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Old 11-06-2008, 06:45 AM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
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Default the demise of the profit maximizing economy.

As portrayed in Zeitgeist and similar work, the profit maximizing system nurtures greed and a host of other human emotions, that are harmful and ego serving. Children are learning the word "mine", faster than they learn the words "mother" and "father". People should not be scared of developments towards a global economy, as the current waste producing system will render itself obsolete in a short time, measures must be taken towards a system that wil actually work, maintain the planet, feed the people, and promote products of quality and honesty.

In the future, we will have to free the potential of all humans, our greatest genius alive might be starving to death somewhere in a developing country right now. Religions will have to fade, as they ALL patent truths, that are both absurd and irrelevant, as they claim they are the ONLY true vicar of GOD and this is a blatant perversion of the Power of the Creation. They all also show you a glimpse of the TRUTH, although manipulated to maintain control.

This is the future of mankind, and this truth will ring clearer as the veils are pulled and you will see the world through your own eyes.

Dont ever accept a vicar of the Almighty. You must connect on a personal level instead. Holy places and people can be guides, but you must know that there is a reason they in their own words, say: "we are all equal in the eyes of GOD." They don't know how right they really are.

For proof of a personal connection to the Spiritual, I suggest you try this personal prayer:

Ask for protection for your loved ones, sincerely and honestly. Ask for peace of mind as you acknowledge the Creation and You are as one, and see what happens. If you are sincere the result might surprise you.

The Illuminati means "the Enlightened Ones". Maybe they are just truthseekers, in a brotherhood of likeminded, who has chosen the veil of secrecy as the hermetic and esoteric knowledge could literally get you burned, as you take a bite from the apple of the tree of knowledge.

Btw I call Bull on the Hidden Hand. I also call Bull on the fearmongers of Masonry. Though I am not a Mason. I am not a Luciferian. I am not a Christian or Muslim or Jew or a Communist or Liberal or Conservative. ( I dont vote, though I will the day DIRECT DEMOCRACY takes effect.) I have declined those invitations. I have however accepted One, as I have had personal experiences that led me to a very personal path towards the Light, I can feel my Soul blossom as I move along. This path demands you recognize Universal Duality. There are keys for this path in Divine Geometry. In Kabbalah, The Great Work, In all holy scriptures, in The Hidden History. In Egypt and Sumeria and Bloodcults of Old.

MInd is the Fearkiller. Peace be with you all, as you lay your weapons down and understand that the Enemy and You are one. Don't kill your Family! Lay down your weapons and go home and love your spouse and your children, and teach them there is no "mine" there is only "ours".
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