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Old 12-04-2008, 01:12 AM   #14
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Michael Teachings Forecasts- various channels

I originally put Jose and Lena's forecasts under Shamanism because of their focus there, but they also use Michael to access the monthly forecasts so I will be adding them to this folder.

December Forecast: 2008
The theme for the month of December is CHOICE. Since this is also the month of transition from one set of influences to another, many loose ends are being tied up and pieces of personal growth are being completed as best they can be. The month is energized with a moving centered quality even though the instinctive center is still present and running the show in small gasps, fits and starts. Because of the transition, some of the 2009 influences will begin to slide over and through the ones of 2008.

Let’s look at the current influences and see how they are still affecting the times.

The instinctive center, the greatest influence of the year, continues to dredge up old wounds, imprinting and patterns, some of which have been hidden for a long time, perhaps for many lifetimes. The difference this month is the moving centered quality that creates a window of choice around what has come up. In some ways, the dredging is over and we are moving into a time of processing what has come to the surface. The choices this month will be to determine what are the most important nuggets to pursue and what can be left on the back burner. What choices you make will be important and will definitely determine your direction and focus for the next year. The influence of the instinctive center will not suddenly stop but rather slide out with the help of the moving center. You may experience great movement regarding certain personal issues that have surfaced for you this year especially if choice is involved.

The goal of growth follows in a last spurt, a bit like the last push to complete a project. There is an accelerated quality to the month and a collective intention for a certain alignment before transitioning into the next year. Much of the choices involved in this alignment will lead to action plans that may include a reorganization of how you do things. In a way, a year of growth will never feel entirely complete. There will always be loose ends as well as aspects of personal growth that are a work in progress. The main thing this month will be to make choices about what is complete and what is not, what lessons have been learned and where you may need to simply move on.

The King role has been a great influence in helping each of you to become more the master of your own lives. The leadership quality of the king role continues to assist especially this month with making choices from the place of being your own master rather than following the lead of others. Many opportunities will present themselves where a choice is obvious. A situation that does not present a clear choice may be one to wait and see. However if there is a choice then “wait and see” will likely translate into ambivalence and ending up in a stuck place if a choice is not made. Use the King influence to complete what you can and make definitive choices where you can.

The Spiritualist attitude continues to provide a guiding aspect for choices, insuring that there is some higher ideal involved and not just a reaction of the mind to present circumstances. Power mode is fading and moving more into its pair this month of Caution as you weigh your choices and decisions. Self-Destruction may have its last ugly gasp with some individuals acting out self-destructively as they never have before. The larger trend however is dealing with the secondary obstacle of Stubbornness, the fear of change, that can surely get in the way of making some choices and decisions that are necessary.

CHOICE will show up in various forms. Opportunities for choice may be more obvious or less obvious. The more obvious ones will demand you choose. The less obvious ones will require proactive energy on your part to create the change you need through creating choice. If there is still no obvious choice, either the timing is not right or the “wait and see” will need to be employed. The strongest lesson with regards to choice this month is understanding that there is always a choice. You always have a choice. Stubbornness is often connected with the experience of having no choice; that the decision has been made for you and that you have no recourse but to dig your heels in and reject the choice. Beware of that resistance as it will only stop the flow of momentum and drive you into depression and anxiety. You always have a choice, even if that choice is to accept, change your attitude, and do something proactive and positive for yourself, look at other options etc.

What goes into making a good choice or the right choice for you?

Here are a few examples of what you may ask yourself:

* Is it practical without compromising who you are at the core?
* Is it serving you rather than pleasing someone else?
* Is it coming from love and a connection to spirit or from a calculation of the mind that may include limiting beliefs and fear?
* Is it promoting personal growth?
* Is it completing karma or handling some other true responsibility that will empower you through the service of it?
* Is it moving you to a better situation where you can be more yourself?

