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Old 10-27-2009, 10:04 AM   #1
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Default Here is Why I am Concerned - Dreams

I dreamed that I was standing in a tall building. I was high up (maybe 70 or 80 floors up) looking out a window. I saw the building next to me fall straight down. So I went down and out from the building to look at it, and there was nothing there but rubble. I walked over to the rubble and saw a flashing light. Upon closer investigation, I saw that it was an ATM - still working (World Trade Center?). This was several months before September 11.

Around the same time, I had another dream of a much smaller (but still large) building, literally fall into it's own footprint. There was nothing left of it. It was there one moment - the next, it was gone. (Building 7?).

Then one particular night, I dreamed that I was standing in a city. I looked up and saw a large airliner heading towards a tall building. It was obviously going to impact -- although I didn't actually see the impact. I woke up instead. Once I woke up, I went to my computer (as I did each morning) and a friend of mine from the US typed to me in messenger: "I can't believe this sh*t". I said: "What sh*t?". He said: "The US is under attack!". Then he gave me a link to CNN. I nearly fell off my chair when I saw the images on the front page of CNN. I had just dreamed of them.

These are not the only dreams I have had. I have had literally hundreds of dreams, from all around the world. I have had them for a long time. However, the dreams that I have had are starting to pass (actually happen), more and more frequently. I am rather concerned, because some of the dreams that I have had are much more frightening than what I dreamed about September 11 (as if September 11 wasn't enough of a nightmare). I do believe that many of the dreams / visions are going to happen and are actually "happening" around the world.

There is a different feel about some dreams. Of course I do have just regular dreams, and I can identify them as such. But certain dreams I have are so vivid, and I have such a great recollection of them, they feel more like "visions" than dreams. They are accompanied by all senses. Vision, hearing, touch, etc.. I have certain dreams that feel a LOT more like actual memories than they do - dreams. So, I want to outline some of them here. There are some dreams I am having over and over again.


First and foremost, I am dreaming "constantly" of ships having to come back to port, or to find inlets, or to get out of harms way, somehow. These dreams are becoming more and more frequent. This has lead me to believe that "something" is very shortly going to cause ships to have to high tail, at rank speed, "out of the way". I have had dozens of dreams with this "theme" to it. I have seen ships breaking in half and sinking too.

Similarly, I have also had many dreams of MASSIVE tsunamis. I have had so many of them, of so many different cities and locations, that it has lead me to believe that if such a thing is going to happen, and if my dreams are actually "telling" of an "event" or "events", it is going to be HUGE. It wont be one tsunami affecting a city or two. It will be something much larger and much more damaging. It will make the Indian Ocean tsunami look like a wading pool. I saw water rising to almost engulf tall buildings of over 50 floors high. I've been at the top of hills and cliffs to see water rising hundreds of feet below me. I've seen walls of water approaching, from horizon to horizon.


I have dreamed about UFO's and space craft and entities and beings since I was a kid. Many times I was "on them". I distinctly recall beings / entities being "around" me from my earliest age. Not just in dreams, but also while being awake. So I can't possibly write about every UFO I've dreamed of or have other types of memories of, because it would take just too long -- probably weeks or months. However, there is a theme developing in my mind, through dreams, visions, images in my head AND intuition. I am receiving a LOT of information and for years I could never make heads, nor tails of it, because it was just too much. But I will try to put as much together as I can here, because I believe that "something" is "at the door".

Let me start by stating EMPHATICALLY (and I do mean UTTERLY EMPHATICALLY), that if there is anyone who believes that there are "aliens" watching over us, and they are all lovey-dovey and want to "help us" into a "new vibration:" or into some other dimension or reality, or to "evolve" or what ever - that is absolutely {{{NOT}}} what I am getting. What I am getting is a deception of EPIC proportions. However, I will state that not ALL of what I have seen is bad. Some of what I have seen is actually comforting and reassuring. However, "MOST" of it is BAD. Outright BAD!

I will glue together a heap of information, as I see it in my head, in order to both describe (and lay a foundation for) the theme(s) that I am getting. This information is by no means all inclusive of everything I have in my head, but it is an attempt at handing over a good gist of what I wholeheartedly believe is to come (and is partially happening now).

I'll start at around the age of 14. Woke up in the night. I walked to my window. I saw a small flying craft hovering next to my window. It was only large enough to fit two people. One side side of the craft disappeared so that I could see into it. It's like a hole just appeared in the side of it.

