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Old 09-14-2008, 07:16 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Austin, Texas
Posts: 267
Default The Truth of 2012 and the NWO- please read

I just want to put my own two cents in on 2012.

Everyone out there is either 1) freaked or 2) waiting for some kind of ascension or rapture

I think that 2012 is nothing. The Mayans made a calendar, it has some very interesting astrological facts in it, but I am not convinced that they thought any more about it than that. Maybe the calendar ends because they just got tired of doing all the math!

I do agree however that our society and this planet is changing RAPIDLY. People don't deal with it very well both because we were not designed for such rapid change but also because of how much harder our institutions make it for us. When people feel out of control they get scared, and they cling to any sort of "absolutes" they can find for the future. I think this is why the whole Armageddon scenario is popular amongst Christians and Muslims and why secular/spiritual but non-religious people get into the scenarios of 2012 (even though it scares them more because they can't figure out which it's going to be- Nibiru, pole shift, nuclear annihilation etc).

People, we are being intentionally fed BS on 2012 to keep us scared and to keep our minds focused on THEN and not NOW. People are finally waking up to the reality of the Illuminati, and there is no way they can keep us from learning more about them without bringing more suspicion on themselves- so they attempt to distract us instead. If we are in a state of fear like after 9-11, then we cannot possibly be in our right minds to see what is really happening, and we cannot possibly create solutions. They created, and then spoon-fed us, 2012. They are using our own fears to enslave us, and all we keep feeding the fear to ourselves and each other.. like a perpetual motion machine that is snowballing downhill.

2012 will be what we make of it- it will be a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we are afraid and focused on it 24/7, then who knows what kind of crap we are inadvertently going to create for ourselves? If we see it as something positive for change, then the visions and hopes for what we expect to see and experience in 2013 and beyond is what we will strive for and create. I think 2012 is going to be the ultimate test of Reality Creation. Let's NOT focus on December 21, 2012; let's focus on what we hope will be life after. Environmental stewardship, spirituality, compassion, sustainability, free energy, peace, trust, hope, and awakening to the reality of our Selves. We have the tools and the abilities NOW. This stuff isn't going to magically materialize in the aftermath of an extinction-level event. People are spending all of their free time to create these things NOW.

And if you are in the US, please wake up and see the amazing opportunity here. Nowhere in the world to people have less to lose and everything to gain by switching paradigms! So we lost our jobs, our economy is falling apart, our government is corrupt, we are mentally and physically ill, entire generations are spiritually starved and there is a major loss of hope... People, there is no better time and place to make the steps in the right direction. We led the Industrial Revolution- a revolution that made us sick. Now we can correct things and start a Holistic Revolution, to make us and the planet well again.

Please wake up! While we can create WHAT happens in 2012, we also can determine WHEN and WHERE. Let's do it HERE and NOW. Let's not wait until 2013. Clean house. Mend relationships. Forgive each other. Forgive yourselves. Share (what goes around comes around). Help each other. Grow a garden. Turn off the TV. Walk or ride your bike. Stand up for your neighbor. Pour your heart and soul into everything you do. Reduce your energy dependence. Reduce your need for money. Meditate. Stop watching violent movies and playing violent video games.

We don't need to fight the New World Order, we just need to make it irrelevant. Our fear, our rigidity, and our co-dependence feeds it. If we don't need money, if we don't need energy, and if we can trust and help each other, then NOTHING can control us anymore.

Wake up. We will only be free when we ALLOW ourselves to be free. Nothing can control us when we realize it is okay to NOT be controlled.

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