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Old 08-25-2009, 01:18 PM   #32
James Casbolt
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Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

Malaysia October 1982

I arrive at facility in the Malaysian jungle. Time missing from cryofreeze to date mentioned above. I am in a command centre in a large room. I stand with a man in military uniform on some kind of raised observation platform. We look down on rows and rows of men and women seated in front of computers. I am escorted towards the left side of the room by this man and we walk along this metal platform. I hear his boots clanging as he starts to tell me the following- I can remember the following-

"Predicted survival rate high" ( he is referring to myself )

"Essential that you be connected to ??????" ( seems to be referring to possiblity of me being connected to the A.I system again )

"Need to learn from you" ( seems to be referring to my link with A.I neccessary for the working group to understand the enemy in more detail- greater good again )

This individual now talking about predicted survival rates low for large numbers of civilians if I am not delivered into hands of A.I agents- predicted survival rate high for myself and civilians if I am delivered into hands of A.I agents.
I am taken to the left side of room and out a large door. Next memory- a large truck pulls up with canvas type material covering the main section. A soldier gets out the back ( tall, white, black hair, tanned ) takes me inside. A few other soldiers are inside and I sit next the first soldier on the right side. They all stare at me and nobody says anything. They seem to respect me. We drive for a while bumping up and down. Eventially we all get out and walk through dense jungle. We walk for while until the first soldier and I leave the other soldiers and carry on walking on our own. He changes into a different uniform on this walk. Time passes again as we walk until eventially other soldiers seem to come from nowhere out of the bushes with machine guns. They are dressed differently to the first lot of soldiers. The soldier with me and the others talk between themselves- "Delivery"- "Subject"- "Coded" are words I hear. We all walk through the jungle again until we arrive at the front of a fenced army base.
"The future isn't what it used to be Mr Angel"

From the film

'Angel Heart'
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