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Old 11-06-2008, 01:26 AM   #294
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Perth Western Australia
Posts: 289
Default Re: Questions for THEWATCHER

We have in the mix different factions, both on and off planet, working to same or similar agendas but separate to each other.
Now and again interaction takes place and overlaps occur.

This is where the confusion comes into play, unless you know of these sep factions and what each one does, it all looks rather haggard until you see all of the picture.

The so called NWO is already with us, depopulation, dumbing down of society, fierce control of society, economic disruption/collapse, weather modification in order to control regions/nations, etc etc etc.ONLY when you see and know all parts can you realise how this is working.
*** Are you saying the above is, metaphorically speaking, phase one of a three phase system?

That phase one (NWO) has to occur for the other phases to come into play?

(is it akin to spring house cleaning, a chaotic mess is created but after all the rubbish has been sorted out and everything placed back where it should be the end result is a very ordered and clean home?)

the number of actual phases is irrelevant but yes this is about right

Just so I am understanding this correctly, the NWO or rather the
depopulation, dumbing down of society, fierce control of society, economic disruption/collapse, weather modification in order to control regions/nations, etc etc etc are being promulgated by different Factions (human & OPI) on and off world?

And what is left after all the chaos can then be shaped into a society more in tune with their sentiment of Belief & Brotherhood?

So a New System of Control & Order has to be in place ready for a future where the Hybrids/Humans MK2 are the main constituents of the populace.

And to get to that point the eradication of undesirables is necessary?

Because the end justifies the means?

Barry, how do they choose who are undesirable?

Obviously I do not have issues with bringing in a better tomorrow, however I do have issues with certain pathways being undertaken to achieve such an outcome.

My personal philosophy is that if you have to take a life to ensure your own evolution then that isn't evolution.

On the flip side, there are good guys ( human and OPI Factions) working behind the scenes to ameliorate the depth of destruction these specific Factions are promulgating with their tunnel-visioned NWO agenda?

They know they cannot prevent it completely but they can prevent certain dire outcomes from eventuating?

And they can use the resultant outcome to bring in their own version of a better tomorrow? Birthing a positive outcome from a negative outcome? The quintessential Light from the Dark.

How am I going so far?

All the Best

Last edited by Ara; 11-06-2008 at 01:28 AM.
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