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Old 03-04-2009, 05:30 PM   #339
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Default Re: Scottish Ground Crew

Originally Posted by Lochinvar View Post
This is very interesting. I have been thinking about some of the things that J Harris mentions even before I found out about him recently. Being born into bonded slavery made me think about what may or may not go on in Masonic rites. I'm sure there is a symbolic death and rebirth. It makes me think that perhaps this is a second chance to escape from the bondage and arise free. Are they at this point exempt from law?

Thanks for the links shaundelear
My comprehension of this is that masons are in the same trap, unless you give up your social security number then you are an employee of the state.
They can symbolicaly be reborn but unless they disgard the fiction or at least differentiate legaly between the two they are stuck in the trap .

Nobody is exempt from the law .

Common law is not even writen in Scotland ! WHY ?
Because God gave you a heart to tell you what is right and wrong.

But maritime law is a creation of bankers to bleed you dry.
Now if you dont fit into thier convenient box -a freeman - then "the computer says no" the judges have no jurisdiction over you unless you give it to them.

Remember the hierachy GOD - LIVING SOUL -Government -Limited Liability Companies -employees of the companies

And by the government making themselves a limited LIABILTY Company this leaves a gap , in other words if the freemen get together and form a governmet or courts it out ranks the current courts/governments! why?
Because it woud be unlimited!
Backed by Unlimited bonds.
They will tell you that commercial law applies to all "society" -ask them to name it, they will tell you its "Scotland"or "UK".
The society they refer to is the "law society" so you can give up your benifits and live by Gods Law - Common Law.
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