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Old 01-01-2009, 07:04 PM   #10
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: You Must Choose Soon part 2

Originally Posted by alyscat View Post
I think the problem is even deeper than that Stiros(not that the Fed or the Central Bank is blameless). It's the derivatives. It's banks (and people) trying to increase their income based on gambling on the derived value of an asset - and then selling that derivative to someone else, and that someone selling it to someone else. Enough banks/retirement funds/people do that, and you've got a problem, if the asset doesn't achieve it's anticipated value.

And as long as derivatives are not addressed, as long as the banksters are allowed to continue playing that game and money is fed to them to do so, we are in deep kimchee.

One of the best description of how derivatives work was done by George Ure, but I can't find it right now on either of his websites.

I agree, that it is even more deeper, and it will blur the “big picture” even more.
But I think the most important is this “central bank concept” with its interest, it will immediately create a “system of debt”.
I will try to find more about this issue.
Because we have a crazy system, with its hidden purpose to rob all the users of this system.
Then you create a false reality with “smoke and mirrors”, so that we can't see the “big picture”.
It is like the old saying: “Not see the wood for the trees”.
Comments very appreciated
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