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Old 10-10-2008, 12:42 AM   #8
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Brooklyn, NY
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Default Re: Dreams and Visions of October 2008 Event...

I had a dream back in September about October. In my dream, my friend was warning me that October 12th would be a big day and that things would completely change after that day. Well, I looked at the calendar after that dream and realized it's a Sunday (and it's coming up this weekend...) George Green has stated before that a controlled economic collapse would occur on or around a three day weekend/bank holiday. Monday is Columbus Day.

I live in NYC and I have a go bag and an escape route out. Anyone in a big city should have an escape route. Just in case.

When a force majeur is announced on the TV, that means the U.S. is effectively bankrupt. Immediately, the banks would close. No one would be able to get money out of the ATM's or banks. This wouldn't be a pretty sight in a big city within two or three days.

However, I am not expecting any of this to happen. I hope my dream was just a projection of my overall anxiety about the economic situation right now. I believe strongly that if we stay calm and spirit-centered, we can be safe and know what to do in the event of an emergency and we are protected by our higher spirits and angels all the time. So we should be alert, but not fearful.
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