Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: North Carolina
Posts: 120
Western North Carolina - Sky Ships
I live in North Carolina. I found a little something close to home. I found these videos regarding Sky Ships seen in western North Carolina, U.S.
Video Description:
On December 21, 2008 a mother and daughter were interviewed at their home in the mountain resort town of Cashiers, which is located in the western part of North Carolina. These two residents have had several sightings of Sky Ships (UFOs) near their home since the summer of 2008. Included within the testimony is a photograph the daughter took with her cell phone camera.
Video Links:
Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Pictures taken by daughter:
Cellphone Photo Witnesses
Mary Joyce: "I saw Devon Heenan's photo of the Sky Ship (UFO) when it was just in the cellphone camera. The image of the ship was crystal clear and seemed to be parked in the center of the sun. Because of the sun's brightness, neither the eight-year-old child who took the photograph nor her mother even knew the ship was in the sky until the picture was snapped and it appeared in the camera screen.
"Another thing that added to the legitimacy of the photo was the true excitement expressed by the child and her mother after discovering the Sky Ship in the photo. There was no time for the photo to be manipulated and neither the child nor her mother has any technical skills in manipulating or creating such images.
"It is interesting that this Sky Ship image appears to be the same type of vehicle often photographed by Billy Meier over his Swiss farm during the 1970s. He became famous around the world for his Sky Ship photographs and his face-to-face interactions with one of the occupants who was fair featured and a more perfected version of a human being."
Evelyn Gordon: "I was able to see Devon's photo of a Sky Ship (UFO) the day after she took it. Even on the tiny cellphone screen it clearly was a Sky Ship. Devon was just randomly taking snapshots of the sky so she and her mother were startled to see a Sky Ship in one of her photos when they got home.
"When I asked why Devon was taking photos of the sky, her mother said she herself had seen a Sky Ship the night before and that had inspired her eight-year-old to take a series of sky photos.
"I know skeptics are quick to dismiss UFO photographs, but it's hard to dismiss a photo of a Sky Ship that's still in a child's cellphone. I also can vouch that the excitement that Devon and her mother expressed over the photo was absolutely genuine, as was mine."
Here is the source of this information.
More material:
This is the CLOSEST ENCOUNTER with a Sky Ship yet reported to this website. It was received on January 17, 2009 from Geraldine Collins who lives about 20 miles north of Cashiers in Sylva, NC.
About a decade ago, I was at a friend’s house on Cope Creek on Sylva’s east side for a Thanksgiving dinner party. At one point during the evening, my girl friend Laura and I went outside to get a breath of air. It was a very cold, crisp and clear night and we had a wonderful panoramic view of the Balsam Mountains. We were just talking and looking toward the mountains when suddenly two huge balls of light shot straight up from the tree line one right after the other. Each was a golden ball with a white aura of light around it. At arm’s length, they appeared to be the size of a lemon or a lime compared to my thumb.
“Did you see that?” I asked Laura. “Yes, what was that?” she responded.
We watched the balls travel east toward Asheville, then one of them made a 90-degree turn. I don’t know of any man-made aircraft that can do that. Next it tracked back toward us and then just disappeared. Not five minutes later, I could feel a presence and looked up above my head and there was this huge craft about 30 or 40 feet above us. I bent my head all the way back and the craft filled my whole field of vision. I couldn’t see any of the sky.
Laura and I were just standing there with our mouths open looking at this thing hovering over us. All of a sudden I realized there was no sound, which really astonished me. I remember looking at Laura and whispering “There’s no sound. There’s no sound.” Her eyes were as big as moons. We were just mesmerized.
The craft was in shades of charcoal gray but not as dark as the night sky. It seemed like it was made of a mat-finished metal. I didn’t see any kind of lights but I did notice a kind of texture to the craft’s underbelly and it had something like bolts or rivets that were kind of large.
The craft hovered over us for about five minutes, then it just disappeared. It didn’t fly away or shoot away, it just disappeared. We stood there and scanned the sky for several minutes and we couldn’t see anything, hear anything or smell anything. The craft was there and then it wasn’t there. The whole episode, from when we first saw the balls shooting up from the tree line, lasted about 15 to 20 minutes.
