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Old 01-10-2010, 11:55 PM   #1
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Default High-Level Gatekeepers

The dictionary defines gatekeeper as "a person in charge of a gate, usually to identify, count, supervise, etc., the traffic or flow through it. When I watched Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, I didn't have much to say about the evidence, but Michael Moore's conclusions seemed to be highly suspect -- that our air force and intelligence screwed up, that George Bush is just a clueless idiot who is in charge of our nation, etc.

Later, I listened to an interview of Alex Jones with Noam Chomsky. As is sometimes the case, Alex is not exactly on his best behavior towards the end of the interview, but the interview for me really exposed Noam Chomsky, a person I previously admired for his work in linguistics and as a political critic. In the interview, Chomsky expresses his distaste for the current administration and the development of this nation and then he backtracks to defend it towards the end. Chomsky is very elegant with words. He reminds me of Alan Greenspan who could make a long speech with quite a few points but leave many people scratching his head at the end as to the meat of his points. In this case, I see Chomsky acting as an intellectual gatekeeper because there are few who would have the intelligence to debate his facts. The interview is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kSXFX8bM6s8.

Since then, I've noticed quite a few other gatekeepers. As I see it, there are many people like us on Avalon who have somewhat of a consensus on certain issues: 9/11 is a fraud, the economy is going down for the count, knowledge that tyranny is increasing on a worldwide scale, and knowledge of the plans and details to implement world currency/world government. I've seen some debate on the details for these topics, but I haven't heard any intelligible argument here or elsewhere that these things aren't happening.

The way I see it is the purpose of a gatekeeper is to take someone's viewpoints and influence them to where they conclude that everything is ok and the government is doing it's job and there is no need to do anything that might upset the system. In other words, stay in your seat and don't rock the boat!

The mainstream media is the gatekeeper for the profane. For us who know a little bit more, they must get a little bit more creative. Here's some ideas for bringing people who have above knowledge of these issues back to the status quo:

1) We will all ascend in 2012. No need to worry or do anything, since those of us who are spiritually "advanced" and at a "higher vibration" will simply leave this planet and move into 4D/5D.

2) TPTB are really being controlled by the Reptilians and are doing their job to save humanity with the upcoming spacewars in order to free the human race from those ETs.

3) The ETs will save us or provide assistance to us.

4) TPTB is comprised of many fighting factions and the good side will eventually prevail.

I'd like to address these issues one at a time and hear from anyone with additional information and differing opinions.

The Ascension Issue:

I've heard estimates from the proponents of the ascension that 20-33% of the human population will be ascending. Most of these say that we are becoming accustomed to the new energies that are helping in the ascension process. If this is the case, we have just less than 3 years for the ascension process. For the so-called leaders of the ascension process, most seem to skimp on details. For example: will we leave our physical body and then ascend into 4D/5D? Do we bring our physical body into 4D/5D? If so, will we just start seeing people disappearing or might we in fact disappear ourselves?

Here's my take: we have no proof that this process has ever happened before. Perhaps some of the descendents of Atlantis and Mu did in fact ascend, but we have no proof. Another issue is that if the Earth and its people are going to get back to balance, it will require leaders in 3D -- i.e. the people who would be ascending. Another issue is that all of us have built-up karma here. How can any of us ascend when we are not fully complete -- i.e. when we still have substantial remaining karma? Last, and this is the part that always sticks in my mind: are we really waking people up? I'll use myself as an example here: until about 4 years ago, I was not completely aware of all of the issues "behind the scenes" so to speak, but I wasn't a sheeple. I was as aware as I am now, but I was lacking the information on the occult agenda that is being implemented. Many of the awake and aware people I've met here on Avalon and in person seem to be the same way -- they weren't ever sheeple, but they just didn't know how far the down the rabbit hole this whole thing goes. Yes, we are growing to be many in numbers, but we are still a minority. Most of the people I know are completely clueless and don't want to know anything beyond their viewpoints. Can someone ascend if they are in denial?

Per the David Wilcock thread, it appears he was promoting ascension as an event that would occur in the year 2000. Is this just a meme that goes across the internet? If we don’t ascend in 2012, will they start promoting ascension in 2020?