The man and woman both had blonde hair. They were wearing blue. They were not intimidating by any stretch of the imagination. They emitted a love so profound that I could feel it just by looking at them. I was not afraid in the slightest bit. Then, the man leaned out of the craft and into my window with his hands together, stretched out to hand me something. I couldn't see anything in his hands, but then his hands touched my chest and he put something inside of "me". I felt something enter me at that time. I still do not know what he did, or what he gave me - but it was an energy and it felt much like love.

Then, he leaned back into the craft. I perceived that they were leaving. I wanted to ask questions. Nothing was said verbally. They just knew what I was thinking and they were responding to my thoughts. They knew that in "my" head, I was trying to compile a list of questions and that it was all going to spill out of my mouth any second. Then, the craft started to move away from my window. They said: "we will be back", and the craft shot off.

After that happened, I started having a tremendous amount of visions, dreams, intuitions, images, sounds, flashes - you name it. So much that I could never tell everyone all about it. There has been just way too much, but it is all revealing a picture in my head.

Shortly after that night I dreamed of the sky. It turned all different colors (mainly red blue and green). There were symbols all over the sky. They were glistening. It actually looked quite stunning. There were thousands of them. I don't know what they said, but I did perceive that each and every symbol had a meaning and represented something different. But as I panned across the sky, I saw a big black three pronged TRIDENT. Once I saw that, a feeling of dread came over me. That was the first of many dreams I had that involved the sky, and things coming from the sky. The dream felt almost like some sort of awakening. It was like the first scene of a movie that I would watch in bits and pieces for the next 20 years.

Since then, I have had literally hundreds of dreams of "something" coming from the sky. But more recently, I have been shown how all this is to come about. So, I will explain what I have seen.

At first, there will be just the odd "pinprick" of light here and there. Few will see and try to show others, but others will think little of it. Then they will be more frequent. More people will see, but even many of the ones tat do see will not believe that it is anything significant. They will think it is maybe satellites, meteors, etc

Then, they will come closer and will be in groups and "fleets". They still wont be seen my everyone, but more people will see them. Few will actually claim to be interacting and communicating with them. Side note: I believe that we're at this stage right now.

Then, there will be more "signs" in the sky. Not just "UFO's", ie: Flying Disks and white blobs that people record on camera, but also phenomena such as "colorful blurs of light", "shimmering light", "streaks", "shadows", "clear circles in the sky", all manner of things. However, they STILL will not be seen by all. Mainly just the ones who are looking. Many people will see "something" in the corner of their eye, they will do a "double take" and it will be gone.

Then, a stage will come where practically everyone will see at least "something". It will become undeniable that "something" is in our skies. News reports of "swamp gas" and "weather balloons" will become a thing of the past, and a laughable explanation -- by consensus.

Then, during around this stage, whole fleets of SOMETHING will be seen in our skies. Not just by themselves, but also with thousands of military jets and aircraft. The skies will become as a swarm of flying objects. I cannot say whether the human jets and other human aircraft are in the sky to to battle, or whether they're just "poking their nose in".. I suspect the latter, because I honestly did not see any battle. That doesn't mean there WASN'T any.. I'm just saying that I haven't seen that yet. I suspect that the human aircraft plain out didn't bother because maybe there is no point? But that's just conjecture on my behalf. But the point is I saw THOUSANDS and TENS OF THOUSANDS of craft and other phenomena in the sky.

Then there will be a final stage where those craft will literally be flying over rooftops. At that stage it will be unequivocally undeniable. We are NOT alone. EVERYONE will know. The world will be a new place.


Now everything I've said above is all well and good, but there are more images and visions in my head that fit in "somewhere" above, but I honestly can't work out "WHERE". So I have attempted to give a clear indication (so far), as much as I am able to give, without conjecture (or me trying to analyze everything -- adding add bits and pieces of what "I think"). So what I will type next fits in "somewhere", but I don't have dates or times. I don't even know how long all of the above will take to unfold. I don't know if it's over 2 months, 2 years or 2 decades. I just don't know. All I have are the images and visions. Nevertheless, I will now explain other things that I have seen that DO fit in "somewhere".

Note: If you are sensitive, you should probably stop reading at this point. My aim is not to frighten people. I just want to let people know what is in my head.

I saw people dressed in black, going from house to house. Their job was to find out who was inside, and if they were "certain" individuals they are to be murdered on the spot. During this time, I also saw "helicopters" literally leveling certain dwellings, places and houses. They seem to have a technology that I am not aware of at this point. They can accurately destroy one house and leave the one next to it in tact. I guess the best word is: "Vaporised".

