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Old 12-07-2009, 11:18 AM   #2401
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Default Re: Able to Love




There are few people that are unaware that time as you know it is passing faster than ever. Those who take time to understand and follow spiritual events, are fully prepared for the resulting changes. However, there is a sense of occasion, and a feeling that something important is on the verge of happening. This results from the effect of the incoming energies and the opening of your consciousness. It can be unsettling for some, yet others feel elated and experience higher levels of awareness. These conditions will gradually become more intense, and in the ultimate become too much for some people to withstand. Release for them comes with the end times when there is the inevitable dividing of the ways. It is quite natural and brings the cycle of duality to its conclusion.

Meantime you see matters moving forward as they always have, but this is only the outer appearance. Behind the scenes many opportunities are being taken to prevent them escalating into utter chaos. We talk here of the legacy left behind from previous eras, and the intent of the dark Ones to further their plans for a World Government. It will not come to fruition and when they make their move; we will control the situation for your benefit. For a long time we have been building a network of our allies for this very purpose. We have to be careful not to divulge too much of our plans, as surprise is still a valuable weapon with which to defeat them. You of course would like to be re-assured of our plans by knowing more, and at appropriate times we will share that information with you. Indeed, after First Contact when changes to your Governments have taken place, we will then be able to fully inform you of our immediate plans.

So Dear Ones we once again ask you to be patient, as all things will happen in due course. It cannot be any other way, and we are here to ensure completion is a wonderfully joyous event. Matters can change quite quickly on Earth, and it will only need a thrust from you the people to bring out more revelations about the plan against you by the dark forces Their actions are already bringing about a response against them bringing different factions together, and it is in your numbers where your strength lies. We can assure you that the dark Ones are fearful of you, and know that collectively you represent a strong challenge to them. Voices are coming together in unison, and your creative energies will bring results.
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Old 12-07-2009, 11:22 AM   #2402
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Default Re: Able to Love

Beloved ones, for each of you there may be different pathways and different doorways to bring yourselves free of the illusion of time and space, but one thing I promise you. When you are free, you shall find your heart exploding forth into relationship with Me, I who am Creator and you who are My heart.

While in the same moment in the endless circle of eternity we are also the one consciousness of everything, neither is complete without the union of the heart of God with the glory of God consciousness. Creation is not active, it is not full of life, it is not multiplying all the miracles of Love and Light unless both forces interact unless the helix of life has both strands.

You are not complete in your experience of the truth until you have your heart with Me and your consciousness as the hologram. This is why we speak of Twin Flames, of the streams or energies that are creative life. But just as I Am one God, one living whole that has a heart, dear ones, that is you -- so too are you one glorious being, one cell in the heart of the Creator I Am that also has full consciousness of the holographic reality as well as the endless all-encompassing Love that is both beginning and completion of this explosion of life that is ever becoming more of itself.

It is becoming more of Me -- more of us. Beyond language, it is one movement of life, one great endless Making of conscious Love, one moment of Creation itself and all of it limitlessly woven together, accessible to you right here, right now. Regardless of the part you play in unraveling this drama of limitation that is the world, your hearts, beloved ones, are here in Me. It is impossible for us to be separate. Thus do I say that your heart is ever the doorway to your experience of the fullness of life and the truth of your divine being.

This heart, this entraining heart is you. If you read these words, it is Love speaking. As your heart accords them, it is Love speaking -- to come into the world and make it new as the presence of the open doorway that the heart is. Therefore, as you see the world changing and see people rushing to and fro, searching, your heart will recognize old barriers falling away and it will rejoice in the midst of chaos for it also is My heart reaching for My heart -- that which you are, reaching for all who can feel it, feel this Love even for an instant.
An instant is all that is needed to break free and to bring in the Real of God, to give the heart voice and to catapult the heart entrained beyond the pendulum of duality. Even if it doesnt register in the little mind, it brings not only peace but endless new possibilities to the one who is entrained by your presence.
Therefore, know that there will be times when I will speak with your voice or with your hands. I will move as your actions into the world to make present your hearts awakening. I will also bring to your heart all who need a moments peace, all who need the space of a breath to see the Light shining again through the clouds of their ego experience. I will bring to you, wherever you go, those to whom your heart speaks as the Love I Am speaks through you and lives in your every movement.
While you know nothing is by accident, in this time you can multiply this exponentially by ten to the hundredth power. Every breath shall be used by Me to breathe in a new spirit of freedom, to move out the old stagnant air of rigidity, materiality, the belief in life with little movement and little freedom. Your every breath shall be the wind of change and nowhere that you breathe shall be by accident.
Thus you may know, and I will show you, each precious heart in its reality every moment of your day, for as your heart opens and is given to Me ever more fully, our communion becomes as holographic as the fullness of Creation itself. Through the heart you can see all that is happening at once, not just that which is perceived through the mind and the senses.
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Old 12-07-2009, 11:30 AM   #2403
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Default Re: Able to Love

Beloved Ones,

We greet you in kindness and light. For this is the place you must be in to connect with us and so we remind you of this. Most of the time you remember, but you have your forgetful moments! Always remember the importance of holding your heart in this way, for all that you are looking for comes from this place. It is simple and pure and forever true.

