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Old 01-18-2010, 10:01 PM   #1
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Default "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

The Astronomy Picture of the Day for January 18, 2010 took my breath away!

Credit & Copyright: Chris Kotsiopoulos & Anthony Ayiomamitis (TWAN)
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:45 PM   #2
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

looks like a big applie with a bite taken out of it. Beautiful pic....tks Seashore.
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:58 PM   #3
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
looks like a big applie with a bite taken out of it.

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
Beautiful pic....tks Seashore.
You're welcome!

Thanks for responding.
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:46 PM   #4
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

Sea: thanks for posting the photo. I have been forgetting to look at the astro pic of the day...good reminder. LB
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:00 AM   #5
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

Originally Posted by waitinginthewings View Post
looks like a big applie with a bite taken out of it. Beautiful pic....tks Seashore.
Or a big pac man getting ready to munch down on those clouds!!

Love the pic...your title "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon" sounds like a book title, a profound esoteric meaning or a foreboding sign of some sort.

Where is the Temple of Poseidon and does it have a meaningful history?
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:17 AM   #6
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

Originally Posted by AscendingStarseed View Post
Or a big pac man getting ready to munch down on those clouds!!

Originally Posted by AscendingStarseed View Post
Love the pic...your title "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon" sounds like a book title, a profound esoteric meaning or a foreboding sign of some sort.
I used the title the Astronomy Picture of the Day website used for the photo...

Originally Posted by AscendingStarseed View Post
Where is the Temple of Poseidon and does it have a meaningful history?
From the blurb on the website:

"the Temple of Poseidon in Sounio, Greece..."

When you click on "Temple of Poseidon" it pulls up a Wikipedia article. Here is an excerpt:

"In a maritime country like Greece, the god of the sea was bound to occupy a high position in the divine hierarchy. In power, Poseidon was considered second only to Zeus (Jupiter), the supreme god himself. His implacable wrath, manifested in the form of storms, was greatly feared by all mariners. In an age without mechanical power, storms very frequently resulted in shipwrecks and drownings.

The temple at Sounion, therefore, was a venue where mariners, and also entire cities or states, could propitiate Poseidon, by making animal sacrifice, or leaving gifts.

The temple of Poseidon was constructed in approx. 440 B.C., over the ruins of a temple dating from the Archaic Period."
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:48 AM   #7
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

Hey seashore is it me or are the stars at night looking closer to earth as a diminsion type of change, I swear the stars look much closer now than they ever have ??? Especially Orion and the cluster of stars next to Orion??
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Old 01-19-2010, 01:09 AM   #8
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

Originally Posted by pyrangello View Post
Hey seashore is it me or are the stars at night looking closer to earth as a diminsion type of change, I swear the stars look much closer now than they ever have ??? Especially Orion and the cluster of stars next to Orion??
I WISH I could compare notes with you about the stars!

I don't see the stars very often...

Thinking about the stars gives me goose bumps...
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Old 01-19-2010, 02:51 PM   #9
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Default Solar Eclipse: Doom in Asia?

"The Bible does tell of a time, just before the return of Jesus, when something that sounds like a much longer solar eclipse is expected. And it will probably also be in the 21st century:

29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (Matthew 24:29-31)."

man meets dog/god/Sirius under both sun and moon, or, when the sun and moon channels energetically collapse, man meets his divine spark/Universal Spirit/God.

pictures' caption: "The sun, moon, and star (Sirius) denote the Cults of the ancient world and their knowledge that begins in the heavens and descends to earth through the minds of initiated and purified men. The black and white squares represent ignorance and knowledge, as well as night and day. The black squares in the center of the image are laid out like the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The two small blocks in the background are known as "Lewis," a term that comes from the Irish letter "L" (Luis) denoting the rowan tree. In Masonic enclaves, "Lewis" is a term used to describe the son of any Freemason. Apparently, the nomenclature denotes Druidic influence."

