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Old 10-15-2008, 12:00 AM   #12
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 82
Default Re: Alex Jones review of Zeitgeist Addendum

Hey now people, did you not all watch the new Zeitgeist movie yourselves? Did it not say that we should celebrate people being wrong!


Let Alex be wrong. He will eventually come round...

You all remember what he used to call David Icke? Well now he loves the guy! Alex is as subtle as a bull in a china shop, but he means well. He isn't the brightest man alive, but he has his heart in the right place.

You guys must remember, we are the lucky ones that were not programmed into religion as Alex has been conditioned to. His religious rants have subsided over the last year alone, yes he is waking up to that as well, and it is interesting to observe someone growing.

So I say let Alex take this point of view, and let's see if he changes this view in a year or so. When he interviews Peter Joesph (Zeitgeist creator) I think he may understand in a greater light.

I also just will add, if you actually watch the youtubes, you can almost see Alex arguing with himself as he presents his critique of Z2. I think this is just Alex, and this is the guy we all admire for his imperfections, he sure is an extrodinary human being, and deserves to be heard...even if he is WRONG!


Rock on babylon!

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