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Old 02-15-2010, 10:31 PM   #101
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

Please check your private messages, thank you.
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Old 02-16-2010, 05:48 PM   #102
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

P.A.B. No. 38



Via Hubbard Communications Office

163 Holland Park Avenue, London W.11

__________________________________________________ ___________________

29 October 1954


A Basic Course in Scientology—Part 5


The main difficulty of the preclear is other-knowingness. An auditor auditing a preclear has before him someone whose last stronghold of owned knowingness is his engram bank and various mental phenomena. As much as possible, the preclear should be permitted to discover the answers to this phenomena through the process of auditing. What the auditor is doing is steering. If he tells consistently what is to be found or what will happen, the preclear will not get well. The steering, of course, is a covert but highly acceptable method of inviting the preclear to find out. Giving a process’s commands is an invitation to this discovery.

The auditor is working from a body of knowledge as to how all minds and spirits function. The preclear could even be trained in this high generality without harm, and certainly can be audited in such a high generality, but its particularities and peculiarities, the phenomena which occur, must not be “telegraphed” to the preclear before they occur, and when something has occurred to the preclear the auditor should not then come up with its explanation. This was the entire failure of psychoanalysis. The preclear would say something, and the analyst would then tell the preclear what it meant.

The auditor should confine himself to giving the proper auditing commands and engaging in enough “dunnage” (extra and relatively meaningless talk) to maintain a two-way communication line.
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:15 PM   #103
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Oh wow! That subject brings me back to the end 60's, when I was in Amsterdam, visiting a Scientology Church office I was invited in.
I was curious to see what was going on and entered a big hall with lots of people being trained or imprinted, as it felt like. It gave me the creeps, seeing people talking in a frenzy, to submissive frightened looking students, or such like. I decided to immediately leave the building and was obliged to buy the Dianetics books by Ron Hubbard, before being able to go outdoors(!)
Speaking of indoctrination! I was 18 at that time and bought the books, took them home, never read them and finally gave them to a second hand bookshop. That was my experience with Scientology.
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Old 02-16-2010, 08:07 PM   #104
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Your reaction is easily understood: I think my first reaction was when I saw the e-meter -- ugh!

After hours of in-session looking at who I destroyed with e-meters (they've been around for millions of years) I am now safe to be around an e-meter :-) I actually now like my e-meter :-)

Thank god for the "Auditor's Code"
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:21 AM   #105
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I joined the Church of Scientology just after the mass exodus in the 1980s but I didn't know about the Dane Tops letter until I saw it on Camelot a while ago.

Anyway, I was in Scientology for about 16 years in total. I got to Clear in the 80s then did the "secret" OT levels and reached OT5. I was also a Class 5 Graduate auditor and case supervisor. In fact I enjoyed training so much I also did a huge number of admin courses. Those who were in Scientology will know that all of the Hubbard Policy is held in the "green volumes" known as the Organization Executive Course. Well I studied the whole course - all of the green volumes - twice and completed an internship which involved working at every post in a Scientology organization. So, even though I never joined staff I was qualified to hold any and every post in Scientology. In fact I knew so much that I was eventually Declared (ex-communicated) for telling senior executives that they were "squirrelling" - a Scientology term for illegally altering Scientology tech.

So, having recently joined this forum I can put myself forward as another person who can answer questions about Scientology.

By the way, a little-known fact is that the "State of Clear" as described in the first Dianetics book isn't correct. Hubbard later amended this in a small book entitled "The Book Of Case Remedies". In this he basically says that the state of Clear mentioned in Dianetics was really a much higher state. In other words, the actual state of Clear is less than that mentioned in Dianetics. This makes much more sense because I haven't met a person yet, Clear or OT, who has anything near the abilities mentioned in Dianetics.

Hope this helps.

Last edited by justpeter; 02-18-2010 at 10:36 AM.
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Old 02-18-2010, 09:40 PM   #106
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Hello JustPeter,

Just went "Clear" in the Freezone September '09. No prior auditing. Since I did not have anyone to compare myself with I went reading the ancient Pali Buddhist descriptions of some states and abilities they recognized. Some of these indicated to me.

The best way I can describe how it felt to me was that I felt like an old diesel engine that had suddenly been converted to a Ferrari engine. Like an angel on steroids -- couldn't move this 56 year old body fast enough for me :-) Eventually got used to that and am still reaching higher and higher states of stability and awareness and, best of all, simply divesting myself of compulsive attachments. Underneath it all I am very simple, and much wiser than before.

