Thread: Are you a vego?
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Old 01-20-2010, 10:34 PM   #17
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 37
Default Re: Are you a vego?

I just returned and must say that all of you are lovely and perfect. And I feel really blessed. Thank you for all of your replies. No judgement please, it comes from fear and we must not fear. Educate only through love and understanding. I have family and friends, who are happy to eat animals, for whatever the reason is. I feel bad and avoid social family eating together. I rather come for dessert. However I love the people, I just disagree with the method. To my biggest joy some of my family members are starting to get the hang of it and look for improvements in their diet. It makes me happy because I know it helps them and they are getting more in touch with the natural circle of living in harmony with the planet and its occupants. Plus some of my older family members have health issues at 65 and most of it can be slowed down, recovered and healed through detoxifying and feeding the body with correct nutritious foods and beverages. And not reintroduce the clogging type, like meat, milk and dairy products, refined sugar and wheat products.

I love food and I celebrate it. Raw juices, nuts, seeds, all fruits and all vegies are on the menu with sprouts and herbs. I am getting better with making sensational raw vegan dishes and they taste so super nice. We had zucchini pasta with pesto and marinara sauce yesterday for dinner. (Raw food celebrations by Nomi Shannon and Sheryl Duruz) I 'v got 10 points for it. I feel happy and balanced after eating them. I don’t need a nana nap, but feeling joy and full of energy, and so that is the most satisfying thing for me.

I use a juice extractor, to keep the juice alive. As many of you guys may know, the ones that just chop it up with those blades kill the enzymes. The juice extractor I have is a cold press machine that was about $300, this is Australian dollar, but must tell you. In the last 2 years there were only a handful of day when it wasn’t used.

Water is always on the top of the list and I love herbal teas also. My other big favourite is the raw shake, which is made with whatever fruits I like that day, mango, banana, paw paw than a handful of baby spinach and water. Oh my god, try it if you haven’t yet. You’ll love it. Just put it through the blander and it’s a meal in a glass, keeps me going for ages.
I consume a lot of liquid, so they are my primary food. I get really cranky if I get dehydrated. I have wheat and lactose sensitivity. I get hyper active from traditional dishes and any processed food. I am very sensitive to food and the energy they carry. But I believe that we all are and many of us just ignore the signs.
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