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Old 10-11-2008, 07:15 AM   #19
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 16
Default Re: We did not hear from kerry or bill since october-4th

Uh. *raises finger* Just another opinion here.

I just hope that Bill and Kerry won't ever hesitate to impart *anything* that comes to their knowledge, as they see fit, regardless of its possible 'fearful' or 'unchecked-source' content, as in Dr Deagle's vision-of-doom-phone call. They immediately looked for other sources of information and imparted what they, too, had to say on that matter as well, which was quite adequate and balanced. IMO.

Now, if people take it as fearmongering or go ballistic, because they're afraid of being afraid, that's their own problem to be solved/confronted, their own embarassment, not the messengers's that simply passed along to the community what they had received in the first place.

I did my best to not say outward what I was thinking about Dr Deagle's bad trip as I realize that the first rule for pacific coexistence is debating ideas, not people themselves. So, I kept to myself as I knew in advance that many people like and respect this man and would take any shot at him as a personal offense themselves. Now, do I blame B&K for sharing Dr Deagle's hallucinations with us ( ooops, the word just escaped my lips... )? No way! I'm the one supposed to know how to deal with any information given and come to terms with my triggers of fears myself. Fearmongers can't exist without fearful people in the first place.

As for apocaliptical ideas and stuff abound. I just remember the late Terence McKenna's words. While, for most of us ( and US ), the apocalipse is still just a rumour, for many, it's already a ride.

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