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Old 10-27-2009, 08:47 PM   #16
Avalon Senior Member
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Arrow Re: Over-Population, new site for action


Best Greetings Steven,
Please review the two sources from which these headings & excerpts originate. The second source may be more informative. As you (and others here) may see -- we do not work for any corrupt "elite" in whatever their agenda is; we are working FOR HUMANITY.

The "elite" will conduct endless wars if they choose to perpetuate their agendas, the "consumerism" includes the lives of Humans they see as "canon fodder" for the military-industrial machine to keep the tanks, ships, warplanes, &c rolling off their factory floors. To the "elite," Human misery doesn't even factor into their equations.



*> Regarding environmental refugees

*> Regarding melting of glaciers (from 1964)
Unstoppable changes, global warming and rising sea levels
Rising sea levels and resulting refugees

*> Regarding loss of magnetic sense in man and animals

*> Dangers of nano-particles

*> Connections between earthquakes, and mining, damming of waters, oil/gas extraction, etc.

*> Regarding the coming "suicide industry" (from 1958)

(source 1)

~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~

Excerpt from:

Population Growth Without Limit? An End to a Taboo Subject!

[ Dealing with the topic of overpopulation can be compared to an ocean liner that heads full speed into a group of icebergs, meanwhile:

·> The crew and the passengers argue that the ticket prices should decrease and the employee wages should increase.
·> There is criticism that the engine has the wrong colour, or that not enough fuel was acquired and it will run out before reaching the next gas station; after which reassurance is given that the problem will solve itself with a little trust in God because someone will certainly find a new source of fuel on the way.
·> Inside the wheel house it is discussed whether the crew must be made up of an equal number of representatives from different countries, whereas one faction absolutely insists on having the right of veto on every decision.
·> Journalists on board write articles on liaisons between passengers whilst some among them though are worried about the discovery of an unusual increase in the number of icebergs within their range of sight.

[ And meanwhile the ocean liner travels straight ahead with undiminished speed. This preposterous situation corresponds in this instance not only to the actual state of the countries and governments of our Earth, but also to that of the bulk of the mass media.

[ If one deals more specifically with this plight/calamity, inevitably the question arises, why these circles, organizations and political parties, which espouse the cause of protecting the environment and who vociferously plead for a sustainable use of natural resources – quite often in an theatrical manner – and who shout out loud for measures against climate change and its impact, why do they avoid talking openly about the basic evil of all problems of our time, just as the devil avoids the holy water?!

[ On a large scale money is collected for the protection of dolphins and sharks from industrial fishing, for the protection of moorlands, lean pastures, rainforests and bird species, for the construction of water wells in Africa, but also for food-aid in regularly occurring droughts, as well as caring for stray dogs and cats, etc. etc.

[ And if we examine more closely all the many brochures and appeals for donation that land in our letter-boxes, we find out that barely ever even a small clue can be found therein about the fact that most of these problems could become so urgent and force countermeasures, only because the human population number downright exploded on our planet during the last 300 years and continues to do so at an exorbitant rate.

[ And if in the rare case the overpopulation issue is broached, the reference to practical and concrete measures against this tremendous menace for our civilisation is always missing!

[ Unfortunately, the human being has the tendency to close his “inner eyes” to the real misery of his fellow-men, which is quite often placed, manipulated and served bit by bit flashed in TV images, and he often prefers to bury his head in the sand, in the hope that all problems will be solved automatically. But in vain!

[ While a headache may have vanished or anger may have abated after sleep, unfortunately, this does not happen in the same scope on a global scale. When an oil well has run dry, it is unrealistic to expect that it will be filled up again after one year, and that the obviously increasing number of disasters triggered by severe weather isn't getting smaller, only because the people living in potential floodplains wish or hope it would be this way.