I didn’t get any bad feelings about the experience, I didn’t feel fear at all. It was a totally peaceful feeling. It was just like the craft came to show itself to us like it was saying hello.
Glynis Heenan looks up at the sky every evening since she saw her first Sky Ship on June 28, 2008 – and it’s paid off. She frequently sees rainbow-colored Sky Ships but occasionally silver-white and gold ones. This is her third report of a golden ball of light in the sky, but this time her experience was different.
Gold Ball of Light
It was Wednesday night, November 19, 2008, about 8:15 p.m. I went outside to look at the sky, which I do every evening since I first saw a Sky Ship on June 28th. As I looked to the west-southwest, I noticed a gold light coming from Mountain Top which is a ridge-top community near my home. I thought “that just can’t be because there’s nobody living there up there now.” This time of year the residents have all gone back to the summer lands along the coast.
The light kept blinking in and out between the top branches of the trees that surround my house. As I walked further into my front yard, I finally got a view of the whole thing. It was a gold ball of light that was brighter and more intensely gold than the ones I saw over Lake Glenville on October 3rd and October 6th. It also had three rays of golden light coming down from the bottom half of it. This was the first time I’ve seen rays of light coming down from any of the Sky Ships.
Next I tried to telepathically communicate with the ship. First, I asked if it would blink on and off. It immediately did that twice but just for a flash each time. Then I asked it to come closer. At that point, the Sky Ship was smaller than my thumb at arm’s length, but after my telepathic request, it instantly was larger than my thumb. The rays of light also got larger and brighter when it came toward me. I was exhilarated. When you see and experience something like that, it’s exhilarating. I watched it for about 30 minutes until I just got too cold to stay outside.
This is the most ACTION-PACKED testimony reported so far to the website. It was received on December 3, 2008 from Emory Prescott who lives on the Balsam Ridge about 25 miles north of Cashiers, NC.
Living up where we do, we are exposed to so much sky. Our house and five-acre yard are clear of trees and face due south, or in the direction of Cashiers. There is a good 180-degree view panning from Double Top Mountain on our east side to Greens Creek towers in the west. The town of Sylva sits below. We see meteors, shooting stars, the hospital’s medical helicopter, space shuttles, satellites, jets and an occasional small plane landing at the Jackson County Airport in Cullowhee. Our view of the night sky is clear and vast.
One particular evening in late summer of 2004 or 2005, my husband’s son and mother were outside on the deck with me eating dinner and relaxing at the table. It was dusk and the sky was clear. Suddenly we saw it. It hovered in the sky to the south-southwest. It seemed to be near the old bald side of Cullowhee Mountain. It was orange, bright orange and triangular in shape. There was a ball of orange light at each corner of the ship. It just stayed there, suspended in the sky for the longest time. We all noticed it, saw it stay in the same spot and thought it odd that it didn’t move away.
We started discussing it, while it continued to suspend in our sight, considering military developments and trial testing of unusual crafts. Wouldn’t it be a good place to practice flying them here in the corner of Western North Carolina with a limited human population – fewer spotters we thought. But the shape and unusual orange color were so different from the red, green or white we were all used to seeing and it just hovered for the longest time. It simply didn’t fit the mold for any type of airship we’d ever seen.
No one counted the time officially, but we all agreed the hovering phase lasted around two minutes. Then all of a sudden, like it knew we were there, it flew straight toward us at such a rapid speed and went directly over the house.
It landed, or appeared to have landed, on the property just up the mountain behind us. We went to the back side of the house to follow it, trying to see through the trees. All we could see was a HUGE orange glow in the woods above our home.
Then the phone rang. Two of our friends down the mountain called and said, “Emory, is your house on fire? Are the woods on fire near your house? We see a blaze of orange. It looks like it’s right where you are. Are you okay?”
“We’re fine,” I replied. “We see it, too. We think it’s a spaceship. We’ve been watching it for awhile.”
