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Old 10-29-2008, 01:16 AM   #1
Edward Alexander
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Exclamation Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

The following material, and material that might be published later, is information I have received from my contact with what is often called an "Ascended Master". The communication is mostly telepathic and not necessarily in the form of words, but quite often a rather complex visual presentation, or sudden injection into my being with knowledge on a topic or question I ask. So, therefore, what follows is my transcription, or rather interpretation, of such communications, putting the Divine revelations down in human words as best as I can. Everything in cursive and bold is my own personal words, the rest is the information I've received translated into my best attempt for an english representation

The first part here deals about out multidimensional reality, and shortly touches on dejavu and other "densities" as put forth by others. Here is the information I received on that:

Do not worry about the new age interdimensional split theories.

Rather look at your own interdimensional being and discover that it is of no importance in the long run - you are already there in several of the so called "densities".

When it comes to dejavu it is the effect of different causes. One of them can be a connection with one of your other selves which again relates to your interdimensional being, and this is most often the cause. For a short moment of time you receive input from one of your other experiences. There's many other causes for dejavus too but they are not really significant or important.

These experiences are going on simultaneously even though "time" seem to separate them.

As someone once said "Call me Legion, for I am many". And that saying goes for all of us.

Reality is that we are more than "one" physical and spiritual being. This is in a way that I can explain as a myriad of parallel alternate versions of yourself, exists in the same moment and their development unfolds together with your own, and that all of your other selves are connected to a "higher self" or "soul" and that which these physical bodies have within them is only a portion of that complete soul, such as our astral bodies etc, like branches of a tree and leaves on the branches.

Ultimately, we develop ourselves inwards, and not outwards, meaning that each of your own selves will not "expand" in consciousness and physical and spiritual development, but rather "implode" into that "higher soul" or "true being" that you are - and that the experiences of all your alternate selves will at some moment merge with this "higher soul" and create a Oneness where you will experience yourself from a completely new perspective and see yourself as the being you really are.

Then, you will as this new "Oneness" become "free" from the current location where you are (or rather where the "higer soul" is located) and "ascend" to higher realms and be free of all physical bonds and continue the spiritual and mental development and understanding. But there is more after this "Oneness" is achieved too, higher "realms" and new things to discover about reality of Being and Existence.

In other words, to give you a better idea, there are alternate versions of ourselves in alternate (parallel) worlds/dimensions (whatever you want to call it). And each of them contain a soul-fragment, or astral body and various other energy bodies, which are connected to the "true" soul (or "higher soul").

I would say it goes a bit further up than our "higher self", as our "higher self" is basically being aware of the highest aspect of our current incarnation here and being our best in this single plane and do not necessarily include the knowledge of these "other selves".

And yes they are unique, and they consist of all time-frames, meaning past, present and future, in other words all earlier incarnations and future reincarnations is out there already enfolding their experiences and existence on their own, without general knowledge of the other selves which all gradually develop towards the Oneness with the Higher Soul, or True Self - and once that is reached, all of these alternate versions of oneself will merge with ones Higher Soul and become the Oneness and progress towards further development, understanding and insights, as well as experiences on a higher level of existence.

I guess you can say the "Higher Soul" is the "host", and all the alternate versions of ourselves down "here" (on the lower planes) are the "clients". Sort of like a tree, it has branches with many leaves, and at certain points such as winter the tree (host) will suck in all its resin so the leaves withers and falls of and dies, yet the tree itself stays alive.

So, in that sense, you can compare your body here with that of a leaf of a tree, a leaf that is not aware of the tree it is connected to, and at a certain point the life force will be sucked out of the leaf (you) and back to the tree (higher soul) and become one again. But it do not sprout new leaves (bodies) but instead evolves to another state of being (The Higher Soul as Oneness).

That is my most complex and insightful, not to say mindblowing, revelation and experience with this ascended Master at this point, and also one of my most recent ones. More might follow.