[ The refusal of many people, after recognizing a deplorable state of affairs, to allow appropriate responsible action to follow, leads to the fact, that either they are rushing through life with blinkers on or they are immersed in the illusory world of the “living-room altar” (=television sets) where the people, through the well-known “bread and circuses“ palliation method allow themselves to be lulled, and often either deteriorate into physical or consciousness dullness or into destructive aggressiveness.

[ However, this is not only the case in industrial countries, but equally in large areas of the so-called “developing countries”, where the world often is perceived through the “spectacles” of escapist TV-series; combined with appropriate frustration when the discrepancy between the ”dream world” and real everyday life penetrates into the consciousness. ... ... ...

<<This following is the answer to "where these Ideas come from." (same source & URL page, below) As you will see, we DO NOT associate with those "elites," nor follow in any way their designs on Earth Humanity.>>

[ Before starting to explain the concrete measures, I have to make a digression to something very important: The fight against overpopulation is only one of many important issues that are pursued by FIGU or its members, and presented to the public.

[ One the one hand, the focus of our activities lies on the fulfillment of one’s own self-responsibility in connection with performing and developing one’s own intrinsic values and realizations (virtues, character, striving for the truth, etc.), and on the other hand on the dissemination of writings and information (the so-called “spiritual teaching”), that allows people to identify the true meaning of life, (which are) veiled and falsified by the religions, and to free oneself from beliefs.

[ Although we have nothing in common with religions and sects, we respect the right of every person to become blessed by his own belief, at least when no fellow-human beings are harmed and when, e.g., no misdirected suicide bombers are trying to send those of different faiths into the hereafter, because they live in an idiotic delusional belief that virgins galore are waiting for them in heaven. (The belief in the existence of virgins in heaven, who soon won't be virgins any more, would require a lot of explaining, but is not the focus of this article. Such a belief belongs in the same category as the image of eternal harp-playing on the heavenly clouds, or that billions of deceased souls are sitting at God's feet.)

[ We FIGU members demand of ourselves to avoid the fields of belief, illusion and delusion and to always search for the truth behind all things. Furthermore, we let people share in the valuable information that is transmitted to us from highly-developed human beings from other worlds (extraterrestrials) via their Swiss intermediary “Billy” Eduard A. Meier.

[ This information is extraordinarily helpful for understanding our position in the universe, to avoid unnecessary errors and to eventually achieve freedom on Earth. And last but not least it is extremely important to point out the fact that the human being does not live once only, in order to then vanish into a heaven or a hell for all eternity.

[ The realization of the fact that all of us incarnate again and again in new bodies over millions of years, on the planet where we have died, is very important for the understanding of the justice of our proposed measures which are explained later in this text.

[ If it is recognized and accepted that – after our death – we human beings will incarnate with a new personality in a new body and will then find before us the world and those conditions that we have left to our children and children’s children, then the urgency of these measures unexpectedly may look quite different! And the fact that the gender of people will not remain the same over different incarnations, but rather that a former man can be born as a woman sooner or later, and the other way around, may possibly allow one to be attuned thoughtfully to one or the other; this may be especially the case if it is a question of living together as man and woman, and the related expectations, attitudes of thought and abusive actions. Anyone who is interested in this matter may find much information (in German, and some in English and other languages) in our books and booklets, and on the Internet (

[ At the beginning of the nineties of the 20th century, in booklet Nr. 1 on the subject of overpopulation, Billy Meier proposed radical, but nevertheless humane measures to get the raging overpopulation and its resulting effects under control as fast as possible.

[ These measures, the application of which successfully and definitively solved the problems of overpopulation on other worlds tens of thousands of years ago, lead back to the old prophets Nokodemion and Henok. Billy Meier’s radical and concrete proposals may offend many people and in many people may provoke a “thinking system breakdown”, including an “inner outcry”.

[ This, however, can only be the case with people whose reason and sense of responsibility is insufficiently developed, or with those, who have no knowledge of the profound hidden values. To close this gap of knowledge, it is necessary that the system and the many connected measures are explained in detail. ] ... ... ...

(source 2)

Let's work together in a common goal for Humanity

Peace Be With You


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