers, along with 22, that I have been seeing a lot of recently. (As well as 33 and 77). Another moment I had was standing behind an elderly couple on the sidewalk conveyer belt. The husband was standing behind his wife and kissed her from behind and I thought that was so sweet. This may not seem relevant but these are just bullet points of symbols or impressions and scenes that i picked up on in that short period of time.

When I arrived at the immigration area of the airport where I headed to a table with pens and forms and started to fill out the immigration form. A male airport immigration staff member standing near me saw that I made some mistakes on the form because i had scratched some answers out and rewrote them in the remaining space in the field, so he told me to grab a brand new form and fill that out perfectly. I did that and then proceeded through the maze of taped off aisles to wait in line to go through immigration. I waited in line for maybe a half an hour to get up to the immigration officer. During this wait in line there were two conversations I heard snippets of. The first was of a teenaged girl ahead of me in line who was speaking with her mother, I believe. The two words I made out of her conversation were, "Hope," and "Haley." The second conversation I overheard was that of a mother and daughter behind me in line whom I passed by. I heard the mother say to the daughter, "You SEE EVERYTHING, don't you?" I then looked down at the daughters eyes, which were sparkling as she nodded and said yes. I figured she was a psychic crystal child.

It was soon time for me to approach the immigration officer at the counter with my passport and immigration form. The lady directed me to counter number 23 where I was to be questioned. Now, I have travelled my whole life, starting out going to Europe by myself two times for a total of 6 weeks in 4th and 5th grade for a French exchange program. I've travelled to Peru in 2006 and visited a variety of countries that year and for years before. I am well experienced in international travel as well as traveling both nationally and internationally alone by myself. However this was my first time traveling to the UK and the first time I had ever travelled internationally to go stay at someone's house.

The first thing the officer asked me was "what brings you to the UK." I told him I was coming to stay with a friend. He immediately then started prying me for personal details regarding my relationship with this friend and it made me extremely uncomfortable. Perhaps that is the standard M.O. these days but it felt odd and I felt like I was being messed with. I have travelled internationally and gone through immigration so many times I can't count them, and I have never had any issues with getting through and I have certainly never been bombarded with such a barrage of intimate personal questions that seemed to me to have no relevance to the situation at hand and appeared to be quite frankly none of anyone's business. The "friend" I was going to visit is Michael Prince, aka James Casbolt. The officer asked for his name. Knowing James' notoriety in the UK, and the fact that I refer to him as Michael, I gave the officer the name of Michael Prince. I then told him that he's got another name that he could be legally registered under (James Casbolt) and asked if the officer wanted that name but he said no. He asked what Michael did for work and I told him he was in the army. He asked me how Michael and I met and how long we had known eachother. I don't see how this was anyone's business. In my mind I was thinking back to past lives we spent together, and that I had known Michael at least since I was 5 when we trained together in "top secret government projects." I was not about to share this information with the officer. I kind of made a smart remark to him without thinking- sometimes I say things without thinking but I felt like he was crossing the line with what he was asking me and how he was asking it and so I felt the need to defend myself and let him know that. Then I immediately apologized and let him know that I did not mean to give him attitude. I first told the officer that I met Michael through mutual friends. Then I said that honestly we hadn't actually met yet but had known eachother for 5 months and had been speaking via telephone and email on a near daily basis since. I think he asked me if he was more than a friend or something and I said I didn't think it was any of his business. He asked if there was a possibility of us being more than friends in the future and I immediately had the spark come over my eyes, I looked up and over to the right and grinned and said, "we'll see."

