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Old 10-10-2008, 06:28 AM   #1
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Default What do I do if things really go down?

First thing is, let me remind you of Laws of Attraction the more you think of something especially if you think you dont want that thing to happen i.e. everything crashing and going off the deep end. The more you will attract it but yes one must be prepared. Another thing is that everyone is talking about running to the woods which is cool for you but not me. Im staying in my community! I just want to know stratagies for organziation. Water im sure is at top of the list, growing food, and for me self protection. But how does one literally try and organize their community. Because im sure some people just want to go solo, but some might be down for organizing. Elect certain peoples to be in charge of certain things like food, medical, protection? or just ask everyone what they are willing to contribute? and lets say one organizes a little community im sure mapping out where water and food is, is of most importance, but so is outlining a perimeter of ones town? Anyway any advice on what to do if it all goes down. Which it wont by the way. lol laws of attraction think positve.
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