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Old 10-11-2008, 06:40 AM   #45
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Southern California
Posts: 289
Default Re: Scary martial law false flag operations in usa exposed!!!!!!

I've got to agree with Magii on this one. I've poured over hundreds of videos on the net and arrived at the conclusion long ago that saintbrgitta cited videos are unreliable and fear-based. The biggest red flag for me, is that they try to shove bigger truths into the christian faith paradigm when the fit is clearly sloppy.
Now, I agree that information is only doom and gloom once you've decided to label it as such. It all goes into the same bucket. But from the perspective of the authoring source, is the super-tense soundtrack lending itself to an unbiased offering? Or is the delivery specifically designed to make you want to s**t your pants with fear? If the information is offered without any other intention, other than to inform - the information should be readily identified as just that until the qualified listener/reader has the opportunity to decide for themselves what they want to experience as a result of hearing it. Fear? Or information for a more informed decision. And what exactly does the Titanic have to do with any of this? It felt like a remedial debate tactic to me.

It's getting pretty hectic. No doubt. But I, too have a hard time with anyone giving me information and delivering it in a particular way to bring about a particular emotion. I know when someone is trying to manipulate me. I'm not having it.
Susan, you seem pretty proud of your big friends' list and over 700 posts. Well, your friends' list just got a little smaller tonight.
744 posts? 16.82 a day!? Almost sounds like a job.
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