When I look back in history, I see two times that provide a historical precedent for the current times: pre-WWII Germany and the American Revolution. In the US, we have both a rotting economy and a fast implementation of tyranny/fascism. During the Revolution, only 3% of the colonists fought against King George's men. There are groups right now like the 3%ers and the Oath Keepers. My point is that in this current environment, how is it possible there will be an opportunity for 20%-33% to go from their current state (sheeple) to ascension status in less than 3 years?

TPTB Are Controlled By Reptilians:

All of the literature on this suggests that contact between the US government and certain ET races happened around the 1950s or 1960s. In order for this to be true, it must be the case that TPTB were at one time not controlled by the reptilians, certainly in the 19th and 20th centuries and that they have altered their plans as a result of their contact with the reptilians or negative “ETs”.

One issue is the story of Jacob Lanz, a courier who was struck by lightning and killed while delivering papers for the Bavarian Illuminati. Upon his death, details of the world government plan were revealed to the authorities.


This is the whole event that caused the “disbanding” of the Illuminati that many people are familiar with from the movie Angels & Demons, which of course was followed by the establishment of secret societies to continue out the mission.

Another issue is the work of Manly P. Hall and the secret origins of America. The thesis for much of his work is that during the establishment of America, there were Freemasons on both sides guiding the plan of the creation of America as a world superpower. Once America had established world dominance, it could be used as a tool to establish world government.



With all of this information, where is there any room left for a secret reptilian agenda? Aren’t they doing exactly what they said they would do prior to the “reptilian influence”?

ETs Will Provide Assistance:

Is there any evidence to this one? After all of the genocides and wars and plagues that have hit humanity, why would they help us? Of course, this doesn’t take into effect that fact that we are collectively responsible for 100% of the mess we are in right now. In other words, even if they wanted to intervene, how could they shield us from our own karma? And even if they could, why would they? Are we somehow special, as in more special than people who lived on planet Earth at other times in history?

TPTB is Comprised of Fighting Factions

In order for "good" to prevail, someone must give up their power. In many ways, the history of the world is just a series of power struggles between liberty and tyranny (the individual and the government) or between nations. In the past, I can’t recall one single historical precedent where a member of the privileged elite gave up what they had for truly altruistic purposes. Think of it this way: for the common man, it may well be a good idea that all men are created equal and to have a sense of equality but for a privileged elite, the idea of equality means you must give up what you have: the ability to command others to serve you, the ownership of your property and your entire lifestyle. In other words, equality cannot exist so long as there are people who exist as parasites at the top. And for the parasites, why would they give up their power without a good fight?

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Old 01-11-2010, 12:27 AM   #2
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Wow I am definitely impressed by the amount of thought you put in this and you

make great points, but ask yourself this. Why would we have been put here if

we were just meant to be stuck in the wheel of karma. If we were meant for

nothing more then to be slaves of a world elite what purpose what would we

gain from that? Nothing. From what we know the Mayans were the most

advanced time keepers in over five thousand years of history. They saw cycles

we still don't fully understand until this day. What we do know is we are

constantly evolving. Look were we have gone in ten years. We know for a fact

that there is life out there, both good and bad, but mostly good, that wants to

see us succeed. What would be the purpose here if we didn't evolve as a

species? There wouldn't be. The fact is we are headed to a crossroad, that I

can see clear as day. We are either gonna cross that road or be left behind

the choice is up to you. This society we live is waking up this this fact and

whether we realize it or not, were gonna eventually have to greet our

neighbors in space . When that happens, the doors open.
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Old 01-11-2010, 12:41 AM   #3
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

What proof do we have karma is real? Maybe only those that believe in karma are caught in the karma scenario.

The reptilian agenda can be traced back to the beginnings of humankind on earth. So whatever influenced our gov in the 40's and 50's are probably from a different group. I've heard it proposed that the nuclear explosions tore a hole that let them in.

I am leery of all this sit back, raise your vibration and ascend talk - if there really was a cosmic war on for your soul - what a great ruse to deactivate many warriors.