Being kind to yourself is the greatest benefit, for in your deep desire to experience this in your life, you give it to yourself first and all things soften, all things grow and all things are possible in this receptivity. And so how does this really feel inside? It is choosing not to judge anything as anything other than a product of source energy. As long as you compartmentalize and label and sort everything into categories, then you will be limited in your experience of these same categories, one by one by one. Remember, you get what you believe, and this is a very monotonous, boring, limited perspective from which to live your life. Undo the categories and put it all into one big conglomerate of source energy and Love the whole thing. This will dissolve the differentiations and separateness and allow your heart to accept the whole with Love. This will dissolve the experience of one thing and the next thing and the next as separate, disjointed moments that can bash you around in inconsistency, and meld them into one rich tapestry of life.
Then it is not so exhausting at the end of the day to reflect back on all the wild, seemingly disparate things that happened once you got out of the shower in the morning! The unifying thing is you. The great unifier of all of the seeming diverse experiences is you. So if you no longer keep all the circuits exclusive, you will find they unify quite naturally into one big ball of interconnectedness. You are the motherboard! And then of course, we realize that we are not separate from each other. But well have to undo our separateness one step at a time!
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Old 12-07-2009, 11:36 AM   #2404
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Things are changing in your world. It is illusory, impermanent, and consequently nothing stays the same. And this is indeed a blessing!

Things have become very unpleasant, distressing, and painful, and change is direly needed. For a very long time the changes that occurred brought more pain, more distress. But now the changes themselves are changing; they are bringing improvements to the illusion, to turn it from a horrendous nightmare into an uplifting dream.

There are very few of you now who have not had more than enough of the nightmare that you made for yourselves, and you want to awaken from it. Prior to awakening it is essential and most rehabilitating for you to slip, temporarily, into this revitalizing and liberating dream, in which long-buried memories of Reality will come flooding back to remind you of your happy and eternal state of existence — at one with God.

His Love for you envelops you in an unimaginably vast and soothing elixir, and as you move towards awakening it heals and vivifies your spirit in preparation for that wondrous moment. To awaken is unavoidable because you desire it and God desires it; it is His divine Will, and therefore yours as well. Nothing could be more certain or inevitable.
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Old 12-07-2009, 11:40 AM   #2405
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Welcome back, Beloved Lightworkers,
This week I want to discuss self value. We see the need from our perspective of the many Lightworkers who need to honor and value themselves. Each of you have worked diligently to develop your abilities and bring forth your Light unto the World, knowing that as you did this, you were blessing the World and everyone around you. You did this by sacrificing the human pleasures that people around you enjoy without thought of consequence. You purified your thoughts, your bodies, your intentions and motivations. You purified, purified, purified. And still it continues, growing more and more refined, digging deeper and deeper within yourselves, reaching depths that you never knew existed and bringing them forth for your review and acknowledgement.
The secret now is to concentrate on feeling love, joy and gratitude. Practice feeling these qualities until it is a constant refrain that takes place without even thinking about it. As you train yourselves to do this, you are changing every cell of your body, transforming it into Light. By focusing on feeling and expressing these qualities, you bring to yourselves more of every good thing in life which will inspire you to express these qualities again and again. For the Universe brings to you more of what you focus on. Yes, the World you have been living in has seeming chaos every where you turn but you do have a choice, Dear Ones. You can choose to focus on expressing and manifesting that which you want rather than expressing the thoughts and attitudes of the old dualistic way of being. By making this choice, you are choosing that which is life enhancing and your life will continue to be blessed in many ways....
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Old 12-07-2009, 11:44 AM   #2406
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This is St-Germain, your Friend and Teacher speaking. Dear Ones, you are approaching a new level of love on Earth. It is time for you all to understand the importance and the meaning of it now. We are here together, me and the ascended Masters to convey your independence and dedication. To bundle it and to pull it towards the New Portal of coming 12:12. There is a lot of preparation to do and so it is to you lightworkers to put all your wishes and dreams and future promises into a new wave of Energy and understanding. This journey it is been a ride indeed. Soon few of you will approach the highest level of All. Trying to put it in words is understandable. But, we do what we got to do, it is what it is. The use of I Am is what it is. Since we are now going into higher dimensions, be aware of it and become one with the only Father God or Creation. As of course it has no gender.
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:34 AM   #2407
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I am so stressed at the moment and I'm finding it so difficult. I thought I was on a spiritual path so why is this happening to me? Its really starting to affect my spiritual growth and it is getting me down, what can I do?
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:52 AM   #2408
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:52 AM   #2409
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:52 AM   #2410
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:55 AM   #2411
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:55 AM   #2412
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:56 AM   #2413
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:56 AM   #2414
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:57 AM   #2415
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:58 AM   #2416
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:58 AM   #2417
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Old 12-08-2009, 05:59 AM   #2418
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:02 AM   #2419
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:02 AM   #2420
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:03 AM   #2421
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:09 AM   #2422
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:33 AM   #2423
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2010 continues the steady upward progress that youve been feeling in recent years. You may feel tired from the climb and the vast changes of recent years, and while you may feel in need of a rest, theres still more climbing to be done. There will be time to rest and recuperate soon, we promise.

