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Old 09-24-2008, 09:39 AM   #6
Project Camelot Witness
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Default October Outlook

Threading together here a digest of the take by many other colleague astrologers... and my summary for the months ahead.

As stated, Mercury has just turned retrograde and we are seeing its first ramifications right here in this forum, mirroring the meaning of this, as some confusion might surface - the best is to move intellectually backwards now for three weeks and retrace one's thoughts, reconnect with old friends, and close some loose ends.

The Messenger's backward turn in ambivalent Libra makes it tricky to get straight answers from others or make up your own mind. Three weeks of uncertainty can be difficult for action-oriented individuals, yet in this polite dancing around issues we can develop a much more sophisticated radar for reading between the lines.

What we see may not be what we get, so we are challenged to look more carefully to find the truth. And this is also underscored by the fact that Venus has just entered Scorpio, mirroring a predominant feeling where one wants to know the hidden side of things.

Colleague astrologer Ralfee Finn wrote:
She captures the mood of our time very well.

"This week is the first week of a three-week push/pull planetary pattern that could make even the calmest among us antsy with agitation. On one hand, Mercury Retrograde, from September 24th-October 15th, demands a deliberate pace, a pace some are likely to call glacial, especially as Mercury slows daily routines to a crawl and insists on reading the fine print.

On the other hand, the Saturn/Uranus opposition begins in earnest and as it does, an unmistakable sense of urgency intensifies the already agitated air, a condition that’s sure to make lots of us balk against Mercury’s devotion to detail. Nervous systems are already shot from the first tremors of this opposition—and we’re only at the beginning.

The keyword for the Saturn/Uranus opposition is “a challenge to the status quo,” but don’t let that fool you into thinking this opposition only symbolizes a struggle between the powers that be and the powers that wanna be. This opposition operates on a personal as well as a collective level, and that translates into all kinds of shifts.

Saturn represents authority. Uranus questions authority.

And approximately every 45 years, as they oppose one another, we struggle with structures and foundations, individual and collective, in need of a serious overhaul. Notice what’s stagnant in your life, and be prepared to transform your situation, even if that means being uncomfortable—very, very uncomfortable.

Within a Saturn/Uranus opposition cycle, there are five actual exact oppositions. This current cycle will occur from November 2008-July 2010. The first direct contact is exact and separating on November 4th, Election Day in the United States, but while this election can easily be seen as the perfect symbol for this opposition, it would be wise not to think in terms of a single event. Think of the coming two years as a period of rebellion against stagnant systems that no longer work but are resistant to change, individual and collective.

The two most recent cycles of this opposition occurred from 1918-1920 and 1965-1967. During the 1918-1920 cycle, Mussolini founded Fascism in Italy, women in America and Britain got the right to vote, the Communist Party was born in China, Gandhi became India’s leader for independence, and Gertrude Stein coined the term “lost generation.”

During the cycle of 1965-1967, Betty Friedan founded NOW, Chairman Mao launched the Cultural Revolution, Martin Luther King, Jr. led the march in Selma, Malcolm X was assassinated, 50,000 people marched on Washington to oppose the Vietnam War, Miranda rights became mandatory, Indira Gandhi became prime minister of India, and the counterculture revolutionized nearly every aspect of life.

Of course it can be argued—and rightly so—that upheaval is a constant part of our earthly situation. What astrology offers is the ability to identify patterns within that existential flux so we can better understand the forces at work in our personal and collective experience. Notice where you are determined to hold on to the status quo and why, and then see if you can open to the possibility of change. Remember, we co-create the outcome through out individual efforts."

Here a aquick outlook
If you know your Ascendant and/or your Moon Sign, read that too.

Aries - March 21-April l9

The focus shifts toward relationships, but not just romantic involvements, all sorts of partnerships, personal and professional. As you work your way through the variations, try to stay open to the possibilities.

Taurus - April 20-May 20

While you may be surprised at how easy it is to recall important details, you’ll still have to pay attention. So rather than get carried away, keep your feet on the ground and continue to stay disciplined.

Gemini - May 21-June 21

As you watch events unfold, try to stay as objective as possible. For while it feels as if personal history is repeating itself, it isn’t. And you still have the power to create what you want.

Cancer - June 22-July 22

Serious conversations with significant others will help to clarify the next step. Listen carefully to all that’s said and take your time processing the information.

Leo - July 23-August 22

You’re doing a lot of talking and while some of what you say is repetitious, you’re feeling too good to complain. And others won’t mind because what you’re saying is completely engaging.

Virgo - August 23-September 22

You’ve got money on your mind, and while money is important, it might be wise to think about why it matters so much to you. The more you understand its role in your life, the better you’ll handle it.

Libra - September 23-October 22

Give yourself permission to speak your mind without hesitation or fear. I know that sounds like an “easier said than done,” but if you stay in your integrity, you’ll naturally come from the heart.

Scorpio - October 23-November 21

You must choose: Compulsively chew on the same information in the hope of discovering a new bit. Or learn to quiet your mind so you can make sense of the existing data.

Sagittarius - November 22-December 21

Old friends may make a repeat performance, and while you’re tempted to dismiss the entire situation as coincidence, think again. There may be something valuable hidden in the randomness.