May your Inner Guide be with you, blessings

Last edited by Edward Alexander; 10-29-2008 at 02:05 AM.
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Old 10-29-2008, 01:32 AM   #2
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Some more on his reason for being here with me, for us, and about truth and deceit - and us people.

My own purpose here is to serve you, bring you that spark of self-realization that you all have within - so that you can once again be more connected with yourselves, in balance with your being - harmony with Creation.

Personally it is irrelevant for me if you believe me or not, consider what I say or try things I might suggest. I will not gain anything from you doing so, nor will I lose anything from you not doing so. Only you yourselves will.

I am not here to make you believe a single word of what I say - those whom it resonate with will know on their own.

When I say there is a lot of deceit out there, I am sure most of you would agree to that. Am I a deceiver? Well, you figure that out, find yourself.

Do not take what I say for granted, take it into consideration and see what you feel - if you do feel I am lying that is fine for me, if you feel I'm truthful that is fine too.

It is good to be skeptic, look within yourself - you have a combination of tools available with you to help you discover great things, without the need of others - though there are some whom will benefit from some guidance, it might ignite the light inside so it can start burning brighter on its own.

We are here to help you on the way towards yourself and understanding divine laws so you can live in accordance with them and thus reach higher levels of insights and understanding, as well as improving your own condition in every way.

This is because we have chosen to do so, not because we are forced - some of those working against us, and you, are however often forced. But there are many of those as well whom do what they do because they've chosen that path, for personal gains.

Those whom I am affiliated with are never forced, they can not be, as it would work against the whole system of free will and thus make us nothing more than those whom try to keep you in the dark away from yourselves.

And when it comes to you, you mostly work against yourselves, not because you want to or chose to do so freely, but because you are forced to without realizing it yourselves. You're prisoners sitting in the cage with the key to the lock in the dark corner without knowing it. We are here to help you reach that key.

May the inner guide be with you!

Last edited by Edward Alexander; 10-29-2008 at 02:05 AM.
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Old 10-29-2008, 01:33 AM   #3
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Adressing some subjects that other people have been pondering upon:

Do not worry about the bible, Jesus, God - No one out there will punish you for doing bad or rewarding you for doing good.

But you will punish and reward yourself - that is what you must realize.

And this you do from not living in accordance with divine laws - or with them -, some of them which are very easily understandable and rather logical.

Do not worry about homosexuality - love is not a sin.

The only sin about homosexuality is performed by those who speak against it and hate it. Anger and hate and disrespect is sin. Not because a God will punish you, you do that yourself, due to divine laws working on a system of cause and effect, attraction, and other principles. Love gives love, hate brings hate.

Do not worry about hollow earth and beings living there. They are irrelevant for you - you are here, on the surface. There are beings here you should worry more about, such as yourself and those around you. Or care about would be a better choice of words than "worry" though.

May the inner guide be with you,

Last edited by Edward Alexander; 10-29-2008 at 02:06 AM.
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Old 10-29-2008, 01:39 AM   #4
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Addressing beliefs, truth and lies, deceivers, gods, angels, aliens, channelers and more

Be cautious about what you believe though, do not take anything to be the Truth, not even what I say. Even if it "rings true" with you, that does not make it true, in fact a lot of what seem to be true and make sense to you has been constructed that way for you for the complete opposite purpose of what can be called "truthfulness".

It is also somewhat entertaining that some of you seem to consider your spiritual teachers and those like us, whether we are who we claim or not, to be omnipotent , almost at the level of what you yourself consider to be Gods.

What you call God, and the Creator, do not "come" here or "visit" you to help you out in any way - or to make things hard for you for that matter. There are no "tests" to fulfill or understand created by that which you call God. However, there are other Creators, in fact we are all co-creators, yet there are what you can consider the Creator of the physical world, as well as numerous Creators upwards many levels in the higher planes of existence.

There are also many out there who want you to believe they are your Creator or God, or higher beings such as angels and what you call aliens. In fact, of all communication with any other non-physical beings and consciousness of other planes it is the ones we can term the "negative energies" that is the most frequent.