Crazy, I know, but I got in the car. My brave stepson insisted he was coming with me. Together we drove up the mountain to try to catch sight of we don’t know what – maybe wreckage. But there wasn’t anything. It was gone. No orange glow. No smoke. No smell. No ship. We still don’t know what we saw that night but we all saw it.
On November 7, 2008, we received the following update from Glynis Heenan who went public this summer about her multiple Sky Ship sightings over Cashiers, NC. Her most recent website report was about her sighting in Waynesville on August 28 which also was witnessed by three other people.
Silver Lights Over Franklin
Since my first sighting on June 28, 2008, I have seen Sky Ships almost daily. Usually, they are the ones that pulsate rainbow colors. I’ve also seen bright silver ones in the direction of Franklin, which is west of Cashiers. All those have been bigger than a star and smaller than my thumb at arm’s length.
Golden Balls of Light Over Lake
Then on two occasions, I’ve seen golden balls of light over Glenville Lake. Those really caught my eye because they were so low over the lake. The first time I saw one was on October 3, 2008 at about 9:30 p.m. The second one I saw at dusk or about 7 p.m. on October 6. Both times I saw the golden balls of light from a place known locally as “The Point” which juts into the lake from the Eagle’s Nest Community.
Scout Ships?
Most recently I watched activity in the sky I haven’t seen before. It was the evening of November 6, 2008 starting between 7:30 and 7:45 p.m. It lasted about 20 minutes. I was looking to the southwest from my home in Cashiers.
During that time, I observed a pulsating rainbow light that stayed in the same spot and two moving white lights. The one that really kept my attention would blink in and out of view and seemed to be headed directly at the pulsating rainbow light. I actually thought it was going to crash into it. Instead, it seemed to go right through the rainbow light and then reappeared on the other side of it. The second white light went away from the pulsating rainbow light toward Franklin. Because there’s so much written about UFO scout ships going out from large mother ships, and I had to wonder if that was what I saw.
Since my first sighting, I make a point of looking up both day and night and would encourage more people to do that. They, too, might see something that’s out of this world.
On November 1, 2008 we received the following testimony from Mary Joyce who lives in Sylva, North Carolina, which is about 20 miles north of Cashiers. It’s the second report to this website of a UFO observed from the Harris Regional Hospital complex which is near Exit 85 of Highway 74.
I’ve seen UFOs in other states, but not once in the ten years I’ve lived in North Carolina – until October 31, 2008. It was my Halloween surprise.
As I drove by the WestCare section of Harris Regional Hospital heading south into Sylva, I looked up and saw a very bright, white, round object in the sky. It was high in the sky and directly in front of me. It was two to three times bigger than a star but didn’t twinkle like a star. It caught my eye because the sky was clear blue and the sun was brightly shining. There absolutely were no stars in the sky.
I observed the UFO from the north side of the hospital until just before I turned into the parking lot for The Dollar General Store and Sav Mor grocery. It didn’t move during that time. When it did disappear, it simply blinked out. I then looked at my watch and it was 5:07 p.m. This was two days before Daylight Savings Time started so the sun still was way above the horizon. The whole observation time was less than a minute.
On October 18, 2008, we received the following testimony from Teena Glass who lives in Sylva, NC. Her home is below Pinnacle Point on the Balsam Ridge about 20 miles north of Cashiers. Headings have been added to her testimony by the website for easier reading.
New Sound Over Sylva
For the last few months, I’ve been paying attention to a new sound in the sky. It’s a very low and heavy sound that moves very slowly. I’m 47 years old and have lived near airports much of my life, including a naval air training base and beneath major commercial flight routes. This new sound I’ve been hearing over Sylva is not like any plane I’ve ever heard – and I know the sound of twin-engine planes, small and big jets, weather planes, transport planes, fighter jets and helicopters.
Whenever I hear this new sound, I run outside to look for the source. There’s a pasture on the other side of my house with a fabulous view of the sky and the Balsam Mountain Range. Finally, late one afternoon in the middle of September (2008), I saw the source of the sound. It was a silvery, oblong-looking thing. It was fatter than a jet and cigar shaped. It had a very short vapor trail that split like a snake’s tongue. The sound came from Balsam and flew slowly over me going toward the west.
