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Old 12-23-2009, 12:09 PM   #29
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Replublic of Texas
Posts: 4
Default Re: Project Light Warrior now open in 'Beta'

Howdy SeeingTerra, All...

New Here... I need a new focus group... Galactic Visitors...

Also I missed the verification email so I am not able to finish the registration process. I am using the same username as here...

Is there a way to upload .pdf files? Most of my information is in the form of ebooks (.pdfs). I can provide links to my Ning site. However I figured that you would want to store the new repository on site to back it up.

Also, pictures... A thousand words... We need to be able to attach pictures by uploading from the machine in use and not rely on a web based image. This will speed up the load process on you site by caching the pictures on your server rather than having to reach out all over the interwebz to load pictures. Also there is the backup motivation here, and also remotely loaded pictures are not always available, and may be slow to transfer, causing load delays...

OK, I gotta say I think this is a brilliant idea. Project Light Warrior is the beacon around which the elect shall assemble. These are the true "Saviors" of the Earth. These are the people that are willing to step forward, embrace new philosophies, and actively bring about positive change on the Earth, regardless of opposition. We work individually in tiny ways, to each our own specialties, and collectively as The All, the Universal Consciousness. The future is not political bias, but the will of The All. You get to vote here...

Goodwill to All, for All is One...
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