Buddha talked about those who only needed to return a few life cycles and those he called non-returners, etc. Of course one must take in account the being's preferences. I think Buddha would agree that a Clear, is a Clear, is a Clear...and beyond of course. Now I have attention of clearing myself in an ever-widening sphere of influence.

Of course, some abilities regained along the way and would require some drilling to hone my skills in regard to said abilities.

This is my first absolutey AWESOME lifetime in EONS, and I am sure if people knew why Gautamo kept reaching out to people after he attained his state....your guess is as good as mine

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Old 02-19-2010, 08:56 AM   #107
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Hi gnosis, glad to hear you're winning

I think in one of your earlier posts you mentioned EFT. I'm a big fan of this too. A couple of years ago I was auditing a friend of mine to Clear and I kept thinking that EFT would have been so much easier in a lot of sessions. I stuck with standard Scientology tech and we got there in the end but I would definitely recommend EFT to anyone wanting to improve themselves.

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Old 02-20-2010, 04:49 AM   #108
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Hello Peter,

Yes, I also took a PEAT course which is a bit more sophisticated than EFT, however, EFT is worth becoming an expert in. As long as the person understands that once they start on a clearing path it is a bit like opening a Pandora's box and requires some commitment to a known (and sometimes unknown) end. Also, as a general rule, people cannot initially clear themselves doing it solo, and it is smart to align oneself with a committed group or a trained practitioner.

My first step is to become an expert in R3X before I jump around and start, well, you know, squirreling

Soberly, though, any technology can be improved upon and I would be a fool to say I have the last word in clearing technologies. What is very real to me though is that if I had of had R3x anywheres on my spiritual history and used it correctly, there would be a lot less baggage to handle today :-)

It took me a little less than one year of dedicated (3 times a week sessions) clearing work to reach "Clear". That probably would have been unheard of in any previous time in earth history with the usual spiritual practices.

Using Buddha's frame of reference, I removed myself from having to enter again into the "Stream of Life", but at current state would be doing at least one more lifetime, but it will be a very uptone and more responsible lifetime, not full of self-imposed heavy karmic debt.
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:30 AM   #109
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

Originally Posted by Luminari View Post
In the interest of common sense, I have renamed this thread, and changed 'Dave' to 'Dane'.... this should have been done a long time ago.

On a personal note, I bought the book 'Dianetics' after reading this interview. Fascinating..

Universally yours,


the Mod team
Good on ya Lumi..... but just don't go near the physical church today cos it's nothing like it was 30+ years ago! And besides if ya join up, and then try n leave they'll keep hounding and pestering you like some really freaky cult!
Still, the original technology/ philosophy is very powerful - as you've no doubt already discovered!

Cheers dude.
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Old 02-21-2010, 08:36 AM   #110
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I agree. Spiritual clearing became a real possibility for me in the real world simply using an improved version of Dianetics. I use the David Hawkins calibration as a developmental guideline and that has raised 90 points, so as pertains to consciousness, yes that is a part of me that is being cleaned up.

As with all consciousness, potential raising systems, grab the goodies and run
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Old 02-21-2010, 09:01 AM   #111
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

Did anybody see this?


The Beginners Guide To L. Ron Hubbard

This is the story of Hardeep Singh Kohli discovering the philosophy of Scientology outside the official church traveling to Russia in his pursuit of knowledge experiencing Scientology first hand. Includes never before filmed footage of actual auditing taking place.

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Old 02-21-2010, 09:07 AM   #112
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I was told that he personally was quite impressed even though he could not express it in the filming. He later returned for some more sessions.

I have also made recordings of some sessions that I give over skype. I am not a paid practitioner, but a student of clearing practices. My focus is on R3X, a ramped up version of Dianetics. Listening to a recorded session or two helps one to get an actual idea of what goes on in a session.
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Old 02-21-2010, 11:37 AM   #113
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I would like to direct folks to the website: www.metatech.org which is owned by Stephanie and Michael Relfe. Stephanie and Michael have two things which may interest you all. 1) Kinesiology / clearing based on Dianetics. Background is given on the differences between original Dianetics and revised books after the death of L.Ron Hubbard. 2) Suggested reading of the free e-books "The Mars Records" (Michael's story) and "The Mars Force"(Pats story). Michael Relfe goes through clearings with Stephanie as the practitioner. It is a lot of pages but very easy to read through. Gives an exact idea of how clearing works by recording the details of each session. The questions and answers that are spoken.
There is much more regarding Aliens and the like on the site, as well.
She also has an article regarding James Casbolt (09/14/08) posted and Duncan O'Finioan (05/16/07)posted, SuperSoldiers.