Of course, this doesn’t take into effect that fact that we are collectively responsible for 100% of the mess we are in right now.
I have a hard time understanding how we can be 100% responsible for this mess when all my life we have been subject to hidden agendas and trickery - and that every system from education to religion is infiltrated with social engineers and tricksters that conned us into trusting the systems they set up.
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Old 01-11-2010, 01:14 AM   #4
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Originally Posted by joe2288 View Post
Why would we have been put here if

we were just meant to be stuck in the wheel of karma. If we were meant for

nothing more then to be slaves of a world elite what purpose what would we

gain from that?
I don't see it that we are here to be slaves of the world elite. For me, the wheel of karma is kind of like a graduation of sorts. Young souls are like children in that they have no experience in the real world. We grow and progress in each lifetime, until we are capable of more and more and transition from personal growth into service to others.

As to your question, I'm not sure exactly why we are here. You and I are here at ground level. To give an answer would be like giving a viewpoint from 10,000 feet above. I'm not there, so I can't tell you. I have only met a few people in my life whom I would consider close to that 10,000 foot level -- I wonder if they know either.

I have seen many of my past lives and seen my own personal development and the releasing of karma. It's nothing that I can prove with any empirical evidence, but the experience and the knowledge explains so much. The way I see it, the world elite are just part of the process. It is possible to advance spiritually through introspection: yoga, meditation, exploring past lives, astral travel, and any other solitary activities. The other way is by releasing karma which means interacting with your family and friends, your career progress, and anything "real life" that involves interacting with other people. The introspection part is just the theory that prepares you for the practice. In other words, you can't succeed in the game unless you know the rules and have a strategy, but you must also be active as a player.

I agree about the Mayans being very advanced. I think they are a big card in this whole play, but I haven't heard anything concrete from them yet. I am awaiting the release of the movie Shift of the Ages to hear their information from the horse's mouth, so to speak.

Yes, there is life out there, but there are many stories. I tend to agree with you that it is mostly positive, but I don't think they're going to be saving us. There is a war, famine, and genocide throughout Africa, innocent people dying in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan, and constant conflict in Israel and Palestine, yet the rest of the world just waits and watches. I see this as similar to the viewpoint of the ETs -- they watch us just as we may watch some of these conflicts. They don't want to interfere, because it involves them in the situation and it deprives the participants of any meaningful experience they are having.

I see that we are at a crossroads too, and I agree with you that many of us are evolving. The question is where do we go from here? Do the evolving people "wake up" the rest of the people and civilization thus becomes enlightened or do the unawake drag us all into the abyss?

In the long run, I tend to stay on the positive side. I think we are all working on ascension or enlightenment, but I don't think 2012 will be some special date for ascension. I think that in the 3D world, we're going to have some very interesting changes in the next few years, and I don't think there's a chance that world government will make it in the long haul, but the point is that those of us who are awake must find opportunities to act -- we can't just sit on the sidelines and wait for some special event and pretend that it's all ok along with the sheeple.

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Old 01-11-2010, 01:33 AM   #5
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
What proof do we have karma is real? Maybe only those that believe in karma are caught in the karma scenario.
That's an interesting question. I don't think there is any empirical proof that karma is real. The best answer I can give you is that if you get involved in exploring your past lives and know who you were in previous lifetimes along with other souls you incarnated with and saw the relationships back then and how it influences your current life, you will see karma. In many cases, just becoming aware of all of this information can cause spontaneous healing because you realize that much of the struggle in life is caused by petty things from the past that have no bearing in your current life.

Since this is not empirical evidence, I realize to anyone who has not had this experience, what I am saying is just a viewpoint, so I'll address your question in a different way without the issue of karma.

We are responsible because it is people who have gone to war with each other in WWI and WWII, it is people who have performed genocide on other people, and it is people who support those people who do these things. You may not consider yourself responsible for those innocent people dying in Iraq and Afghanistan, but do you participate in the system of US currency? Do you pay income taxes? If the answer is yes, then your energy is being used towards killing innocent people in Iraq and Afghanistan and supporting the current Luciferian system.

I don't think there are any easy answers here and some of them may involve taking substantial personal risk, but we are all participating in this system, and thus bear collective responsibility for the results. The same was true during WWI and WWII. I'm not saying that there aren't any reptilians or that there isn't a reptilian agenda (I don't really know or have a position on it), but I am saying that all of us are active participants, regardless of what the bully tells us that we've gotta do.


Last edited by sjkted; 01-11-2010 at 01:51 AM.
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Old 01-11-2010, 04:54 AM   #6
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
What proof do we have karma is real? Maybe only those that believe in karma are caught in the karma scenario.