Capricorn - December 22-January 19

Increased responsibilities at work demand even more attention, so rather than resent the workload, make the most of it. In time, it will pay worthwhile dividends.

Aquarius - January 20-February 18

Your eye is on the big picture, and that’s good, because even if you don’t accomplish every goal, you’re operating from an expanded awareness, and that will have long-term positive benefits.

Pisces - February 19-March 20

It looks like it is about money, and while money may be a part of the picture, what you’re really looking at is a process of transformation. So stay with it and remember, awareness is priceless.

Now as to the progression of the weeks ahead into October look at the planetary moves to estimate or intuit what moods are ahead:

Venus just entered the determined and focused sign of SCORPIO now as Mercury turned retro in Libra, and this has totally switched the tonality of relating, and some people aree getting very suspicious now. Venus rules barters and realtionships and brings a turn to the darker and deeper side.

Needs are not negotiable, in spite of the Sun in Libra's penchant for putting smiley faces on failing enterprises. Still, the mysterious side of Scorpio can stoke desires that will simmer below the surface until pressure forces them to rise or nature allows them to fade away. Others' feelings may not be obvious now, yet if you care enough for someone, finding the courage to inquire can enrich a relationship.

For the astrologically inclined, here is the NEW MOON in LIBRA -
setting the tone for October, as of Monday September 29, 2008

This moment accents social grace and bridge building. That moon is ruled by Venus, which as we just read has entered Scorpio, making things quite intense. Invetigations are key now. It is a time to find balance in our lives and within our relationships.

Fairness, compromise and contributing to the harmony of others are some of this sign's positive qualities. Indecision, I think, is maybe, could be, perhaps, one of its shortcomings. A stressful 90-degree square from expansive Jupiter to this Sun-Moon conjunction signals the possibility of overdoing things a bit.

This will also show in our world economy when we watch how the markets open on that Monday. The week ahead sees a very important change with Jupiter high lighting a very ambitious desire for new structure - on all fronts, personal and collective.

Weigh generous impulses and big promises carefully to avoid making commitments that will be difficult to keep. And keep in mind Mercury is rettrograde and thus it is not well indicated to make any binding decisions really - until at least mid October. Aspiring for more from personal and professional partnerships is helpful when good intentions are grounded with realism.

The major NEW upcoming transit is MARS into SCORPIO, sign classically still also co-ruled by Mars, as of October 3rd. Assertive Mars' entry into its watery home sign intensifies actions that can turn minor disputes into enduring points of conflict. However, this is also an empowering pair, enabling us to streamline life by ruthlessly casting away unnecessary activities and objects. Growing passion mobilizes hidden resources that make it possible to overcome stubborn obstacles and transform seemingly intractable situations. Focusing Mars' potency in productive ways will increase efficiency considerably during its six-week stay in Scorpio.

And here the photo a fortnight later in FULL MOON October 14th.

The spontaneity of the Aries Full Moon urges us to be free and live in the moment as opposed to the Sun in Libra's need to maintain the peace at all costs. Impatience can arise from the fatigue of having to make too many compromises and decisions in an awkward momemt - so maybe best wait until after October 15th or 25th, when the air clears. Mercury retrograde standstill station, is also a point of stagnation. Recalibration may be required to balance respect for individual desires within a relationship. Compassionate Neptune's harmonious aspects to the Sun and Moon enlarge our understanding of cooperation, making it possible to fulfill both personal and collective interests.

October 18th, Venus moves into Sagittarius - setting a totally new tone of relating. Venus needs more space to play in outgoing and adventurous Sagittarius. Fun and excitement are worth more than safety and stability now, which could put some relationships at risk. Rewards are earned by seeking new forms of pleasure instead of staying within the boringly familiar boundaries of the past. Pushing the limits in pursuit of money, approval or a good time makes this a high stakes period in which greater returns and greater losses are likely.

Most importantly... as of October 24th, Chiron switches direction right in line of the North Node of Collective Destiny. The Wounded Healer's direct turn may rouse the forces of compassion when we need it the most. The end of its five-month retrograde cycle shifts attention from tending to our inner vulnerabilities to addressing the damage we suffer as a community. Caring is more than a personal act; it can become a political reality. It can show that shamans, healers, teachers, and sages and seers are to come together and implement the Radiant Zones Network.

This above picture sets the stage now for the month ahead as we move into this super opposition between Uranus and Saturn - as explained in the more larger picture here,as it develops over time:

2009-2011: The Astro Outlook Ahead

It is clear that we enter right now - as stated in my outlooks of last weeks (and in my book) - a time of profound transformations where everything comes under scrutiny, and where indeed we want to question everything,astrology included. We also want to keep in mind what Krishnamurti pointed out in his timeless teachings - we have to leave the world of thought, and go into a SEER mode, where the art of seeing leads to right action,without thought - in direct seeing of what is - and is yet to be...

As 2008 becomes 2009... the paradigm of perception is seriously shifting gears - towards new realizations, new needs, and new opportunities.

Last edited by StClair; 09-24-2008 at 10:39 AM. Reason: additions
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