Last edited by raregem; 02-21-2010 at 11:51 AM.
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Old 02-21-2010, 05:00 PM   #114
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I enjoyed reading that website -- I trust data that way. She also brings up a good question about why whistleblowers did not have their memories wiped and were allowed to freelly recall things. Seems that memory wipe is standard procedure. Bielak however did have his memory wiped and worked to recover the data.
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Old 02-25-2010, 03:59 AM   #115
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Well, after hundreds of hours of clearing sessions, I went back to my bookshelf and re-read this one: http://www.scribd.com/doc/8649227/EXCALIBUR-Filbert

This time more of it made sense to me. Clearly I am starting to see more wholistically.

Page 300 is a great place to start reading too!
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Old 03-23-2010, 11:32 PM   #116
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The signifance of the Dane Tops intervieuw ( for me personaly) is that it drives home a number of interesting conclusions:

1. Reality is quit different from what we have been taught to believe by religion - including Eastern religions, and new age: we are not here to "evolve" or "work off Karma" - we are here because we have been captured, mind controled, and kept ignorand of our extended reality.

2. There exist a network to capture those who have died in astral prisons, where they get programed to make sure their consciousness remains limited, this includes also the destruction of memory.

3. That way souls are recycled for further use and abuse in a new "life" upon the prison planet Earth.

4. The destruction of memory makes the definition and archievement of real progress impossible - perpetuating at infinitum the imprissonment on the prison Planet. - Note, that James speaks of all the above on his site.

5. Dying and suicide will solve nothing; we are bound to get captured into the same traps (because we do not remember )

6. All this talk about a "higher self" (implying it is an entity other than our present personality, thus defacto not us) is just a smoke screen to lure us to submit to a hive mind.

7. Restoration of memory is what we need to know that we are soul, and will forever do away with all this "higher self" B.S.

8. What we all need most is, memory recovery; to know ourselves, and to be
able to die a serene death, without danger of being recycled into the prison planet.

9. Original Scientology made available the techniques for memory recovery - and was subsequentely destroyed by the illuminati.

10. The original techniques and teaching seems to be still available, yet the odds to go through this process are quit daunting; even when in posession of the right material, how to find suficient time and energy to work through it while still having to function in society ?

Perhaps, one day when we get acces to Alien contacts and technology; new possibilities might emerge, like technology and comunity forming, but for the
time being such are but wishfull thinking.

I would like to hear from members here, how they did manage to restore their memories, and, what we as individuals who have to work either alone, or with a friend or spouce, can do.
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Old 03-24-2010, 04:14 AM   #117
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I could not have summed it up better, and not from reading about it in numerous books, but from my own chain of incidents that I am currently recalling, tracking down my own elusive (staring me right in the face) key-in mechanism. If I did or were able to convey to you the magnitude of everything you stated above I'm sure some would go mad if they were not on a sure clearing path.

The good news is that once a being has cleared out all of his own particular charged up areas as an implanted and implanter and trapper of other beings -- at first it was just light games and then go seriouser -- well I can only and will only tell you what I have personally seen, but I do know others who have seen the same only from different angles. And I have not yet reached the beginning of my own history as a being.

Clear is the first step to surviving well on this planet, albeit still in prison. For example, I drove by a police station today and asked myself how I felt about it and my answer to myself was that I felt okay about it considering that I probably invented it!

The attitude is the trap, but we have a long long history of entrenched attitudes so it might take a person a couple of years to free himself up of enough fixed polarities/dichotomies/attitudes to be able to see the prison as an opportunity in disguise :-) An opportunity to be infinitely Sovereign/Creating beings no longer trapping or being trapped by sub-optimum responses.

Yes, you zeroed in on forgetting -- why did I forget whole eons of existences which I am now recovering? The answer is in the early 50's books and materials if anyone really wants to get some theory of Dianetics and Scientology, PLUS some workable processes toward the above-stated ability levels.

