Thread: Indigo
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Old 10-09-2008, 10:32 AM   #38
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Default Re: Indigo

I got a message from one of the members here earlier on and i feel that everyone could benifit from the reply i sent to her.

I would ask that one of the moderators delete all of the posts here that have gone way off topic so that this thread may become as valuable as its potential allows.

So, heres the reply.


i know i know, labels totally suck, ive never really identified with anything myself. And i used to really hate it in school the way people used to divide themselves up into different groups. Like, in my school we had the Jocks who were good at sport, The Preps who were just good at socialising and looking good, The goths who liked heavy metal and had an affinity for black, The grunge kids who listened to nirvana and then.. there was me XD I liked sport, i liked lookin nice, i liked listening to heavy metal, I loved nirvana and so on and i just couldnt understand why people would put such limitations on themselves by assigning themselves to the "designated group" , Always seemed very restricting to me.

So, Now you know im definitly not one for labels.
But, I have done much study on this over the past years and i do know that there are people in this world who are more emotionally and spiritually evolved then what one would class as normal. These people seem to have an avid interest in spirituality from a pretty young age, and seem to shun conventional methods of doing things very early on in life.

When they are young they know before anyone else tells them that going to church just doesnt feel like the correct way to express their spirituality. They feel deep down inside of themselves that there is much more to life then meets the eye.

Unfortunatly many of these poor souls end up having very difficult lives because many of them turn to drugs and violence as a way of coping with their 'abnormal' emotional and psychological reactions to the outside world. Many end up ending their own lives in a bid to escape from the pain and never come to realise their true purpose in life. A purpose which is very important ; To help others raise the conciousness of mankind.

I will put a label on myself and i will put a label on them as a means to an end. It is the only way i can figure out to help these people, and although many will disagree with my methods i know that it works because ive helped quite a few so far.

And your visions and dreams do mean something. You are here to help save the world, you are here to drag it out of the low vibrational level that has dominated gaia for many thousands of years now. And you are very important, dont let anyone tell you otherwise. You just need to realise your true potential and get a small bit of direction. You are in the perfect position to help people who may face a life like the one you have experienced. To help wake these people up to their true spiritual essence so they can continue to carry the torch and spread their wisdom to others.

Peace and love to you sister,

Your friend

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