Most UFO reports don’t mention sounds and vapor trails, so what I saw could have been an advanced military craft.
Seven UFOs Perform Over Sylva
A few weeks later, I was driving toward Sylva from Balsam on Highway 74 with my 19-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son. At about Ochre Hill, we suddenly saw what looked like distant jets flying in all directions – like a cluster of bees. We counted seven. We stopped several times trying to take pictures. We clearly saw little things zooming through the air. Each one had two very short vapor trails behind it. A jet has only one vapor trail that’s much longer.
The UFOs were moving in odd directions. They weren’t going east to west or north to south. There were two coming at each other; two going away from each other; one that looked like it was going straight up; one looked like it was going straight down toward the Earth. Then they took off in different directions. All three of us saw the same thing.
Then we got off Highway 74 and stopped at the WestCare area of the hospital in Sylva. We just sat in a clear area of the parking lot and watched one go over us. It was very shiny, sort of an oval or a cigar shape, silver or gray. It was very reflective of the sun which was low in the western sky. This one also had two very short, two-line trails coming out the back of it.
The three of us decided we weren’t seeing jets or anything we were familiar with. We observed all this about 10 minutes altogether.
David Pannell, who has lived in Western North Carolina all his life, has seen UFOs on many occasions since he was a teen. Each sighting was unique and each one was within a 35-mile radius of Cashiers. For easier reading, headings have been added to his testimony, which this website received on October 12, 2008.
Mysterious Cherokee Lights
I first saw unexplained balls of light in the sky about 14 years ago in Cherokee. I was with two buddies and we decided to check out a place where so many people have seen mysterious lights. It’s a pretty well known spot.
To get there, you get on the Parkway from 441 in Cherokee. After the first tunnel, you pull off at the first turnoff on the left and park your car with your lights pointing into the valley. Then you just flash your car lights a couple of times and wait a few minutes.
Well we did that and suddenly the night sky filled with little lights – 20 or 30 of these things just flying around at one time. They were moving so quickly that you couldn’t actually count them. When we first saw them, you could easily cover up each light with your thumb extended at arm’s length.
Then the guy who was still in the truck just laid down on the horn and blew it real loud. Immediately, one of the orbs started coming directly toward us. By the time it was getting to us, it looked like a beach ball, maybe a little bigger. We didn’t wait for it to get on top of us. We got in the truck and got out of there. Since then, I’ve seen them at that spot at other times.
Sighting Over Franklin
About 11 years ago, I had my second UFO experience. It was dark and I was getting off work in Franklin. As I was getting a drink out of a machine at the gas station, I had a feeling to look up to my left and there it was. Once I spotted it, it flew off to the west. It was high up in the sky but clearly not a shooting star or an airplane. If I used my thumb at arm’s length, my thumb would have covered it.
Triangular Craft Over Western Carolina University
My third UFO sighting was about three years ago. That one was massive. I was driving toward Western Carolina University through the Catamount Gap just north of campus. I actually had a friend with me and we both saw it. It was absolutely huge. If I were to use my thumb to determine its size, my thumb would have been a fly speck on the UFO. That’s how big it was.
The UFO came from the direction of the Jackson County Airport and was traveling toward the campus. It was just gliding low and slow between those two points. There was no sound. It was triangular in shape. It had three white lights, one at each point of the triangle. They didn’t strobe like lights on an airplane. The UFO blocked out the stars. It blocked out everything in the sky. If I hadn’t been driving, I could have kept a much closer eye on it, but I would say I watched it for a good two minutes before it glided away to the east in the direction of Balsam Ridge.
Cullowhee Mountain Sighting
Then in May or June of 2007, I saw a UFO approximately four miles up Cullowhee Mountain on the Glenville side. We were just hanging out having a cookout at a friend’s home one night and something shot across the sky. This one was more like a cigar shape. It was going really fast, but it was not a shooting star. Shooting stars leave a trail all the way and then dissipate. This one never did. It went straight across the sky. It was flying at a high altitude and if I hadn’t looked up just at the right time, I wouldn’t have seen it. A friend also saw it.
