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Old 09-15-2008, 09:47 PM   #1
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Cool The Bible, it's about Disclosure, Not Religion

The Bible, it's about Disclosure, Not Religion.

Let's just start with a few premises as many have all ready surmised or discovered.

1. That the ET's are the angels and fallen angels spoken of in the bibles.
2. That they are just like us in that some you would want for a neighbor, and some you wouldn't. (Ones you can't trust with your kids, cows, or anus.) It appears that sentient intelligent life has been created in several forms.

Most haven't read the bible, or if they have it has been with a "religious" attitude and ideology. There are about 20 (with 66 to 84 books in them) different english translations on my shelf and I have read them all cover to cover. Not to include all the research books and the American Bible Society's data base on my computers. Including many other researches in mythology, fairy tales, and yes, I even have the four books published by Fort on my shelf, besides the Voynich Manuscript with three images still not released
to the public.

My contacts include the US Gov. agencies, (several), and others, that have contacted and questioned me about my research. So I am not alone in what I have learned and the powers that be (ptb) are very interested in what I and others have learned about the bible's role in all of this UFO / ET stuff. The ptb do not want you to know that they got caught dancing with the devil, so to speak. Not just the government of the usa, but most of the big governments of the world are now aware of this problem. The ET's they have
been befriending are the fallen / bad angels. Kicked out of the heavens, and thrown down to the earth, by those good angels because they simply didn't want them for neighbors any more. So, about those ET's here amongst us, and below (underground bases, etc.), guess who came to dinner?

For the past seven years I have had a research partner, Gale, who is just as convinced as I am about these understandings of what the bible is really all about. From what I see of the disclosure movement, it has taken a turn to reveal weapons aboard these captured crashed craft. A new development. Also that some are now talking about a catastrophic event in our solar system, one that left destroyed structures all over the system. For the past seven years Gale and I have been researching and investigating specific anomalies of craters, comets and asteroids, and moons in our solar system. Research that NASA requested for review.

In Revelations we read of a Heavenly New Jerusalem coming to earth that is one thousand, five hundred miles big. Now that is a MOTHER ship that is a third the size of the moon.

Yes, the bible is real and gives the answers. But you don't have to get all religious about it. It's much more understandable if you don't. Some have said that the bible is very technologically advanced in some of its statements. From these questions and reading at 2nd Esdras Chapter 4, you will know that we are now responsible for our technological advancement to understand and answer the questions presented, because we can now
answer them. By the way, that book, 2nd Esdras, of the original King James Bible, was taken out of the bibles here in the usa, the most technologically advanced country of the time in the 1850's. No wonder why.

Just some food for thought.
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