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Old 11-19-2008, 05:38 AM   #23
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Default Re: The Goodbye Thread / Options To stay

I am NOT in favour of a paid subscription. The magic of this forum is its openness, diversity, inclusiveness... It's helped me in many ways, so many interesting perspectives - if one went missing it would be a loss.

So, Kerry and Bill, I would rather you postpone a decision. Solicit donations on Camelot. See what happens. Given this stark choice today, I would donate at least an annual subscription or 2 there, right away.

If in a month you see that members here are all talk and no action (i.e. no money comes into Camelot), then so be it. We knew your realities and we made a choice about it, i.e. did nothing. I figure we can't complain, at that time.

As far as merchandising goes, I feel the world has enough of it already. The only exceptions for me are music and books, which can run rampant any time. I'll probably buy your eBook. Knowledge should be open source, a growth industry.

I repeat: I am NOT in favour of a paid subscription.
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