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Old 10-13-2008, 03:13 PM   #1
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Default Brown abandons No.10

Hi Everybody,

It seems that British Prime Minister Gordon Brown can't pay the rent! (Or does he know something that we don't).

"LONDON (AFP) - Prime Minister Gordon Brown is to break with more than 275 years of tradition and move out of 10 Downing Street -- to take up residence next door at No 12, The Sun newspaper reported on Monday.

The move is a direct result of the ongoing financial crisis which has pushed Brown to look for bigger premises to accommodate him and his key advisers involved in tacking the global crisis.

No 10 has been the seat of government since 1735, but it is a listed building which cannot be structurally altered due to planning permission restrictions.

But now, Brown will direct operations from an open plan 'war room' at No 12, which is currently occupied by the Downing Street press office and strategic communications unit, said The Sun."

Best regards,

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Old 10-14-2008, 05:00 AM   #2
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

its very comforting that he is calling it the "war room".

very strangelove.
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Old 10-14-2008, 07:46 PM   #3
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

Hi argonacon,

I thought the real 'war room' was under the Houses of Parliament, at least it's there that still stinks of Churchills' cigars.

For me it was interesting for me in the fact that normally it isn't the Prime Minister himself who deals with financial problems. Will he sleep over? I mean he already calls the Chancellor of the Exchequer Darling, do you think they will take it to another level?

But seriously, is the British government so strapped for cash that they don't have another large open plan war room?

Best regards,


Originally Posted by argonacon View Post
its very comforting that he is calling it the "war room".

very strangelove.
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Old 02-27-2010, 03:41 PM   #4
Truth Vibrations
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

Says it all really:

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Old 02-27-2010, 08:25 PM   #5
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When Blair was the PM, he and Brown switched residences as No.10 apparantly wasn't big enough or suited to his family.
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Old 02-27-2010, 09:38 PM   #6
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

Interesting story...Steve..

So if our own Government can't afford to live at No.10, who can?!

Who will they let it out to , RBS ??
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Old 02-27-2010, 11:05 PM   #7
Truth Vibrations
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

It looks like we are witnessing the final weeks and months of Gordon Brown as the UK prime minister. Like all other Bilderberg groupies, past and present, his time in the spin-cycle of expendable politicians serving their global financial masters' agenda for One World Government is coming to a close. Poor sod.

The propaganda war against the Labour party has already begun with the controlled corporate media and journalist repeaters setting out the parameters of political 'debate' and the Brownite faction of Labour increasingly coming under attack with bullying stories in the press not entirely showing their Great Leader in an altogether positive light. This is how the bloodline elite undermine those who serve them, to the money masters no one individual is greater than the agenda they serve.

The dour Brown is just another Lee Harvey Oswald, a political patsy willingly set up to take the rap for the actions of others, the shadow people who rule in secret.

Of course, the day following the forthcoming general election we will have a new patsy at the dispatch box in the House of Treason at Westminster willingly serving the same force as Blair and Brown before him. This new frontman for the 'international community' will however have the same script and song sheet as Brown but the label will not be New Labour, this time the scam will be perpetuated under that old favorite of empire and imperialism - the Conservative party. With the emphasis on the Con in conservative.

The British One Party State with two names - Labour/Conservative - will yet again triumpth over the very people that elected it into power, influenced and deluged in a tidal wave of party political propaganda promoting the illusion of choice - the force that powers the matrix control grid that surround us each and every day of our servile lives.

Our neo-feudal lords and masters must look on in amazement as the hapless alcoholic binge-drinking, drugged up serfs, divided by party and class, lulled to sleep by the hypnotic repetition of TV gameshows, by football and consumerism give their power, their infinite potential to create, to those whose only mission in Britain is to destroy.

Wake up Britain! Wake up World!

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Old 02-28-2010, 01:03 AM   #8
no caste
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

"War room" is likely about this (WIKI), in my opinion:

The next United Kingdom general election is due to take place on or before 3 June 2010, barring exceptional circumstances. As a general election, it will see voting take place in all constituencies of the United Kingdom, to elect Members of Parliament (MPs) to seats in the House of Commons, the lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.

The wheels are sure spinning! -

2nd UPDATE: UK Opposition Seeks To Regain Initiative As Race Tightens

BRIGHTON, England (Dow Jones)-A nervous U.K. opposition Conservative Party gathered on the south coast of England Saturday amid a general election battle that looks increasingly difficult for David Cameron's party.

The party's Treasury chief George Osborne placed the U.K.'s fiscal problems in focus on the first day of the conference, promising a Conservative government would act quickly to tackle the country's debt to prevent the nation from being left at the mercy of the bond markets.