He asked for Michael's address but I didn't have it so I didn't give it to him. He asked for Michael's phone number, which I thought was odd, and I gave it to him. I'm sure i made several inquiries into whether this conduct was standard practice or not. I have never been treated like this at immigration before and felt taken advantage of and like my privacy was invaded. The immigration officer continued to ask me questions about my plans for my stay in the UK and about my job, schooling and financial situation. I felt uncomfortable, not just because of the fact that he asked me about these topics, but because of the tone and the manner in which he did so- the attitude that he had and the degree to which he was prying and pressing for information. He asked if I had any tourist plans to visit the main tourist attractions in London, which I did not. I'm more of a traveller than I am a tourist and was not planning on spending any time in London as I was to be spending my time in St. Ives which was miles and hours away. I was planning to board my first train at 3:15 to head to St. Ives. I was to be taking several train rides that would get me into St. Ives around 10 pm that evening. I was to be staying in St. Ives for 4 weeks. He asked what I would be doing in St. Ives to which I didn't have a clear answer. I was planning on living with Michael and just relaxing on vacation and doing my thing like I do at home- yoga, studying and working on my laptop, etc. I was planning on going out to dinner and just enjoying the nature of St. Ives. I was planning on and very much looking forward to doing little things like coloring with his daughter and watching movies with him and his daughter. The officer thought it was extremely odd that I didn't have a distinct itinerary or any specific locations or places I wanted to go. I'm not a fan of plans anyway and like to be spontaneous in my explorations. He made some snide remark about how people usually research the places they're going to visit and make plans and that it was "odd" that i didn't seemed to have done so. I in fact did, weeks ago, do a google search on St. Ives and spent a little under an hour looking on websites to learn about the different restaurant and entertainment options available. When I did so i only did so to get a general idea of the possibilities and feel for the town. I did not map out out any sort of schedule or write down any specific places where i just had to go to dinner or something. All I needed to know was that there was a pizza place and plenty of things to do. I figured we would play it by ear and that Michael could show me around where he saw fit. I've travelled enough before to be confident in knowing that things tend to fall into place and work out. I had enough on my mind before leaving for the UK then to feel the need to spend my time being anal and mapping out every minute of my stay there. He then proceeded to ask me about my job and schooling situation. I told him that I graduated in december and that I had recently quit my main job to focus back on my studies but that I did do some freelance and tutoring. He asked me how much money I had in my bank account and how much cash I had on me. I told him I had $3,000 in my checking account and $70 cash on me. He then asked me where I got the money in my bank account. I'm very uncomfortable discussing money and don't like to talk about it and don't think it's anyone's business. Of course I'm coming forth with my full details now as I'm going to let out all of the truth that I can to help with my case and as much as I'd rather not share I don't care about that now as these are the facts and they are pertinent to this story. When he asked me where I got the $3,000 I immediately felt like he had crossed a line and looked down to the left and retorted, "that's personal." Then I told him it was part of an inheritance. He didn't seem to believe me, or was acting that way. He asked if I had documents to prove that I had any money in my checking account. I said no. I had never heard of having to travel with any sort of printed statement declaring how much money I have. What would I have done for that anyway? Printed out my online statement? It would never have occurred to me to do that. I have never had to do that before. He said there was no way he could believe that I had that amount of money since I didn't have any documented proof. I told him I could bring him to an ATM and show him. He asked if I had any proof of an inheritance and of course I told him I didn't. He then asked me who paid my rent back home and who paid for my plane ticket. He asked me what my plans were for when I was going to get back home and I told him I was going to work and perhaps pursue more schooling. He was a douchebag but I was doing my best to be nice and cordial, which comes naturally for the most part but I was definitely tested by his prying and stood up for myself without thinking. He then said he was going to go call Michael and told me to go sit on the bench and wait. There was only one other person sitting in this row of benches and I had seen that he was there for at least a half an hour since I got there. This was like the place where people go to sit if they're in trouble or something, who aren't allowed to be let through. I sat for a while and watched as every other person from my flight was allowed through, until I was sitting there alone. I made conversation with the guy next to me, asking how long he had been there and why he was there. He said he was from Bolivia and had been sitting there for 3 hours because they didn't believe his passport was actually his or something. I waited for a long time, getting really frustrated because I was supposed to catch a train. The immigration officer disappeared and didn't return for an hour. So I sat there not knowing what was going on or when I would hear back from him. I was supposed to call Michael as soon as I landed but wasn't able to use my phone in the immigration area. Finally the man returned. I had known already that I had missed my first train ride. He told me he had called Michael and spoken to him and that our two stories didn't add up. I was searching my mind to think of how that could possibly be the case, what might Michael have said, but I couldn't think of anything. The man told me that because of this they were going to have to search my luggage and before I could ask him any questions he was gone again and I was left to sit there for another hour wondering what was going on. I was too sick, hungry and tired to really read my book and spent most of the time just sitting there waiting getting increasingly frustrated. I finally started to read my Hyperspace Helper book and did some meditations and visualizations. Finally a robot like woman with no emotion came to pick me up and bring me to my luggage. I thanked her for coming to get me and saving me.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-24-2010, 03:29 PM   #731
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'

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Old 03-24-2010, 03:46 PM   #732
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

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'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:43 PM   #733
Kari Lynn
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Relax, breathe, Michael.
Is there anything I can do to help?
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Old 03-24-2010, 05:18 PM   #734
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi James, Jimmy, Kamagol, M-person, !

