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Old 10-23-2009, 04:02 AM   #72
Ross H
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Location: Queensland Australia
Posts: 507
Default Re: New Zealand Ground Crew

Hi Barron,

yes Oz is full of covert, secret op's and have heard a few weeks ago the NWO is making OZ its home base??? I have to research this some more!

Pine gap is supposedly a star-gate facility as well as Alien underground facilities...

NZ is interesting...some background info: The late Hon Robert Muldoon, ex prime Minister, free mason. When he was finance minister under then prime minister Keith Holyoak, he was also treasurer of the world bank. He was reconigsed as a very talented mind and was told to get NZ into debt. While finance minister NZ was in the black to the tune of some 2 million dollars, NO debt at all! When he became Prime minister he started the "THINK BIG" projects. Refinaries, Clyde dam, Smelters, military and others. This was the begining of our debt which is now in the tune of 100's of billions of which we have only ever paid back some interest. Typical "get them into debt syndrome" as seen through out the world. Roger Douglas was another follow on...NZ has been an easy target to experiment with global financial dependency and tech such as the first country to fully embrace EFTPOS, mobile ph's, cloning and other "trial' experiments, small population base, easy to convince, easy to control.

North Head...Davenport...always a suspect for underground, under water activities, areas where public are not allowed. Spy stations near Bulls. Our "anti nuke" stance is really a joke. I am convinced that usa nuke subs have been in our waters since the war. Also there have been a few 33 degree masons with outrageous power's of which my late Uncle was one of them!

NZ is as corrupt as you can imagine! Also several years ago my Father also a mason said to me when HELEN CLERK won second term that one day she will be head of the UN??? well here she is at position 3 of the UN. Hmmm you gotta start to think WTF???

However this is typical of all of the west so no biggy really tho many kiwis think we are a green clean soveriegn country tho we are under the british monarcy and dictated to as such.

peace and love to all...
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