That is the reason to continuously failed predictions and disinformation coming from your "gurus", "masters" and "new age channelers" etc. Just like you , most of you, often tend to blindly believe and accept what you are told by "higher authorities" so do these people when it comes to their contacts. This is of course unfortunate, and those among you whom may be in contact with other entities should show extreme caution there as well.

At this level of existence which everyone whom are here in this physical world find themselves the lies and deceit rules, and it is what keep you here, and why you are even here in the first place. There are some exceptions to this of course, some are here to help and guide, and others hare here for deceiving you more and keeping you here.

Very few people existing in this level of existence are in contact with any higher beings or the Source, but there are plenty whom are in contact with lower beings that pretend to be "higher" and give you false ideas of what they are - and what YOU are.

The same goes for your so called after life - in fact most people whom find themselves free from reincarnation after death are located at lower levels of existence very close to this physical world, and in most cases they live their lives there almost identical to what they did here, and the surroundings and landscapes and structures of these realms are very similar to those of this physical one. Here too the deception and lies goes deep.

This can be useful to have in mind both for your remaining time here as well as when you step over to the next experience of existence - if you will just be able to keep yourself aware when doing so and remain conscious.

In essence, if I should put it very simple, Life is simply a preparation for Death - as you call it.

May the inner guide be with you,

Last edited by Edward Alexander; 10-29-2008 at 02:06 AM.
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Old 10-29-2008, 02:00 AM   #5
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Some on the Tree of Life, Adam and Eve, Fruit of Knowledge and connections with Tarot, Kabbalh, Kundalini raising, and even freemasonry. I posted this one in another thread about The Tree of Life but figured it is worthy adding here as well since I got reminded of this revelation

The Tree of Life is a topic misunderstood by people - whom often tend to believe it has something to do with a actual physical tree.

In fact, the Tree of Life, is a way of spiritual principles and paths leading you towards higher self-realization and experience of existence. Thus symbolic as a tree, as you climb upwards in it. Branches because of its many paths on the way. Some can be avoided, some take the short cut straight up the trunk, while others hunger for further experiences and insights and visit every branch of the tree to see what they can find there

The biblical Fruit of Knowledge is the result of climbing this three - metaphorically speaking of course. The Fruit of Knowledge is simply Enlightenment, Self-Realization, and was considered a sin by those who govern in the earlier times when the biblical version portraying this as an Evil act was created.

This Tree of Life related to the Kabbalah - there are also the branches, the 10 sephiras and 22 paths between them.

Further on this is where the Tarot comes from, 22 cards of the Major Arcana, representing the 22 paths of the Tree of Life.

"Eating" the Fruit of Knowledge from the Tree of Life can result in inner activation of a persons energy centers, which is often called chakras in new age terminology. This again can introduce the person to what is often called Kundalini Raising, which is referred to as Rising the Kundalini Snake, due to the way it curls and twirls its way up through the spin - like a snake.

That is why a snake was the main character in the biblical description of the Tree of Life, as the one tempting Adam and Eve to eat the Fruit of Knowledge - which would lead into heightened awareness, expanded consciousness and deeper insights.

Those ruling in those days did not want people to achieve this, thus terming it an evil act, something they still do - as this action will bring great knowledge, connection with the divine, and insights from the Source itself.

The serpent worship around the world is all due to this reason. It is about spiritual and personal development and greater understanding by "raising the snake", which also is the secret behind the Pharaos portraits with a snake coming out of the forehead - the Third Eye - representing that they had gone through this process and thus were Masters, Enlightened ones, as the Kundalini energy flows up from the root chakra up to the third eye and crown chakra and ends with an activation of the Third Eye Chakra.

As this brings a person to what is usually considered the highest level of possible Illumination in human form, considered to be just below the Source - God - itself, Freemaons among others have perverted this and taken it a step further. Thus they have 33 degrees in their initiations, with the 33rd degree putting them at the same level of God himself - which of course is not a reality, but this is what that masonic degree really represents.

This is the story and explanation behind The Tree of Life, the Serpent, Fruit of Knowledge, Kabbalah, the Tarot, and masonic degree systems connection with the same, and why it was deemed Evil.


