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Old 10-31-2009, 01:05 AM   #9
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Default Re: The Bible question

Originally Posted by beren View Post
What do you think of Bible?
I think it's the most valuable text ever printed. It was penned by man but inspired of God. I have never, in my life, read a more profound, intelligent, wise and spiritual book. If I had to go somewhere for a long time and be allowed only one possession, I would take the Bible with me.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why do people freak out when talking about Bible?
In short, there's two main reason. The first is that people have been burned by "religion" -- and often brought up in "religion". They've never really read the Bible themselves, with any amount of diligence. They just watched all the hypocrite church gowers around them from a young age, and figured: "Well that's how Bible people are, I don't want a part of that". So they are literally turned away from a God that they never got a chance to know because of hypocrites. However, God will call them back once they've learned their lessons.

The second reason is that some people just can't stand the thought that there is a creator and that Jesus Christ is savior. These people, through pride, ego and self centeredness (even though the claim the opposite from mountain tops) flatly refuse to understand that they are the "created" not the "creator". These people want to be the creators and they want to decide, without restraint, what they do and what they choose to do. This is a rebellious spirit which is rampant on earth. What they don't understand is that they are children, and need guidance. If they knew all there was to know about using their own discernment, they wouldn't have been placed on this earth to learn. Yet they run around declaring themselves to be AS Gods -- just like Satan. His whole problem in the first place is that he wanted to take God's thrown (and he was thrown out of the heavens for it). So this is a very dangerous attitude.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why do 90% of the people who did not even read the Bible dare to bash it?
It is because they look at televangelists, and cult leaders and door knockers like JW's and Mormons, they look at how hypocritical these people and churches are and they make the assumption that that's what the Bible has caused and they pin it all on God, unfairly. However, they don't understand that these pseudo Christian churches are not conducting themselves according to God's word and are an abomination.

The only way to understand the Bible and have a relationship with God is to sit down and read it, through diligent prayer. However, most people (especially these days) are far to busy to bother doing that. They don't mind channeling lesser beings though. ie: "guides", which (by their own admission) can be evil and lead them astray. I don't know why they don't simply meditate on the "source" - "The Alpha and the Omega". If all these Guides exist, surely there must have been a FIRST. That is God. It's all rather simple really - but pride gets in the way.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Is the book judicable by the acts of people who by the way did not even read it?
Most people prefer to spend their energy exclaiming how terrible the Bible is, by projecting the deeds of man onto it, instead of simply reading it and finding out that man (from the beginning) has acted in contrast to the principles of the Bible.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why is such a great effort of many to discredit the Bible and yet they are not successful?
They think they're successful. But it's very hard to argue with an ignorant person. I've learned that there's no point. I will spent time with someone if they want to discuss the Bible, but if they're not interested, I have no will to force them. The first thing I tell people is don't listen to me - go and read it yourself. Ask God for discernment. That is why I shake my head when people accuse me of trying to spread my "beleifs". I have only one "beleif": "Read the Bible" - find out what's in it. Pray for discernment. I have nothing much more to say other than that. However, it is sad they the continue to belittle people who DO take the time to read the Bible (and understand, the best they can -- through prayer) it and have a relationship with God, even though they (themselves) have only the vaguest idea of what's actually in it. Some people belittle the Bible and they've never even held one in their hands.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why people connect Bible with religion?
This is a huge problem. This is why I constantly say on the forums: "I am not religious". I will declare that Jesus is Lord. I will relate my experiences to my understanding of the Bible. But that doesn't make me religious! It is a tremendous display of utter ignorance when people start using the word "religion and religious" around me for even mentioning the name: Jesus or God. The Bible is not a religion. It is a text. It is unfortunate that man has made religions from the Bible. It is even more unfortunate that people pin the misdeeds of man on the Bible, when they are acting in CONTRAST to it.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why people avoid often to even talk of Bible?
Quite simply, because they don't have the patience and can't be bothered to find out what the Bible actually says. It's all too hard for them. That's why the Bible says: "The path is narrow". They would rather take the easy road (with bells and whistles), and belittle people who have read the Bible and have developed a relationship with God, THROUGH reading it.

Most people only know a few cleche verses of the Bible, which they use to deflect conversation of it. It surprises me how many - people "quote the Bible" with words that aren't even in it. Then they wonder why you're trying to explain to them that they don't know anything about the Bible. They don't understand that you can easily tell.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why Bible is the most translated ,read and printed book ever and yet the most persecuted,burned and forbidden ?
Because (as the Bible states) this world is currently controlled by Satan and his demons. They cannot stand people to develop a relationship with God, so they persecute anyone who does read the Bible and live according to its wisdom to scare the others away. Otherwise, they try to corrupt the Bible "reader" and then possess them, so that they can turn people away via that method. ie: Catholic Church. This is why so many of them like little boys. They're possessed!

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why so much effort to root out the Bible and yet none successful?
Because it is the word of God, and no one can root out this word - no matter how hard they try. This world has housed a putrid stench of evil since the beginning, and that evil cannot stand the words: "Jesus is Lord", and if those words could be eradicated, it would most certainly have been done by now. No one will ever undermine the will (or word) of God.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why so many people were tortured and brutally murdered by Catholic and other churches because of possessing the Bible or reading it?
Quite simply, because the Vatican is a satanic organization founded on Pagan roots, that adopted Christianity because they couldn't get rid of it. There's an old saying: "If you can't beat them, join them". Then, the Roman Catholic church did it's very best to use the words of the Bible to control the people. However, they did not like the idea of people reading the Bible for themselves, so they "told people what the Bible says" and burned or persecuted people who said anything different (ie: what the Bible actually SAYS). This practice is still alive today, throughout pseudo Christianity.

Originally Posted by beren View Post
Why despite obvious attempts of certain mistranslations that still the message is crystal clear?
I hear time and time again -- the old cleche: "Oh the Bible has been written and rewritten. The original meaning is lost". Actually, the Bible (KJV) was translated ONCE, from the original Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew texts. Also, I do believe that God (in his power) has the ability to keep the words that he wants in there.

I notice that practically every religion and church these days is making their own "revised" versions. Well, they can keep them because I'll stick with the KJV which has been in print for hundreds of years. I do not believe that God would allow the most widely circulated (and original "Non Catholic" version) of the Bible (translated from the original Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew) to have been leading people astray for hundreds of years. So I am quite content with the KJV.
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