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Old 11-08-2008, 06:18 AM   #14
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Default Re: My First Reptilian Encounter

Ive seen a reptile/person. It was around 4 or 5 years ago. I was at the downtown LA bus station waiting to go back to school up in Santa Barbra. Now if you have ever been there it is full of freaks and maddness. My favorite guy is the supposed token vietnam vet, he comes up to you tells you that he is about to go awal if he does not get money for his medication in 5 min. Now if he is or isnt a vet i do not know, but his been at the station forever. Just to give you another example to set up the enviornment the same day the reptile lady showed up. This women started having a stroke or seizure while sitting down waiting for the bus and no one cared no one even blinked. Everyone just kept going on about their business. This place is full of characters. Now I am sitting there waiting in line and this tall scaley looking thing walks into the bus stop. I assume she was a female but she straight up had extra long fingers scaley hair kind of like dredlocks. Kind of scaley skin. A interesting dark greenish color. Her eyes were wierd too. She had her face covered though ,with a cloth and a hairpin. Anyway the funny thing was the entire i mean entire bus station stopped what they were doing and stared at her. She was either an alien or she had a somesort of scale diesease and her body parts grow longer than usually.
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