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Old 04-02-2010, 08:37 AM   #66
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Red Letter Church

Conservatives seem to know. They have the answer, and the answer is usually historical, and sometimes hysterical! Sometimes I have gotten the impression that a conservative is someone who rigidly guards a tradition, and is willing to do just about anything to make sure that the tradition, of whatever nature, is maintained without compromise or without admitting any deficiency or error whatsoever! This pursuit sometimes seems to involve denial of reality, or even lying, consciously or subconsciously. Historically, it has sometimes involved violence or even killing! Conservatives usually seem to view liberals with suspicion and contempt. Some conservatives act as though ignorance were a virtue! The conservatives often are the fund providers. Follow the money…

Liberals, on the other hand, seem to know better than the conservatives…but they don't really know anything for sure! The answer could be this, or it could be that…or none of the above. Liberals are often educated and sophisticated, and look down on conservatives, who they view as being rigid and stupid! Sometimes they act as though everything is a big joke! Especially everything conservative. They tend to have an in your face, rebellious attitude! The liberals often are the complainers…

What if the solution to the liberal v conservative dilemma involved combining the best of liberalism and conservatism? Wherein the best of a historical tradition is positively reinforced, but also treated with honesty regarding any deficiencies. And also having a commitment to applying a tradition to modernity in an intelligent and appropriate manner.

When one attempts to build a building, if you keep changing the foundation, you never get the building built! On the other hand, if you are not open to constructive criticism, you may end up with an unsafe eyesore! I believe that the Teachings of Jesus are the foundation or the solid rock upon which we need to build His church. All other ground is sinking sand! Let's learn from the building collapses and code violations of the past 2,000 years…

If the liberals and conservatives could come to realize that they need each other…the journey of life and discovery might be a whole lot more productive and enjoyable!

To embrace the Teachings of Jesus is to be both liberal and conservative! Jesus was arguably a liberal in style and in opposition to the corrupt status quo…but a conservative regarding upholding the best unchangeable principles and concepts of the Old Testament!
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