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Old 09-10-2008, 10:53 PM   #1
Orion Morris
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 416
Lightbulb The power of music to awaken us / Tool the band?

I have always listned to many different types of music. I have worked at an independent music store for most of my college years. One thing that always facinated me was the freedom that musical artists were allowed to have. I do not know what anybody here thinks of the band TOOL but their songs have really helped me validate my own feelings. The song 46 and 2 for instance is about us as humans haveing 46 chromosomes and our spiritual awakening would cause us to gain 2 more. Then the art work on most of their c.d's portrays Alex Greys interpretation of our spirits evolution through love. Their are countless other artests that I have come across that specifically speak of the time were in right now, Sweatshop Union has wonderful lyrics along with Sage Francis who are both hip hop artists. I figure that the reason they are allowed to put those types of lyrics widely distributed records is because they figure that 99% percent of the people will not understand what the artist is really saying. I also read about how Tool synchronizes its rythems to the specific beat of our souls and the universe. Some really incredible stuff, and I was just wondering what anybody else thought about music facilitating our awakeing

Last edited by Carol; 10-04-2008 at 01:36 AM.
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