Not long after that, the couple who lives there saw a UFO from the same place. They said it came up over the horizon in the Franklin direction. It just came up and sat in the air for about two hours. Then it moved about 45 degrees in the sky and sat there for awhile and then moved to a third location where it hovered again. My friends just sat and watched it move around.
Second Sighting at Western Carolina University
The last UFO I saw was in September of this year (2008) when I was leaving my sister’s house one evening. I looked up in the direction of Western and saw something sitting there in the sky. It looked like it was a strobing light. I followed it and when I got to the traffic light at Western’s main entrance, I pulled off the road so I could get a better look.
The UFO was just above the tree line. It definitely was not a star. You never see a star repeating a light pattern. It was flashing the same distinct light pattern of blue, white, purple, red all the way around. I looked at other stars just to make sure my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me, and over to the left of it there was another one that was doing the same thing. Both were bigger than a star but my thumb would have covered either one of them so they were a good distance off. The next night I went back to the same place and they weren’t there.
This is the first report to this website about a CROP CIRCLE in Cashiers. It was received on October 4, 2008 from Mike Bass and Alisha Priebe who once lived in Cashiers.
My friend Alisha and I stumbled upon a crop circle at the base of Yellow Mountain in Cashiers in June of 1993. We had spontaneously decided to go on a walk in the woods and check out an old spring head. To get there, we walked through a Christmas tree farm that hadn’t been taken care of in about three seasons.
At the end of the field, where the tractor turns around, there was a big open area where there weren’t any Christmas trees. The grass had grown up to about 4.5 feet so we were wading through deep grass. Then all of a sudden we walked into a circle of nothing.
Where the grass was standing up, it was perfectly straight up, but within the circle the grass was firmly mashed down into about a 3-inch pancake. There was no transition of frayed grass. It was just a wall of grass surrounding a flattened circle of grass that was about 40 feet in diameter. This was a perfect circle. It was not oblong in any way.
The grass was spun around the center of the circle. The flattened grass was still alive. It hadn’t begun to stand back up. The circle must have been formed within a day of us seeing it. We hung out there for about five minutes, kind of in awe.
Somebody can watch a special on the Discovery Channel about extraterrestrials or UFOs or Area 51, but it’s still something speculative, but if you see something like we saw, then you have no doubts. We already believed that basically we’ve been created by extraterrestrials or we’re relatives of extraterrestrials, so it’s easy to believe that they had landed at the base of Yellow Mountain.
It was a strange thing, though, that we didn’t call anybody. We didn’t take any pictures. We didn’t call the newspapers. It wasn’t because we feared that people would think we were nuts. I felt like there was some kind of psychic communication that said, “Don’t worry about this. Yes, it was us. We’re here but it’s common and it’s not something to make a big deal about. You already believe you’re part of us so that’s it.”
We left the circle with the feeling to just keep on walking, like it didn’t happen. We didn’t even have the inclination or urge to talk about what we’d seen. We just didn’t think about it, period. Then months later, years later, I realized this was like the most special thing that’s ever happened to me in my life.
NOTE FROM ALISHA: Mike described what we saw perfectly accurate, better than I could do. I’m not good at guessing measurements, but he’s the calculator brain and more accurate than I am in describing where, when and how many feet.
The following Sky Ship witness report was received on October 1, 2008 from B.P. who lives halfway between the towns of Sylva and Franklin, North Carolina about 15 miles northwest of Cashiers. The elevation of her home is approximately 3200 feet.
I know people are seeing UFOs or Sky Ships here in the mountains of Western North Carolina more than ever before, but they’re not new to the area. About seven or eight years ago I saw one as I was standing at my kitchen sink. It was early evening but getting dark. I saw the ship through the trees to the west of my home. The view was quite clear because it was early spring and there were no leaves on the trees.
When I glanced out the window and up the hill, I saw bright lights. They were blue, green and red and so bright that I couldn’t tell the actual color or shape of the ship. The ship was huge. From my view, it filled half my kitchen window. It seemed so close that I couldn’t tell if it was hovering or on the ground.
I had a friend from Florida who was staying with me. She got up from her chair when I yelled and she looked out and got a glimpse of it. Then I ran to get my camera and when I came back, it was gone. I was disappointed because I thought nobody would ever believe me.
