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Old 09-25-2008, 09:50 AM   #10
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Default Re: Protecting yourself

I use various methods. If I'm out and about I fill my aura with golden light and see it spinning around me like a bubble. This prevents any unwanted energies / entities from getting close enough to cause a problem.

If I'm protecting an area (such as a house) I smudge using sage in a circle around me, and at each of the cardinal directions I say "In the name of the Great Spirit and the Divine Law I ask all darkness and negativity to leave." When the circle is complete I stand in the centre and pull golden light in through my base chakra and crown chakra and gather it in my heart chakra. Then I expand it outwards in a bubble, visualising it growing beyond the room until it encompasses the entire house.

On a few occasions, mainly earlier on in my journey, I was visited by very dark and powerful entities at night. Without really thinking about it I called out for the Archangel Michael to assist me, then did the same as above. As I was doing so I could feel wings wrapped around me, and the entity retreated immediately. It was a lovely feeling.

I don't work with angels as a rule but that doesn't seem to matter. If you feel you need help, all you have to do is ask.

Blessings all
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