who was kamagol I ? anyway.

rock the casbolt, by the clash

the armadillo is from texas

... .... ...
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Old 03-24-2010, 09:33 PM   #735
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There are more than 40 videos here but worth watching.
I thought this one is apt for this thread.
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Old 03-25-2010, 02:18 PM   #736
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

So far it sounds like just an ordinary immigration process, but then again, I've never had to go through immigration.
But what makes me agree with Casbolt that this is Black Ops Government MK Ultra related is when the two guys in suits accompany Haley and escort her back to the plane and sit next to her and act out of line physically with her.
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Old 03-27-2010, 12:07 PM   #737
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

James and Haley‏
From: Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (cosmicrf@hotmail.com)
Sent: 25 March 2010 14:57:20
To: cosmicrfgroup (cosmicrf@hotmail.com)
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James has now posted Haley's account of events concerning her failed attempt to meet James in St Ives at http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...d.php?p=260688. N.B. This link is the first part of her account up to her interrogation by UK immigration. It includes how she was poisoned on the flight from San Francisco to London, but luckily ate only 2 or 3 bites of the meal. All throughout her ordeal she had been targeted by NSA agents who were determined that she and James should never become an 'item' ie. get hitched. Anyway, my suggestion to both James and Haley is to go to a 'neutral' location accessible to them both such as Israel, Southern Ireland or Mexico and then get married there and decide where it would be safe for you both to live together. In this respect, US/UK, Australia and Canada would be out, as would probably the EU. You would also both be welcome to visit India where even Paul McCartney used to come for his holidays. If, therefore, you are both serious about marriage, you may not be able to stay in places which are easily accessible to the NSA and the Satanic hierarchy that control the US/UK axis of evil and her siblings in Australia and Canada and also the EU. In my own circumstances, I found India to be a suitable getaway where I found my beloved gipsy wife, Anjali, where we were married at Markapur on 14th June 1999 when she was 18 and I was 49. St Anthony hopes, therefore, that James and Haley will be able to start a 'new life' together away from the NSA's continual harassment. St Anthony, therefore, wishes both James and Haley all the very best for their future life together and asks the angels of God for their special protection over them from the forces of darkness.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 91-8596-224312/9959-684635
Date 25th March 2010

From: cosmicrf@hotmail.com
To: cosmicrfgroup
Subject: James Casbolt Update
Date: Sun, 21 Mar 2010 23:09:13 +0530
Attachments: jamescasbolt.jpg (10.5 KB), haleymeijer.jpg (26.1 KB)

'God's Holy Spirit is enough to get me into all sorts of trouble and also to protect me from all sorts of trouble' St Anthony

Sorry, James, to hear the news about your girlfriend, Haley Meijer, in San Francisco being sexually molested by NSA agents and denied entry into UK to see you. I'm sorry that I was unaware of your recent love life and wonder what happened to your previous girlfriend who is the mother of your daughter, Kaisha. I also don't have a name for your daughter's mother, but perhaps you don't wish to release it. I've also been through 'hell' in my relationships due to direct Satanic interference regarding my 1st wife and our 5 children (1 son + 4 daughters) and my 2nd wife, Anjali, who died suddenly from acute hepatitis on 1st Dec 2007 aged 26. Remember, James, Satan always attacks at our most vunerable point which invariably is our wife and family. This happened in the Garden of Eden and is still Satan's most effective means of destroying men today and throughout history. This is only hypothetical, James, but if you had been living, like me, in India, I'm sure Haley would have been able to see you without any trouble and also stay with you. However, as both you and Haley live in the headquarters of Satan's operations on earth ie. UK/US axis of evil, you are both at the mercy of the UK/US Govts. I know how you feel and you will have to go through and endure this 'hell' that both you and Haley are in. However, as you have a daughter, are you still on speaking terms with your former girlfriend? I assume, however, that she couldn't handle your turbulent lifestyle and so decided to call it quits. However, you mention in Oct 2009 that she suddenly developed uncontrollable vaginal bleeding; which, by the way, is caused by black magic for the purpose of killing a woman by occult means. By the way, I assume she's the one seen with you at the UFO conference in Truro in the Bases 4 DVD. Funnily, she looks just like Haley. Meanwhile, for those who haven't got a clue what's going on, check out the post at http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...d.php?p=259900 and also check out Haley at www.myspace.com/haleymeijer.
Yours in the battle for planet earth,
Rev Dr Anthony G. Pike (UK)
Cosmic Research Foundation
Markapur, A.P. 523316, India
E-Mail cosmicrf@hotmail.com
Tel 91-8596-224312
Date 21st March 2010
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-27-2010, 12:09 PM   #738
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Continued from facebook