In Indian and Tibetan breath control methods of attaining enlightenment there's usually an illustration of a body with three lines running from the top of the head down to the area just below the naval.

From the book Kunlun by Max Christensen:

"Practicing the first level of Kunlun regularly will purify the entire body as the seventy-two thousand nerves, called nadis, are toned and cleared by the psychic heat generated. The end result is that the nerves can handle much stronger current, which is important because the further you go with this practice the stronger the current becomes.
Within minute strains of DNA, lay the true essence of who and what you are, and what you can potentially become. It lies asleep waiting to be awakened by a strong magnetic pulse of bio-energy. The Kunlun practice provides this powerful magnetic pulse.
When we blissfully magnetize our being, the DNA unwinds allowing the RNA to become accessible. So when we are in bliss, a new magnetic program, so to speak, is impressed upon it. When we finish with our practice, the DNA again re-winds and causes this program to affect other newly created cells. This leads one to experience what we call "cellular cascade."
When you open yourself up at the genetic level, you affect organs, their structure and alignments, and then affect the mind and your energy. These changes are subtle at first, and you can feel them internally, but over time the results become noticeable outside of your body.
Kunlun is a magnetic potential that is created between heaven and earth, heaven being the head, and earth being the naval area, or what we will call the lower cinnabar field. When we activate the dormant bliss through our practice, a polarity field is created between these two opposing poles. When this polarity charge reaches a critical saturation of magnetic potential, we lose this potential and the energy pulses from one bodily pole to the other resulting in the heat of blissful awakening. The greater the stored charge, the more intense the bliss will be.
Bliss cannot fully arise if we are still in the yin/yang state of polarity, in other words, while we are still breathing in and out. The central channel, called the sushumna, runs down the core of the body, and the sun and moon channels run along each side of the spine.
When we breathe in and out the sun and moon channels are activated. This is a state of polarity. During Kunlun level one, breathing becomes less and less and eventually ceases as the sun and moon channels energetically collapse. When this occurs, the central channel activates and opens one up to a pure magnetic reality. To the outsider, this looks like a near-death experience, but definitely one of sublime bliss. There is no danger of dying in this state and before long normal breathing resumes."

Apologies for the length

-Love and Light-
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Old 01-20-2010, 02:47 AM   #10
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Default Re: Solar Eclipse: Doom in Asia?

Originally Posted by Firedrake View Post
"The Bible does tell of a time, just before the return of Jesus, when something that sounds like a much longer solar eclipse is expected. And it will probably also be in the 21st century:

29 “Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken. 30 Then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in heaven, and then all the tribes of the earth will mourn, and they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. 31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other (Matthew 24:29-31)."

man meets dog/god/Sirius under both sun and moon, or, when the sun and moon channels energetically collapse, man meets his divine spark/Universal Spirit/God.

pictures' caption: "The sun, moon, and star (Sirius) denote the Cults of the ancient world and their knowledge that begins in the heavens and descends to earth through the minds of initiated and purified men. The black and white squares represent ignorance and knowledge, as well as night and day. The black squares in the center of the image are laid out like the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The two small blocks in the background are known as "Lewis," a term that comes from the Irish letter "L" (Luis) denoting the rowan tree. In Masonic enclaves, "Lewis" is a term used to describe the son of any Freemason. Apparently, the nomenclature denotes Druidic influence."

In Indian and Tibetan breath control methods of attaining enlightenment there's usually an illustration of a body with three lines running from the top of the head down to the area just below the naval.

