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Old 04-19-2009, 05:16 AM   #24
Project Avalon Researcher
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Sydney Australia
Posts: 432
Default Re: Personal feelings of the future...

Now my turn
Great thread you started John. As i wrote on another thread previously, i have been fed a constant amount of info when ever i started to lose faith in humanity or myself. What i'm talking about is as follows;

About 5-6 years ago, i started to meditate for stress reasons. After many weeks of meditation, i had an out-of-body experience where i was looking at myself on the floor of my house with my family all around me. It scared the sh.t out of me. I thought i had lost it.

Many months later, after talking to a very good friend. I decided to have 'reading' with a channeler that my friend knew very well. (I know, i know not Blossom again) The reading i had blew me away. It answered questions i had in my mind since i was 5 years of age. It all made very good sense.
Since then, i have met some wonderful people (Relayer), and others that have made my exhistence absolutely wonderful.
But what it has also done is given me a broad level of information which i am still digesting and putting in place.
My gist on this issue is that this time around, people WILL wake up in time with the help of others like us that have awoken early. I was told that i had chosen to be here this time for a very special mission. I have known this for a very long time, before the reading. Now with others and some i just met last week, there will be a gradual awakening to the point that the power of the people will dictate in what direction we head.

One of the contacts i made has informed me that there is a gateway feeding positive energy from "THE SOURCE" that will bring stability to humanity and negate all the negative energies about today. I know this sounds airy fairy, but it resonates with me and others i have met. I will have an update on this topic in a few days.

This is my opinion and i stand by it. It will probably not gell with others, but hey we are all individuals.

Thoughts are boomerangs,
returning with precision to their source.
Choose wisely which ones you throw.
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