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Old 01-21-2010, 01:51 PM   #740
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Default Re: Thuban Q&A: (warning longer than normal posts here)

Originally Posted by Sollve View Post

You say that you are so compelled to share this data. Why are you so compelled? How do you feel when you are sharing? Do you feel love? Do you feel hightened (in the meaning: standing above the rest), or something else?

The Logos dear Sollve; linked to the pain and joy of human life.
How is one to explain the things one feels when leaving one's body to look for ones 'passed over' daughter? How is one to express to skeptical minds the tortures of one's soul?
Can you understand the joy of a wheelchair bound person, if this person could simply stand up and walk across a room?
Something YOU take for granted? How then does a disabled person, living in chronic pain, 'stand above the rest'.

Can you fathom that if such a disabled person has little left in life but to think about the universe and to seek for harmony missing in ones deteriorating body form?

This person MOST CERTAINLY is something else; but this person would find joys and pleasures in things others consider ordinary.
How much joy would a blind person experience in seeing a rainbow or a deaf person of hearing a song?

So some of these disabled, including autistic, peoples are 'something else'.
Some have no meaning in physical life, instead of building universes with equations (Stephen Hawking) or painting portraits with their mouth's or toes, not having arms or hands or fingers.

If you for example feel that it is Love that drives your compassion in sharing your data. Where do you feel this love is flowing? Towards those who are at the recipient end or those who are at the messenger end. If you feel nothing or equal love towards both, then how do I know the message is for me?

How do I know? Ask yourself if you can resonate with the messages or not.

You talk alot about polarization and I don't think I understand what you mean by this. Do you believe that you need to divide us or unite us? Regardless of which, why is it necessary for you to do either?

Am I a Divider? Am I a Uniter?
A [person said] to him: "Tell my brothers that they have to divide my father’s possessions with me."
He said to him: "Man, who has made me a divider?"
He turned to his disciples (and) said to them: "I am not a divider, am I?"

I'm totally all in for uniting everyone because I do feel intensly that we are all the same at the core of our beings. Some of us are lost, some are not but if we know that we find more or less of ourselves represented in everyone I find it most interesting to reach and connect. I have an infinite compassion and drive towards understanding and love, and because I have that drive I know that everyone has got it, more or less. That's why I never give up.

You are doing well indeed.

I need you to make me understand how polarization can be the answer when I'm so certain unity is, and of course none can exist without the other, but why try to maximise the polarisation, it will always be perceived to be at maximum anyway but in this NOW we know how it is and therefor how the maximum polarization is manifested. If we in every NOW try to minimize the polarization from the NOW we percieved as before, even if the next NOW feels like it is at maximum wouldn't this still be the prefered way of doing things? In my world and reality it is. Why not in your's?

Unity in Oneness becomes Loneliness!
Unity in Twoness becomes Polarity within the Oneness!
Unity in Twoness in Separation allows the Polarity to Express Itself!
Unity in Separation allows the Polarities to Learn to form a more newer and better Unity, than existed before.

Wow! I'm applauding you stamina! It only takes me a couple of replies to get totally exhausted and you seem to be able to carry on through out the whole day. Awesome!

I do what I am still capable of doing for my Logos.

Thanks for your time and understanding my lack of understanding.

Come on Sollve; I have always LOVED the Scandinavian Free Spirit.
You've got it too. Wayshowers for the World of not being so damn serious and to reconnect to nature -Scandinavian groupmind addressing of course.

Your friend in unity,

Last edited by abraxasinas; 01-21-2010 at 01:55 PM.
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