Last edited by Edward Alexander; 10-29-2008 at 02:06 AM.
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Old 10-29-2008, 01:19 PM   #6
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

At my sanctum, which is where I usually meet the ascended Master, I met up with him and he performed some sort of energy work on me, where he
grabbed my hands, pushed his thumbs into my palms, and sent a great
surge of energy through me and said it would strengthen my energy
body, chakras and make me more open for spiritual experiences and
insights, psychic work, healing etc.

As earlier, I was filled with energy when returning to this earthly
plane, and could not sleep all night long.

Some days later, I met him again, and asked if he could show me the
creation of existence. Well, he did, and that's quite complicated to
explain, I was shown several "layers" of creation starting at the top
by God, whom I perceived as a great mental energy source, and going
downwards and splitting up into different planes of existence through
time, with different co-creators involved that was spawned from God,
the source, all the way down to this physical plane.

The visuals are close to impossible to explain, but this is about as
good as I can explain that experience.

Then I asked if he could show me God. And I was sent upwards, and
found myself in a state of All - feeling I was everything and visually
all I saw was great brilliant light, and a feeling of a mental source
of Energy which was God, and I experienced myself from the viewpoint
of God, with everything existing within God, and I was in total
harmony and peace and felt omnipotent.

After a moment in this state, I returned back to the physical world, and later on wrote down my experiences above.

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Old 10-29-2008, 04:35 PM   #7
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Thank you for reporting on your inward journeys. I would like to see more beings like yourself going inward to learn higher truths. We place overemphasis on going outward for our knowledge and truths.

I'm practically at the point now where if someone states something I can go into session with myself and see it for myself, especially relating to the structure and "history" of this cosmos.

That was a nice view you gave me of what it is like outside of this womb we are in.

Would you please ask your Ascended Master about the original Jewel of Knowledge that Hubbie and I have seen several times. Please tell me what he conveys to you about that because I would like some different viewpoints on it. Thank you very much.
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Old 10-31-2008, 07:04 AM   #8
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Edward, What kind of clues do you receive from this being that cause you to trust him?

I ask because I recently heard an interview with his woman on Conscious Media talking about signals that are common when one is in contact with a divine source. She talked about being in meditation and feeling a tingling in the crown chakra, and other things-just wondering if you experienced anything similar,

Interesting and inspiring, thanks for sharing!

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Old 10-31-2008, 08:13 AM   #9
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

it "resonates" for me.

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Old 10-31-2008, 09:18 AM   #10
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

well Edward.....
In my opinion you can trust this source.... I have got the same information.
part from "Ascended Masters" and part from within.... even when you take up that with the leaves... ... additional ... you can seek contact to all the leaves through your higher self... to make all the leaves go in the same direction... both your past and future lifes.... you can even change the history....

For the astral planes.... yes... I have seen souls stuck there, creating a part of their lifes they are familiar with and repeting this over and over again... without realising they are stuck.... when you pass, your belivesystem play a important role...

The serpent worship around the world is all due to this reason. It is about spiritual and personal development and greater understanding by "raising the snake", which also is the secret behind the Pharaos portraits with a snake coming out of the forehead - the Third Eye - representing that they had gone through this process and thus were Masters, Enlightened ones, as the Kundalini energy flows up from the root chakra up to the third eye and crown chakra and ends with an activation of the Third Eye Chakra.

As this brings a person to what is usually considered the highest level of possible Illumination in human form, considered to be just below the Source - God - itself
Raising the kundalini is only the beginning of a new understanding.....
For me it completly crushed this reality, and I had to build up a new expanded reality, where my higher self played an important role.....
But forcing up kundalini can be dangerous, many that has done that has got their lifes crippled.... begin with your thoughtforms and your emotions and let you kundalini mature up.... your system that is done for 220 volts, suddenly has to deal with 10.000 volts... and the important part is to hold balance in thoughts and emotions.... during this 18 years since I had this spontanous kundalini raising, I have gone around with fire in my body mostly 24/7 ...
It is not the raising that give you insight instanly.. but it is a ongoing prossess, and the kundalini is developing during the years.... its a big diffrent from 18 years ago, now I am up to 100.000 volts and instead of only the fire in my spine,today its covering my whole back and I have fire floating around in my body....

