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Old 09-25-2008, 03:05 AM   #18
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 16
Default Re: Monatomic elements

There is also Barry carter, who has a great site for which all who are interested should visit, from there (and there is alot to read first) he has a forum aswell that's been up for awhile on ormus research.
Some of the research is based on antigravity, that which when gold is heated with heat similar to that of the sun,for I believe 300 sec. it becomes very light,according to the research it weighs less than 0 and effects the crucible in which it's carried.At less time 90 sec. it will turn into a white powder. white powder of gold, seemingly was used by the egyptians,for moving around large stones,they also ate the white powder,mufkitz, is the translation used for the conical cakes they ate (hight priest and kings only)there is even evidence that moses was knowledgeable in this area, during the exodous he (moses) cooked the golden calf and fed to the israelites after decending from mount siani.
apparently ormes, ormus, white powder of gold can even be extracted from sea salt, I have personally made some and have ingested it with no ill effects, however only after lots of reading should one attempt it.
I've tried to post a youtube vid here but they are down for maint.
but when you get a chance look for : How to make the philosophers stone.
It's a quick overview of the manufacture process using sea salt.
One note of caution: The ormes,ormus,white powder of gold has been reported to have the ability to aid in the manifestation of all your thoughts, Good or Bad. It also has the capasity to elevate your soul(light body)back to the source in which we call God.

Last edited by Atk1d; 09-25-2008 at 03:08 AM.
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