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Old 09-24-2009, 03:59 PM   #5
In The Mists
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Default Re: How they try to control us...!

George Ure made an interesting observation today on his urbansurvival site. He said the webbots were seeing a shift in the vector of polarization, from side to side, like you'd get with dems vs GOP, to a more up/down direction. The oppressors vs the oppressed, as evidenced by the recent hanging of a census taker with FED scrawled on his chest, and the shooting of 4 swat guys doing a no knock entry. Rich vs poor, like with bankers and their ilk getting bonuses while the struggling masses get to BOHICA.

People are learning to say no. unfortunately, saying no with a gun is stupid. You become what you resist. Resist violent people...and you just became the next problem.

The key would seem to be to recognize the methods of control and the intentions behind them, and then to simply re assert our own sovereignty over our consciousness, and stop play victim to the PTB, and especially stop acting as repeater station for their doom and gloom and helplessness programming.
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