Early the next morning at first light, I drove up to where I thought the ship had been. I didn’t see any indentations or anything on the ground. I haven’t seen another ship since then.
HR from Waynesville, NC sent the following witness testimony which was e-mailed on September 19, 2008.
On August 28, 2008, my wife and 2 friends were on our front drive and we noticed in the southwest sector of the sky an object with several colors of lights. It appeared like it was hovering, but at times would move up and down, at other times it would move sideways. The lights seemed to “pulse.” We observed the object for about 30 minutes and were amazed at what we were seeing.
My wife and I had seen a similar sighting several years ago while traveling late one evening through the state of Utah. When you look up and see such a wondrous thing, it makes you realize that we are not alone in this wondrous universe. We are all connected.
Someone sent the following information that was posted on a Canadian-based UFO website (www.ufodigest.com) on September 8, 2008 about a massive UFO appearance predicted for October 14, 2008 over Alabama. Whether humans or extraterrestrials are behind this possible event, the Alabama “stage” may have been chosen because the huge U.S. Space and Rocket Center is located in Huntsville.
Blossom Goodchild’s Predicted Mass UFO Sighting:
Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?
“Like wildfires in the Australian outback, rumors of an upcoming mass televised UFO sighting over American skies are taking the Internet by storm. Blossom Goodchild, an Aussie actress and author, has the international Ufology community on its ear with channeled information concerning the eminent appearance of a massive extraterrestrial spacecraft for October 14th, 2008. Calling themselves “The Federation of Light,” these Beings from another world have stated to Goodchild that they intend not only to make themselves known, but also to remain more or less in place for a full 72 hour period, thereby providing the media with ample opportunity to once and for all capture on film evidence that will silence the skeptics and debunkers forever. The predicted rendezvous point? Alabama. Whoa.
“And here’s the kicker; she isn’t the only one making the prediction. Unbeknownst perhaps even to themselves, statements made by other individuals in the past corroborate her findings, one of these being immortalized on paper by Dannion Brinkley. In his latest book (entitled Secrets of the Light and published in 2004) on page 222 Brinkley says: ‘By the year 2008, the fact that we are not alone in the universe will be made undeniably clear to everyone on the planet. With millions of planets and billions of stars, I cannot fathom how we could ever thought in any other terms. However, for those who have doubted, the extraterrestrials will make themselves known. I believe they feel they have no choice but to show themselves as we verge on self-annihilation, genocide and toxic poisoning. The truth of our inter-galactic lineage will become common knowledge. If I am to believe the vision, the truth of our inter-galactic lineage will cause humanity to take one wild ridge.’
“A few things stand out in all of this. For one, it is rather unusual for channels and mediums to give exact dates and places for events to occur – let alone the appearance of an alien spacecraft…Not in this case. Goodchild is adamant and steadfast on the date…”
BJ from Asheville sent the following letter which was received September 6, 2008.
Readers of “Sky Ships Over Cashiers” need to know about Dr. Werner Von Braun’s warnings about governmental deceptions regarding aliens. He’s considered the father of the U.S. space program so his warnings should be heeded.
During the last years of his life when he was dying of cancer (died 1977), he tried to prevent the U.S. government from weaponizing space. He felt the idea was dumb, dangerous and destabilizing. He also said the government had a sequential plan to control the masses through fear so ultimately they would support the weaponization of space.
At that time, there was the Cold War and the government made people fearful of the Communists. Von Braun said that would be followed by fear of terrorists, then by 3rd world crazies, asteroids and finally extraterrestrials.
I encourage people to read Dr. Carol Rosin’s report about this in Dr. Steven Greer’s book Disclosure (starting on page 255).
The following two reports are from people who witnessed the same Sky Ship on August 28, 2008 in Waynesville, NC, which is about 30 miles in a straight line from Cashiers.
REPORT ONE: On Thursday, August 28, 2008, I was at a Quantum biofeedback meeting with three friends in Waynesville, North Carolina. During that time, I had been asked about my Sky Ship (UFO) sightings in Cashiers. One of the things I emphasized was the importance of using our natural telepathic ability to communicate with our Sky Ships from afar which are here to help protect the planet from complete annihilation.
