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Old 12-04-2008, 12:56 AM   #22
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 19
Default Re: what 'is' emotion?


Becoming Emotionless is the goal. Within each spiritual dimension we perfect our emotions by experiencing those emotions in a worst possible way (ex: kill someone or be killed by your family member) and once you go through this emotion over infinity (parrarel worlds where you exist in same time same earth but different dimension and events), you perfect and move on to the next.
Like DAvid willcock said the "4th dimension is the love dimension," where you'll be perfecting your love emotion and eventually making it totally controllable unlike what we do in 3rd dimension where our love in 3rd is totally uncotrolable by us. Also when Billy Meier talks about travels apperently Pleadians, or whoever is more evolved, do not telepat love emotions like billy have done to some pretty lady in the ship which she have cought on to his thoughts telepathicaly and told him that they do not transmit such emotions so openly. And finally 5th spiritual dimension of wisdom: where i believe stopping to love yourself is the goal.
So IMO in this dimension we evolve by trying to eliminate emotions like how do we look ,what people think about us, or doing something stupid and feeling bad.

Last edited by logic; 12-04-2008 at 01:00 AM.
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