Sometimes the choice you have is simply to change how you react, approach, judge, accept or take action regarding something out of your control. It is empowering to be able to consciously choose your attitude and actions. No one can take that power away from you. You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be miserable. You can choose to be satisfied or dissatisfied. You can choose to come from love, compassion and acceptance or judgment, disappointment and irritation. You can choose to forgive or you can choose to hold a grudge. The positive choices will always expand you and connect you with your essence. The negative choices will constrict and limit you. The positive choices breed abundance, creativity and positive thinking, while the negative ones breed lack, mistrust and cynicism. What helps is gratitude. When you are in the thick of negativity and feel you have either no choice or else really poor ones, practice gratitude and focus an all that you have including the freedom to make the choices. There is a ruthless quality to the month as well. If your choices depend on the choices made by others, you may have to be firm on deadlines. Leaving too many open-ended threads will not serve you in the end.


This is a month to create priorities of where you will be putting your attention. The instinctive centered year has provided you will ample material to work with. Some of you may feel a bit overwhelmed at how much you have on your plate. It may seem a daunting task. This is where choice comes in to help you determine the priorities. Use the sample questions to help in your choices of where to focus. Remember that it is not always useful to understand every detail of what you are processing. Sometimes the mind can even get in the way, adding judgment to some old pattern that should simply be tossed without looking too closely to the contents. The opportunity this month is a tremendous spurt of growth where you can actually feel like you have gotten to the other side of some issue in your life affecting your well-being. Go for it!


This is a big one. Many painful or scary choices are possible here. Some relationships you may cut off and some you may commit to or move towards without a lot of prior history. Use your intuition but be practical. This month provides an opportunity to complete karma and to tie up the loose ends of karma that has already been completed. Because of the acceleration of the energy this month, relationships could come together or fall apart overnight. Sudden change can play out in choices around relationships, not only intimate ones, but friends, family, acquaintances and business partners as well. Re-evaluate what feels like a compromising obligation to you instead of a true responsibility or service. Notice if any of your current relationships are still based on old patterns or imprinting. If so, they may need work.

Because we are moving slowly but very surely in the direction of a relationship oriented philosophy on the planet, many lessons will be learned and much personal growth will be achieved through relationships. They will become the most important thing in life for the majority of people and the guiding structure for almost everything.


Challenges this month will be primarily in the joints. Keep yourself fluid and flexible, hydrated and moving. Stubbornness tends to lock into the joints. The joints are also places where unassimilated information tends to collect. Since so much has been uploaded from your instinctive center waiting to be assimilated and filed, the joints are vulnerable as receptacles. Watch also for growths, cysts, warts, moles and fibrosis in the body as a creation of unexpressed and unassimilated instinctive material. It will be important to make good choices this month with regards to your health and daily habits. Watch over-indulging in any behavior especially as a reaction to feeling deprived or left without choice. Remember you always have a choice and one of the best choices you can make is to take care of yourself.


The economy will continue to be unpredictable but with major changes inevitable and unavoidable. Those hard hit with losses can choose to either be accepting and creatively resourceful or resentful, despairing and cynical. The good news is that there is great movement in this accelerated and energized month. Based on choices to move forward, there will be more open doors, new beginnings, inspired new business ideas and creativity than there has been in a long time. There will be choices that turn lethargy into power around taking charge of your own prosperity and guiding your own future. These are the words to contemplate this month. Acceptance, Compassion, Gratitude, Forgiveness, Trust, Faith, Hope, Inspiration.


Alternative energy and what to do about the environment will be part of the choices this month. Also look for choices personally of more responsibility around green living and preservation of the environment. These personal choices may be around food, vehicles, and consumption on all levels. There may be a need to choose greater acceptance of weather and climate as it affects personal plans, travel and projects. Choose flexibility rather than being stubborn around what you plan. Because of the movement and energized quality of the month, look for movement in weather, unpredictable from one day to the next, sudden storms and changes in temperature.


Political choices that will have far reaching effects are in the process of being discussed and made on many levels. There is great movement this month in areas that have been at a standstill or face off. Many poor decisions of the past will be coming to light for redirection and new choices. There is also a greater movement towards collective choices affecting global issues, global politics, global economy and global environment. This movement will also have its opportunity for choices this month. Things are changing so fast that it is important on a personal level not to get too caught up in limited thinking but rather to choose an expanded attitude of optimism, trust and faith. Remember, evolution only goes in one direction.


