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Old 02-20-2010, 04:24 PM   #40
Daft Ada
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
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Posts: 47
Default Re: Great Pyramid - Working model of subterranean section

mate I have read the thread and watched the vids and I am convinced you are on to something with regards to the lower chamber being a pump, but I am having a hard time agreeing with your interpretation of it's purpose.
Now let me get this right, you reckon that the idea is that the pump generates huge pulses that go vertically up and compress the kings chamber, which because it's made from that kind of granite will emitt a huge electrical pulse. Is that right?

What would the purpose of that pulse be?

To my eye the path between the lower chamber and the kings chamber has got the queens chamber and some passages in the way which will unbalance the pulse.
Also I am guessing that pulses large enough to have the desired effect would shake the pyramid appart, it's only a stack of stones
If as you say that huge block of stone which is blocking the top passage is a check valve, and it slides back and forth once the pump is running, could you imagine the forces involved, think of a battering ram, I think it would destroy itself, just listen to the force in the small one you have built and imagine what you will get when you multiply the size of the valve in your model by many tons

I'm no expert mate, but I have a good engineering knowledge and I'm just asking
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