I am telling you this so you know which kind of forces you are dealing with...
Study the subject first and prepare your body, thoughts and emotions before you try to rise it.... many doesnt understand the impact and strenght of it, and get a hugh surprise...

But I am very careful to who I let to influence me with information....
Do ask for that they prove it for you and most important use your higher self....

She talked about being in meditation and feeling a tingling in the crown chakra
Tingling in your crown chakra doesnt tell which beings you have contact to...
Because the tingling you can produce yourself by focus on the channeling "tube"....

Edit: forget the quotes hahaha

Last edited by Artemis; 10-31-2008 at 09:27 AM.
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Old 10-31-2008, 09:31 AM   #11
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Interesting and great read!
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Old 11-01-2008, 04:08 AM   #12
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Sorry but I just don't buy all that selfish conscience, look within stuff. Sounds like the ET's /demons are still telling the same old lie that their master first told to Eve, "ppsst, you surely won't die if you eat that, in fact you'll become like God if you do." Hasn't that been the ET's/demons central theme throughout the ages?

People we have 100's of men and women who have come out of various high ranking occults who know first hand that these ET's / demons are powerless against Jesus Christ and His believers. Yes these entities are real and they rule within a hierarchy known from the bible as "principalities in high places" but they have nothing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

But no, everyone wants to interview mediums. If balance is part of the law you are bound to then why not interview those who have come out of a steady diet of communion with Et's/demons? I tell you why. You are controlled by demons not to. Try it, see what resistance you will be up against if you try and research ex-occultists who have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christs shed blood.

Pure "doctrines of demons" if you ask me. Sorry but that is the truth.

God Bless,

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Old 11-01-2008, 07:12 PM   #13
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

The Master I am referring to here is one that has been with me for ages, both past and present lives, and through the connection I have with him and all the time I've been in contact with him it has been proven to me that he is of the purest and best intentions.

Radiant Love is hard, if not impossible, to fake. Negative entities are in general more demanding, they ask you to do certain things, they lead you astray and in general do not come with greater revelations or give you abilities that are all to help and assist other people and beings. It would be against their very nature.

Channeled information is, I admit, harder to distinguish when it comes to who the source is. But, I am not a channeler in the normal sense, I venture out in the spirit world and astral planes and access higher planes of existence that are only accessible by those with a certain frequency, and no negativity can enter these places, they are pure and filled with the Great Goodness of the All.

During many of these communications the strongest feeling of joy and love vibrates through every part of my body, mind and soul. There is never anything asked or done by the Master that would hint at any so called negative entity or trickster, in fact all he has ever done is help me develop myself and my abilities, including learning astral projection and healing, and he never tell me or ask me to do anything at all - I am the one who ask, and he will never do anything that can be considered immoral or unethical, and his purpose is similar of mine - to teach, help and assist others to reach greater understanding of themselves and existence and how they can be able to be a positive element in the world and life of others.

Regarding the energy sensations, I can describe them as very powerful, filling my entire being and refreshing and cleansing me, and I have learned to tap into the universal source of Love and Healing to help others more efficiently by using the external source of energy directly, instead of using my own inner energy.

Best blessings,
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:41 AM   #14
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

As I addressed in my previous post called "Our multidimensional existence" we consist of a Higher Soul, with various Soul Fragments spread out in different physical bodies both in this world and in other alternate worlds.

This means that YOU, the one sitting there reading this line now, is one such Soul Fragment of your true Higher Soul. And at the same time there exists different other soul fragments in other bodies spread around in time and space living their own separate individual lives, not being aware of each other or their connection.

It is however necessary to expand some on this and give some further explanations.