Haley Meijer- So the lady comes to pick me up and I follow her through the airport corridor to an elevator that brings us downstairs to the baggage terminal. I was thankful to see my luggage untouched in a roped off area. We grabbed the bags and went over to a table where I opened them for her to search. As she was looking through my bags she seemed genuinely ... See Moreslightly confused and asked me why they had called for my luggage to be searched through. That was the most emotion I saw out of her the whole time I was with her. I said I had no idea, but that it had something to do with my not having distinct travel plans and the fact that my story apparently didn't line up with my boyfriends.' She looked through my books and asked me what Reiki was. Then she saw the wedding magazine and asked if I was getting married. I said no not anytime soon, just thinking about it for the future. Picking up one of my bags I grabbed it by the buckle and it broke. She asked me where all my documents were in my bags and I didn't know what she was talking about. I didn't have any documents. She saw an envelope, which seemed to grab her attention, but it was merely a tax document I had meant to mail out before leaving the UK.

Anyway we closed up my luggage and I followed her up to the detention center where I would be locked in for the next 24 hours. The only thing I can compare it to was the local psych hospital my parents left me at when I was 14. Thankfully all of the staff working in there were exceptionally nice. Next up it was time for me to get my picture taken by a series of different types of cameras before giving multiple sets of finger prints.

Then I was brought back into the main area of the detention center which was filled with rubber benches, a beverage machine and a payphone. All along the walls there were rooms with full windows where I was to have my interrogation interview. I was told to sit on the bench and wait for someone to come interview me to see if I would be allowed to stay in the UK or not. I waited for a couple hours and watched British reality tv with a really nice elderly man who was part of the staff. He gave me a sandwich and some food and I drank coffee and chatted with him. I was pleasantly surprised with the tv show because it was the first time I had seen a reality tv show in which the participants were actually nice to eachother. That made me happy. I called Michael on the payphone as soon as I could. That was awesome.

Haley Meijer- I spoke to Michael about my situation and he was surprised to hear how upbeat I was. I've travelled alot and have been through enough in my life to understand that everything happens for a reason. I saw it all as an adventure. An inconvenient adventure of course. I figured they would have nothing on me and that I would be interviewed and allowed to... See More go on my way. I was just happy to finally be so close to seeing Michael and spending time with him. I wasn't about to let any of this bring me down. It was about 3 hours after I landed when I was finally able to talk to Michael. He said he had spoken to some people and that I would be let out as soon as I finished my interview.

Finally a new robot lady came to interview me. I don't know where they find these gorgeous emotionless women. Anyway being admittedly egotistical to a certain degree I love to answer questions about myself so I mildly enjoyed the interview. She asked me questions all relating to what the original immigration officer inquired about. Basically the questions all related to Michael, my relationship with Michael, my plans for what I would be doing in the UK, my plans for what I would be doing when I came home from the UK, my financial situation and my job situation. I answered everything honestly and can not think of anything I could have given her that could have given them reason enough to not allow me in the country. When the interview was over I was feeling good because of this. Ha! I was looking forward to bringing a high frequency into the country and for bringing love and light into the lives of Michael and his daughter. Little did I know that was the exact reason why they did not want me in their country. No surprise there, but still shocking.
Yesterday at 12:04pm ·
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-27-2010, 12:12 PM   #739
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Originally Posted by ufohunterusa View Post
So far it sounds like just an ordinary immigration process, but then again, I've never had to go through immigration.
But what makes me agree with Casbolt that this is Black Ops Government MK Ultra related is when the two guys in suits accompany Haley and escort her back to the plane and sit next to her and act out of line physically with her.
This was far from an oridinary immigration process
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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Old 03-27-2010, 10:09 PM   #740
no caste
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Hi James,

With this forum going read-only soon, have you found a new spot to online park for discussion and/or networking? Also, I copied over pertinent pages of this thread for research purposes. (I'd think that's fair use, from a copyright stand point; non-commercial.)

Anyway, just curious whether you're carrying over this story, from where it began on the other thread that Anteletriangle started. I'm a bit concerned about the "indefinite period" notice on this forum, for material.

Last edited by no caste; 04-04-2010 at 07:08 AM.
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