I have seen the same "vaporising" of certain larger buildings. One minute they're there. The next "second" - zap - Gone - Bye bye.

These people dressed in black do not look like any police or military force that I am aware of "today". Of course, you can Google "military" or "police" and you will see police getting around (particularly in the US) that look almost like black storm troopers, all dressed in fancy black gear. However, what I saw was not like that. Their weapons were more advanced. Their clothing is different - more slimline. More modern. The people were LARGER. They were more intelligent. They seemed to have ESP abilities. They were strong. I can't say what they were, I don't know, but they were powerful. If you find one at your front door, and it wants you dead - you're dead. There's no two ways about it. You can't run, it will chase you down in a second. You can't hide, it will take you out "through walls". There's nowhere to go. If you have one in front of you - pray. That's your only hope.

I have also seen people dressed in black guarding certain areas. Certain buildings. At this stage, some people are allowed to walk around. The whole scene looks much like a martial law kind of environment. However, you have your JOB to do and you must stick to what you are told to do and to go where you are supposed to go. If you vary, even for an instant, you're in trouble.

At one point, I was literally "lost". I was trying to find my way somewhere, but I found myself walking toward the entrance of a building. There were walls everywhere, and partitions. It was a large multi-wing building. I came across one guy dressed in black, guarding an entrance. I immediately turned, because I knew that he's not someone I want to talk with. I was surprised that I was actually allowed to keep walking. However, I found myself at a dead end - and the only way BACK was to pass this this guy and the entrance he was guarding. Then, the moment he saw me, he moved literally 30 feet in a split second. He had his nose almost on mine. He was tall, way over 6 feet. Maybe 6 1/2. He bellowed into my face: "Who are you, what are you doing, where are you going?" .. or something to that effect -- but basically, I wasn't going ANYWHERE further until I had satisfactorily answered him. This particular guy in black was even more powerful than the one I saw going from door to door. He emitted a strong, evil stench. When he had his nose almost on mine, his whole presence seemed to be looking into my head. A very powerful being / entity indeed.


I have also had several dreams of nuclear blasts, and they have been in RECENT months. In each and every dream, I was in a westernized setting. I can't say exactly where I was, because I plain out don't know. I suspect the United States, but I am not 100% sure (that is conjecture on my behalf).

In one dream I was on the outskirts of a city. I saw a white flash. It was obviously a nuclear blast, or at the very least -- some other blast strong enough to make a "white flash". Then, the surroundings turned to a "red hue". Moments later a wind blew past. I hid behind a brick wall. The wind was like a hurricane force wind.

Then, not too long afterwards, I saw those people dressed in black, rounding people up. I SUSPECT (and this is conjecture) that this is the first we see of those people dressed in black. They were rounding people up, tracking people down, and they were GOOD at it. There's nowhere to hide from these people; if they are even "people" at all. All I know is that at the very least, they are "SUPER HUMAN" - and worst, they're not human at all. But I honestly can't say i know WHAT they are, except you do NOT want to be standing in front of one.

I also had a much shorter dream, very recently (a couple of months ago) that I was in a suburban house that had a view of a city. I saw a white flash. Then, lights out. Dream was over. It was obviously a nuclear blast.

I am dreaming more and more of nuclear blast(s). This is making me concerned, because before September 11, the dreams I had about that become closer and closer and more frequent.


I have also seen lasers firing onto the earth from space. However, in the dream people figured out that they were firing in a "grid" pattern. So, for example, if a laser hit one spot, it would not hit any closer than 20 feet or so from that spot again. So I knew where to stand so as not to be hit by the laser.

However, in that same dream, I was hiding in a shed (which I had determined to be a "laser free" spot. Then one of those guys dressed in black game in. I immediately shoved a 12 inch (or so) knife / dagger into his belly and up under his rib cage and killed him. I was aiming for his heart. So, I guess from that, I know that a dagger in the belly (aimed upwards) will stop one of them. They have vests covering their chest and vital organs so you can't stab them directly in the heart.

Note: I have absolutely no military or fighting training. I do not know what I dreamed of doing that, or even how I even thought to do that. It couldn't be further from my nature.

I have also dreamed of massive electrical storms with so much lightning that it makes night look like day. Thousands of strikes per second.


There's a whole lot more I could type, but where do I stop? All of the above is a good gist of what I have seen (on a daily basis) for the last 33 years. Particularly the last 20.

However, because what I have dreamed has started happening - and I have seen things in the news and in the Internet that I have "already seen", I am becoming particularly concerned.

I honestly think it's 11:59:59 on this earth.
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