Then when we left the building sometime after 10 p.m., to our amazement, we looked up to see the Sky Ship we had unconsciously communicated with. I then telepathically asked the Sky Ship to come closer and all four of us witnessed the occurrence.
The Sky Ship was in the southeastern sky and we observed it for 10 to 15 minutes, then it disappeared into the clouds. With my arm outstretched, it was the size of my thumb and looked like a horizontal oval. It was emitting vivid rainbow colors. I was so overcome by its appearance right after talking about telepathically communicating with Sky Ships that I actually had body chills and felt weak in my knees. I was in awe at what we experienced.
-- Glynis Heenan of Cahiers, NC
REPORT TWO: On the 28th of August 2008, I was privileged, along with several colleagues, to witness my first UFO. At approximately 10:10 p.m., we were standing in the drive of a friend’s home in the Laurel Ridge area of Waynesville. I saw looking toward Balsam (a mountain ridge) a 3-4 story large cylinder object in the sky. It had three lights on the right side and three lights on the left. It also seemed to have an illuminated area on the bottom. It very much looked like my 3-tray stackable food dehydrator.
While the 4 of us observed it, I noted it would quite suddenly drop and then quickly go to the right. It also made sudden movements horizontally. At about 10:30 p.m., I left Laurel Ridge to drive out to Balsam to get a better view, but the UFO hid under the clouds and I did not see it again.
This is my first experience and I’m glad that 3 others witnessed it, too. It was a beautiful sight and I was really drawn to it.
-- V.W. of Clyde, NC
The following e-mail was received on August 26, 2008 from Mobius, a paranormal investigator. His website is www.paranormal-investigation.com
You need to get a copy of Capturing The Light and watch it. You will see the same ships as (Stephenville) Texas and an amazing documentary. Look for it on Amazon. . . . We have received reports of tons of sightings at SpeakingOfStrange.com broadcasting on WWNC (570 AM) Saturday 8-11 P.M. out of Asheville.
Look in the blue of the sky on the left and right. This is called SKY FISHING and 100s of people in WNC doing this are finding these anomalies. I suggest you put out the word about Sky Fishing and take photos in the blue areas of the sky where your intuition says to take photos and suspect you too will find people capturing these craft there. This indeed seems to be a hot spot. I saw one of these light craft with my naked eyes a few weeks ago and (it) was really amazing.
Gene, a retired pilot with more than 6,000 hours of flight time, sent a copy of a letter he wrote in November 2001 to MUFON, a UFO research organization, about two sightings directly over his home in Sylva, North Carolina, which is about 20 miles from Cashiers if measured in a straight line.
On November 8, 2001 at 10 P.M., I walked to the deck in front of my house, looked up at the sky and saw directly over my head a UFO flying North to South at an unknown height. The shape was a rectangle, appearing to me about 12x5 inches traveling like an airplane wing, completely lighted in an orange yellow color with flashing or rotating lights of blue and purple and a blood red bubble which expanded and contracted on the right three inches of this object. There was no sound and I observed this for 5 to 8 seconds.
The next night at about 10 P.M. November 9, 2001, I walked out of the back door of my house and looked toward the heavens and there straight above me was the same or another UFO like I had seen the night before. This time it was flying from East to West which would make the two sightings to intersect over my house here in Sylva in Western North Carolina which is: 35 deg 22 min lat N - 83 deg 16 min long W.
I had been talking to God regarding what the Magi or Wisemen saw that is called a Star in Matthew which they saw two times. Once in the land they came from and then it accompanied them from Jerusalem to Nazareth where "it stopped over the place where the Child was." I am not surmising anything, this just happened to me, and I was "overjoyed" just like the Magians were.
By looking up super novae on the Internet, I got a picture with those colors by searching "Barry Setterfield" who produced the video "The Christmas Star" . . . . The colors in this picture are the same as I saw on the UFO. To see a supernova with all its colors go to www.ldolphin.org/zodiac/ then click on "Signs in the Stars."