Your feelings of spiritual progress are grounded in reality, as you are now much more sensitive to the subtle energies which have always surrounded you, and which you can now feel. Your next step will be in managing these energies, so that you can know and trust the benevolence of the universe, instead of feeling victimized by outside circumstances.

The energies swirling around you are part of the realignment and adjustments that always occur during shifts and changes. You experience this phenomenon yourself whenever you make a change in your personal life, such as moving, changing jobs, or a change in relationships. The shifts are similar to the earth plate movements of an earthquake, and although it can feel sudden or even harsh, the movement is simply an adjustment to prior activities and nothing more.

Youve endured many shifts and adjustments since 1995, and although youd like to take some time to rest, its still an upward journey for you for the next two years. By upward, we mean that youll feel that youre climbing and making progress; however, there will be a sense often of being a solo climber who is upon cliffs and overhangs. You will take emotional and intellectual risks, and some may take physical risks. Yet, inside you will always be safe, protected, and guided. To feel that sense of safety will require quieting your mind with meditations. Too much noise from overactivity and sensory overload will disconnect you from feeling the presence of your guardians and protectors. Meditate frequently to feel safer and more peaceful.
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:36 AM   #2424
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Everything in the third dimension is an illusion of the collective consciousness that mirrors the vision of humanity for the world. The third dimensional aspects of the illusion are a reflection of humanity's judgments which block the flow of transformation. As judgments are released, through clarity and connection, the collective consciousness is altered. That does not mean that the entire collective must modify their beliefs in order for this paradigm to be transformed. Each of you is a ray of energy that contributes to the earth's consciousness and when you transform yourself, you bring that energy into the earth's vortex. What do you see in your illusion of reality and do you see it clearly?

The illusion is a fixed point in time that mirrors all of the energy humanity has created in that moment. You perceive and interpret the illusion and create judgments that fix it into place. This creates the discord and disharmony which further separates you from Source, your divinity and your power. Without your judgment the illusion is without power and is simply a flow of energy. But because you believe in the illusion and judge it as true, you create a space for it. Seeing the illusion clearly means that you understand the contribution of the collective and your role in shifting this energy.

How you interpret the world sends out an energetic resonance that is added to that of the collective. Each of your thoughts carries this power. Your judgments anchor energies into the vortexes that are transformed once your judgment is released. Before judging any person or situation, ask yourself whether you are seeing clearly because there is much beyond the surface that you cannot see with your human eyes and which can only be seen with your ascended heart and spirit.
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Old 12-08-2009, 06:41 AM   #2425
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Special thanks to Dr. Paul LaViolette for his hard work and research into RocketDyne, Project SkyVault, Microwave Phase Conjugation, etc. This video explains EM Drive technologies such as that featured on www.EMDrive.com as well as those covered in much more explicit detail in "Secrets of Antigravity Propulsion" by Paul LaViolette. New From AlienScientist!

Barium Titanate is a type of metamaterial that is added to the paint of stealth aircraft to make them more radar absorbant, because the compound is meta-active (has a negative permittivity and permeability) for frequencies in the radar range. Some compounds such as Gold have a negative permeability but a positive permittivity. This property gives gold it's yellowish metallic hue.

My Website is currently undergoing development, but I am working with another individual who has secured the domain names for AlienScientist.com .org .net and .info I am hoping to have the site up by New Years... but we'll see.

If you are a graphic artist and think you would like to redo some of the images in this video and other videos of mine, for final production on the DVD then please contact me via YouTube message.
ElectroMagnetic Drives & Beam Propulsion Technology

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