My trip out of the rabbit hole(s) has been exclusively the vamped up version of Dianetics, called R3X. I am making spiritual gain as a being towards my personal infinity, and I am becoming more successful in my everyday life. R3X has practical and infinite gain, linear and exponential. A being who truly knows his history as both an implanter and implantee (dramatizations of the poles of Ego) will come out the other end a wiser, pure, and incorruptible Sovereign being with infinite possiblities/potentials, AND not likely to ever fall into degradation.

Buddha called them "Non-Returners" in the cycle of reincarnation.

Oh, yes, my ability to help put order into a very confused society on this planet (to say the least) is what being a Cleared "OT" is really all about -- higher levels of response-ability. Clears and Cleared OTs simply can and DO bring larger fields of consciousness out of their non-confrontational stupors and to their original self-realizations. They can take the Game Constructs (i.e., Matrix) apart if they so choose.

In the past there were the compulsive irresponsible "Gods" but never before a Cleared God, a responsible "god". A responsible god has no minions to lord it over. Therefore the word God is no longer even a valid concept.

We can all now have it within our reach (if we so desire) to realize ourselves as those responsible cleared beings. Have to clean ourselves up first :-)

There are clearing practitioners in the Freezone. Caveat Emptor. An educated consumer is the best consumer :-) But I wouldn't be too picky considering the scarcity of available auditors. I know my auditor is booked and I'm practically booked, giving free auditing services at least twice a day, plus my own sessions.

Filbert's "Excalibur Revisited" (page 300), and L. Kin's "Pied Pipers of Heaven" are taken from the case histories of thousands and thousands of hours of past life/existences recalls of hundreds of people who knowingly (and tenaciously) put themselves on the Clearing path using Dianetics and Scientology standard practices.

The only reason we published our case histories as eons-old beings was to create a stir of remembrance in others and as a type of map out of the rabbit hole.

In between the non-optimum solutions incidents there were some great times, but even greater capabilities are here for us.

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Old 03-25-2010, 08:42 PM   #118
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It becomes quit obvious that becoming "clear" is a major desirable goal in one's existence; as a pasport to " a beter future"
However, none of this is ( as might be suspected ) simple or straightforward.

1. Knowledge of the overal situation has to be aqcuired.
2. Knowledge of the revelant protocols to deal with # 1 has to be aqcuired.
3. The protocols must now be implemented - otherwise this is just a "methaphysical study " ( or, another name for the same: "mind****")
4. The help of capable, bona fide, dependable assistance (auditor) has to be secured.
5.all this will require a significant investment of time, energy and last, but not least - money. Tons of it.

A Job has to be done - regardless of the dificulties to be surmounted, also, there are no shortcuts in this: get it done , or forget it.

Bearing all the above in mind; time is also an important factor: how much time is required, and available, to get clear ?

While this question cannot be meaningfully answered, we see here the posibility of unfinished business: dying unclear.

Death may be sudden and unexpected, clear or not; the important issue: how to face death; for death is not for the unprepared or naieve.

My point: Even those who have to die unclear ( or not yet wholy clear) can still do a lot better than those who are totaly unprepared if they have knowledge of the possible pitfals and traps ahead: meeting "Christ" folowing "the Light", "Golden doors"....

Also: why are we reborn on Earth ?
Out there, there are alien civilisations with beings, who live in bodies quit similar to our own,who are not subject to prison plante conditions; how about being reborn there ? - and getting acces from childhood to the knowledge denied us ?

Matters might not be so simple as I state them: yet it would be good to know what are the real ins and outs.

Anyone comments ? , sugestions ?
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Old 03-25-2010, 09:10 PM   #119
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Thanks for all the tips. I found the 1950 version of New Edition Dianetics (reprinted in 1986). Hopefully it wasn't altered too much. There seems to be very many paths to the same goal these days. Recently, I've been following Burt Goldman (inventor of the original Silva Mind Control that both L. Ron and Werner Erhart got a lot of ideas from). He's now doing a program called 'Quantum Jumping' http://www.quantumjumping.com/blog/6.../2/10105/68452

I'm also looking into the work of Rick Collingwood, an Aussie Mesmerist who is allegedly having great success reprogramming 'engrams' as CoS calls them using hypnosis.
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Old 03-25-2010, 10:32 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by sunnyrap View Post
Thanks for all the tips. I found the 1950 version of New Edition Dianetics (reprinted in 1986). Hopefully it wasn't altered too much. There seems to be very many paths to the same goal these days. Recently, I've been following Burt Goldman (inventor of the original Silva Mind Control that both L. Ron and Werner Erhart got a lot of ideas from). He's now doing a program called 'Quantum Jumping' http://www.quantumjumping.com/blog/6.../2/10105/68452

I'm also looking into the work of Rick Collingwood, an Aussie Mesmerist who is allegedly having great success reprogramming 'engrams' as CoS calls them using hypnosis.