December 1-8: A time to consider what you have, what you don’t have, what is changing, what you resist, where you are ambivalent, where you are clear, what you are doing that you love, what you are doing that you hate, what you miss, what you want more of, what you want less of, what is irritating, what you fear, and what your choices are. Lay everything out on the table so you can see all the pieces of your life. Then begin to organize, categorize, choose, delete, add, and prioritize. Get help and support.

December 9-15: Choices, choices, choices. A time of expansion and contraction, confusion and movement. Stay focused on your own priorities, not someone else’s. You may feel pulled in a million different directions as this time of acceleration and expansion brings you more than you can deal with at one time. Make committed choices where you can, don’t worry about the choices you cannot make. Be ruthless around your purpose, your boundaries, and the choices that depend on others. Use the last vestiges of the influences of 2008 to their fullest, especially the King role, to help you complete whatever you can at this time.

December 12: Full Moon at 9:37AM Mountain Standard Time. Use the momentum and strength of this full moon to move yourself by your choice into a newer and better place in your life, whatever that may be, and however that wants to show up. What it definitely needs to include is doing something you love to do and being with those you choose to be with. If you are contemplating stepping into a new project, line of work, relationship, or environment, do something to honor that intention.

Astrological Notes
The Full Moon in Gemini, a mutable air sign, rules communication, the mind, restlessness and versatility. This December Full Moon has extra power as it is the last of five Super Moons (closest to the Earth) exerting more gravitational pull and influence on the planet and our body/mind selves than usual.
A Full Moon is always opposite the sign the Sun is in – this month Sagittarius. Sagittarius, a mutable fire sign, rules our aspirations, enthusiasm, travel, philosophy and beliefs.
The Full Moon opposite the Sun forms a Grand Square this month by crossing the opposition of Saturn and Uranus that we have been living with since the election on November 4th.
Saturn requires discipline, restraint, organization; it restricts, delays and strengthens. It represents the established, habitual course of action.
Uranus wants freedom, change, extremes; it makes us let go and gives us originality, experimentation, disruption and rebellion.
Saturn will remain in opposition to Uranus until August, 2009. Here is an energized opportunity to wake up and breakdown the patterns that no longer serve us and move our lives in the direction we have been too fearful, hesitant and entrenched to move towards.
Mars, planet of action, is conjoined with the Sun this month giving us extra courage to take action especially through mid-December.
From Thanksgiving, November 27 until January 1, 2009 no planets are retrograde for the first time this year, so All Systems are Go! Use this dynamic energy to move in the direction of your heart’s desire.
Astrological notes are provided by Patricia Liles, astrologer. To contact Pat for a chart or an update: patliles@aol.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

December 16-21: An unpredictable time of inspiration, consequences, emotional instability, possible depression, and uncertainty and questioning especially around recent choices and decisions. The best way to use this time is to follow your intuition rather than your mind, to trust your emotions, to lay low and to remove everything unimportant from your plate. Watch the distractions that can lead to self-destruction. Watch stubbornness as an energy that locks you down and makes your joints hurt. Do your daily spiritual practice with unrelenting discipline and stick to the choices you know are right for you no matter how others may judge them.

December 21: Winter Solstice at 5:04 AM Mountain Standard Time. Review your choices. Celebrate anything different in your life. Ritualize change. Honor the return of the light not just for this day but rather on a larger scale. Think about where in your life you need more light. Bring it in.

December 22-31: This may be a tough time for many. Keep the energy moving by breaking old patterns of tradition, imprinting, expectation and disappointment. Practice gratitude above all else and choose to be with loved ones rather than with obligations. Follow your heart and lead with your emotions. Continue working on choices and actions and change committed to earlier in the month.

December 27: New Moon at 5:23 AM Mountain Standard Time. Focus on the New Year. Set intentions. Review choices. Make ones that have been put off. Make an action plan to support your choices as you move into the new year.

Happy New Year everyone!
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