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Old 09-06-2008, 07:17 PM   #8
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: safe areas in the UK?

Originally Posted by Pathfinder View Post
I agree S2 and F10 I’ve read scientific studies compiled over 40yrs from both sides of the world on near death experiences and reincarnation events to convince me that we choose our life before we are reincarnated, to learn from that life to aid in the development of the soul in terms of ascension to high planes.

As my Granny used to say “what’s for you will never go by you”

Always follow your gut so to speak your first feelings about anything always seem to be correct. Conditioning can cause one to fight what one really feels.

As for me I have been getting dreams about Australia as a safe haven as well as dreams about terrible events in Europe. For me anyway my instincts at the mo are to head south.

In an instance of synchronicity at exactly the same time as I was/am having these dreams I have had a surprise invitation from a family member of a work colleague to visit them and also with the possibility of a job. There is a lot to be said about synchronicity/destiny.

We all will make decisions rightly or wrongly based on the acceptance of this life we choose. These are the lessons we have already chosen to learn before we arrive as this life force.

We chose to be here today on this site long ago because of the benefits to others and ourselves we will gain from this experience. Some of us will have met before, kind of like meeting someone and liking or disliking right away. You have never met them before so how can you judge them unless perhaps you may have met them in a previous existence.

For me anyway I feel this is very positive. It can be very lonely knowing what people like us know you can only try so much and you always have to be a balancing act as to try and divulged info when appropriate but at the same time not sounding like the conspiracy nut in the corner.

I think I have the right balance well I live a “normal” life have friends; social life play sports still... lol etc… but don’t have anyone to talk to about the way of the World you get where I’m coming from.

It is going to be so good to communicate with like minded people, I propose a toast (with my mug of coffee) to the days ahead and late night brainstorming sessions and hopefully the good that will come out of them to help in some small way to bring the universal force into equilibrium.

May truth show us the way
I agree - the Southern hemisphere in the 'tribal lands' will be 'protected' by some of our 'blonde' guardians, as the northern hemisphere is seen as a war zone for years, poisons, anarchy etc. However, the climate will still change, and there are apparently the 'safelands' - look 'em up on Google.....
Unfortunately, not all of us can go there due to family here, immigration controls, etc. I am so happy some of my rellies are safe.
My old parents laughed at me - but not as much now, my scientist partner of 25 years is a logistical person and rubbishes everything unless I can define all data, but slowly it is dawning....
So 1 step at a time eh?
Keep giving the pozzi vibes to the universe, I hug trees and talk to plants, I really love our planet - it's beautiful.
Whatever happened to the ancient 'cone of power' to pre-empt these evil forces in our greedy world.
Go lad - take your opportunities - it's fate...
We all have a path, I do hope I've done some good after lecturing for years, and helping people realise their dreams, and I have done lots of Reiki work and made people feel a bit better, but I feel a bit sad that my lifepath may be over soon due to the greed of the elitist minority.... I hope they rot in their underground hideaways and remember the innocents they sacrificed for their eternal damnation.
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