From the book Kunlun by Max Christensen:

"Practicing the first level of Kunlun regularly will purify the entire body as the seventy-two thousand nerves, called nadis, are toned and cleared by the psychic heat generated. The end result is that the nerves can handle much stronger current, which is important because the further you go with this practice the stronger the current becomes.
Within minute strains of DNA, lay the true essence of who and what you are, and what you can potentially become. It lies asleep waiting to be awakened by a strong magnetic pulse of bio-energy. The Kunlun practice provides this powerful magnetic pulse.
When we blissfully magnetize our being, the DNA unwinds allowing the RNA to become accessible. So when we are in bliss, a new magnetic program, so to speak, is impressed upon it. When we finish with our practice, the DNA again re-winds and causes this program to affect other newly created cells. This leads one to experience what we call "cellular cascade."
When you open yourself up at the genetic level, you affect organs, their structure and alignments, and then affect the mind and your energy. These changes are subtle at first, and you can feel them internally, but over time the results become noticeable outside of your body.
Kunlun is a magnetic potential that is created between heaven and earth, heaven being the head, and earth being the naval area, or what we will call the lower cinnabar field. When we activate the dormant bliss through our practice, a polarity field is created between these two opposing poles. When this polarity charge reaches a critical saturation of magnetic potential, we lose this potential and the energy pulses from one bodily pole to the other resulting in the heat of blissful awakening. The greater the stored charge, the more intense the bliss will be.
Bliss cannot fully arise if we are still in the yin/yang state of polarity, in other words, while we are still breathing in and out. The central channel, called the sushumna, runs down the core of the body, and the sun and moon channels run along each side of the spine.
When we breathe in and out the sun and moon channels are activated. This is a state of polarity. During Kunlun level one, breathing becomes less and less and eventually ceases as the sun and moon channels energetically collapse. When this occurs, the central channel activates and opens one up to a pure magnetic reality. To the outsider, this looks like a near-death experience, but definitely one of sublime bliss. There is no danger of dying in this state and before long normal breathing resumes."

Apologies for the length

-Love and Light-

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Old 01-20-2010, 02:17 PM   #11
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

I can see 11 11 there...
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Old 01-20-2010, 08:55 PM   #12
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

What a wonderful post, Firedrake. I'll check out Kunlun . My yoga instructor opened me up to aspects of this kind of meditation. It is often stressed just how important the breath is. Thanks for this.

Love Always,
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Old 01-21-2010, 01:48 AM   #13
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

Nice post FireDrake, it always amazes me how pictures and paintings coming from the "Big Machine" tells us its coded secrets.

Namaste, Steven
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Old 02-16-2010, 07:13 PM   #14
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

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Old 04-09-2010, 12:03 PM   #15
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Default Re: "Eclipse over the Temple of Poseidon"

I would like to share more from the book Kunlun :

"This rare Kunlun Formless Form of nei gung is a very powerful and yet simple way of letting go of all that is not needed. It is the simplification of the self and all it contains. Kunlun helps us re-connect the fragmented parts of ourselves with the whole essence of all that there is, and all that there will ever be. It is the expression of god-discovery from within, simple at its most profound level. This practice is meant for all people and sex, age, or belief system does not matter.

This art is for those seeking the "diriect experience". It allows the merging of the microcosm (the universe within) and the macrocosm (the universe outside). The union of these two worlds allows the activation of the bliss body and through this bliss body, or dragon body, re-enlightenment is possible to the average person.

When we realize this great potential, a golden, blissful nectar fills us to over-abundance. This energy 9the sweet elixir of immortality) flows up the spine and from the third-eye, the inner soma drips down our throats, giving us heightened levels of expanding bliss.

In the bliss state, the heart is open and one becomes aware of the fundamental nature of reality. One has a strong sense of being connected to the essence of life. A natural badhisattva-like compassion for all living things is felt and the "great mystery" is revealed to us. No "faith" is required."

I encourage all to start feeling their way back home, feeling what it is you must focus on to reach your bliss body. Each time you begin to access it you bring back more and more remembrance of who and what you are, why you are here, what you really want to be doing, and how to simply be, be fully aware, conscious, in the moment, in the cosmic breath. No longer does your mind keep you veiled in the illusion of separation, you feel the connection with all and thus it is truth to you, felt experience. Questions of the mind are answered by your heart, because you can feel the answer, the vibration of truth.

Follow your breath, back to your heart, and discover what you always knew, you are god, all is god, all is love.

-Love and Light-
Truly ~ Travis
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