Quit amazing; this man claims that he has the secret to "sucsess" yet, why is he then making a living selling his "trade secrets" ?
Instead of folowing his own path of destiny ?

If he is realy succesful, why does he need to sell his technique ?
or is this just another example of "doing good" ( for a fee) ?
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Old 03-26-2010, 12:01 AM   #121
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

Originally Posted by oedilroed View Post
It becomes quit obvious that becoming "clear" is a major desirable goal in one's existence; as a pasport to " a beter future"
However, none of this is ( as might be suspected ) simple or straightforward.

1. Knowledge of the overal situation has to be aqcuired.
2. Knowledge of the revelant protocols to deal with # 1 has to be aqcuired.
3. The protocols must now be implemented - otherwise this is just a "methaphysical study " ( or, another name for the same: "mind****")
4. The help of capable, bona fide, dependable assistance (auditor) has to be secured.
5.all this will require a significant investment of time, energy and last, but not least - money. Tons of it.

A Job has to be done - regardless of the dificulties to be surmounted, also, there are no shortcuts in this: get it done , or forget it.

Bearing all the above in mind; time is also an important factor: how much time is required, and available, to get clear ?

While this question cannot be meaningfully answered, we see here the posibility of unfinished business: dying unclear.

Death may be sudden and unexpected, clear or not; the important issue: how to face death; for death is not for the unprepared or naieve.

My point: Even those who have to die unclear ( or not yet wholy clear) can still do a lot better than those who are totaly unprepared if they have knowledge of the possible pitfals and traps ahead: meeting "Christ" folowing "the Light", "Golden doors"....

Also: why are we reborn on Earth ?
Out there, there are alien civilisations with beings, who live in bodies quit similar to our own,who are not subject to prison plante conditions; how about being reborn there ? - and getting acces from childhood to the knowledge denied us ?

Matters might not be so simple as I state them: yet it would be good to know what are the real ins and outs.

Anyone comments ? , sugestions ?

Yes, definitely some barriers both internal and external, subjective and objective barriers.

First I had to get myself to a low enough condition (near death and way too negative) before I was willing to re-prioritize some of the "importances".

Then I had to logistically work myself to where I could afford the ongoing services of an auditor, which I did.

Then I had to experience a few failed auditors who did not work out for me for one reason or another, but that did lead me to the current auditor who I am able to work with long term. I became familiar with the different Freezone groups, I read some of the early 50's books and materials (Hubby had acquired a collection of them).

I have a disposable income of about $700 per month (once I decided that my auditing was more important than my Walmart trips, and other "hobbies", LOL).

After researching, I found an auditor who had a simple, effective, workable approach that I could understand and learn about (a type of Dianetics), and who charged a rate based on a long term commitment. Under $50 per hour -- most charge about $60 and up.

I also had to decide that auditing over the phone in the quiet of my room could get the job done (it has). Being semi-retired I was able to fit in with the auditor's rather booked schedule, but his 10am slot was not booked and so it has been 10am ever since.

My sessions are about 1hour to 1.5hours per session. I have gone Clear (in September) and in the last few sessions I seem to be looking at myself as a state of sovereign being (does not answer to anyone but myself) which is very interesting to say the least :-) It seems that in this state I will not violate nor allow myself to be violated, but I'm still learning about this new creation.

For me, Clear immediately felt like an angel on steroids and I could not get this old body to move fast enough for me and it had to get used to the new me. This is an ability that one gains through tenacity and knowledge and commitment with a trusted auditor. It is an ability that one needs to be taught how to maintain, to keep oneself cleaned up so to speak. It is definitely worth the 'trouble'. Companion studies and reading are required to fully enjoy Clear abilities. A good auditor is helpful.