Meanwhile, the Conservatives unveiled their slogan for the upcoming election campaign, urging the public to "Vote for Change" after 13 years of Labour Party government.

yada yada interesting about the Falklands though...
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Old 02-28-2010, 10:35 AM   #9
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

It's possible that the UK general election could take place on 6th May. There is even speculation that it might be sooner, although I doubt that that would be the case. The May date seems to be the one most likely.

There is also the possibility that whenever it takes place the outcome will be a 'hung parliament', that is to say, a parliament with the ruling party having a very slim majority and needing to form voting alliances with minor parties to get parliamentary bills passed into law.

Many people in the UK, the ones who actually take an interest in what is being done to their country, ar just so cynical about politics and politicians that they might not bother to cast their vote - GOOD! Send a clear and decisive message to the hypocritical shyster MPs that sit in parliament at tax payers expense that their actions and behaviour is a disgrace and will not be tolerated any longer by the vast majority of decent, caring, hard-pressed British citizens from all ethnic backgrounds. The Truth Vibrations Revolution is gathering pace in the UK and across the world. People are turning on, tuning in and waking up to what's going on.

Meanwhile, back in the cesspit of party politics we have this snivelling little upper-class Tory creep, George Osbourne, having meetings with a dodgy Russian billionaire and Rothschild heir.

"...Mr Rothschild, who runs a multi-billion pound hedge fund and was at university with the shadow chancellor, said: “George Osborne…found the opportunity of meeting with Mr Deripaska so good that he invited the Conservatives’ fundraiser Andrew Feldman, who was staying nearby, to accompany him on to Mr Derispaka’s boat to solicit a donation..."


As they say, He who pays the Piper, calls the tune.
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Old 02-28-2010, 12:05 PM   #10
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

I won't vote.
I don't see the point. I know that they are all just puppets and there is a higher control system in place.
They are all liars anyway.
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Old 02-28-2010, 12:28 PM   #11
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

i don't disprove of farage's endevours


and really,
I won't vote.
I don't see the point. I know that they are all just puppets and there is a higher control system in place.
They are all liars anyway
in not too distant future, it won't matter whether we'll have more browns or blands...these pot bellies in strasbourg and brussels ere truly dangerous..and they mean business...the more their feathers are shuffled the better..i think..

bw l


Last edited by lightblue; 02-28-2010 at 12:35 PM.
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Old 02-28-2010, 03:29 PM   #12
Truth Vibrations
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

David Icke - Leading the Way...

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Old 02-28-2010, 03:42 PM   #13
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

Prime Minister Gordon Brown is to break with more than 275 years of tradition and move out of 10 Downing Street -- to take up residence next door at No 12...
Actually, when you think about it, this makes perfect sense!

You just have to think in two dimensions at once;

Both Numerological,
Scatological !

No. 10 +
No. 2 =

No. 12 !

Where else could they put it?
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:11 PM   #14
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

Instead of not voting, vote for a smaller party. This will reduce their overall power. Personally im down with UKIP at the mo. It appears to be unmolested so far by the string pullers
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Old 02-28-2010, 04:21 PM   #15
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
I won't vote.
I don't see the point. I know that they are all just puppets and there is a higher control system in place.
They are all liars anyway.
Well said Swanny. The "voting" process is nothing more than a clever ploy to give the impression people actually have a choice. Should I choose this puppet, or that puppet! Same with the left/right business in the U.S -- McCain/Palin? I mean to me at least its obvious those candidates were meant to be so ridiculous that people are almost forced to go for Obama. Again, the illusion of choice.
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Old 02-28-2010, 06:41 PM   #16
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Vote for Jeremy Clarkson. He'll give everyone a chance at driving a Ferarri around the Top Gear test track.
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 02-28-2010, 07:34 PM   #17
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

He's only making way for the tory leader.
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Old 03-04-2010, 09:29 PM   #18
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david cameron also mewntioned that when he gets (selected) he will gather a war cabinet.. lots of war talk going on.. i wonder if they actually mean war as in iran israhell. i wonder i this move by brown means gen election will be cancelled until furthe notice due to war. i have my suspicions. obv voting is a farce. a no vote is still a vote. i say vote no to voting.
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Old 03-04-2010, 11:53 PM   #19
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Default Re: Brown abandons No.10

by not voting yu are making the chance that labour or conservertive get in again.
vote lib dem as they are the only other party that could win and they are streets ahead of of either labour or conservative in terms of policy.

i agree thay are not perfect but if thay get in it may well pave the way for a smaller party in 4 years time.

dont wast your vote, if you do you are steangthaning the position of the puppet party,s.

i have voted lib dem since i was 18 mainly becouse i new any other vote would be a wasted vote in the scheam of things,

i would love to have voted green (allthough there policies are a little nieve at times) but the chances of tyem getting are less than zero.
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