The reptilian agenda can be traced back to the beginnings of humankind on earth. So whatever influenced our gov in the 40's and 50's are probably from a different group. I've heard it proposed that the nuclear explosions tore a hole that let them in.

I am leery of all this sit back, raise your vibration and ascend talk - if there really was a cosmic war on for your soul - what a great ruse to deactivate many warriors.

I have a hard time understanding how we can be 100% responsible for this mess when all my life we have been subject to hidden agendas and trickery - and that every system from education to religion is infiltrated with social engineers and tricksters that conned us into trusting the systems they set up.

It is more technically accurate to say we are 100% responsible for clearing within ourselves any reason to be attached to or victimized by this mess.

Where I live in Canada there are areas where buyers are building million dollar mansions, and the former house is called a "tear down" house -- they buy the land and tear down the house to put their new mansion on.

What mansion are you dreaming of ("In my Father's house are many mansions...)?


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Old 01-11-2010, 07:16 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Gnosis5 View Post
It is more technically accurate to say we are 100% responsible for clearing within ourselves any reason to be attached to or victimized by this mess.
I like the way you put it here. The individual is not alone responsible for the collective actions per se, but we are individually responsible for clearing any attachments we have to the mess.

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Old 01-11-2010, 08:06 AM   #8
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Chomsky represents just one view of life as it is. Warring factions are commonplace but we must remember that each person has their own interests in this reality.

What Chomsky (and Howard Zinn) have pointed out for years is that the U.S is a country with fascist overtones and has always been so.

They are intelligent writers and Chomsky especially,spends a lot of time analyzing things to where they're easily spun into anti-left propaganda.

Keep in mind that no one side is right (left or right) and that they are merely perspectives in a game that is bigger than them, bigger than all of us.
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Old 01-11-2010, 12:08 PM   #9
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Originally Posted by Karen View Post
What proof do we have karma is real? Maybe only those that believe in karma are caught in the karma scenario.

The reptilian agenda can be traced back to the beginnings of humankind on earth. So whatever influenced our gov in the 40's and 50's are probably from a different group. I've heard it proposed that the nuclear explosions tore a hole that let them in.

I am leery of all this sit back, raise your vibration and ascend talk - if there really was a cosmic war on for your soul - what a great ruse to deactivate many warriors.

I have a hard time understanding how we can be 100% responsible for this mess when all my life we have been subject to hidden agendas and trickery - and that every system from education to religion is infiltrated with social engineers and tricksters that conned us into trusting the systems they set up.
Hi Karen

Karma is real but there is no one out there pointing fingers. It is a very clever system when you think about it

The DNA is the manifestation of the blueprint which was originally intended by source. We have a lot of junk DNA, or DNA that has been disabled...that is what happens when we use energy unwisely

If we were allowed to missuse energy, Source one day will be obliterated and that is not going to happen, free will does not mean free for all, they are very differente principles because of the law of cause, effect and consecuence...we can run but it will catch up eventually

The piece of the puzzle that is missing is that we are not aware of the faculties that we have lost due to our own beahviour, its called divine mercy

There are people in this planet, in this moment that have more DNA strands activated that is a fact and the reason why TPTB are freaking out, they thought they had it all under control

The DNA is the key of the templar, which is the morphogenetic field of the planet including the stargates. We don't need wormholes to travel around in the galaxy or universes, we need the right amount of strands activated...and those only activate if we are wise on the use of energy

How do we get to be wise? by using the 12 attributes and attitudes of mastery, it is not easy with our programing

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Old 01-11-2010, 12:38 PM   #10
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
The dictionary defines gatekeeper as "a person in charge of a gate, usually to identify, count, supervise, etc., the traffic or flow through it. When I watched Michael Moore's film Fahrenheit 9/11, I didn't have much to say about the evidence, but Michael Moore's conclusions seemed to be highly suspect -- that our air force and intelligence screwed up, that George Bush is just a clueless idiot who is in charge of our nation, etc.

1) We will all ascend in 2012. No need to worry or do anything, since those of us who are spiritually "advanced" and at a "higher vibration" will simply leave this planet and move into 4D/5D.