I also get great pleasure being a volunteer auditor and I take the people who cannot afford to pay for auditing. I am practically booked up.

Some people in the Freezone co-audit, which I think is possible with Dianetics at least. I personally would employ the R3X version of Dianetics as a reliable starting point. Robert DuCharme authored R3X.

I still perform my duties related to my business, and my domestic duties. Hubby says he is very happy with his new (more tolerant and more positive) wife.

My first round of sessions addressed this lifetime incidents only and that gave me immediate relief for this lifetime at least. I could have stopped there and enjoyed the rest of my life. I chose to take it further, and it has been awesome. I love my sessions into higher and higher truths about my origins.

The only "protocols" that I have attention on are making sure I get enough sleep and have not taken any drugs or aspirin or overdone the alcohol, and being generally able to naturally engage the "right brain" imagery and recall with the help of my auditor. My auditor is a very simple and relaxed person and not putting on any airs -- just being himself. When he is auditing me he suspends any attitudes that I might pick up on during the session so my attention is on my "case" and not on him, although I know he is there as a sort of anchor point. We also manage to crack a lot of jokes

I have experienced having "tons of money" and lots of other material pleasures of this earth... you know what? ...I feel more wealthy and happier now than I did when I was less balanced regarding spiritual and material wealths. I still appreciate money, etc., and it is a more balanced appreciation. I am a much better money manager now.

Being 56 years old may have given me enough end-of-rope adventures and experiences and wisdom to know what I really needed at this time in my life.

It was Buddha who put the "brass ring" out there for me when he pointed out people who were "Non Returners" to this wheel of reincarnation.

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Old 03-26-2010, 12:02 AM   #122
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

Originally Posted by oedilroed View Post
It becomes quit obvious that becoming "clear" is a major desirable goal in one's existence; as a pasport to " a beter future"
However, none of this is ( as might be suspected ) simple or straightforward.

1. Knowledge of the overal situation has to be aqcuired.
2. Knowledge of the revelant protocols to deal with # 1 has to be aqcuired.
3. The protocols must now be implemented - otherwise this is just a "methaphysical study " ( or, another name for the same: "mind****")
4. The help of capable, bona fide, dependable assistance (auditor) has to be secured.
5.all this will require a significant investment of time, energy and last, but not least - money. Tons of it.

A Job has to be done - regardless of the dificulties to be surmounted, also, there are no shortcuts in this: get it done , or forget it.

Bearing all the above in mind; time is also an important factor: how much time is required, and available, to get clear ?

While this question cannot be meaningfully answered, we see here the posibility of unfinished business: dying unclear.

Death may be sudden and unexpected, clear or not; the important issue: how to face death; for death is not for the unprepared or naieve.

My point: Even those who have to die unclear ( or not yet wholy clear) can still do a lot better than those who are totaly unprepared if they have knowledge of the possible pitfals and traps ahead: meeting "Christ" folowing "the Light", "Golden doors"....

Also: why are we reborn on Earth ?
Out there, there are alien civilisations with beings, who live in bodies quit similar to our own,who are not subject to prison plante conditions; how about being reborn there ? - and getting acces from childhood to the knowledge denied us ?

Matters might not be so simple as I state them: yet it would be good to know what are the real ins and outs.

Anyone comments ? , sugestions ?

Yes, definitely some barriers both internal and external, subjective and objective barriers.

First I had to get myself to a low enough condition (near death and way too negative) before I was willing to re-prioritize some of the "importances".

Then I had to logistically work myself to where I could afford the ongoing services of an auditor, which I did.

Then I had to experience a few failed auditors who did not work out for me for one reason or another, but that did lead me to the current auditor who I am able to work with long term. I became familiar with the different Freezone groups, I read some of the early 50's books and materials (Hubby had acquired a collection of them).

I have a disposable income of about $700 per month (once I decided that my auditing was more important than my Walmart trips, and other "hobbies", LOL).

After researching, I found an auditor who had a simple, effective, workable approach that I could understand and learn about (a type of Dianetics), and who charged a rate based on a long term commitment. Under $50 per hour -- most charge about $60 and up.

I also had to decide that auditing over the phone in the quiet of my room could get the job done (it has). Being semi-retired I was able to fit in with the auditor's rather booked schedule, but his 10am slot was not booked and so it has been 10am ever since.

