Thread: Atlas shrugged
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Old 10-10-2008, 06:54 PM   #7
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Default Re: Atlas shrugged

yes, if you really want to get to the core of the book, read the John Galt speech... starts around page 1000 and goes on for about 50 pages... its his view of things on this planet... and it can be read separatly from the novel.

a nice comparison to draw is the famous speech of the elder brother of the Karamozovs, in the novel of Dostojevski ´the brothers Karamazov´... that speech is written as a story whitin the story and a monologue from the grand inquisitor during the spanish inquisition.

both speeches boil down to the same idea: some people are brighter then others, have better genes (bloodlines), are superior and therefore have the right to rule over the rest and use them at whatever cost in order to prevent them for creating a mess due to there stupidity. Common people are stupid peasants and if we, the elite, would hand them the truth they would either not see it, understand it or use it a in complete dumb way. therefor we hide the secrets and keep them while ruling over them. If we the elite would not rule over them this whole world would blow up in no time.

As the grand inquisitor in Dostojevskis book says to jesus: the laws and rules you preach are good for the son of god but not for human beings. Human beings are ok with the fact that we rule them, they are aware that we abuse them and enslave them... it is all ok for them as long as they can continue their petty greedy live in comfort and for sure not have to take any responsability, for that they remain happily asleep and blind. The common people are just not ready for the responsability of their own acts and therefor they hand that responability over to the elite.

the whole problem with this nazi view of the elite is that it has never been tested what the truht would do to ordinary people. The elite assumes that the lazy bunch would just get even more lazier, greedier and even more stupid. But is that the case? Would the end of slavery and the knowledge of our history liberate so much energy and so much desire to create that we would all as human species evolve at a unseen speed? way beyond the elite sees in its egocenter view of their own so called superiority? I believe that once set free and in touch we the truth we would make giant leaps forward. It is fear to loose control that make the elite believe that they are superior.

and what is superiority? we are all here for a purpose with a talent that is unique. If we would all be allowed to develop that talent and express it we would all see that we are equal in our superiority and that together we can put all the pieces together; it is the suppression of a vast amount of talent due to the fact that it is seen through the lense of a certain ´superiority´ that gets us all stuck in the endless circle of the same mistakes over and over again. which is of course the greatest confirmation for the elite that they were right all along: you see they are too stupid.

But is that not the law of attraction? it is like telling a child telling over and over again that it will fall from the stairs. Every time you say it, the probability it wil fall increases. Every time the child hears its gonna fall it starts to believe it a bit more. Until that child is completely convinced of the fact and then it falls indeed from the stairs. What does the parent say? You see it told you would fall from the chair. This goes also for the believe of the elite that the common people are just not capable of running their own lives and taking up responsability for it. You cannot, you are too stupid, repeated over and over, until the common people really believe they are too stupid. Upon which the elite reaffirms too itself: you see we told you are too stupid.

It is time to break that circle. Each of us is on a unique mission for the creator and once we all acknowledge that and allow each other to forfill that mission, then all together we can evolve at a speed that will amaze us all.

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