Very interesting summary, thank you

My understanding is the following

Ascension, is just the activation of all 12 strands of DNA. It used to be a natural process of Soul, Oversoul and Avatar integration and transmutation from carbon base to silica base cells with lots of perks like transmigration, transmutation, transfiguration, manifestation, telephathy etc, etc. But due to the take over of the planet in Atlantis is no longer possible in the natural way.

Now we have to work at it in order to activate the strands (junk DNA) and overcome the environmental mutations created by the HAARP + crystal temples system that keep us under the NET that does mind control. Presently most people have 2.5 strands and going down. There are people that have 6 and 7 strands of DNA activated and working on more

Of course, if there is enough people activating more strands we will have the 100 monkey effect but as today, we do not have enough people activating their strands. For the moment we still have to go manual and do the work

In this moment we are going through an event called Stellar Activation Cycle and contraty to what others have been saying 12D frequency has been in this planet since 2000 (which is what the millenium scare was about). The reason is that if there were no human angelics alive in the planet, the planet would have had a pole shift...and why we are making questions about reality

There is a lot of infomation regarding this in the Summaries 1 and 2 at the azuritepress websites, and various other post on Anna Hayes, Ashayana Deane, Keylontic Sciences etc here

Yes TPTB DOES NOT WANT US TO DO ANYTHING COS THAT WAY WE WILL MISS THE BOAT, the ascension. We are their slaves, aren't we...their food, we are alive, we produce atoms, we create the reality for them...does it matter what they are, appart from the fact that they are vampires? They don't like us, we have no real rights now, the world is crumbling in front of our eyes leading to OWO...isn't that enough evidence?

We have the choice to sit there and cry about what is happening in the worlds or like in Avatar (the movie) do something about it...and I am not reffering to weapons but to raise our frequency...this is a frequency war and we are more powerful than we know but to break the inercia (mind control) is difficult

The ET's, angels or demons will not save us. Why they will, if we do not raise our frequency and activate our DNA, we are not able to go through stargates without frying ourselves, nor they can beam us up (same effect as stargates) We have to take resposibility as the guardians of the garden (earth) that we are...or well, become space dust which is a choice too

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Old 01-11-2010, 04:33 PM   #11
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

WE are so grateful for your presence here Stardustaquarion!
Succinctly spoken, makes utter sense, shows the way.... LET'S GET IT ON!
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Old 01-11-2010, 05:14 PM   #12
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Hi Stardustaquarion,

Thanks for posting this. I really do appreciate the different views I get from people on Avalon.

I'll check some of the details you mentioned at the outside sites. I can't say I'm very familiar with them.

When I posted here, I did not do so to discredit the notion of ascension. I'm just trying to put all of the pieces together in my own way. I see ascension as a natural process of releasing all karma. I tend to subscribe to the traditional viewpoint that this normally takes many lifetimes, but I don't have any qualms against it happening for a large group of people at once.

Can you elaborate a bit on the relationship between HAARP and ascension? I've done some reading on HAARP and understand how it may be used cause problems with weather, but I haven't heard specifics between HAARP and ascension.

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Old 01-11-2010, 06:27 PM   #13
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Default Re: High-Level Gatekeepers

Originally Posted by sjkted View Post
Hi Stardustaquarion,

Thanks for posting this. I really do appreciate the different views I get from people on Avalon.

I'll check some of the details you mentioned at the outside sites. I can't say I'm very familiar with them.

When I posted here, I did not do so to discredit the notion of ascension. I'm just trying to put all of the pieces together in my own way. I see ascension as a natural process of releasing all karma. I tend to subscribe to the traditional viewpoint that this normally takes many lifetimes, but I don't have any qualms against it happening for a large group of people at once.

Can you elaborate a bit on the relationship between HAARP and ascension? I've done some reading on HAARP and understand how it may be used cause problems with weather, but I haven't heard specifics between HAARP and ascension.

It is being explained to us that HAARP is part of a much bigger mechanism installed here by races from a neighbouring fallen universe with the aim to exercise mind control amongst other things

Many people are hearing a high pitch/hum, that is the HAARP transmitting

It is not beneficial for humans or the planet

It creates a buffer field that disrupts comminication with higher parts of ourselves or beneficial races from other dimensions - planets

In a nut shell it dums us down and generates stress

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