My sessions are about 1hour to 1.5hours per session. I have gone Clear (in September) and in the last few sessions I seem to be looking at myself as a state of sovereign being (does not answer to anyone but myself) which is very interesting to say the least :-) It seems that in this state I will not violate nor allow myself to be violated, but I'm still learning about this new creation.

For me, Clear immediately felt like an angel on steroids and I could not get this old body to move fast enough for me and it had to get used to the new me. This is an ability that one gains through tenacity and knowledge and commitment with a trusted auditor. It is an ability that one needs to be taught how to maintain, to keep oneself cleaned up so to speak. It is definitely worth the 'trouble'. Companion studies and reading are required to fully enjoy Clear abilities. A good auditor is helpful.

I also get great pleasure being a volunteer auditor and I take the people who cannot afford to pay for auditing. I am practically booked up.

Some people in the Freezone co-audit, which I think is possible with Dianetics at least. I personally would employ the R3X version of Dianetics as a reliable starting point. Robert DuCharme authored R3X.

I still perform my duties related to my business, and my domestic duties. Hubby says he is very happy with his new (more tolerant and more positive) wife.

My first round of sessions addressed this lifetime incidents only and that gave me immediate relief for this lifetime at least. I could have stopped there and enjoyed the rest of my life. I chose to take it further, and it has been awesome. I love my sessions into higher and higher truths about my origins.

The only "protocols" that I have attention on are making sure I get enough sleep and have not taken any drugs or aspirin or overdone the alcohol, and being generally able to naturally engage the "right brain" imagery and recall with the help of my auditor. My auditor is a very simple and relaxed person and not putting on any airs -- just being himself. When he is auditing me he suspends any attitudes that I might pick up on during the session so my attention is on my "case" and not on him, although I know he is there as a sort of anchor point. We also manage to crack a lot of jokes

I have experienced having "tons of money" and lots of other material pleasures of this earth... you know what? ...I feel more wealthy and happier now than I did when I was less balanced regarding spiritual and material wealths. I still appreciate money, etc., and it is a more balanced appreciation. I am a much better money manager now.

Being 56 years old may have given me enough end-of-rope adventures and experiences and wisdom to know what I really needed at this time in my life.

It was Buddha who put the "brass ring" out there for me when he pointed out people who were "Non Returners" to this wheel of reincarnation.

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Old 03-28-2010, 09:35 PM   #123
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

Grassroots or do it yourself Scientology;

From Dane's Top letter, we have learned that the Church of Scientology has been taken over and is converted in a chanel of desinfo, money making, and a scam in general.

However, one can wonder how much the Freezone is behind in that ( in money making).
At 55 I'am quit alergic to "groups" and anything that smacks of "new age"

I'am far more interested in learning something that I can do and apley myself
independent of any "authorities"

In my experience, the moment you gain a good grounding in any subject, you reach a point where you can help yourself, form your own understanding and opinions - quit independend of what other may think or say ( on the subject)

I suspect Scientology is not diferent: learn to be your own authority , instead of being dependend upon the "specialists": A husband and wife team who do their own editing. - With some ocasional coaching from an experienced auditor.

I believe such a team could cover a lot of ground, not only in actual editing, but also in construction of an E meter: Are there plans available of such ?

My husband is an electronic engineer, and can surely make any electronic device ( we are a husband / husband team) while I'am ( among other ) a fine mechanic.

Last edited by oedilroed; 03-28-2010 at 09:40 PM.
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Old 03-29-2010, 01:30 AM   #124
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Default Re: Camelot interview with Dane Tops

Exactly, could not have said it better. At first for me it started out as a dependency whilst I read and catch up in understanding of the processes I am running with the help of my auditor. The auditor seems to know and trust before I do that the answer is within me. Like a little child I take the hand of someone who simply has more data than I do, but like a child, I am also eager to learn and experience and mature. I know many former PCs (pre-clears) who now take themselves into solo sessions and do quite well.

Hubby and I took each other into sessions without the benefit of an e-meter. Our intentions were not perfect, but we learned. Personally I will not take myself out of the hands of my auditor until I complete this chain of engrams I am on and have arrived at the basic-basic of the chain and had a brief glimpse of who I really was (and am) before I allowed so much "error" and forgetfulness to disconnect me from the knowledge and trust of myself.

There are some basic truths that apply to everyone on this planet, but each person designed their own mechanism of reactivity.
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