Our Higher Soul may in fact be a Higher Soul Fragment of yet another Higher Soul - and our Soul Fragments may become equal to Higher Souls on ascension after physical death, meaning they too get the ability to spread new Soul Fragments into new bodies.

What does this mean practically, you may ask. Let me explain:

You, the person you are living as now, are a soul fragment of a Higher Soul. At the same time other soul fragments are spread around that have been spawned from the same Higher Soul, meaning that several people living at the same time are parallel and simultaneous versions of each other.

This further means that if any of these connected soul fragments, or parallel selves, did a past life regression to the life prior to the current one, all of them would experience the Higher Soul that they have spawned from as their last life before this.

And this explains many things, and actually makes a lot of sense if you look at it - for example many people claim to have been various famous historical people in the past. Most people would think that only one of them could be telling the truth, and the rest either lie or be imagining it.

But with the concept of the Higher Souls and Soul Fragments, and the Soul Fragments being able to turn into the same state as the Higher Souls at ascension after Death, and that Higher Souls may very well be Soul Fragments of yet other Higer Souls again, it means that it is indeed quite possible for several people to have been the same person in the past.

This is explained by the person whom they all were in a past life having ascended and spawned new Soul Fragments into new bodies, thus creating several new parallel people existing at the same time, as well as in different times and locations in space, meaning that all those current people whom are the Soul Fragments of this Past Person would go back in the same incarnation line to this Past Person when doing a Past Life Regression simply because this Past Person in a sense was the Higher Soul of these current living Soul Fragments, or Parallel Persons.

Thus, we exist as Soul Fragments of a Higher Soul which in turn may have been a Soul Fragment of another Higher Soul in its time, and so on into the long gone past, all the way up to Higher and Higher Souls, up to the very level of the Ultimate Soul - God - The Source of the First Higher Souls and Soul Fragments.

When it comes to reincarnation, this also solves the problems some would face when trying to mathematically calculate how many souls are present now, and how that would be possible if we keep reincarnating from previous lives, from a time when there were a lot fewer people around than we have now - in other words, there would have to be new souls coming in for the expanding population, and this is what the purpose of the Higher Souls is - to spawn new Soul Fragments for the new people that are born and expanding the population of the Earth.

At a deeper level, this of course also mean that we ALL are the SAME and ONE, considering that after all we all have been spawned from Higher Souls back to the Origin, to the time when there were only One Source - God.

May your inner guide be with you.
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Old 11-20-2008, 03:52 AM   #15
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Hey Ed, have you talked to Whitley Streiber about your perspective? I think you and him would get along famously.
Bill "the Doctor"
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Old 11-20-2008, 04:16 AM   #16
Edward Alexander
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

No. I recall the name but not the person. Who is that again?

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Old 11-20-2008, 10:36 AM   #17
777 The Great Work
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Default Re: Revelations of a Master: Multidimensional existence and other conversations

Originally Posted by Kelphi View Post
Sorry but I just don't buy all that selfish conscience, look within stuff. Sounds like the ET's /demons are still telling the same old lie that their master first told to Eve, "ppsst, you surely won't die if you eat that, in fact you'll become like God if you do." Hasn't that been the ET's/demons central theme throughout the ages?

People we have 100's of men and women who have come out of various high ranking occults who know first hand that these ET's / demons are powerless against Jesus Christ and His believers. Yes these entities are real and they rule within a hierarchy known from the bible as "principalities in high places" but they have nothing on the Lord Jesus Christ.

But no, everyone wants to interview mediums. If balance is part of the law you are bound to then why not interview those who have come out of a steady diet of communion with Et's/demons? I tell you why. You are controlled by demons not to. Try it, see what resistance you will be up against if you try and research ex-occultists who have put their faith and trust in Jesus Christs shed blood.

Pure "doctrines of demons" if you ask me. Sorry but that is the truth.

God Bless,

Being asked by the Pharisees when the Kingdom of God would come, he answered them, "The Kingdom of God doesn't come with observation;
17:21 neither will they say, 'Look, here!' or, 'Look, there!' for behold, the Kingdom of God is within you."
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