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Old 11-08-2008, 01:40 AM   #17
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Spiritual block engineered in C1 Atlas bone?

Originally Posted by Harper View Post
Hey Xenomorph,

I did have it done and sorry I must have missed you question. So the initial establishment that it was off kilter was pretty straight forward, an examination by hand of the bone you can feel behind your ears, just where you would feel if you had swollen glands from a cold. Then we tested my neck mobility twisting from side to side and marked as far as I could turn my neck without moving my shoulders. Then it became interesting ! So the implement that my person used was for all the world like a drill, obviously without anything pointy or intrusive at the end of it. But so whilst holding your forehead tightly to his chest (he was standing and I was sitting) he placed the machine at the point behind my ears and it pulseates quite forcefully I have to say. He repeated on the other side, which was much sorer. It was at the edge of being painful, just bareable (I think I have a high pain threshold but then most people think they have good taste and a sense of humour :-)=

The whole affair took 40 minutes, and we retested my mobility at the end and I would say I had at least a 20 degree improvement in mobility straight away. So it took it toll on me tho, the points that were being manuipulted were very sore the next day and the next. But I first noticed that I could pull in more air than before. It felt very srtange but good in my chest. I would advise having a flexible schedule for the following days. I was flat out tired. Bit better now 4 days on. If you would like to know more or if this is not clear then let me know.


thanks a lot for those details. It sounds like the probe was similar to what I have had used on my spine during my one and only chiropractic adjustment. The comment about better breathing is certainly intriguing to me as I have lower lung capacity as it is. My only other request to you would be to keep all of us on this thread updated with any new results you notice in the days, weeks, months to come.

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